







Stinky tofu臭豆腐

Mapo tofu salted Sichuan style 麻婆豆腐 Chinese style baked


Fried bread stick /twisted cruller油条 Soybean porridge豆浆

Boiled dumpling 水饺 Small steamed bun 小笼包

Plain wheat roll /steamed bun 馒头

Spicy hot pot /Sichuan hot pot 麻辣火锅 Rice 饭团

Scallion cake 葱油饼 Sliced noodles 刀削面 Cold noodles 两面

Fried rice noodles 炒米粉 Dried tofu 豆腐干 Hard boiled egg

卤蛋 100-year egg 皮蛋

Salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 Tea egg 茶蛋

Sesame paste 芝麻糊 Bean paste cake 绿豆糕

Fried dough twist /heam flower 麻花 Chestnut roasted with

sugar 糖炒栗子 Plum juice 酸梅汤 Milk tea 奶茶 Black tea 红茶

Almond junket 杏仁豆腐

Tsung-tse 粽子

Mid-autumn festival /moon-festival 中秋节 Sachet 香包

Moon cake 月饼

Teachers’ day 教师节 Winter solstice 冬至 Vernal equinox 春

分 Summer begins 立夏 Autumn begins 立秋 Leap year 闰年


The analects of confucious 论语

The book of Odes/the book of poetry 诗经 Shi shuo hsin Yu


The legend of defication 封神榜

The Romance of the three kingdoms 三国演义 Pilgrimage to

the west 西游记

The dream of the red chamber 红楼梦 The Golden lotus 金瓶

梅 All men are brothers 水浒传 The west chamber 西厢记

The four collections of books 四库全书 只可意会不可言传

Blasted该死的 真他妈的 Bleeding 烦人的 令人讨厌的 Blooming

可恶的太他妈的 Dammed 该死的 烦人的 Flaming 该死的非常的

Bastard 杂种 狗东西 Buggar 畜生兔崽子 Bitch 贱货骚货

Son of a bitch 小人可恶的家伙 Turd令人讨厌的家伙臭大粪Arse

令人讨厌的家伙 Arsehole 愚蠢 蠢货

Balls /crap /bullshit /fart 屁话 放屁 Cock /prick /tool /cunt胡

说 Shit 讨厌 烦人操


Lunar calendar 农历 New year’s day 元旦

Lunar new year /Chinese new year 农历新年 Spring festival 春

Lunar new year’s even reunion 年夜饭 Chinese new year

cake 年糕 Red envelope /a cash gift 红包 Latern festival 元宵节

Rice dumpling 汤圆

Tomb sweeping day 清明节 Dragon boat festival 端午节

Bugger /sod 王八羔子兔崽子


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush双鸟在林,不如一

鸟在手 Absence of mind心不在焉

Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩

Add oil to the flames火上浇油

Add insult to injury雪上加霜 All at sea不知所措 All ears洗耳


All Greek to me一窍不通

本文标签: 兔崽子中国家伙