



Professional English on Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering 给水排水工程专业英语

drains for water-carried wastes 污水处理(排污水的排水管道)

a settling reservoir 预沉池 aqueduct 渠道,导水管

filtration 过滤 distillation 蒸馏 clarification 澄清 coagulation血凝

stone-grated 格栅、格网 turbidity 浊度 cistern 蓄水池、槽 gpcd 每日每人加仑数

coagulant 混凝剂 combined sewers 合流制排水管道 prehistoric word 石器时代

rapid-sand filter 快砂滤池 water supply and wastewater disposal facilities给排水处理设施

per capita 按人口平均计算 ferment 发酵 toxic 有毒的

These cisterns provided a daily average supply of about 4.2 gallons per capita per

day(gpcd). 这些贮水池仅能提供每人每天4.2加仑的水量

The connection was established between a contaminated water supply and spread of the

disease, and it was determined that the absence of effective sewerage was a major hindrance in

combating the problem. 人们发现疾病的传播和饮用水受到污染有关,并由此确定缺少有效



The exterior network 室外管网 distribution systems 配水系统

communication pipe引入管 a meter box 水表节点/盒 pressure booster增压装置

storage tank 储水箱 a piping line管道 water-dispensing fixtures配水器具

water meter 水表 flange 法兰;阀门 gate valve 闸阀 deaerator除氧器

incorporate 合并 fixture trap 存水弯 plumbing fixture 卫生器具 manhole 检查井

fire-protection 消防

The function of a drainage system in a building is to remove safely and quickly sanitary

sewage, industrial wastes, and rainwater.室内排水系统的作用是为了安全快速地排出生活污


The pressure boosters serve to raise pressure in the house system when the guaranteed

pressure in the supply main is lower than required to feed water to high-level and remote



A sanitary drainage system(Fixture4) consists essentially of plumbing fixtures 3(which

receive and discharge water, liquid , or water-borne wastes) , fixture traps 2 (which maintain a

water seal against gases, air , and odours), and drainage piping 1.生活排水系统(图4)的基本




Infiltrate 渗入 penetrate渗透 hydrology 水文学 urban hydrologic cycle 城市水文循环

surface runoff 地表径流 water distribution systems 给水管网/分配系统 configuration形式

grid systems环状管网 branching systems 枝状管网 elevation高度、扬程

leakage rates漏损率 booster pumps增压泵 pressure reducing valves 减压阀

an essential prerequisite 必要条件 hydraulic analysis 水力分析 the continuity

equation 连续性方程 grid 格子 the energy equation能量方程/伯努利方程

head loss水头损失 the dimensionless number无量纲数 eliminate消去

external discharges外部流量 a correction factor 校正因子/流量 topography地形学

The summation “q” sub “i” is zero.

Positive/negative 正/负 preclude 排除 junction 交点 right angle 直角

Our ancestors learned enjoy the convenience of water piped to the home and drains for

water-carried waters.我们的祖先学会并享受管道带来的便利,给水管道将水送至住宅,排水


The function of a drainage system in a building is to remove safely and quickly sanitary

sewage, industrial water, and rainwater.室内排水系统的作用是为了安全快速地排出生活污


Distribution systems may be generally classified as grid systems, branching systems, or a

combination of these. The configuration of the system is dictated primarily by street patterns,

topography, degree and type of development of the area, and location of treatment and storage




Water demand is highly variable , both by day and season. Supply, by contrast, is

normally constant. Consequently, the distribution system must include storage elements, and

must be capable of flexible operation.由于每日、每月及每个季节的用水量变化幅度很大,而



Water pressure within the system are normally kept between a maximum(about 70m

head) and a minimum ( about 20m head ) value. This ensures that consumer demand is met, and

that undue leakage due to excessive pressure does not occur. The topography of the demand

area plays an important part in the design of the distribution system, particularly if there are

large variations of ground levels. In this case, several independent networks may be required to

keep within pressure limitations. For greater operational flexibility, however, they are usually

interconnected through booster pumps or pressure reducing valves.管网中水压通常保持在最大







The Reynolds Number 雷诺数

The standards for water quality have significantly increased concurrent with a marked decrease

in raw-water quality.原水水质明显降低的同时,水质标准却大大提高了。


Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)安全饮用水法 drinking water standards 饮用水标准

by-products of chlorination氯化副产物 maximum permissible levels (of) 最大允许含量

the esthetic qualities 感官特性 maximum contaminant levels (MCLs)最大污染物浓

volatile organic compounds(VOCs) 挥发性有机化合物 filtration 过滤 filter 滤池

the threshold odor number臭阈值 suspend悬浮

Turbidity is a particularly important parameter of drinking water quality. Suspended particles

can provide hiding places for harmful microorganisms and thereby shield them from the

disinfection process in a water treatment plant. Because of this shielding effect, the microbes can

本文标签: 给水管水压管网地区压力