


Impacts and Mass Extinctions

Words & Phrases

1. Meteorites and impact craters bear witness to the fact that large impacts

occasionally occur on Earth.

Meteorite:n. 陨石

impact craters:撞击形成的陨石坑

crater:n. 陨石坑

bear witness to:作证,见证

2. impactor roughly 50 meters across:直径大约50米的撞击物


radius: n. 半径

3. a major impact coincided with the death of the dinosaurs:一个大的撞击和恐龙


coincide with: 与…恰巧同时发生

4. instantly melt bedrock and propel it far from its origin:立即熔化基底岩石并且


bedrock:n. 基底岩石

propel:v. 向前推出

far from its origin:远离它的最初位置

5. wiped out:被一扫而空,灭绝

6. ignited wildfires:点燃野火

7. effects propagated throughout the food chain:影响蔓延下去贯穿整个食物链

propagate: v. 原义是“繁殖”,引申为“扩展蔓延”=spread



8. the most astonishing fact:最令人吃惊的事实

9. rodent-like mammals:像啮齿类的哺乳动物

10. they lived in underground burrows and managed to store enough food to outlast

the long spell of cold, dark days

underground burrows:地下的洞穴

outlast:v. 比…时间持续的久

spell: n. 一段时间


1. Although the crater is only slightly more than one kilometer across, an area

covering hundreds of square kilometers was probably battered by the blast and

ejecta—the debris ejected or displaced during the formation of an impact crater.


所以,“an area covering hundreds of square kilometers”的意思是:覆盖着成


Batter:v. 连续猛击


Blast:n. 爆炸

ejecta:n. 喷出物

debris:n. 碎屑残骸


After a decade-long search, scientists identified what appears to be the impact

crater from the event.


impact crater:撞击坑


Located off the coast of Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula, it is 200 kilometers across,

which is close to what one would expect for a 10-kilometer impactor, and dates

to 65 million years ago.

1)主语出现前的所有东西都是对主语的铺垫修饰,所以“Located off…”是对后文

it的铺垫修饰;2)What引出的整句话做close to的宾语,what任何情况下翻译成

“什么”即可;3)one 做主语指“任何一个人”,以“任何一个人”代替整体;4)

and dates 并列对象的寻找,应该是和前面的第三人称单数的谓语动词并列,所以和

前文的“is 200…”并列,指的仍是主语it “dates to 65 million years ago”


Further evidence that the Yucatan crater is the right one comes from the

distribution of small glassy spheres that formed when the molten impact ejecta

solidified as it rained back to Earth.

主谓分离,comes from 动作的发出者(主语)在很远的句子开头

glassy spheres:玻璃球

molten impact ejecta:融化的撞击喷射物

solidified:v. 变成固体,固化


The impact almost immediately sent a shower of debris raining across much of

North and South America and generated huge waves that may have sloshed

more than 1,000 kilometers inland.

“and generated” 并列对象的寻找,应该是和谓语-ed并列,所以找到前文的sent,

这两个动作的发出者都是主语the impact




shower of debris: 碎屑雨

Slosh:v. 溅,泼

Inland:adv. 向内地地;n. 内地

Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation

Words & Phrases

1. Glaciations: n. 冰川形成,冰川作用;冰川期 In geology, glaciation is the process

by which the land is covered by glaciers. Glaciations are periods when this


Glacier: n. 冰川(陆地上的大块冰体,达到一定厚度后缓慢滑动)

Iceberg:n. 冰山(是冰川坠入海中形成)


2. elaborated the theory with calculations:用计算详细发展了该理论

elaborate:v. 精心制作;详细计划;进一步完善 If you elaborate a plan or theory,

you develop it by making it more complicated and more effective

3. The inclination, or tilt, of Earth’s axis also varies periodically, moving between 22

degrees and 24.5 degrees.

Inclination:n. 倾向性;倾角

Tilt:v. 倾斜;n. 倾斜度,倾角

Earth’s axis:地轴

4. Also, Earth wobbles as it spins, like a slightly unsteady top.

Wobble:v. 摇摆;摇晃 If something or someone wobbles, they make small

movements from side to side, for example because they are unsteady

Unsteady: adj. 不稳定的=unstable

5. how evenly or unevenly this radiation is distributed over the course of a year:


evenly or unevenly:均匀还是不均匀地

distribute: v. 分布

区别:contribute:v. 贡献于;attribute: v. 归因于(to)

6. A correspondence between Milankovitch cycles and climate fluctuations


Correspondence:n. 对应,相符,关联

climate fluctuations:气候变化波动

联想:flutter:v. 鸟上下扇动翅膀

7. arise from: 来自于= stem from=result from=spring from

8. glacial epochs with a fixed regularity:伴随有固定规律性的冰川纪元

epoch:n. 纪元,时代

fixed:adj. 固定的

9. account for the ice ages:解释冰川时代

account for = explain (考过词汇题)

10. Sun’s luminosity:太阳的光亮度

Luminosity: n. 光亮度

Lumin:n. 流明,光亮

Illuminate:v. 照亮,阐明,说明

11. shield Earth from the Sun’s rays:遮挡地球不能收到太阳的射线

shield: n. 盾牌;v. 遮挡

shield…from…: 遮挡…使不能…

ray: n. 光束,光线

eg. cosmic rays宇宙射线; X-ray:X射线

12. Recent studies of the carbon dioxide content of gas bubbles preserved in the

Greenland ice cap do in fact show that high carbon dioxide levels are associated

with warm interglacial periods, and low levels with cold glacial periods

gas bubbles: 气泡

ice cap:冰盖

are associated with:和…有关


本文标签: 撞击冰川并列主语