



shake off

• 1.抖掉, 甩掉, 摇晃掉

• He stamped his feet to shake off the snow from his boots.

• 他顿脚以便抖落皮靴上的雪。

• With a violent movement, he shook his attacker off his back.

• 他猛一使劲, 甩掉了背上的攻击者。

• 2.逃脱, 摆脱

• We managed to shake off our pursuers in the crowd.

• 我们设法在人群中摆脱了跟踪者。

• 3.摆脱(麻烦、烦恼等)

• He soon shook off the illness.

• 他很快就治好了疾病。

shake sb. off (to get away from sb. who is chasing or following you 摆


take off

• 1 (of an aircraft ,etc.) to leave the ground and begin to fly 起飞

• The plane took off an hour late .

• 2 to leave a place ,especially in a hurry 匆匆离去,急忙离开

• When he saw me coming he took off in the opposite direction.

• 3 (of an idea ,a product ,etc.)to become successful or popular very

quickly or suddenly

• 突然大受欢迎,迅速流行

• The new magazine has really taken off.

take sb. off 1 (以诙谐的方式)模仿,学别人的样子 2 (in sports ,


• He was taken off after twenty minutes .

take sth. Off

1 脱下(衣服),摘掉

• to take off your coat /hat /skirt/glasses

• 2 休息,休假

• I have decided to take a few days off next week .

• 3 ( often passive)取消,停演(public service ,television

program ,performance of a show )

• The show was taken off because of poor audience figure .

• 4 剪掉头发,截去,切除人体部位

• The hairdresser asked me how long she should take off.

tear off

1.匆匆地脱掉(衣服); 匆匆地做

He tore off before we could say a word.


He tore off his coat and assumed a fighting posture.

他脱掉上衣, 摆出一副打架的架势。

I tore off two letters in twenty-five minutes.

本文标签: 甩掉摆脱取消