



一、 中译英

1、 我最喜欢的水果是葡萄。

2、 在学校我能扫地和浇花。

3、 我经常在星期六做作业和看书。

4、 我的数学老师又高又瘦,他很和蔼可亲。

5、 星期三午餐我们吃土豆和鱼。

6、 现在三点钟。该是上音乐课的时候了。

7、 这些苹果需要12元。

8、 这件是你的连衣裙。它是绿黄相间的。

9、 天气很暖和。让我们一起去踢足球。



1、I don’t like grapes. Because they are sour.

2、Are you helpful at home? Yes, I am.

3、We have science, art and English on Mondays.

4、The canteen is on the first floor.

5、What’s the weather like in London? It’s cloudy.


1、 my desk. A. that is B. This’s C. That’s

2、Are skirts? A. They B. they C. it

3、Is she old? A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she’s. C. Yes, he is.

4、What do you have Tuesdays? A. to B. in C. on


5、What day is it today? A. Monday. B. monday. C. Mondays.

6、Are you a boy? A. Yes, I’m not. B. Yes, I’m. C. Yes, I am.


1、he is my english teacher.

2、This’s a bag room.

3、do you have lunch at school!

4、i’d like have a try!

5、I have many tomatos on the table.

6、it is a orange sheeps.

7、can john cook meal.


1、go, it, to, home, is, time

2、can, do, she, dishes, the

3、horses, how, there, are, many

4、Chinese, who, is ,teacher, your

5、lunch, what, like, you, would, Fridays, for, on

6、because, fish, the, I, is, like, it, fresh



一、 中译英

1、 我最喜欢的水果是葡萄。My favourite fruit are grapes./ Grapes are my favourite fruit.

2、 在学校我能扫地和浇花。I can sweep the floor and water the flowers at school.

3、 我经常在星期六做作业和看书。I often do homework and read books on Saturdays.

4、 我的数学老师又高又瘦,他很和蔼可亲。My math teacher is tall and thin, he’s very kind.

5、 星期三午餐我们吃土豆和鱼。 We have potatoes and fish for lunch on Wednesdays.

6、 现在三点钟。该是上音乐课的时候了。 It’s three o’clock now. It’s time for music class.

7、 这些苹果需要12元。 These apples are twelve yuan.

8、 这件是你的连衣裙。它是绿黄相间的。 This is your dress. It’s green and yellow.

9、 天气很暖和。让我们一起去踢足球。 It’s warm. Let’s play football.

10、这件衬衫多少钱? How much is the shirt?


1、I don’t like grapes. Because they are sour. 我不喜欢葡萄。因为它们是酸的。

2、Are you helpful at home? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 你在家里能干吗?是的。/不,我不是。

3、We have science, art and English on Mondays. 在星期一我们有科学、美术和英语。

4、The canteen is on the first floor. 餐厅在第一层楼。

5、What’s the weather like in London? It’s cloudy. 伦敦的天气怎么样?它是多云的。


1、 C my desk. A. that is B. This’s C. That’s

2、Are B skirts? A. They B. they C. it

3、Is she old? A A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she’s. C. Yes, he is.


4、What do you have C Tuesdays? A. to B. in C. on

5、What day is it today? A A. Monday. B. monday. C. Mondays.

6、Are you a boy? C A. Yes, I’m not. B. Yes, I’m. C. Yes, I am.


1、he is my english teacher. He is my English teacher.

2、This’s a bag room. This is a big room. / That’s a big room.

3、do you have lunch at school! Do you have lunch at school?

4、i’d like have a try! I’d like to have a try!

5、I have many tomatos on the table. I have many tomatoes on the table.

6、it is a orange sheeps. It is an orange sheep.

7、can john cook meal. Can John cook the meals?


1、go, it, to, home, is, time It is time to go home.

2、can, do, she, dishes, the Can she do the dishes? / She can do the dishes.

3、horses, how, there, are, many How many horses are there?

4、Chinese, who, is ,teacher, your Who is your Chinese teacher?

5、lunch, what, like, you, would, Fridays, for, on What would you like for lunch on Fridays?

6、because, fish, the, I, is, like, it, fresh I like the fish, because it is fresh.


本文标签: 练习互译扫地