


The Ring of the Nibelung


Narrator: In the old times of Germany, there was a legend about the ring of the

Nibelung. The gold ring had been cursed with the curse of love. The one who

possessed it would lose his love and be destroyed. A dragon stole it but was killed

by a strong and brave blacksmith called Siegfried. Ignoring the warning that it

would be deadly to him, Siegfried took the ring from the dragon’s cave. Later, he

met and defeated Brunhild, the Queen of Iceland. They fell in love with each other.





序 幕The prelude

Narrator: But Brunhild had to go back to her country. Siegfried was making

farewell to her…


Brunhild: Do you believe in destiny, my love?(你相信命运吗,我的爱?)

Siegfried: What, my love…? (什么,我的爱?)

Brunhild: I believe in destiny. I know we were meant to meet.(我相信命运,我


Siegfried: But I just wrestled you down.(但我只是把你扳倒而已)

Brunhild: No one has done that before, you are the only one. The gods had

sent you to me, and me to you. (从没人能打败我,你是唯一的一个,上帝把你赐予了


Siegfried: Why don’t you stay here with me?(为什么不留下来跟我在一起?)

Brunhel: I would love to, but like you, I have duties to perform. But I will wait

for you in Iceland. (我也很想留下来,但和你一样,我也有职责在身,不过我会在冰岛


Siegfried: I promise I will come. No matter what happens, I will love you


Brunhild: I love you, too. The days without you would be so hard, come to me

soon. (我也爱你,没有你的日子度日如年,尽快来找我啊。)

Siegfried: I will. The treasure I got from the dragon’s cave is a wedding gift

for you.(我会的,这些从恶龙洞穴里得来的财宝是我送你的结婚礼物)

Brunhild: Siegfried, you are the only treasure that I wish for.(齐格弗里德,你是


本文标签: 指环恶龙冰岛带来厄运