


哈利波特里出现的所有咒语(All the Harry Potter spell)

Spells, spells, uses

The curse Accio brings things

Aparecium Aparecium makes invisible ink appear

The illusion shifted Apparate, allowing itself to move

somewhere else in a flash

The Alobomora opens something from the cave

Bat magic curse Bat-Bogey Hexes fell to the ground

Colloportus the opponent Tara dance Talang crazy jump tap

Conjunctivtus Curse damages vision

Disappear without trace, Deletrius makes things disappear

Densaugeo Densaugeo incisors lose control of hemp

Copy the curse (duplicate pairs). Geminio copies something into

two parts

In front of God like a knife to cut the object Sectumsempra.

The whirlwind cleaned Tergeo to clean something

Disintegrate; Diffindo causes something to tear or separate

The thunderbolt exploded and Confringo let things explode

Relashio Relashio for winding or caught up in your own thing

Split left and right Dissendium make things open

Wake up quickly and Enervate make things lively

A hidden Evanesco makes an object disappear immediately

The humanoid body Homenum Revelio lets hide in the surrounding

person or the phantom appearance

All Protego Totalum hid themselves from being noticed, and

Harry, three, was constantly using defensive spells while

camping out

Muggle shield Repello Muggletum hides himself from Muggles and

finds that Harry, three, is often used as a defensive spell when

camping out

Close the earplug and listen to the Muffliato, so that the

people around you are buzzing, and you can't hear yourself. It's

good to say "whisper" in class

Confundo confuse others audiovisual confuse the public

Standing erect, Erecto hid himself from being discovered by

others; Harry, three, often used protective spells while

camping out

本文标签: 咒语出现