



How to deal with the career challenges after graduation

It can be seen from the above table that there are three main choices for the students

of our university after graduation. Among them, only the corresponding proportion of

students who find a job. The number of students who have passed the postgraduate

entrance examination or further study abroad has greatly increased compared with that

lly speaking, this phenomenon is quite common in other colleges and

universities. First of all, the following factors can explain the choice of graduates. With

the expansion of college enrollment, college graduates are facing a severe employment

situation, which forces them to find a new way in the information age.

Knowledge updates quickly. Many college students find that their knowledge is not

enough to meet their future career. Moreover, some college students are not willing to

enter the complex society and want to escape the reality temporarily For further

education, one's choice after graduation should be determined according to personal


Although postgraduate entrance examination or further study abroad is a good

choice, it is not necessarily for everyone, because it may involve many factors, such as

your future career direction and your economic situation. We should fully consider it

before a decision.

本文标签: 面对挑战职业生涯作文毕业