


Honey, do you need me to move the car? 亲爱的 要我把车开出去吗

No, it's nothing. I'm alright 不 不用 我能行

Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down 不 铁十字给我力量 它要栽了

Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down [铁十字 纳粹德军勋章]

Oh god! 当心 菲尔

- You okay? - Yes. I am. -你没事吧 -没事

I am okay. 我没事

Honey, why do we keep this car? 亲爱的 我们为什么要留着这辆车

It's a classic! 这车老经典了

No, it just sits here. 不 它只是空占地方

And the seatbelts don't work. 安全带也坏了

The doors stick. It leaks fluids. 门也卡 还漏油

We haven't put fluids in it in 10 years. 我们也十年没给它加过油了

Well, I'm gonna fix all that anyway. 我会把这些毛病都修好

And then, uh, it's gonna be Haley's car. 然后 送给海莉

Oh, we're not giving this car to Haley. 我才不要给海莉

It's way too easy to fit a mattress in the back. 车后座都宽得可以放床垫了

Remember? 当年这车可是我们的洞房啊

Oh, no. We're selling it. 要命了 这车必须卖

What?! 什么

Unless you don't think you can. 除非你觉得你卖不出

- Really? - Yeah. -此话当真 -是的

- Seriously? - You can't. -确定当真 -绝对当真

You honestly think that's gonna work? 你确定我卖不掉

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