




古琴:Qin, also known as Yao Qin, Yu-Qin, a lyre, for the

Chinese one of the oldest plucked instruments, the qin is already

prevalent in the Confucian period instruments, there are words

to consider the history of thousand years, according to

“Historical Records” contains, The emergence of Qin period no

later than Yao and beginning of this century, only for

the distinction of Western instruments in the “piano” added in

front of a word “historic”, called “Qin.” Still ringing in his

study so far, the ancient musical instruments on stage.巴乌Bau,

is a bamboo reed instruments copper, spring for the

Yi, Hani, Dai, Wa, Blang, Miao and other ethnic wind

called the local “and Fei Limo”, Hani called

“Meiba.” Bau is popular in southwest China Yi, Miao, Hani and

other single-reed wind instrument family, Bau is made with

bamboo, has eight finger holes(seven before the latter), disposed

in the mouthpiece of a brass reed tongue tip, blowing across the

top of playing, vibrating reed smaller volume, but the

sound soft, southwest China's people call it a talking

popular in the Red River in Yunnan Province,

Wenshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Dehong, meltwater

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province,

Guizhou and South Guizhou and other (笛子): The

dizi is a bamboo has been suggested thatthe instrument

originated in Southern orCentral Asia over 2000 is a

unique solo instrument and isalso used extensively inensembles

and flutes have 6open holes and a lovelybright




(笙);The sheng, also called the “Chinese mouthorgan,” isone

of the most ancient of Chinese sheng

istheinstrument that inspired the invention of the accordion

has a wonderful blowing Dylan

should strap oneof theseon and blow in the wind for a while.笙,




Pipa(琵琶): The pipa is a “Chinese lute” and goes back

more than2000 pipa is the most popular of

China'smany pluckedstringed g techniques

vary isusedcommonly as a solo and orchestral

instrument, both in China players are almost

always female.琵琶被称为“中国笛子”,最早可追溯到2000多年前。




erhu(二胡): The erhu(English and Chinese name are the

same)is thegrandfather of the violin string resonates

thick sadsounds, which often motivate tears anddeep

is stillcommon to find real snake skin bases, but thecat-gut

strings have beenreplaced with steel popular band,Tang

Dynasty, haseffectively integrated the erhu's classic sound

intotheir modern rocksound.二胡(英文名与中文名一样)是小提琴





Chinese Gongs(锣): Gongs are round

percussioninstruments made hit them, then a wave

of sound gongs areplayed with a hammer which is

wrapped in cloth,whereas small gongs areplayed with bamboo

or wooden trument is commonly used intraditional

operas, folk music, and yoga waves of sound

dowonders in helping people relax, especially after it!







The hulusi(traditional: 葫芦丝;simplified: 葫芦丝;pinyin:

húlúsī)is a free reed wind instrument from is held

vertically and has three bamboo pipes which pass through a

gourd wind chest;one pipe has finger holes and the other two are

drone hulusi was originally used primarily in the

Yunnan province by the Dai and other non-Han ethnic groups

but is now played throughout China, and hulusi are

manufactured in such northern cities as the related

free reed pipe called bawu, the hulusi has a very pure, clarinet-

like gh the hulusi is still predominantly performed

in China, it has in recent years been adopted by European

composers and Leach from England;Rapheal

De Cock from Belgium and Herman Witkam from the

Netherlands have all taken the instrument in new directions.A

similar instrument called hulusheng is a mouth organ with a

gourd wind chest.• 编钟,又叫歌钟,是我国古代的重要乐器。用青



















Bells known songs bell is an important instrument in ancient

cast bronze, in accordance with the size of the order

of minutes to hang on the shelves of wooden bell, colors and

clear, resonant, penetrating bells different shapes

history, there are several different t Music for

Gagaku during wars feast, worship and Circumstance should play

can be used for solo or ensemble singing, dance

, many of those for national orchestra,

color is a strong melody bell chimes who was oval,

much like two tiles together and on the small track, the next track,

longitudinal diameter smaller diameter, I do not cut risk Qi Zhong,

16.20 downward, pointed head of a stalk to the top of

the bell brought Niu Niu for the bell has a specific name

of the site, known as moving the upper and the lower part is

called the drum bell mouth 16.20 for milling, bell on the lips say,

Name-minute ment bell in the dark, casting a

beautiful patterns, the Ministry of moving the bell or a decoration

called for Fragrance, Each had 36 minutes of the Ministry of

moving the Lombau processes, known as silt or gold.1978

Leigutaizhongdong Hubei Suixian county suburbs Pier B-

designate has unearthed the tomb of the Warring States initially

believed, a total of 65 t China was known as “the

king of bells.” Zeng B bells are engraved with the wrong body

every minute of the Zhuanti birds, a positive moment “when

Belcher had designate B”(B-designate has made).Jin Chung Pui

credited with Chu and other countries laws were written

correspondence, legal music on the beach with a total of more

than 2,800 characters of birds, Records of many musical

terminology, concepts in science has shown considerable degree

of precision, show a high level of musical culture in ancient China,

showed early in the fifth century BC, had been used twelve tone

earlier than 1800.

第二篇:纽约简介 中英文对照


New York was established in 1624.纽约是整个美国的金融经济



New York is the American financial and economic center, the

largest port city, and the most populous city, the largest city and

largest port is the United States, is also the world's first big city,

located in southeastern New York.美国最大的金融、商业、贸易和


The United States of America 's largest financial, commercial,

trade and cultural center.纽约由曼哈顿、布朗克斯、布鲁克林、昆斯


New York from Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, queens and

Richmond 5 regions.土地面积785平方公里,水域面积428平方公


The land area of 785 square kilometers, water area area 428

square kilometers;urban area of 8683 square kilometers;the New

York metropolitan area is 17405 square kilometers.纽约是美国少


华人。New York is the United States the highest concentration of

ethnic minority has 1000000 above, the famous

Chinatown has 230000 chinese.还有众多的意大利人和犹太人。城



There are many Italians and landmarks: Statue of

e United Nations Headquarters is arranged in the

city, it was known as“ capital of the world”.哥伦比亚大学位于美


Columbia University is located in American New York city

Manhattan, established in 1754, the three president of the United

States is the school's graduates.其新闻学院颁发的普利策奖是美国


The news of Pulitzer award is the highest honor the United

States press.


Yao Ming Yao Ming(born September 12, 1980)is a retired

Chinese professional basketball player who last played for the

Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association(NBA).At

the time of his final season, he was the tallest active player in the

NBA, at 2.29 m 姚明出生在1980年9月12号,是一个退役的中国职



Yao, who was born in Shanghai, started playing for the

Shanghai Sharks as a teenager, and played on their senior team

for five years in the Chinese Basketball Association(CBA), winning

a championship in his final negotiating with the CBA

and the Sharks to secure his release, Yao was selected by the

Houston Rockets as the first overall pick in the 2002 NBA

was selected to start for the Western Conference in the

NBA All-Star Game eight times, and was named to the All-NBA

Team five reached the NBA Playoffs four times, and the

Rockets won a first-round series in the 2009 r,

Yao missed 250 regular-season games due to foot and ankle

injuries in his final six seasons.姚明,出生在上海,青年时期开始在







Early life and CBA career Yao joined the senior team of the

Shanghai Sharks of the Chinese Basketball Association(CBA)at

age Wang Zhizhi left the Bayi Rockets to become the

first NBA player from China the following year, the Sharks finally

won their first CBA championship.姚明在17岁的时候进入了CBA



Entering the NBA Draft Yao entered the 2002 NBA Draft,

and was seleted by houston rockets.在2002年的NBA选秀中,姚


NBA career Initial years(2002–2005)From 2002, yao ming

began his nba road in houston rockets 从2002年,姚明在休斯顿


Injury-plagued seasons(2005–2011)After missing only two

games out of 246 in his first three years of NBA play, Yao endured

an extended period on the inactive list in his fourth season after

developing osteomyelitis([D.J.:,ɔstiəu,maiə'laitis])in the big toe

on his left foot, and surgery was performed on the toe on

December 18, he had missed 21 games until

into his fifth season, Yao was injured again, this time

breaking his right knee on December 23, 2006, while attempting

to block a he was medically cleared to play on March 4,

2007, after missing 34 games.在姚明的前三年的NBA比赛的246场







On February 26, 2008, however, it was reported that Yao

would miss the rest of the season with a stress fracture([D.J.:'frækt

ʃə])in his left missed the 2008 NBA Playoffs, but he did

not miss the 2008 Summer Olympics at Beijing, China in

July 2009, Yao discussed the injury with his

doctors,.After weeks of consulting, it was decided that Yao would

undergo surgery in order to repair the broken bone in his left

did not play the entire 2009–10 December 16,

2010, it was announced that Yao had developed a stress fracture

in his left ankle, related to an older injury, and would miss the

rest of the season.然而,在2008年2月26号,姚明由于左脚的硬







Retirement On July 20, 2011, Yao announced his retirement

from basketball in a press conference in cited

injuries to his foot and ankle, including the third fracture to his

left foot sustained near the end of retirement sparked

over 1.2 million comments on the Chinese social-networking site

Sina ng to Yao's retirement, NBA commissioner

David Stern said Yao was a “bridge between Chinese and

American fans” and that he had “a wonderful mixture of talent,

dedication, humanitarian([D.J.:hju:,mænɪ'teəri:ən])aspirations

and a sense of humor.” Shaquille O'Neal said Yao “was very

could play inside, he could play outside, and if he didn't

have those injuries He would not have such an early retirement.”











Brief History of China







In ancient China, the National Unity sometimes, and sometimes

separatist, the Chinese meaning of the word in different times

different, generally refers to a unified national strategy, the split

means more when the Central the territory of the

emperor rule changes, the Chinese word, including its coverage

varies accordingly.“China” in the name of King Wu of Zhou

period of the Western Zhou Dynasty agreed to “central country.”

Passed in 3000, the Duke of the Yangcheng(today Henan

Dengfeng)with Tugui measure the shadow of the sun, measured

Next day noontime, Bachimen's table in the surrounding

landscape are not the shadow of the sun, we think this is the

center of the earth, so that goes to China.汉朝以后,虽然有些外族












the Han Dynasty, although some alien invasion originally

established by the regime are calling themselves “Chinese” But

this does not mean that the Chinese e they are the

self-styled “China” usually refers to a geographical concept of

“heartland,” rather than a national sense of “China.” Even in

the history of any regime claiming the Chinese regime, it does

not necessarily mean it really is the Chinese ing to

historical data, the Japanese are often called himself “China”

and “China.” For example, “in connection with” Volume 117,

Nara era Fujiwara containing widely Nations in the year 740(Tang

Dynasty 1939), Table Main : “Beidi Rong Falcon secular

and Wolf easy chaotic, difficult to tame have come

to ancient China after the s, Zhutang change, I will rebel.”

The end of World War II, the Japanese emperor in “the end of

the war rescript” Japan also known as “Divine”, but Japan and

China is obviously the ical judgment on whether a

regime of the Chinese regime, it's important to see a China with

the former regime, on the domestic regime change in the form

of a place of the former Chinese regime, or outside conqueror

posture to replace the former one Chinese regime.中国不是一个








衽”? “披发左衽”的反义词,就是“束发右衽”,也就是华夏汉族





China is not simply a geographical concept, it is a national

and cultural is the establishment of China Han Han

and China as the main t Chinese people will

always resist foreign aggression, defend the homeland's glorious

traditions, once the alien invasion, it would heroic resistance

never allow foreign invaders usurp China orthodox

engraving of Huo Qubing “Huns not extinguished, and why the

family”, Yue Fei's “Total Loyalty to the country”, each from a

foreign invasion, Ancient Chinese people rose in resistance, all

verified by this glorious Analects of Confucius in

evaluating Guan Zhong said : “Micro-Guan Zhong, I left their

overlapping part of Chinese gown disheveled hair now!” , Which

means that with Guan did not perish in the

is called the “overlapping part of Chinese gown

disheveled hair left?” “Disheveled hair left overlapping part of

Chinese gown” antonyms, “beams the right overlapping part

of Chinese gown,” which is China's Han hairstyle clothing, China

is Han Chinese culture and Chinese shows

that Confucius was also put China and China Han Han Chinese

culture as orthodox and not orthodox tribe replace so-

called “barbarians into China, then China”, where the “Yellow-

China” refers to the naturalization, containing China, is not a

foreign conqueror gesture to conquer China.满清入关,大儒学家














Enter, Daru Jurists Gu Yanwu the “Nation” and “death”

one of said : “Nation, perish the and

the world perish 15:20 ethnicity? Said : Yixing change, known as

the injects As for the rate of animal food, will

cannibalism, that the world perishes.”scholar Huang Zongxi said,

“Ming perish in Chenzei, is also Nation, killed in the Qing

Dynasty, the world will perish.” “Perish world, attire easy to

change, disheveled hair left overlapping part of Chinese gown

carry.” Here, “nation” is a modern sense, the power to vanish,

and Here, “the world perish” is a modern sense, the end of the

ian GU Cheng “Nanming History” section

I wrote the first chapter : “It appears in the Chinese officials,

Girdles, Dashun regime replacing only the Ming Dynasty, ”Yixing

changed,“ Zhu Ming dynasty in the struggle to survive is the

clan, the tary Xunchen like ”Roushizhe“ matter with

the general Officials Making Christianity is not much;Manchu

nobility and entered China principle is ”disheveled hair left

overlapping part of Chinese gown“(barber restructuring), ”the

world perish“;the rise and fall of everyone is responsible, should

vigorously resist.”Thus, the Ming Dynasty, the people, Cheng

has been put before the change of strictly the

change, but China's internal regime change, rulers, were viewed

as a foreign invasion.辛亥革命后,1912年成立“中华民国”简称



After 1911, in 1912 the establishment of the “Republic of

China” or “Chinese”, the title of China will formally become

the r 1, 1949, when New China was founded,

known as the “People's Republic of China” also referred to as



Woodwinds: 木管乐器Brass:铜管乐器 o 短笛 长

o Recorder 高音竖笛 双簧管

h Horn 英国管 n 大管

bassoon 低音巴松

et in Eb 降E调单簧管(小黑管)et in A A调单簧

管 et in Bb 降B调单簧管 Clarinet 低音单簧管

o Saxophone 高音萨克斯 Saxophone 中音萨克

斯 Saxophone 次中音萨克斯 ne Saxophone 上低

音萨克斯 Flute 中音长笛* Flute 低音长笛

d' Amore 双簧管的一种 o Clarinet 高音单簧管*

Clarinet 中音单簧管(Eb调的,属于低音单簧管)

bass Clarinet 倍低音单簧管 t Recorder 高

音竖笛 Recorder 中音竖笛 Recorder 次中音竖笛

Recorder 低音竖笛 es 风笛

Horn 巴赛管(单簧管)es 排萧


Church Organ 教堂管风琴Draw Organ 拉杆式舌风琴

Percussion Organ 敲击试管风琴Pipe Organ 管风琴Reed Organ 簧

风琴Rock Organ 摇滚管风琴


t in Bb 降B调小号 t in C C调小号

horn 夫吕号(行进乐队常用) in F F调圆号

ne 长号

Trombone 次中音长号 Tromone 低音长号

ne(T.C.)次中音号 ne 次中音 ium 小低音

号 大号

Tuba 低音大号 o Cornet 高音短号

o Trumpet in A A调高音小号 Trumpet in C C

调低音小号 Trombone 中音长号 bass Trombone


Drums: 鼓 Set 架子鼓

Drums 邦加鼓(用手指敲的小鼓,夹在两腿间)

es 蒂姆巴尔鼓

Drums 康加鼓(橄榄型) Drum 小军鼓

Toms 4组鼓筒鼓 Toms 五组筒鼓 Drum 次

高音鼓 Toms 筒鼓 Toms 轮鼓 Drum 低音鼓

Tom-Toms 悬空通通鼓

Tom-Tom/Tom-Tom/Tenor Drum 落地通通鼓/中鼓

-Hat Cymbal 脚钹 Cymbal 小钹 Cymbal

大钹 Drum 击边

Ethnic and Other Instrument 民族乐器

Accordion 手风琴Agogo bell 阿哥哥铃Alpine Herd Cowbell

牧牛铃Angklung 摇竹

Appalachian Dulcimer 阿帕拉契扬琴(美国的民族乐器)

Autoharp ***齐特琴

Bagpipe 风笛(苏格兰民俗乐器)

Balalaika 巴拉拉卡琴(俄国的弦乐器之一,琴身呈三角形)

Bamboo chime 竹风铃Bandurria 墨西哥传统吉他

Banjo 班左琴/五弦琴(相传源起於西非,以手指奏鸣的五弦或六弦

的乐器)Bell plate 铁片Bell tree 树铃

Bongos 邦哥小对鼓/曼波鼓(拉丁音乐)Boobam 火箭筒鼓

Bouzouki 布祖基琴(一种形状似曼陀林的希腊弦乐器)

Cabasa 椰予沙铃/卡巴沙铃/串珠沙铃Castanets 响板(常用於西

班牙佛们哥舞曲)Caxixi 编织摇铃

Charango 夏朗哥吉他/小型八弦(盛行於中南美)Chinese hand

drum 手摇鼓Chinese temple bell 中国钵

Citterns 西特恩(类似吉他的梨形古乐器,流行於十五至十八世纪)

Concertina 六角形手风琴(用於阿根廷探戈曲)Conga 康加鼓/细


Cowbell 牛铃

Crumhorn 克鲁姆管/钩形管/J形管(流行於15世纪末叶)Cuica 锯


Darabucca 土耳其手鼓

Didgeridoo 澳洲土著的吹管乐器

Djembe 非洲鼓(源起於非洲之肯亚部落,属於原住民型之乐器)

Domra 苏俄传统乐器(状似吉他,三或四弦)Fiddle 古提琴Fife 横

Flageolet 六孔的竖笛Flexatone 弹音器Frame drum 手鼓

Gadulka 一种保加利亚传统的弦乐器Gaida 风笛(保加利亚的传统

乐器)Gamelan 木琴(印尼的一种竹制打击乐器)Glass chime 玻璃风铃

Guiro 葫芦锯琴/刮胡/刮葫(拉丁音乐)Gusli 古斯里琴(一种俄国古

代的弦乐器)Harmonica/Mouth-Organ 口琴

Hurdy-Gurdy 绞弦琴/手摇风琴(18世纪流行於法国社交界)

Japanese temple bell 日本钵Jew’s Harp 口拨琴/单簧口琴

Kalimba 卡林巴琴Kantele 齐特琴(芬兰)

Kaval 长笛/牧羊人的笛子(保加利亚的传统乐器)

Kazoo 卡祖笛(一种木制或金属制玩具笛子)Kokiriko 鼓牌板Koto

科多琴Lithophone 石板琴

Lute 诗琴/鲁特琴(最古老的乐器之一)Lyre 七弦竖琴(古希腊)Mark

tree / Wind chime 风铃Mirliton 膜笛Nefer 古埃及吉他

Ocarina 亚卡利那笛/陶制甘薯形笛/小鹅笛(17世纪后半源於义大

利)Ocean drum 波浪鼓Panpipe 排笛/牧神笛Pifano 印地安鼓

Quena 八孔木笛(安第斯山脉民族的乐器,声音浑厚)

Ratchet 辣齿/嘎嘎器Roarer/Barker 吼声器

Saltepry 萨泰里琴(上古及中古的乐器,可能源自伊朗、印

度)Shaker 金属沙铃Shamisen 三弦琴(日本)Shanai 山奈琴

Sistrum 叉铃/ㄙㄙ铃(古埃及)

Sitar 锡他琴/西塔琴/西他琴(形似吉他的北印度民族弦乐器)

Slit drum 非洲裂缝鼓

Steel Drum 钢鼓(来自於加勒比海的千里达)Surdo 印地安笛

Symphonle 三弦共鸣弦乐器(约十三世纪前出现)Tablas 塔布拉鼓

/印度鼓(印度的一种手敲小鼓)TaikoDrum/Kodo 太鼓(日本)Talking

drum 讯息鼓

Tambura 冬不拉(保加利亚的民俗弦乐器)Thunder sheet 雷板

Timbales 天巴鼓/廷巴鼓

Tin Whistle / Penny Whistle 六孔小笛/锡笛(镀锡铁皮所制造的

玩具笛)Tub Fiddle 金盆琴Tupan 牛皮鼓

Ukulele/Ukelele 尤库里里琴(源於葡萄牙,形如小吉他的弦乐器)

Vibra-slap 震荡器/震音板Vihuela 古吉他(源起於墨西哥)Viola

da Gamba 古大提琴Waterphone 水琴Whistle 哨子Wind machine


Zither 齐特琴(欧洲的一种扁形弦乐琴)Dulcimer 扬琴

Crotales/Antique cymbal 古钹 Temple block 西洋木鱼

Electric Instrument 电子乐器

Clavinova 数位钢琴/数位化电子琴Double-Neck Guitar 双颈吉

他Electone 电子琴Electric Guitar 电吉他Electric Organ 电子琴

Electric Piano 电钢琴Electronic Piano 电子钢琴

Pedal Steel Guitar/Hawaiian Guitar 立式电吉他/夏威夷式电吉

Portatone keyboards 手提电子琴Synthesizer 电子合成器

Percussion: 小打击乐器 sion 小打击乐器组

Tree 音树 le 三角铁 es 响板

Cymbals 手指小镲 Bells 马铃 s 大镲

l 牛铃


l Saw 乐锯 Drum 闸鼓 Tam

大锣 锣 响棒 ick 击板

Block 沙轮t 齿轮剐响器


(发出的声音象狗叫的拉丁乐器)s 沙槌

ets 响板 Blocks 盒棒 Blocks 木鱼

Drum 木鼓 rine 铃鼓 e 哨 汽

笛 乐钻 Chimes 风铃 cymbal

双面钹 Cymbal 手指钹 锣

-ring 铃环 s 响葫芦/沙球/沙铃

Tom 轮旋鼓 bells 雪铃 ded Cymbal 吊钹

Plucked Strings: 弹拨乐 竖琴 吉他 ic

ic Guitar 电吉他 班卓 贝司

ic Bass 非电贝斯 ic Bass 电贝司 Bass

弦贝司 in 曼陀林 琉特琴

e 夏威夷四弦琴 齐特尔琴 锡塔尔琴

Keybords: 键盘 钢琴 管风琴 chord 大

键琴 a 钢片琴 ion 手风琴 hord 古钢琴

ium 脚踏式风琴 sizer 电子合成器

Chorus: 合唱 o 女高 o Ⅰ 女高1 o

Ⅱ 女高2 -Soprano 女次高 lto 女低 女低

男高 Ⅰ 男高1 Ⅱ 男高2

ne 男中 男低 Ⅰ 男低1 Ⅱ 男低2

人声 元音

Strings: 弦乐 小提琴 Ⅰ 小提琴1 Ⅱ 小

提琴2 中提琴 大提琴

cello 低音提琴 bass 低音提琴 Bass

倍低音提琴 Violin 独奏小提琴 VIola 独奏中提琴

Cello 独奏大提琴 Bass 独奏低音提琴 d'


Handbells: 手铃 lls 手铃


0 Acoustic Grand Piano 大钢琴(声学钢琴)1 Bright Acoustic

Piano 明亮的钢琴2 Electric Grand Piano 电钢琴3 Honky-tonk

Piano 酒吧钢琴4 Rhodes Piano 柔和的电钢琴5 Chorused Piano 加

合唱效果的电钢琴6 Harpsichord 羽管键琴(拨弦古钢琴)7

Clavichord 科拉维科特琴(击弦古钢琴)色彩打击乐器8 Celesta 钢

片琴9 Glockenspiel 钟琴10 Music box 八音盒11 Vibraphone 颤音

琴12 Marimba 马林巴13 Xylophone 木琴14 Tubular Bells 管钟15

Dulcimer 大扬琴

风琴Hammond Organ 击杆风琴17 Percussive Organ 打击式

风琴18 Rock Organ 摇滚风琴19 Church Organ 教堂风琴20 Reed

Organ 簧管风琴21 Accordian 手风琴22 Harmonica 口琴Tango

Accordian 探戈手风琴 吉他Acoustic Guitar(nylon)尼龙弦吉他25

Acoustic Guitar(steel)钢弦吉他26 Electric Guitar(jazz)爵士电吉他

27 Electric Guitar(clean)清音电吉他28 Electric Guitar(muted)闷音

电吉他29 Overdriven Guitar 加驱动效果的电吉他30 Distortion

Guitar 加失真效果的电吉他31 Guitar Harmonics 吉他和音 贝司

Acoustic Bass 大贝司(声学贝司)33 Electric Bass(finger)电贝

司(指弹)34 Electric Bass(pick)电贝司(拨片)35 Fretless Bass 无

品贝司36 Slap Bass 1 掌击Bass 137 Slap Bass 2 掌击Bass 238

Synth Bass 1 电子合成Bass 139 Synth Bass 2 电子合成Bass 2 合成


Lead 1(square)合成主音1(方波)81 Lead 2(sawtooth)合成主

音2(锯齿波)82 Lead 3(caliope lead)合成主音3 弦乐

Violin 小提琴41 Viola 中提琴42 Cello 大提琴

Contrabass 低音大提琴

Tremolo Strings 弦乐群颤音音色45 Pizzicato Strings 弦乐群拨

弦音色46 Orchestral Harp 竖琴47 Timpani 定音鼓


String Ensemble 1 弦乐合奏音色149 String Ensemble 2 弦乐

合奏音色250 Synth Strings 1 合成弦乐合奏音色151 Synth Strings

2 合成弦乐合奏音色252 Choir Aahs 人声合唱“啊”53 Voice Oohs

人声“嘟”54 Synth Voice 合成人声55 Orchestra Hit 管弦乐敲击齐

奏 铜管

Trumpet 小号57 Trombone 长号58 Tuba 大号

Muted Trumpet 加弱音器小号60 French Horn 法国号(圆号)

Brass Section 铜管组(铜管乐器合奏音色)62 Synth Brass 1 合

成铜管音色163 Synth Brass 2 合成铜管音色2 簧管

Soprano Sax 高音萨克斯风65 Alto Sax 次中音萨克斯风66

Tenor Sax 中音萨克斯风67 Baritone Sax 低音萨克斯风68 Oboe 双

簧管69 English Horn 英国管70 Bassoon 巴松(大管)71 Clarinet


Piccolo 短笛73 Flute 长笛74 Recorder 竖笛75 Pan Flute 排箫

Bottle Blow [中文名称暂缺] 77 Shakuhachi 日本尺八78 Whistle

口哨声79 Ocarina 奥卡雷那

Pitched Percussion: 有音高打击乐器 i 定音鼓


nspiel 钢片琴 l one 木琴

hone 颤音琴 a 马林巴琴

Marimba 低音马林巴琴 r Bells 管钟

钟琴 Drums 钢鼓 s 三角木琴

本文标签: 中国乐器政权吉他编钟