



1, go camping 去露营

Let’s go camping 让我们一起去露营

2, stay away from 远离

You must stay away from smoking 你必须远离吸烟

3, shout at 对某人大叫(有恶意)

Don’t shout at me 不要对我大叫

4, shout to 向。。。叫去

He is shouting to the building 他向这个大厦大叫。

5, to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊

To my surprise ,He got 100 in his English test 令我吃惊的是,他在英语考试中得


6, wake up 醒来

I wake up early 我醒来很早

7, start to do sth 开始做某事。 Start doing sth 开始从事某事

I start to read books 我开始阅读

I started playing the piano at the age of six我在六岁的时候开始弹钢琴

8, work for 为。。。工作, work as 工作 作为

I am working for a school 我在一个学校工作

I work as a teacher 我工作作为一个老师

9, run away 逃跑, run out of 用尽= use up

Don’t run away 不要逃跑

I can run out of my money 我不能用尽我的钱=I can’t use up my money

10, take 。。。to。。。把。。。带到。。。, bring 。。。from。。。


I can take you to school 我能带你去学校

I can bring a book from my school 我能从我的学校带来一本书

11, look out of 向外面望去

He is looking out of the window 他正在向窗外望

12, see sb do sth(全过程)=see sb doing sth(过程的一部分)


I saw him play football yesterday 昨天我看见他踢足球。

I saw him playing football yesterday ,昨天我看见他踢足球。

13, know about 知道关于。。。

I know a lot about you我知道很多关于你的事情

14, feel like doing 想要做。。。


I feel like watching TV 我想要看电视

15, so 。。。that+否定句= too 。。。to =not 。。。enough to。。。


He is so young that he can’t go to school = He is too young to go to school

= He is not old enough to go to school 。他太小了而不能去上学。


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