


Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes


bath n. 洗澡

nearly adv. 几乎,将近

ready adj. 准备好的,完好的

dinner n. 正餐,晚餐

restaurant n. 饭馆,餐馆

roast adj. 烤的

★bath n. 洗澡

have(take) a bath 洗澡

★nearly adv. 几乎,将近

① v. 几乎;差不多;差点儿

I nearly missed the train.

② v. 极;密切地

He resembles a film star nearly.

The matter concerns us nearly. 这事与我们有切身关系。

★ready adj. 准备好的,完好的

① adj. 准备就绪的

Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes.

Are you ready to leave?

② adj. 预先准备好的;立即可得到的

The apples are ripe and ready to eat.

We must get the house ready for our guests.


③ adj. 快的,立即的

He gave a ready consent. 他立即爽快地表示同意。

This new system gives users readier access to the data.


★dinner n. 正餐,晚餐

three meals a day 一日三餐

breakfast 早饭 lunch 午餐 tea 下午茶

supper 晚饭 dinner 正餐 meal 一顿饭


SAM: Hi, Carol! Where's Tom?

CAROL: He's upstairs.

He's having a bath.


TOM: Yes?

CAROL: Sam's here.

TOM: I'm nearly ready.

Hello, Sam. Have a cigarette.

SAM: No, thanks, Tom.

TOM: Have a glass of whisky then.

SAM: OK. Thanks.

TOM: Is dinner ready, Carol?

CAROL: It's nearly ready.

We can have dinner at seven o'clock.

TOM: Sam and I had lunch together today.

We went to a restaurant.

CAROL: What did you have?

TOM: We had roast beef and potatoes.


TOM: What's the matter, Carol?

CAROL: Well, you're going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!

Lesson 82 I had …






n. 早饭

n. 理发

n. 聚会

n. 假日

Lesson 83 Going on holiday


mess n. 杂乱,凌乱

pack v. 包装,打包,装箱

suitcase n. 手提箱

leave v. 离开

already adv. 已经

★mess n. 杂乱,凌乱

Excuse the mess. 乱七八糟,请原谅。

★pack v. 包装,打包,装箱

① v. 打包,装箱

pack one‟s suitcase 打包

pack one‟s suitcases 收拾行李。

② v. 挤满,塞满

The movie fans packed the hall. 大厅里挤满了影迷。

The bus was packed with people. 公共汽车里挤满了人。

★leave v. 离开

① v. 离开,出发

The train is going to leave in 5 minutes.

② v. 舍弃;脱离

John‟s wife left him for another man.


③ v. 留给,遗留;委托

„Leave it to me,‟he said. “这事交给我来办吧,”他说道。

The famous actress left all her money to charity.




肯定句: has/have + 动词的过去分词

否定形式:hasn't/haven't + 动词的过去分词

疑问形式:把 has/have 提前



CAROL: Hello, Sam. Come in.

TOM: Hi, Sam. We're having lunch.

Do you want to have lunch with us?

SAM: No, thank you, Tom.

I've already had lunch.

I had at half past twelve.

CAROL: Have a cup of coffee then.

SAM: I've just had a cup, thank you.

I had one after my lunch.

TOM: Let's go into the living room, Carol.

We can have our coffee there.

CAROL: Excuse the mess, Sam.

This room's very untidy. We're packing our suitcases.

We're going to leave tomorrow.

CAROL: Tom and I are going to have a holiday.

SAM: Aren't you lucky!

TOM: When are you going to have a holiday, Sam?

SAM: I don't know.

I've already had my holiday this year.

CAROL: Where did you go?

SAM: I stayed at home!

Lesson 85 Paris in the spring


Paris n. 巴黎

cinema n. 电影院

film n. 电影;胶卷

beautiful adj. 漂亮的

city n. 城市

never adv. 从来没有

ever adv. 在任何时候

★film n. 电影

film 艺术影片

movie 好莱坞商业片

★beautiful adj. 漂亮的

① adj. 美丽的,使生美感的

She was even more beautiful than I had expected.


② adj. 出色的,完美的;令人愉悦的

He did a beautiful job of painting the desk.


beauty n. 美人,美景,美好的东西

beauty contest 选美

beautify v. 美化

beautiful 风景的美丽,形容女性和儿童

pretty 漂亮的,迷人的

handsome adj. 英俊的

charming adj. 迷人的,有魅力的



have/has been to a place 曾经去过某地,但现在不在那个地方了

have been there 到过那里

My father is only 45 years old. But he has already been to nearly every country

in the world.

have/has gone to a place 已经去那个地方或正在去的路上,到达与否不确定

They have gone to Paris.

My father has gone to H.K..


GEORGE: Hello, Ken.

KEN: Hi, George.

GEORGE: Have you just been to the cinema?

KEN: Yes, I have.

GEORGE: What's on?

KEN: 'Paris in the spring'.

GEORGE: Oh, I've already seen it.

I saw it on television last year.

It's an old film, but it's very good.

KEN: Paris is a beautiful city.

GEORGE: I've never been there.

Have you ever been there, Ken?

KEN: Yes, I have.

I was there in April.

GEORGE: Pairs in the spring, eh?

KEN: It was spring, but the weather was awful.

It rained all the time.

GEORGE: Just like London!


1、Have you ever been there, Ken?

have been to…到过……。have been there到过那里,have been to school/ work/



2、What‟s on? 上演什么电影?

be on 上演

3、all the time 一直,始终

4、Just like London!


Have you just been on…(just是指时间,有“刚才”的意思)

Lesson 87 A car crash


attendant n. 接待员

bring (brought/brought) v. 带来,送来

garage n. 车库,汽车修理厂

crash n. 碰撞

lamp-post 灯杆

repair v. 修理

try v. 努力,设法

★attendant n. 接待员

attend 参加

attend school 上学= go to school

attend a meeting 出席会议 attend a wedding 参加婚礼

attend a lecture 参加演讲 attend a funeral 参加葬礼

attend a ceremony 参加仪式 attend church 去教堂

join 参加某个组织,成为其成员

join in 使……成为成员,参加,加入;与某人一道参加某种活动

Would you like to join in us? 一块做某事

take part in 参加,强调参加人的作用,与某人一道参加某种活动,强调在其中起了作用

★bring (brought/brought) v. 带来,送来

bring 带来;take 带走;fetch 去拿来;get 拿,常用于口语中

go into the garage

let sth.

Let's go into the garage.

★crash n. 碰撞

have a crash 碰车

They have a crash every week.

★repair v. 修理

① v. 修理;修复;修补

I‟ll have to get the bicycle repaired.

She looked into the mirror and began to repair her face.


② v. 弥补;修复;赔偿

How can I repair the mistake I have made?

It will take a while to repair the confidence of the general public.


repair 用一定的技能修理什么东西

fix 同上,一般美语中用的较多

mend 修理打破或打碎的东西,一般指结构较为简单的,不需要特殊技能

do up 修理小东西,renovate翻新,结构比较简单

patch 打补丁,衣服或车胎坏了,修补一下

★try v. 努力,设法

① v. 试图;设法,努力

He is trying to move the book shelf. 他正试图搬动那个书架。

They tried hard to repair the damaged car.


② v. 尝试,试用;试验

I‟ll try that Italian restaurant next time.


have a try 尝试

It's a good try. 很好的尝试

try one's best/do one's best 尽某人最大的努力

Do your best!

Try your best!

I want to try my best.

I have already tried my best.

try to do sth. 试着去做某事

Can your mechanics repair my car?

They are still working on it.

They're trying to repair it.

manage to do sth. 设法做成了某事

I managed to repair my car yesterday.

try one's luck 试试某人的运气

try one‟s hard at 尝试着做某事


MR. WOOD: Is my car ready yet?

ATTENDANT: I don't know. sir.

What's the number of your car?

MR. WOOD: It's LFZ 312G.

ATTENDANT: When did you bring it to us?

MR. WOOD: I brought it here three days ago.

ATTENDANT: Ah, yes, I remember now.

MR. WOOD: Have your mechanics finished yet?

ATTENDANT: No, they're still working on it.

Let's go into the garage and have a look at it.

ATTENDANT: Isn't that your car?

MR. WOOD: Well, it was my car.

ATTENDANT: Didn't you have a crash?

MR. WOOD: That's right.

I drove it into a lamp-post.

Can your mechanics repair it?

ATTENDANT: Well, they're trying to repair it, sir.

But to tell you the truth. you need a new car!


1、When did you bring it to us?


2、…they‟re still working on it.

work on表示“从事”、“干(某事)”


Isn‟t that your car?

Didn‟t you have a crash?

4、drive into 撞倒……

5、they‟re trying to repair it 他们正在设法修理


Lesson 88 Have you…yet?

buy—bought—bought lose—lost—lost find—found—found

make—made—made meet—met—met get—got—get

send—sent—sent have—had—had sweep—swept—swept

hear—heard—heard tell—told—told leave—left—left

Lesson 89 For sale


believe v. 相信,认为

may modal verb (用于请求许可)可以

how long 多长

since prep. 自从

why adv. 为什么

sell v. 卖,出售

because conj. 因为

retire v. 退休

cost v. 花费

pound n. 英镑

worth prep. 值……钱

penny n. 便士

★believe v. 相信,认为

I don‟t believe you. 不相信某人说的话。

believe + (that) 从句(宾语从句)

He failed again because he is very lazy.

believe of +短语

He failed again because of his laziness.

believe in sb. 信任某人

We believe in each other. 互相信任。

trust 信任(侧重于信任某人的能力)

Don‟t trust the person who dare not look into your eyes.

belief n. (某人的)信仰,信条

We need to have strong belief in ourselves.

believable adj. 可信的

unbelievable adj. 不可信的

★sell v. 卖,出售

for sale 待售

on sale 打折

salesman 推销员

salesmanager 销售经理

★retire v. 退休

① v. 退休;离职

He‟s going to retire soon from the sea. 不久他将退休,结束其航海生涯。

② v. 退出;退隐

He often retireds to his country house at weekends.


The ladies retired, and the gentlemen went on drinking and chatting.


★cost v. 花费(物体做主语)

The coat costs $30.

How much does this house cost?

★worth prep. 值……钱(物体的真正实际价值)

① prep. 相当于……价值,值……钱

How much is the necklace worth?

every penny of it 一分钱一分货

This coat is worth every penny of it.

② prep. 具有……价值;值得

be worth doing 值得……

The book is worth reading.

prove one‟s worth 证明某人的价值





在现在完成时中,since + 时间点:表示某个动作是何时开始的;for + 时间段:表示某个动作持续多长时间

I have already lived here for 20 years.

I have lived here since 1976.

Since when has he been there?


NIGEL: Good afternoon.

I believe that this is house is for sale.

IAN: That's right.

NIGEL: May I have a look at it, please?

IAN: Yes, of course. Come in.

NIGEL: How long have you lived here?

IAN: I've live here for twenty years.

NIGEL: Twenty year! That's long time.

IAN: Yes, I've been here since 1976.

NIGEL: Then why do you want to sell it?

IAN: Because I've just retired.

I want to buy a small house in the country.

NIGEL: How much does this house cost?

IAN: $68,500.

NIGEL: Well, I like the house, but I can't decide yet.

My wife must see it first.

IAN: Women always have the last word.


1、I can‟t decide yet.

decision n. 决定

decide to do sth.

make up one‟s mind 下定决心

determine to do sth.

be determined to do sth. (determined adj. 坚决的,决定了的)

I am determined to give up this work.

2、have the last word 最后拍板

Lesson 90 Have you…yet?

cut—cut—cut come—came—come

put—put—put give—gave—given

read—read—read swim—swam—swam


set—set—set take—took—taken




eat—ate—eaten do—did—done go—went—gone

本文标签: 表示参加价值修理东西