





1. Avoid + 名词

我们可以使用"Avoid + 名词"的结构来描述想要避免某个特定的事件、情况或行为。例如:

- I try to avoid traffic by leaving early.


- She avoids conflict by staying calm and patient.


2. Avoid + 动名词

另一种常见的形式是"Avoid + 动名词",表示试图避免进行某项活动或行为。例如:

- He always avoids doing his homework until the last minute.


- We should avoid eating too much junk food for the sake of our health.


3. Avoid + 形容词

此外,我们还可以使用"Avoid + 形容词"的结构来描述希望避免某种感觉或情况。例如:

- We should avoid unnecessary stress in our daily lives.


- She tried to avoid awkward situations at the party.



1. Avoid doing something


- You should avoid eating too many sweets if you want to lose weight.


- I try to avoid making unnecessary phone calls during work hours.


2. Avoid someone/something like the plague

"Avoid someone/something like the plague"是一个固定短语,意思是像避开黑死病一样避开某人或某物,形容希望远离某种不好的人或情况。例如:

- I always avoid that restaurant like the plague because their food is terrible.


- She avoids her ex-boyfriend like the plague since their breakup.


3. Avoid the issue/topic

"Avoid the issue/topic"表示避免涉及某个问题或话题,通常用于描述人们回避或逃避讨论某些敏感或不想谈论的话题。例如:

- He always tries to avoid the topic of his failed business venture.


- The politician skillfully avoided the journalists' questions about his controversial



4. Avoid eye contact


- She's very shy and tends to avoid eye contact in social situations.


- The student avoided eye contact with the teacher after receiving a low grade on

the test.



本文主要探讨了avoid这一动词的几种常见用法及相关短语。我们可以使用"Avoid + 名词"、"Avoid + 动名词"和"Avoid + 形容词"来表达不同的避免行为,希望从中避开某种情况、行为或感觉。另外,本文介绍了一些常见的avoid短语,如avoid doing something、avoid someone/something like the plague、avoid the issue/topic和avoid eye contact等。熟练掌握这些用法和短语将帮助我们更好地表达自己,在日常生活和社交场合中更有效地避免不想要的事件或行为,促进顺利沟通与交流。

本文标签: 避免行为避开回避描述