


元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004featuresDQualification in Accordance WithDDDDDDDDDDSmall 5-Pin SOT23 PackageDEvaluation Module AvailableTPS60400EVM−178AEC-Q100†Qualified for Automotive ApplicationsCustomer-Specific Configuration ControlCan Be Supported Along WithMajor-Change ApprovalInverts Input Supply VoltageUp to 60-mA Output CurrentOnly Three Small 1-µF Ceramic CapacitorsNeededInput Voltage Range From 1.6 V to 5.5 VPowerSave-Mode for Improved Efficiencyat Low Output Currents (TPS60400)Device Quiescent Current Typical 100 µAIntegrated Active Schottky-Diode forStart-Up Into LoadapplicationsDDDDLCD BiasGaAs Bias for RF Power AmpsSensor Supply in Portable InstrumentsBipolar Amplifier SupplyDBV PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)OUTINCFLY−1234GND5CFLY+†Contact Texas Instruments for details. Q100 qualification dataavailable on request.

descriptionThe TPS6040x is a family of devices that generate an unregulated negative output voltage from an input voltageranging from 1.6 V to 5.5 V. The devices are typically supplied by a preregulated supply rail of 5 V or 3.3 V. Dueto its wide input voltage range, two or three NiCd, NiMH, or alkaline battery cells, as well as one Li-Ion cell canalso power three external 1-µF capacitors are required to build a complete dc/dc charge pump inverter. Assembledin a 5-pin SOT23 package, the complete converter can be built on a 50-mm2 board area. Additional board areaand component count reduction is achieved by replacing the Schottky diode that is typically needed for start-upinto load by integrated TPS6040x can deliver a maximum output current of 60 mA with a typical conversion efficiency of greaterthan 90% over a wide output current range. Three device options with 20-kHz, 50-kHz, and 250-kHz fixedfrequency operation are available. One device comes with a variable switching frequency to reduce operatingcurrent in applications with a wide load range and enables the design with low-value BLE OPTIONSPART NUMBERTPS60400QDBVRQ1TPS60401QDBVRQ1TPS60402QDBVRQ1TPS60403QDBVRQ1MARKING DBVPACKAGEAWPAWQAWRAWSTYPICAL FLYING CAPACITOR[mF]1103.31FEATUREVariable switching frequency50 kHz−250 kHzFixed frequency 20 kHzFixed frequency 50 kHzFixed frequency 250 kHzPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications ofTexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data TION DATA information is current as of publication ts conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instrumentsstandard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily includetesting of all ght  2004, Texas Instruments IncorporatedPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•1

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled withappropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can rangefrom subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damagebecause very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. These devices have limitedbuilt-in ESD l application circuitTPS60400C(fly)3CFLY−Input1.6 V to 5.5 V2CI1 µFIN1 µF5VO−



VOUTPUT VOLTAGEvsINPUT VOLTAGE0IO = 60 mA−1IO = 30 mAIO = 1 mA−2CFLY+OUT1CO1 µFOutput−1.6 V to −5 V,Max 60 mATPS60400GND4−3−4TA = 25°C−501234VI − Input Voltage − V5TPS60400 functional block diagramVIVI − VCFLY+ < 0.5 VVI < 1 VVO > VbeVOOSCCHGOSC50 kHzVO > −1 VVIVOVCO_CONTVI / VOMEASDC_ StartupQPhaseGeneratorVIMEASRStartFFSQDC_ StartupVIQ1+C(fly)QQ2Q3VOQ5GNDVOMEASQ4BVO < −VI − Vbe2POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004Terminal FunctionsTERMINALNAMECFLY+CFLY−GNDINOUTNO.53421IOI/OPositive terminal of the flying capacitor C(fly)Negative terminal of the flying capacitor C(fly)GroundSupply input. Connect to an input supply in the 1.6-V to 5.5-V range. Bypass IN to GND with a capacitor that has thesame value as the flying output with VO = −VIBypass OUT to GND with the output filter capacitor PTIONdetailed descriptionoperating principleThe TPS60400, TPS60401 charge pumps invert the voltage applied to their input. For the highest performance,use low equivalent series resistance (ESR) capacitors (e.g., ceramic). During the first half-cycle, switches S2and S4 open, switches S1 and S3 close, and capacitor (C(fly)) charges to the voltage at VI. During the secondhalf-cycle, S1 and S3 open, S2 and S4 close. This connects the positive terminal of C(fly) to GND and thenegative to VO. By connecting C(fly) in parallel, CO is charged negative. The actual voltage at the output is morepositive than −VI, since switches S1–S4 have resistance and the load drains charge from 1C(fly)1 µFS2S3S4VO (−VI)CO1 µFGNDGNDFigure 1. Operating Principlecharge-pump output resistanceThe TPS6040x devices are not voltage regulators. The charge pumps output source resistance isapproximately 15 Ω at room temperature (with VI

= 5 V), and VO

approaches –5 V when lightly loaded. VO

willdroop toward GND as load current = −(VI – RO × IO)RSWITCH(fly)RO = output resistance of the converterO[1ƒosc C)42Rǒ)ESRǓ)ESRCOCFLY(1)POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•3

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004detailed description (continued)efficiency considerationsThe power efficiency of a switched-capacitor voltage converter is affected by three factors: the internal lossesin the converter IC, the resistive losses of the capacitors, and the conversion losses during charge transferbetween the capacitors. The internal losses are associated with the IC’s internal functions, such as driving theswitches, oscillator, etc. These losses are affected by operating conditions such as input voltage, temperature,and frequency. The next two losses are associated with the voltage converter circuit’s output resistance. Switchlosses occur because of the on-resistance of the MOSFET switches in the IC. Charge-pump capacitor lossesoccur because of their ESR. The relationship between these losses and the output resistance is as follows:PCAPACITOR




= IO2 × RORSWITCH = resistance of a single MOSFET-switch inside the converter fOSC = oscillator frequencyThe first term is the effective resistance from an ideal switched-capacitor circuit. Conversion losses occur duringthe charge transfer between C(fly) and CO

when there is a voltage difference between them. The power loss is:2*+1 C(fly)VI2*VO2)1COVRIPPLEORIPPLE22ƪǒǓǒǓƫ ƒosc(2)The efficiency of the TPS6040x devices is dominated by their quiescent supply current at low output current andby their output impedance at higher current.h^I RO1*OIO)IQVIIOǒǓWhere, IQ = quiescent tor selectionTo maintain the lowest output resistance, use capacitors with low ESR (see Table 1). The charge-pump outputresistance is a function of C(fly)’s and CO’s ESR. Therefore, minimizing the charge-pump capacitor’s ESRminimizes the total output resistance. The capacitor values are closely linked to the required output current andthe output noise and ripple requirements. It is possible to only use 1-µF capacitors of the same capacitor (CI)Bypass the incoming supply to reduce its ac impedance and the impact of the TPS6040x switching noise. Therecommended bypassing depends on the circuit configuration and where the load is connected. When theinverter is loaded from OUT to GND, current from the supply switches between 2 x IO

and zero. Therefore, usea large bypass capacitor (e.g., equal to the value of C(fly)) if the supply has high ac impedance. When the inverteris loaded from IN to OUT, the circuit draws 2 × IO

constantly, except for short switching spikes. A 0.1-µF bypasscapacitor is capacitor (C(fly))Increasing the flying capacitor’s size reduces the output resistance. Small values increases the outputresistance. Above a certain point, increasing C(fly)’s capacitance has a negligible effect, because the outputresistance becomes dominated by the internal switch resistance and capacitor ESR.4POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004detailed description (continued)output capacitor (CO)Increasing the output capacitor’s size reduces the output ripple voltage. Decreasing its ESR reduces both outputresistance and ripple. Smaller capacitance values can be used with light loads if higher output ripple can betolerated. Use the following equation to calculate the peak-to-peak (ripple)+O)2 I ESROCOfosc CoTable 1. Recommended Capacitor ValuesDEVICETPS60400TPS60401TPS60402TPS60403VI[V]1.8…5.51.8…5.51.8…5.51.8…5.5IO[mA]60606060CI[µF]1103.31C(fly)[µF]1103.31CO[µF]1103.31ITable 2. Recommended CapacitorsMANUFACTURERTaiyo YudenPART NUMBEREMK212BJ474MGLMK212BJ105KGLMK212BJ225MGEMK316BJ225KLLMK316BJ475KLJMK316BJ106KLC2012X5R1C105MC2012X5R1A225MC2012X5R1A335MSIZE12CAPACITANCE0.47 µF1 µF2.2 µF2.2 µF4.7 µF10 µF1 µF2.2 µF3.3 µFTYPECeramicCeramicCeramicCeramicCeramicCeramicCeramicCeramicCeramicTDKTable 3 contains a list of manufacturers of the recommended capacitors. Ceramic capacitors will provide thelowest output voltage ripple because they typically have the lowest 3. Recommended Capacitor ManufacturersMANUFACTURERTaiyo YudenTDKVishayKemetCAPACITOR TYPEX7R/X5R ceramicX7R/X5R ceramicX7R/X5R ceramicX7R/X5R T OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•5

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)†Voltage range:IN to GND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.3 V to 5.5 VOUT to GND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −5 V to 0.3 VCFLY− to GND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3 V to (VO − 0.3 V)CFLY+ to GND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.3 V to (VI + 0.3 V)Continuous power dissipation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Dissipation Rating TableContinuous output current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 mAElectrostatic Discharge(Machine Model). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . passed 50 V(Human Body Model). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . passed 2 kV(Charged Device Model). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . passed 1 kVStorage temperature range, Tstg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −55°C to 150°CMaximum junction temperature, TJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150°C†Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfunctional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is notimplied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device ATION RATING TABLEPACKAGEDBVTA < 25°CPOWER RATING437 mWDERATING FACTORABOVE TA = 25°C3.5 mW/°CTA = 70°CPOWER RATING280 mWTA = 85°CPOWER RATING227 mWrecommended operating conditionsMINInput voltage range, VIOutput current range at OUT, IOInput capacitor, CIFlying capacitor, C(fly)Output capacitor, COOperating junction temperature, TJ1.80C(fly)11−40100125NOMMAX5.2560UNITVmAµFµFµF°C6POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004electrical characteristics at CI = C(fly) = CO (according to Table 1), TJ = −40°C to 125°C, VI = 5 V overrecommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERVIIOVOSupply voltage rangeMaximum output current at VOOutput voltageTPS60400VP−POutput voltage rippleTPS60401TPS60402TPS60403TPS60400TPS60401TPS60402IQQuiescent current (no-load input

current)TPS60403TPS60400TPS60401TPS60402TPS60403TPS60400fOSCInternal switching frequencyTPS60401TPS60402TPS60403TPS60400Impedance at 25°C, VI = 5 VTPS60401TPS60402TPS60403CI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µFCI = C(fly) = CO = 10 µFCI = C(fly) = CO = 3.3 µFCI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µFVCO version2550−2525012121212At TJ ≤ 60°C,VI = 5 VAt VI = 5 VIO = 5 mAC(fly) = 1 µF, CO = 2.2 µFC(fly) = CO = 10 µFC(fly) = CO = 3.3 µFC(fly) = CO = 1 µFTEST CONDITIONSAt TJ = −40°C to 125°C, RL = 5 kΩAt TC ≥ 0°C, RL

= 5 kΩMIN1.81.660−VI3522515151515ΩkHzµAµATYPMAX5.25UNITVmAVmVP−PPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•7

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSTable of GraphsFIGUREηIIISEfficiencyInput currentSupply currentOutput resistancevs Output current at 3.3 V, 5 VTPS60400, TPS60401, TPS60402, TPS60403vs Output currentTPS60400, TPS60401, TPS60402, TPS60403vs Input voltageTPS60400, TPS60401, TPS60402, TPS60403vs Input voltage at −40°C, 0°C, 25°C, 85°CTPS60400, CI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µFTPS60401, CI = C(fly) = CO = 10 µFTPS60402 , CI = C(fly) = CO = 3.3 µFTPS60403, CI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µFvs Output current at 25°C, VIN = 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V, 5 VTPS60400, CI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µFTPS60401, CI = C(fly) = CO = 10 µFTPS60402 , CI = C(fly) = CO = 3.3 µFTPS60403, CI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µFvs Temperature at VI = 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V, 5 VTPS60400, TPS60401, TPS60402, TPS60403vs Output current TPS60400 at 2 V, 3.3 V, 5.0 VVI = 5 V, IO = 30 mA, CI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µF (TPS60400)VI = 5 V, IO = 30 mA, CI = C(fly) = CO = 10 µF (TPS60401)VI = 5 V, IO = 30 mA, CI = C(fly) = CO = 3.3 µF (TPS60402)VI = 5 V, IO = 30 mA, CI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µF (TPS60403)TPS60402, TPS604032, 34, 56, 78, 9, 10,11VOOutput voltage12, 13,14, 15fOSCfOSCOscillator frequencyOscillator frequencyOutput ripple and noise16, 17,18, 192021, 22TPS60400, TPS60401EFFICIENCYvsOUTPUT CURRENT1009590Efficiency


%8580757065TA = 25°C6607080IO − Output Current − mA9TPS60400VI = 3.3 VTPS60400VI = 5 VTPS60401


VI = 3.3 VTPS60403

VI = 3.3 VTPS60402VI = 3.3 VTA = 25°C3IO − Output Current − mA90100Figure 2Figure 38POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•







mATPS60401VI = 5 V1TPS60401VI = 2 VTPS60403VI = 2 V1TPS60402VI = 5 VTPS60402VI = 2 VTPS60400VI = 2 V0.10.1110IO − Output Current − mA1000.10.1110IO − Output Current − mA100Figure 4TPS60400, TPS60401Figure 5TPS60402, TPS60403SUPPLY CURRENTvsINPUT VOLTAGE0.6IO = 0 mATA = 25°CIDD−






mA0.6SUPPLY CURRENTvsINPUT VOLTAGEIO = 0 mATA = 25°C0.40.4TPS604030.2TPS604000.20TPS604010123VI − Input Voltage − V45TPS6040200123VI − Input Voltage − V45Figure 6Figure 7POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•9




Ω3TA = −40°C001234VI − Input Voltage − V561TA = 85°CTA = 25°CIO = 30 mACI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µF403530ro−



Ω2520OUTPUT RESISTANCEvsINPUT VOLTAGEIO = 30 mACI = C(fly) = CO = 10 µFTA = 25°C15105TA = −40°C2TA = 85°C34VI − Input Voltage − V56Figure 8TPS60402Figure 9TPS60403OUTPUT RESISTANCEvsINPUT VOLTAGE4035ro−



Ω3234VI − Input Voltage − V56TA = −40°CTA = 25°CTA = 85°CIO = 30 mACI = C(fly) = CO = 3.3 µFro−



Ω4050OUTPUT RESISTANCEvsINPUT VOLTAGEIO = 30 mACI = C(fly) = CO = 1 µFTA = 25°CTA = 85°CTA = −40°C1234VI − Input Voltage − V56Figure 10Figure 1110POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•




VVI = 1.8 VVI = 2.5 VVO−



V−10TA = 25°COUTPUT VOLTAGEvsOUTPUT CURRENTVI = 1.8 V−2VI = 2.5 VVI = 3.3 V−2−3VI = 3.3 V−4VI = 5 V−5−3−4VI = 5 V−5−60−60IO − Output Current − mAFigure 12IO − Output Current − mAFigure 13TPS60402TPS60403OUTPUT VOLTAGEvsOUTPUT CURRENT0TA = 25°C−1VI = 1.8 VVO−






V−2VI = 2.5 VVI = 3.3 V−2−10TA = 25°COUTPUT VOLTAGEvsOUTPUT CURRENTVI = 1.8 VVI = 2.5 VVI = 3.3 V−3−3−4VI = 5 V−5−4VI = 5 V−5−60−60IO − Output Current − mAIO − Output Current − mAFigure 14Figure 15POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•11




kHz200VI = 1.8 Vfosc−



kHz2423.823.623.423.22322.822.622.422.20−40−30−20−160708090OSCILLATOR FREQUENCYvsFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREIO = 10 mAVI = 3.3 VVI = 5 V150VI = 2.5 VVI = 3.3 V100VI = 5 V50VI = 2.5 VVI = 1.8 V22−40−30−20−160708090TA − Free-Air Temperature − °CTA − Free-Air Temperature − °CFigure 16Figure 17TPS60403TPS60402OSCILLATOR FREQUENCYvsFREE-AIR TEMPERATURE57IO = 10 mA56fosc−






kHzVI = 5 V55545352VI = 1.8 V515049−40−30−20−100VI = 2.5 VVI = 3.3 V255060708090OSCILLATOR FREQUENCYvsFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREVI = 5 VVI = 3.3 VVI = 2.5 VVI = 1.8 VIO = 10 mA108090150−40−30−20−100TA − Free-Air Temperature − °CTA − Free-Air Temperature − °CFigure 18Figure 1912POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•




kHz250VI = 1.8 V200VI = 5 V150VO−



mVVI = 3.3 VVI = 5 VIO = 30 mAOUTPUT VOLTAGEvsTIMETPS6040150 mV/DIVTPS6 mV/DIV6 µs/DIVt − Time − µsIO − Output Current − mAFigure 20TPS60400, TPS60403Figure 21OUTPUT VOLTAGEvsTIMEVI = 5 VIO = 30 mATPS60400VO−



mV100 mV/DIVTPS6040350 mV/DIV4 µs/DIVt − Time − µsFigure 22POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•13

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATIONvoltage inverterThe most common application for these devices is a charge-pump voltage inverter (see Figure 23). Thisapplication requires only two external components; capacitors C(fly) and CO, plus a bypass capacitor, ifnecessary. See the capacitor selection section for suggested capacitor types.C(fly)3C1−Input 5 VCI1 µF2INGND41 µF5C1+OUT1CO1 µF−5 V,Max 60 mATPS60400Figure 23. Typical Operating CircuitFor the maximum output current and best performance, three ceramic capacitors of 1 µF (TPS60400,TPS60403) are recommended. For lower currents or higher allowed output voltage ripple, other capacitors canalso be used. It is recommended that the output capacitors has a minimum value of 1 µF. With flying capacitorslower than 1 µF, the maximum output power will decrease.14POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATIONRC-post filterVIC(fly)123CI1 µFGND1 µF5OUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND4RPCO1 µFCPVO (−VI)GNDFigure 24. TPS60400 and TPS60401 With RC-Post FilterAn output filter can easily be formed with a resistor (RP) and a capacitor (CP). Cutoff frequency is given by:ƒc+12pRPCP(1)and ratio VO/VOUT is:ŤŤVOVOUT+Ǹ1)ǒ2pƒRCǓPP12(2)with RP = 50 Ω, CP = 0.1 µF and f = 250 kHz:ŤŤVOVOUT+0.125The formula refers only to the relation between output and input of the ac ripple voltages of the -post filterVIC(fly)123CI1 µFGND1 µF5OUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GNDVOUT4LPCO1 µFCPVO (−VI)GNDFigure 25. LC-Post FilterFigure 25 shows a configuration with a LC-post filter to further reduce output ripple and OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•15

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATIONTable 4. Measurement Results on the TPS60400 (Typical)VI


[µF]CERAMIC111111CO[µF]CERAMIC12.2112.2100. (X7R)0.1 (X7R)0.1 (X7R)0.1 (X7R)LP[µH]CP[µF]CERAMICBW = 500 MHzVPOUTVP−P[mV]32050BW = 20 MHzVPOUTVP−P[mV]24028VPOUTVACeff [mV]65325860308rail splitterVIC(fly)1 µFC31 µF123CI1 µFGNDOUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND54CO1 µFVO (−VI)GNDFigure 26. TPS60400 as a High-Efficiency Rail SplitterA switched-capacitor voltage inverter can be configured as a high efficiency rail-splitter. This circuit provides abipolar power supply that is useful in battery powered systems to supply dual-rail ICs, like operational er, the SOT23-5 package and associated components require very little board power is applied, the flying capacitor (C(fly)) connects alternately across the output capacitors C3 and equalizes the voltage on those capacitors and draws current from VI to VO as required to maintain theoutput at 1/2 maximum input voltage between VI and GND in the schematic (or between IN and OUT at the device itself)must not exceed 6.5 V.16POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATIONcombined doubler/inverterIn the circuit of Figure 27, capacitors CI, C(fly), and CO form the inverter, while C1 and C2 form the doubler. C1and C(fly) are the flying capacitors; CO and C2 are the output capacitors. Because both the inverter and doubleruse part of the charge-pump circuit, loading either output causes both outputs to decline toward GND. Makesure the sum of the currents drawn from the two outputs does not exceed 60 mA. The maximum output current atV(pos) must not exceed 30 mA. If the negative output is loaded, this current must be further ≈ −IO + 2 × IO(POS)VIC(fly)1 µF+5C1+D2V(pos)123+CI1 µFOUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND4+CO1 µF+C2−VIGNDGNDFigure 27. TPS60400 as Doubler/Invertercascading devicesTwo devices can be cascaded to produce an even larger negative voltage (see Figure 28). The unloaded outputvoltage is normally −2 × VI, but this is reduced slightly by the output resistance of the first device multiplied by thequiescent current of the second. When cascading more than two devices, the output resistance (fly)1 µFC(fly)1 µFVO (−2 VI)123+GNDCI1 µFOUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND512OUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND54+GNDCO1 µF34+CO1 µFGNDFigure 28. Doubling InverterPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•17

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATIONparalleling devicesParalleling multiple TPS6040xs reduces the output resistance. Each device requires its own flying capacitor(C(fly)), but the output capacitor (CO) serves all devices (see Figure 29). Increase CO’s value by a factor of n,where n is the number of parallel devices. Equation 1 shows the equation for calculating output (fly)1 µFC(fly)1 µF123CI1 µFGNDOUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND512OUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND5VO (−VI)4+CO2.2 µFGND43Figure 29. Paralleling Devicesactive-Schottky diodeFor a short period of time, when the input voltage is applied, but the inverter is not yet working, the outputcapacitor is charged positive by the load. To prevent the output being pulled above GND, a Schottky diode mustbe added in parallel to the output. The function of this diode is integrated into the TPS6040x devices, which givesa defined startup performance and saves board space.A current sink and a diode in series can approximate the behavior of a typical, modern operational 30 shows the current into this typical load at a given voltage. The TPS6040x devices are optimized tostart into these (fly)5C1+2CI1 µFGND1 µF3C1−OUTVO (−VI)1IOCO1 µF0.4 V1.25 V5 VTPS60400INTypicalLoad−V60 mA0.4 V25 mA+VLoad CurrentGND4Voltage at the LoadFigure 30. Typical LoadFigure 31. Maximum Start-Up Current18POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATIONshutting down the TPS6040xIf shutdown is necessary, use the circuit in Figure 32. The output resistance of the TPS6040x will typically be15 Ω plus two times the output resistance of the ting multiple buffers in parallel can reduce the output resistance of the buffer driving the IN (fly)1SDN23CI1 µFGNDGND1 µF5CO1 µF4VO (−VI)OUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GNDFigure 32. Shutdown ControlGaAs supplyA solution for a –2.7-V/3-mA GaAs bias supply is proposed in Figure 33. The input voltage of 3.3 V is firstinverted with a TPS60403 and stabilized using a TLV431 low-voltage shunt regulator. Resistor RP with capacitorCP is used for filtering the output (3.3 V)RPC(fly)123CI0.1 µFGNDGND0.1 µFR2OUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND5CO1 µFTLV4314R1CPVO (−2.7 V/3 mA)Figure 33. GaAs SupplyVO+*1)R1 Vref*R1

II(ref)R2A 0.1-µF capacitor was selected for C(fly). By this, the output resistance of the inverter is about 52 Ω.ǒǓPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•19

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATIONGaAs supply (continued)RPMAX can be calculated using the following equation:RPMAX+ǒVCO*VOIO*ROǓWith: VCO = −3.3 V; VO = −2.7 V; IO = −3 mARPMAX = 200 Ω − 52 Ω = 148 ΩA 100-Ω resistor was selected for reference voltage across R2 is 1.24 V typical. With 5-µA current for the voltage divider, R2 gets:R2+1.24V[250kW5mAR1+2.7*1.24V[300kW5mAWith CP = 1 µF the ratio VO/VI of the RC post filter is:ŤŤVOVI+Ǹ1)(2p125000Hz 100W 1mF)21[0.01step-down charge pumpBy exchanging GND with OUT (connecting the GND pin with OUT and the OUT pin with GND), a step-downcharge pump can easily be formed. In the first cycle S1 and S3 are closed, and C(fly) with CO in series arecharged. Assuming the same capacitance, the voltage across C(fly) and CO is split equally between thecapacitors. In the second cycle, S2 and S4 close and both capacitors with VI/2 across are connected in 1C(fly)+1 µFS2S3S4GNDCO1 µFVO (VI/2)23CI1 µFGNDVI1C(fly)1 µFOUTC1+TPS60400INC1−GND54VO (VI/2)CO1 µFGNDVO (VI/2)Figure 34. Step-Down PrincipleFigure 35. Step-Down Charge Pump ConnectionThe maximum input voltage between VI and GND in the schematic (or between IN and OUT at the device itself)must not exceed 6.5 V. For input voltages in the range of 6.5 V to 11 V, an additional Zener-diode isrecommended (see Figure 36).20POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATION5V6VIC(fly)1OUT23CI1 µFGNDINC1−GND4CO1 µFGNDVO − VI1 µFC1+5TPS60400Figure 36. Step-Down Charge Pump Connection With Additional Zener Diodepower dissipationAs given in this data sheet, the thermal resistance of the unsoldered package is RθJA = 347°C/W. Soldered onthe EVM, a typical thermal resistance of RθJA(EVM) = 180°C/W was terminal resistance can be calculated using the following equation:T*TAR+JqJAPDWhere:TJ is the junction is the ambient is the power that needs to be dissipated by the device.T*TAR+JqJAPDThe maximum power dissipation can be calculated using the following equation:PD = VI × II − VO × IO = VI(max) × (IO + I(SUPPLY)) − VO × IOThe maximum power dissipation happens with maximum input voltage and maximum output maximum load the supply current is 0.7 mA = 5 V × (60 mA + 0.7 mA) − 4.4 V × 60 mA = 40 mWWith this maximum rating and the thermal resistance of the device on the EVM, the maximum temperature riseabove ambient temperature can be calculated using the following equation:∆TJ = RθJA × PD = 180°C/W × 40 mW = 7.2°CThis means that the internal dissipation increases TJ by <10° junction temperature of the device shall not exceed 125° means the IC can easily be used at ambient temperatures up to:TA = TJ(max) − ∆TJ = 125°C/W − 10°C = 115°CPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•21

元器件交易网60400ĆQ1, TPS60401ĆQ1, TPS60402ĆQ1, TPS60403ĆQ1UNREGULATED 60ĆmA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE INVERTERSGLS246 − JUNE 2004APPLICATION INFORMATIONlayout and board spaceAll capacitors should be soldered as close as possible to the IC. A PCB layout proposal for a single-layer boardis shown in Figure 37. Care has been taken to connect all capacitors as close as possible to the circuit to achieveoptimized output voltage ripple OUTCINGNDU1TPS60400Figure 37. Recommended PCB Layout for TPS6040x (Top Layer)device family productsOther inverting dc-dc converters from Texas Instruments are listed in Table 5. Product IdentificationPART NUMBERTPS6735TPS6755DESCRIPTIONFixed negative 5-V, 200-mA inverting dc-dc converterAdjustable 1-W inverting dc-dc converter22POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•COUT




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