



前 缀 意 义 单 词 加前缀派生词 加后缀派生词

ad- 向、到 join加入 adjoin邻接 adjoining邻接的, 隔壁的

re- 回 turn转动 return回来 returnless回不来的

再、又 build建造 rebuild重建 rebuilder重建者

con- 共同 firm 坚固 confirm确定 confirmedly坚定地

ob- 向 press压 oppress压迫 oppressive压制性的, 压迫的

in- 里 port港口 import进口;重要 important重要的

否定 correct正确 incorrect不正确 rectitude正直, 公正

trans- 贯通 port港口 transport运输 transportation运输

pre- 前 school学校 preschool学龄前 preschooler学龄前儿童

pro- 前 long长的 prolong延长 prolongate延长, 伸长

per- 完全 form形状 perform完成 performance履行,表演

ex- 外 port港口 export出口 exporter出口商

dis- 分开 part部分 dispart分离 dispartment分离, 分开

否定 agree同意

like喜欢 disagree不同意

dislike厌恶 disagreement争执, 不和


sub- 下 way路 subway地铁 exportable可输出的

un 否定 like象 unlike不象... unlikeness不相等, 不象

sur 上 face脸面 surface表面 surfacewise沿着表面(地)






前 缀 词根 单 词 fect变体 单 词

ad-向、到 fect

做 affect影响, 感动 fair affair事务, 事件

re-回;再 refect使精神振作 act retroact反作用

con-共同 confection甜食 pact compact契约

de-下 defect过失, 缺点 fic deficit赤字

in-里 infect传染, 感染 pact impact影响

trans-贯通 transfect转染 act transaction交易

pre-前 prefect各类官员 fig prefigure预示

per-完全 perfect完美的 funct perfunctory草率

ex-外 effect效果, 作用 fic efficient生效的

dis-否定 disaffect 使疏远 fic difficult困难的

前 缀 单词 单 词 单词 单 词

ad-向、到 press压力 adpress压于表面 test测试 attest证明

三、派生词affect的“再派生” 名词派生词 Balance→imbalance;pleasure→displeasure;management→ mismanagement;efficiency→inefficiency;concern→unconcern ;literacy→illiteracy;resolution→irresolution; interference→noninterference;nutrition→malnutrition.

Ⅱ形容词派生词 Accurate→inaccurate;patient→impatient. regular→ irregular;legal→illegal;native→non-native;orderly→ disorderly;common→uncommon.

Ⅲ动词派生词 Agree→disagree;judge→misjudge;treat→maltreat; activate→inactivate;use→ill-use;mobilize→immobilize; manage→mismanage;quote→unquote.

加前缀“再派生” 单 词 加后缀“再派生” anti-government(反政府);auto-intoxication(自我迷醉);bilateral(双边的);coexistence(共存);counter-argument (反建议);de-emphasize(不强调);ex-president(前任会长);international(国际间的);monolingual(单语的);post-war

(战后的);precaution(预先防备);pro-China(支持中国); re-state(重述);subhuman(低于人类的);superimpose(加在上面);trans-atlantic(横跨大西洋的);triangle(三角);


disaffect使疏远fright(名词)→frighten(动词);modern(形容词)→ modernize(动词);beauty(名词)→beautify(动词);year(名词)→yearly(副词);quick(形容词)→quickly(副词)。

disaffected抱不平的. (fear) John gave the chairman his honest opinion, _____ of the result.

2. (end) I’m fed up with your ____ complaining.

3. (close) The lifting of the curtain ____ a beautiful winter scene.

4. (appoint) My parents were _____ with me because I failed the exam.

5. (spell) The book contains quite a few _____ words; the proof- reader really should have been

more careful.

6. (understand) Don’t ____ his si-lence for lack of interest; actually he is very interested in the

subject we are discussing now.

7. (load) The American ship arrived at the port yesterday, and workers are _____ its contents in the

harbor now.

8. (certain) I had a long talk with him yesterday, but I’m still _____ about his intention.

9. (regular) That young mother does not like _____ working hours.

10. (proper) Joking with other persons at this official celebration is _____ behavior for such a

serious occasion.

disaffection不满, 不平affectionate亲爱的affectionate亲爱的










conaffetto[音]深情地 affect

本文标签: 后缀表面港口