








二. 找出画线部分读音不同的单词

< > 1. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach

< > 2. A. back B. fast C. have D. map

< > 3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party

< > 4. A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good

< > 5. A. book B. moody C. look D. cook

< > 6. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu

< > 7. A. push B. fun C. sun D. ugly

< > 8. A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over

< > 9. A. go B. no C. cold D. hot

< > 10.A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday


< > 1. listing 读成 [listin]. < > 2. yes 读成 [jes].

< > 3. wash 读成 [wa:∫]. < > 4. mind 读成 [maid].

< > 5. change 读成 [t∫ein d ]. < > 6. tests 读成 [tests].


- 1 - / 12

< Cake

< Aead

< Dever

< Bood


< Bather

< Aoda

< Dike

< B >

< Aat

< Co



< Cot

< A >

< Bower

< Cide




< Dudy

< Dind




< B >

< Aet

< Cack

- 2 - / 12

g er




< Aofa

< Boom

< Cer


< Behind

< Camily



< B > s

< Dorning ow



< Damond

< Couse

< B >ilding

< Ais


< Btreet

< Cash



< Carge

< Aame

< Aood



< B >

< D >

< Dsh




< A > d

- 3 - / 12

< Bear

< C r

< B ack

< A arm

< D ool

< B ook

< C une

< A ush

< B

< D

< C ike

< C eacher r

< B

< C ake

< A e

< B ut

< C ock

< D >


1. wait play 〔 √ 2. cake apple 〔 ×3. Train bag 〔 × 4. make name

5. like little 〔 × 6. wife sit 〔 ×- 4 - / 12

7. try

9. boy



〔 √ 8. pain wait

〔 × 10. toy joy〔 √

〔 √ 12. so do

〔 √

11. go no

13. know now

〔 ×

〔 × 14. rose not 〔 ×

〔 √ 16. how flower 〔 √ 15. how house

17. dear

19. deer

21. great

23. her

25. five

27. stop

29. dish

33. egg

35. sun

37e from

39. sing

41. bird

43. juice

45. learn

47. short











〔 ×evening





〔 × 18. pear near

〔 √ 20. pair chair 〔 √

〔 × 22. pig big 〔 √

〔 √ 24. her teacher 〔 ×

〔 √ 26. bed we

〔 √ 28. week eat 〔 √

〔 × 30. use under 〔 ×

〔 × 32. cat father 〔 ×

〔 × 34. ask park 〔 √

〔 √ 36. cut put 〔 ×

38. under uncle 〔 √

〔 √ 40. bed head 〔 √

〔 √ 42. learn shirt 〔 √

〔 √ foot 〔 ×

〔 × 46. drop hot 〔 √

〔 ×

- 5 - / 12

× ×〔


1、bike ship < > 2、bus must < > 3 、stop go < >

4、same plane < > 5、find drive < > 6、post office 〔

7、hospital this < >8、next get < > 9、library biting〔

10、buy must < > 11、hobby stop < > 12、police go〔

13、five nice 〔 14、bed we〔 15、 stop know〔

16、beautiful eat〔 17、dish hi 〔 18、snow grow〔

20、tooth cool 〔 21、rude rule 〔 22、 pack sad〔

23、ride die 〔 11、 sun hungry 〔 24、rubbish put 〔


1. five nice 〔 2. bed we 〔 3. stop

know 〔

4. peak

eat 〔 5. dish hi 〔 6. kettle zest 〔

7. gas as 〔 8. van father 〔 9. egg he

10. ask park 〔 11. sun hungry

〔 12. cut put 〔

13. come from 〔 14. thank this 〔 15. mom room

16. sing evening 〔 17. usually she 〔 18. bird mirror 〔

19. learn shirt 〔 20. juice who 〔 21.

- 6 - / 12

hook foot 〔

22. woof wood 〔 23 drop pot 〔 24. short shirt 〔

1. wait play 〔 2. cake apple 〔 3. train bag 〔

4. make name 〔 5. like little 〔 6. pine side

7. try fly 〔 8. pain pine 〔 9. boy my 〔

10. toy joy 〔 11.

go no 〔 12. so do 〔

13. know now 〔 14. rose not 〔 15. how house

16. sour flower 〔 17. dear bear 〔 18. pear near 〔

19. deer cheer 〔 20. pair chair 〔 21. hungry thank〔

22. pig big 〔 23. her dirty 〔 24. her fisher 〔



〔 1、A. cold B. old C. home D. sorry

〔 2、A. laterB. game C. taxi D. name

〔 3、A. this B. ride C. white D. bike

〔 4、 B. apple C. walk D. horse

〔 5、A. read<过去式>B. bee C. please D. sweater

〔 6、A. familyB. saveC. same D. day

- 7 - / 12

〔 7、A. piano B. pet D. telephone

〔 8、A. red B. see C. she D. we

〔 9、A. has B. banana C. taxi D. bag

〔 10、A. thin B. rice C. tie D. right

〔 11、mother

〔 12、. bank

〔 13、 l D. cabbage

〔 14、A. teeth B. . father

〔 15、A. A. son B. sun C. nut D. box

〔 16、A. fox B. dog C. watch D. bag

〔 17、A. moon B. food D. fox

〔 18、A. doctorB. sugarC. pandaD. bird

〔 19、A. bike B. flyC. tieD. pig

〔 20、A. clock B. hot C. go

〔 21、A. cake B. face C. apple

〔 22、A. meB. leg C. bed

〔 23、A. hut B. ruler C. duck

〔 24、A. back B. fast C. have D. map

〔 25、A. teaB. deadC. leave

〔 26、A. sea

〔 27、A. car

〔 28、A. wolf

B. sweet

B. laugh

B. food

C. meal

C. flag

C. book

D. head

D. grass

D. would

- 8 - / 12

〔 29、A. orange B. clock C. go D. hot

〔 30、A. cakeB. faceC. appleD. gate

〔 31、A. be

〔 32、A. wash

〔 33、A. cry

〔 34、A. sea

B. get

B. watch

B. family

B. eat

C. very

C. China

C. candy

C. beside

D. wet

D. what

D. noisy

D. he

〔 35、A. come B. son C. front D. got

〔 36、A. plan B. land C. flag D. away

〔 37、A. how B. snow C. tomorrow D. own

〔 38、A. France D. carry

〔 39、A. dinosaur B. foot C. rooster D. food

〔 40、 B. idea C. bike D. like

〔 41、A. go B. radio C. photo D. long

〔 42、A. not B. hot C. holiday D. police

〔 43、A. must B. public C. question D. cup

〔 44、A. stay B. away C .today D. Saturday

〔 45、 B. candle C. January D. back

〔 46、A. borrow B. slow C. below D. flower

〔 47、A. here B. ear C. there D. clear

〔 48、A. read B. breakfast C. sweater D. head

〔 49、A. back B. fast C. have D. map

〔 50、A. goB. noC. cold D. hot

- 9 - / 12

〔 51、A. country B. out C. cousin D. touch

〔 52、A. ships B. trees C. bananas D. hands

〔 53、A. student B. music C. hurry D. excuse

〔 54、A. stopped B. cleaned C. answered D. borrowed

〔 55、A. short B. work C. horse D. forty

〔56、A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday

〔 57、A. cheese

〔 58、A. May

B. pee

B. rain

C. cherry

C. well

D. bee

D. gate

〔 59、A. moon B. room C. soon D. cook

〔 60、A. dear B. ear C. there D. idea

〔 61、A. eat B. earC. read D. speak

〔 62、A. beeB. meet C. three r

〔 63、 B. great C. clean D. please

〔 64、 g C. horse D. or

〔 65、A. what B. whose C. where D. which

< >66、A. near B. pear C. stair D. bear

< >67、A. dangerB. her C. litter D. mother

< >68、A. town B. toy C. our D. cow

< >69、A. great B bread C. ready D. head

< >70、A. dear B. bear C. here D. nearby

< >71、A. cook B. room C. food D. shoot

< >72、 B. birthday C. her D. worker

- 10 - / 12

< >73、 B. June C. blue D. push

< >74、A. shoulder B. mouse C. cloudy D. house

< >75、 B. year C. pear D. hear

< >76、 B. there C. fifth D. three

< >77、 B. ready C. team D. sea

< >78、A. teaB. meat C. weather D. beach

< >79、A. coin B. toy C. ball D. boy

< >80、A. warm B. garden C. market D. party

< >81、A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good

< >82、A. book B. school C. look D. cook

< >83、A. June B. ruler C. blueD. menu

< >84、A. push B. fun C. sun D. ugly

< >85、A. tigerB. herC. officerD. over

< >86、A. old B. south C. shoulder D. road

< >87、A. flower B. follow C. how D. brown

< >88、A. mouth B. north C. three D. these

< >89、A. father B. they C. with D. tooth

< >90、A.five B. very C. laugh D. coffee

< >91、A.cry B. cake C. can D. nice

< >92、A. sun B. best C. easy D. bus

< >93、A. sure B. usually C. sugar D. shop

< >94、A.machine B. cheap C. teach D. kitchen

- 11 - / 12

< >95、A. face B. race C. nice D. candy

< >96、A. year B. candy C. sunny D. rainy

< >97、A. yellow B. fly C. you D. Yesterday

< >98、A. dogs B. hands C. cats D. beds

< >99、A.because B. course C. please D. exercise

< >100、A. markets

< >101、A. apples

< >102、A. exercises

< >103、A. cars

< >104、A. chips

< >105、A. lessons

B. seats C. beds D. baskets

B. bananas C. carrots D. pears

B. grades C. classes D. boxes

B. lamps C. books D. cats

B. trees C. bananas D. hands

B. hands C. rooms D. jackets

- 12 - / 12

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