




1. classical [ˈklæsɪkl]: adj.古典(文艺)的; 经典的;传统的

classic [ˈklæsɪk]: n. 经典作品;名著


classical music: 古典音乐

a classical movie : 经典影片

1)This classical poem is hard to understand.

2)He plays classical music, as well as pop and jazz.

3)She studies classical literature, but also takes an interest in history.

4)His son studied classical architecture and design in Rome.

2. hip-hop [ˈhɪphɒp]: n. 嘻哈音乐; 嘻哈文化

hip-hop music: 嘻哈音乐

1)During the 1980s, hip-hop became popular all over the USA.

2)Hip-hop music is popular around the world.

3)Countries like France, Brazil and even Japan have their own hip-hop culture.


20世纪80年代开始流行于美国黑人青年中间,以说唱乐、涂鸦艺术为特征。目前,嘻哈文化包含五大元素: DJ(打碟) MC(说唱)

Graffiti(涂鸦) Breaking(街舞) Knowledge(知识,代表传承)

[ˈteknəʊ ]: n. 泰克诺音乐 (一种节奏快,通常无歌声相伴的音乐)

1)I like techno music.

2)Techno is a form of modern electronic music with a very fast beat.

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[ˈenədʒɪ ]: n. 能量;能源;精力

energetic [ˌenəˈdʒetɪk]: adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的

be full of energy: 精力充沛

energetically [ˌenə'dʒetɪklɪ]: adv. 精力充沛地;积极地

1)I like to listen to it when I exercise. It gives me energy.

2)It’s a waste of time and energy.

3)Our physics teacher is always full of energy.

5. soul [səʊl]: n. 灵魂;心灵

heart and soul: 全心全意

1)This classical movie touched my heart/soul.

2)We must serve the people heart and soul.

3)Creativity is the soul of a nation.

4)Knowledge is the food of the soul.

5)The eye is the window of the soul.

6. bagpipes [ˈbæɡpaɪps ]: n. 风笛

play bagpipes: 吹风笛

1)Bagpipes are a musical instrument that is traditionally played in Scotland. The

player blows air into a bag held under the arm and then slowly forces

the air out through pipes to produce a noise.

2)They’ll be drinking beer and playing bagpipes till dawn.

7. stringed [ˈstrɪŋd ]: adj. 有弦的

string [strɪŋ]: n. 弦; 绳索; 线

stringed instrument: 弦乐器

Violin is a stringed instrument.

l [ˈvɜːtʃuəl ]: adj.很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的

choir [ˈkwaɪə(r)]: n.合唱团

virtual choir: 虚拟合唱团

1)Our headmaster will meet with the man who came up with the idea for a virtual


2)The country was sliding into a state of virtual civil war.

3)The players can compete in a virtual world of role playing.

ition [ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn]: n. 成分; (音乐/艺术/诗歌的)作品 ; 作文

1)We will visit the place where he studied musical composition.

2)There are many forms of musical composition.

3)Your composition is very good except for some spelling mistakes.

4)Scientists will study the composition of the soil.

10. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtju:nətɪ]: n. 机会;时机

chance [tʃɑːns]: n. 机会; 机遇; 运气;可能性

have an opportunity/a chance : 有机会做什么

have the opportunity /: 有机会做什么

1)Imagine having the opportunity to sing together with hundreds of other people

while you are at home alone.

2)Five years ago, he was finally given an opportunity to record his song at a


3)You must make use of any opportunity to practise English.

4)We take this opportunity to express our thanks to you.

11. perform [pə'fɔ:m]: v. 表演;演出; 做;履行;执行; 表现; 运行

perform/do/make an experiment: 做实验

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perform well/badly/poorly: (人)表现好/差;(事物)运转好/不好

1)Virtual choir members record themselves while they perform alone on video.

2)The play was first performed in 1977.

3)A computer can perform many difficult tasks.

4)He performed badly/well in his exams.

mance [pə'fɔ:məns]: n. 表演;演奏; 表现

put on/give a performance: 上演; 演出

1)Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos, which he then joined together into

one performance.

2)On National Day, our class put on/gave a wonderful performance.

3)His performance in the exams was exciting.

13. performer [pəˈfɔ:mə(r)/ ]: n. 表演者; 演员

actor: n. 男演员

actress: n. 女演员

1)The unknown performer performed very well, and her performance was

popular with the students.

2)He is a world class performer.

3) She’s one of the greatest stage performer.

[ˈɒntə ]: prep. (朝)向; 到/在...上= on to

1)These videos are uploaded onto the Internet, and then they are put together into

one video that you can see online—a virtual choir.

2)Move the books onto the desk.

3)I will jump onto the back of the horse at once.

15. studio ['stju:diəʊ]: n. (复数studios) 演播室; 录音棚;工作室

video(videos) [ˈvɪdɪəʊ]: n. 录像(带); 录影; 视频

1)You do not even need a studio.

2)Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to

become millionaires!

3) A large crowd was gathered outside the studio.

16. ordinary [ˈɔ:dnri ]: adj. 普通的;平凡的

ordinary/average/common people: 平民; 老百姓

1)A virtual choir helps connect ordinary people together.

2)Ever since, his success has shown the world that even ordinary people can

become famous.

3)That was just an ordinary weekend for us.

17. enable [ɪˈneɪbl]: v. 使能够;使可能

able: adj. 能;能够

enable sb. : 使某人能够做什么;使某人有机会做什么

be able : 能够做什么

1)A virtual choir enables them to add their voices to those of other individuals and

become part of the global community.

2)Listening to music enables me to relax and forget about my problems.

3)The software enables you to access the Internet in seconds.

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4)The hot sun enables the rice to grow faster .

[pruːv]: v. 证明; 展现; 证明是; 原来是; 结果是

1)It has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.

2)This proves that all the effort she put into her work was worth it.

3)The scientist proved his theory by doing experiments.

4)The woman proved (to be) a good doctor.

5)Your ideas proved (to be) wrong.

19. award [ə‘wɔ:d]: n. 奖; 奖品; 奖金; 奖状(常用于奖项名称;官方的等)

v. 授予; 判定

reward: n. 奖励; 酬; 悬赏金(做好事、努力工作、帮助找犯人/东西)

to win/receive/get an award for sth: 因...赢得/得到/获得奖励/奖金

1)My favourite singer just won a music award.

2)Her uncle won the best actor award.

3)Every term our school awards scholarships to the excellent students.

4)The woman was awarded damages(赔偿金) of 2,800,000 dollars.

20. composer [kəmˈpəʊzə(r) ]: n. 作曲者;作曲家

compose : v. 作曲; 创作

composition: n. 成分; 作品; 作曲; 创作; 作文

1)Who is the composer of the song?

2)She began to compose songs at an early age.

tor [kənˈdʌktə(r) ]: n. (乐队/合唱团等的)指挥; (公共汽车的)售票员

1)The virtual choir was the idea of award-winning composer and conductor Eric


2)Who is the conductor of tonight’s concert?

22. fall in : 爱上(强调动作)

be in : 爱上(强调状态)

1)He fell in love with Mozart’s classical music when he sang for the university


2)She fell in love with her boss last year.

3)They have been in love with each other for ten years.

al [əˈrɪdʒənl ]: n. 原件;原作

adj. 原来的;独创的;原作的

originally: adv. 原来;起初

origin [ˈɒrɪdʒɪn]: n. 起源;源头; 身世

1)Over the next 10 years, Whitacre’s original compositions began to become quite

popular among choirs and singers.

2)This building has been returned to the original owner.

3)The original painting is now worth 200,000,000 dollars.

4)This painting is a copy. The original is in the art museum.

24. phenomenon [fəˈnɒmɪnən ]: n. (复数phenomena)现象

cultural/natural/social phenomena:文化/自然/社会现象

1)Since then, the virtual choir has become a worldwide phenomenon.

2)The picture describes a very common phenomenon in our society.

3)This is a natural phenomenon that happens about once a century.

[steɪdʒ]: n.(发展或进展的)时期; 阶段; 舞台

1)Whitacre’s next effort was the Virtual Youth Choir for UNICEF, which was first

seen on stage on 23 July 2014 in the UK.

2)His wife used to be an actress, but she said goodbye to the stage when they

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3)China’s high-speed railway industry has entered a rapid growing stage of



We have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.

26. altogether [ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə(r) ]: adv. (用以强调)全部;总共;总之

together [təˈɡeðə(r)]: adv. 在一起; 共同

1)Altogether, 2,292 young people from 80 countries joined in to sing Whitacre’s

song “What If”.

2)The plane went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.

3)I am not altogether happy about the plan.

4)You have lent me 1000 euros altogether.

5)The food was good and we loved the music. Altogether it was a great evening.

27. thus [ðʌs]: adv. 如此;因此;所以;于是

so: conj. 因此;所以

therefore[ˈðeəfɔː(r)]: adv. 因此;所以

1)The virtual choir is a wonderful way for people around the world to sing with

one voice and thus make the world a better place.

2)Most of the evidence is destroyed. Thus, it’s impossible to prove that the drug is


3)She wants to enter a key university. Thus/Therefore, she studies harder and


4)He doesn’t live here. Thus(,) I think he has parted(分开) with his wife.

5)He doesn’t live here, so I think he has parted with the woman.

[bænd]: n. 乐队;带子

1)Last night I went to see my friend’s new rock band perform on stage at a small

local music festival.

2)Local bands provide music for the concert.

3)She often uses a rubber band to tie her hair.

29. rap [ræp]: n. 快速敲击;说唱音乐

v. 敲击;(说唱歌中的)念白

tap [tæp]:v. 轻打; 轻拍; 轻敲

tap : 轻敲...

: 敲...

knock : 敲(门/窗等)

1)I fell in love with rap music when I was a teenager.

2)There was a sharp rap on the door.

3)She rapped angrily on the door.

4)The kids of the band not only rapped but also sang.

ys [ˈnaʊədeɪz]: adv. 现在;目前

≈ now ≈ at present ≈ at the present time

1)Nowadays millions of musical performances are uploaded into the Internet

every day.

2)Nowadays most kids prefer playing games to reading books.

3)Nowadays a lot of people work from home.

31. gradual ['ɡrædʒʊəl]: adj. 逐渐的;渐进的

gradually: adv. 逐渐地;逐步地

1)There has been a gradual increase in the number of people who own cars.

2)They expect a gradual improvement in sales of new cars.

3)Gradually, the students began to understand the importance of study.

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32. capable [ˈkeɪpəbl]: adj. 有能力的;有才能的

capability [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti]: n. 能力;才能

incapable : adj. 没有能力的

able: adj. 能够; 有才能的

unable: adj. 没有能力的

ability: n. 能力;才能

be capable of sth./: 有能力/才能(做)什么

be able : 能够做什么

1)She’s a capable/an able teacher/doctor.

2)My father is a strong, capable man.

3)The man is capable of doing everything.

4) Every student in Class 29 is capable of passing the exam.

33. relief [rɪˈli:f]: n. (焦虑/痛苦的)减轻或消除; (不快过后的)宽慰/轻松/解脱

a sense of relief: 解脱感

in relief : 如释重负;松了口气

to one’s relief : 令人感到欣慰的是...

1)News of their safety came as a great relief.

2)I felt a great relief when l heard I had passed the driving test.

3)To my relief, the car was not damaged.

to one’s sorrow/joy/pleasure/delight/surprise/amazement/excitement/ regret/

anger/disappointment/shame/relief…= to the sorrow of sb:


(使某人很…的是:在to 前加much/quite 或者名词前加 great)

特别注意: to one’s 后的词是不可数名词。不可以加s、ed、ing。

[kjʊə]: v. 治愈;治好(疾病); 解决(问题)

n. 药物;治疗; (解决问题;改善糟糕情况的)措施

cure + 人/疾病: 治愈/治好人/疾病

treat sb for + 疾病:治疗某人的疾病

treat sb with + 药:用药治疗某人

treat + 疾病:治疗疾病

(treat: 强调过程; cure: 强调结果)

1)Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance,

Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating

music was a relief and cure for his illness.

2)Will you be able to cure the old man?

3)She was cured with a new medicine.

4)There is still no cure for this kind of cancer.

5)Punishment can never be a good cure for social problems.

35. be/get absorbed in sth/sb: 被...吸引住; 专心致志于

absorb [əbˈsɔ:b]: v. 吸收;吸引;使专心

concentrate : 专心于...

put one’s : 专心于...

focus : 特别关注; 聚焦于

1)All the students are absorbed in the expert’s lecture on China’s economy.

2)He found the girls absorbed in watching the TV play.

36. previous [ˈpriːviəs]: adj. 先前的;以往的

previously : adv. 先前;以前

1)When he got absorbed in his world of music, he felt as if he could “see” the

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beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life.

2)No previous experience is necessary for this job.

3)This year’s harvest is better than any previous year’s.

oyed [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd]: adj. 失业的;待业的

employ[ɪmˈplɔɪ]: v. 雇用;利用(时间/精力等)

employee[ɪmˈplɔɪi:]: n. 雇工;雇员

employer[ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)]: n. 雇主;老板

employment: n. 雇用;职业;就业

hire/employ sb.: 雇佣某人

fire/dismiss sb.: 解雇某人

1)Dave was unemployed so he had time to consider what job he really wanted.

2)How long have you been unemployed?

ic [rəʊˈmæntɪk]: adj. 浪漫的

n. 浪漫的人

1)The girl was moved by his romantic words so she accepted his gift.

2)Why don’t you ever give me flowers? I wish you’d be more romantic.

3)Hugo was one of the greatest romantic poets.

4)You’re a hopeless romantic.

39. album [ˈælbəm]: n. 相册;集邮簿;音乐专辑

a photo album: 相册

1)The album was recorded in a new way so it was expected to be popular with

techno fans.

2)Grace showed me her photo album.

3)Musically speaking, his latest album is nothing special

[ˈɪmpækt]: n. 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力

[ɪm'pækt]: v. 有影响/作用 ;冲击

have an impact : 对…有影响

make an impact (on...): (对…)产生影响

have an/no effect on/upon…:对…有/无效果(作用/影响)

have an/no influence on/upon…: 对…有/无效果(作用/影响)

1)Well known as a successful band, the Impact members show quite a few striking


2)It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had

an impact on my life.

3)Dolly’s appearance had a great impact on the media and public imagination.

[eɪm]: n. 目标;目的;瞄准

v. 力求达到; 力争做到; 瞄准 ;目的是;旨在

achieve the aim/goal: 实现目标

aim at…: 瞄准; 针对

aim at/for ...: 力求达到

be aimed at…: 目的是…; 旨在;针对

aim : 力争做...; 目的是...

take aim at…: 把目标对准…; 把批评的矛头指向…

with the : 以...为目标; 目的是

1)David’s one aim in life is to earn a lot of money.

2)Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims.

3)She went to London with the aim of finding a job.

4)Filled with team spirit, they act as a whole, always aiming for glory.

5)The school aims to guide and help students to live a happy life.

42. set sth up: 安装好(设备或机器); 设立;建立; 准备;安排

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1)I will set up the machine today so that you can work tomorrow.

2)A new government was set up after the war.

3)The leaders encouraged the people to set up their own business.

ent [ɪˈkwɪpmənt]: n. 设备; 装备 (不可数名词)

equip: v. (equipped -- equipping) 装备;配备;使具备

1)The engineer has set up all the equipment.

2)Last month we bought new equipment for the labs.

常用的不可数名词有:advice, news, weather, climate, information,

baggage/luggage, wealth, paper, work, homework, housework, paperwork,

equipment, room/space(空间), grammar, evidence, fun, practice, wood, progress,

furniture, cash, money, change(零钱。作为“变化”讲时,有单复数。),

garbage/rubbish, cloth, clothing, ink, blood, bread, water, air, sweat, milk, tea,

juice, beer, wine, rain, snow, ice, fog, soil, oil, silk, wool, sand, sugar, heat, coal,

cheese , meat, rice, corn ,wheat, corn, butter, soup, oxygen , gold, grass…, 食物,粮食,金属等。不可数名词没有单数、复数,前面不可加a/an, 不可以给它们加s或者es。它们前面可以加: the, this, that , some, any, one’s, much, a little, little, a

lot of = lots of =plenty of, a good/great deal of ...

44. try out (): 参加…选拔/试演; 测试; 试验

sign : 报名参加...

1)Who can try out as a performer?

2)Last month she tried out for the school football team.

3)I’m always pleased to try out a new teaching method.

45. talent ['tælənt]: n. 天才;天资; 天赋= gift

have a talent/: 有…天赋

talented/gifted : adj. 有才能的; 有才干的

1)What can those who think they do not have musical talent do?

2)It’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents.

3)He is proud that both his children have a talent/gift for art.

4)The man is a great talent.

46. piano [pɪ'ænəʊ]: n. 钢琴(复数pianos)

pianist [ˈpɪənɪst]: n. 钢琴弹奏者;钢琴家

1)John, you can play the piano.

2)When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a pianist.

【play与乐器名词连用时, 乐器前要加 the】

3)Can you play the guitar/the violin?

47. assume [əˈsjuːm]: v. 以为; 假设;假装

assuming: conj. 假如= if

1)So can I assume that the aim of the festival is to raise money?

2)She tried hard to assume a natural expression.

3)Let us assume that it is true.

4)Assuming it rains tomorrow morning, what shall we do?

48. addition [əˈdɪʃn]: n. 添加;加法;增加物

add [æd]: v.增加; 加添; 补充说; 继续说

add to sth: 增加

add … to…: 给…加上…

add up: 把…加起来

add : 总计

add sb to the group chat: 拉某人入群/进群

add sb on Wechat: 加微信

in addition to sb/: 除…以外(还)

in addition: 另外 ≈ besides

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1)The baby is a happy addition to his family.

2)In addition to my pay, I got a lot of tips.

3)In addition, computer is also very helpful for study and work.

4)You need skills to do the work well; in addition, you need patience(耐心).

e [dɪˈziːz]: n. (疾)病(常指具体的病)

illness: n. (身体或精神上的) 疾病;病

sickness: n. 疾病;恶心; 呕吐

mental illness: 精神病

heart disease/touble: 心脏病

heart attack: 心脏病发作

1)Two years ago, I was told I had a serious disease which was difficult to cure.

2)He suffers from a rare blood disease.

50. ache [eɪk]: v. / n. 疼痛

headache /stomachache/toothache: 头痛/胃痛/牙痛

1)My body ached all the time and thus I thought I didn’t have much longer to live.

2)Every bone in my body seems to ache.

3)It makes my heart ache to see such waste.

4)She felt/had a dull ache(隐隐的痛) in her shoulder.

51. treatment [ˈtri:tmənt]: n. 治疗;疗法; 对待;处理

treat: v. 治疗;对待;款待

treat…as…: 把…作为…对待

1)Then one day, I had to go through a two-hour medical treatment.

2)This new cancer treatment offers hope to many sufferers.

3)She treats her dog as a child.

52. from (then) on: 从(那时)起

from now on: 从现在起

from last year/1978 on: 从去年/1978年起


1)The song made me feel so much better that from then on I began to listen to

music all the time.

2)Jack failed his exams last term and from then on his parents stopped him from

playing computer games.

3)From now on we will study hard.

53. lean [liːn]: v. 依靠;倾斜(leant [lent] /leaned)

lean : 依靠;依赖 = depend/rely

1)Can I lean my bike against the wall?

2)She walked slowly, leaning on her son’s arm.

3)He leans heavily on his family.

54. get through: (设法)处理;完成; 度过; 熬过;通过(考试); 用电话联系上

1)It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times.

2)I don’t know how we’re going to get through all this work by tomorrow.

3)It is hard to see how the poor people will get through the winter.

4)Have you got through an entrance examination?

5)I’ve been trying to ring up all day and I couldn’t get through.

er [mɔːrˈəʊvə(r)]: adv. 而且;此外

≈ what is more ≈ besides ≈ in addition ≈ furthermore

1)I don’t like the house, and moreover, the price is too high.

2)Moreover, I realize it is very important to have a rest at noon.

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3)It is a good book, and what is more, it’s quite a cheap one.

action [sætɪsˈfækʃn ]: n. 满足;满意;欣慰

satisfy : v. 使满意;使满足;满足

satisfied : adj. 满意的;满足的

satisfying : adj. 令人满意/满足的

to one’s satisfaction: 使某人满意的是

with great satisfaction: 满意地

be satisfied/content with ....: 对...感到满意

a satisfied expression/look/smile: 满意的表情/微笑

1)Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.

2)Looking at a beautiful painting always gives me a feeling of satisfaction.

3)He expressed satisfaction with the results.

4)To our satisfaction, the children made great/big progress in their studies.

57. being [ˈbiːɪŋ ]: n. 身心;存在;生物

come into being: 形成; 产生

a human being: 一个人

1)It became my best friend. It spoke words of encouragement to deepest part of

my being.

2) I hated him with my whole being.

3) A new president has come into being.

4) When did the universe come into being?

58. various [ˈveəriəs]: adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的

variety [ˈveəriəs]: n. 种类;多样化

vary [ˈveəri]: v. 变化;改变

differ -- different -- difference


variety of + 复数名词 + 复数动词

varieties of + 复数名词 + 复数动词

a variety of + 不可数名词 + 单数动词

1)At the same time, we all go through various periods when we feel sad or alone.

2)The club provides various activities including tennis, swimming and basketball.

3)She left London for various reasons.

59. somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ]: adv. 以某种方式/方法;不知怎么地

someway/someways: adv. 以某种方式/方法

anyhow/anyway/anyways: adv. 而且; 反正; 尽管; 不过

somewhat: adv. 有点; 有几分; 稍微

1)I hope all of you will somehow begin to treasure music and make it a part of

your life.

2)Don’t worry, we’ll get the money back somehow.

3)Somehow we lost our way in the rainforest.

ical [rɪˈtɒrɪkl ]: adj. 修辞的

Learn to use various rhetorical devices. 修辞方法/手段

or [ˈmetəfə(r) ]: n. 暗喻;隐喻

1)In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.

2) English and Chinese metaphors are important rhetorical devices in two


ification [pəˌsɒnɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ]: n拟人;人格化;化身

Personification is the act of representing objects or qualities as human beings.


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63. repetition [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn ]: n. 重复;重做

repeat [rɪˈpiːt]: v. 重复;重做

1)Her books are full of repetition and useless information.

2)Understanding is not enough. You must also have a lot of repetition.

3)She repeated his name softly over and over again.

[ˈsɪməli]: n. 明喻

1)“As white as snow” is a simile. “洁白如雪”是明喻。

2) “He is as brave as a lion” is a simile. “他像狮子一般勇猛”是明喻。

65. outline [ˈaʊtlaɪn ]: n./v. 概述;概要

headline: n. 大字标题

1)Before you start the report, you should write an outline.

2)At the meeting the leader outlined his plan for the coming year.

66. reaction [riˈækʃn ]: n. 反应;回应

react : v. 反应;回应

a chemical reaction : 化学反应

1)What was his reaction to the news?

2)My uncle is a skilled driver with quick reactions.

67. Eric Whitacre [ˈerikˈwitəkə (r)]: 埃里克·惠塔克

68. Nevada [nəˈvɑːdə]:内华达州(美国)

69. Mozart [məuˈsɑː (r)t]: 莫扎特

莫扎特(1756年1月27日—1791年12月5日),出生于奥地利萨尔茨堡,古典主义时期奥地利作曲家,维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一 。1761年,首次作曲。1762年,莫扎特及姐姐在父亲的带领下,开始去欧洲各国献演,并获得成功。1787年,被任命为宫廷作曲家。莫扎特在短短的35年生活历程里完成了600余部(首)不同体裁与形式的音乐作品,包括歌剧、交响曲、协奏曲、奏鸣曲、四重奏和其

他重奏、重唱作品,大量的器乐小品、独奏曲等,几乎涵盖了当时所有的音乐体裁。他的音乐体现了古典主义时期的风格,完善了多种音乐体裁形式,并与海顿一起,确立了维也纳古典乐派 。

70. Lux Aurumque [lʌks ˈɔːrʌmk]: 《金色光芒》(歌曲名)

71. UNICEF [' ju: nɪsef] = United Nations Children’s Fund: 联合国儿童基金会

72. Las Vegas [,læs‘veɪɡəs]: 拉斯维加斯(美国城市)

拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)是美国内华达州最大的城市,建市于1905年5月15日。拉斯维加斯位居世界四大赌城之一(四大赌城是澳门、摩纳哥城、美国大西洋娱乐城、美国拉斯维加斯),是一座以赌博业为中心的旅游、购物、度假的世界知名度假城市,拥有“世界娱乐之都”和“结婚之都”的美称。每年来拉斯维加斯旅游的3890万旅客中,来购物和享受美食的占了大多数,专程来赌博的只占少数。从一个不起眼的破落村庄,到一座巨大的国际城市,拉斯维加斯只用了十年。


73. John A. Logan [ˈləuɡən]: 翰·洛根

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本文标签: 音乐复数疾病强调时期