



A)《圣诞颂歌》的主角是个吝啬自私,待人刻薄的商人Scrooge。他在圣诞夜的时候遇到了他死了7年的合作伙伴通知他今夜会有三个精灵——过去的圣诞鬼魂,现在的圣诞鬼魂以及将来的圣诞鬼魂来到他家。 因为他一直吝啬而且贪婪,所以如果Scrooge还不改正的话,死后便会坠入地狱。scrooge 看见地狱的惨状以后有些害怕。之后他遇见了过去的自己,又重温了了一遍童年的温暖,以及看到他姐姐对他的关爱,以及当年当学徒时,老板与员工欢度圣诞,款待员工的情形。之后他跟着现在的圣诞鬼魂,参观他的穷苦办事员和他外甥的家,看他们如何欢度圣诞,又嫉妒又后悔的看完了一切。最后未来的鬼魂来了,让他看到死后无人关心的凄惨下场。这一切让Scrooge终于看明白了自己的错误并且恳求未来再给他一个机会。之后Scrooge成为了远近闻名的宽厚仁慈,乐善好施的好人。


B) Scrooge was a mean and selfish man. He loved money very much, only money. He thought

he could not get enough and 1 gave any of it away.

As a man, he was 2 cold inside as he was outside. Wherever he went, he took this

3 with him. He was as cold as a stone, so nobody liked him and nobody stopped him on the

street. When children saw them 4 , they 5 . Even the dogs of the blind men

pulled their masters 6 his way. No one ever asked the time because he was too mean

7 anyone the time. But Scrooge didn’t care. He cared only about his money.

He was also 8 generous of men. 9 Christmas Eve, it was cold ,bite(刺骨的)

weather. He made his clerk 10 harder than others. He kept the door 11 so

that he could see what his clerk was doing. It was very cold in the office. Scrooge was 12

mean that he would not 13 money to heat his office. There was even ice on his hair.

In his office, he had only a small fire, but the fire in his clerk’s office was 14 . The clerk

had to warm himself 15 putting his hands around the candle on his desk. He tried to

imagine that this made him warmer, but he was a man of little imagination.

( ) 1.A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always

( ) 2.A. as B. so C. too D. very

( ) 3 A. cold B. coldness C. coldly D. colder

( ) B. coming C. to come D. came

( ) away B. ran to him C .talked with him D. played with him

( ) 6.A. out of B. away C. from D. out

( ) 7.A. to give B .give C. gave D. giving

( ) B. the least C. the most D. most

( ) B. At C. On D./

( ) g B. to work C. worked D. work

( ) B. opened C .closed D. close

( ) B. very C. quite D. rather


( ) 13.A. spend B. cost C. take D. paid

( ) smaller B. even smaller C. more bigger D. even bigger

( ) 15. A. with B. in C. by D. of

C) Scrooge ate his dinner alone in a nearby inn and then went to his home. This was a dark

room above some offices. Even the entrance was dark, but Scrooge knew his way about in the

fog without a light. On the door of the building, there was a large metal door knocker. To

Scrooge’s surprise, it now looked like Marley’s face. It had never looked like this before, and

Scrooge had not even thought about Marley since the man had died. Scrooge looked at the door

knocker for several moments, and then it changed back to being an ordinary door knocker again.

Scrooge told himself that what he had seen had been his imagination. He closed the door and

then he went up to his room where he lit a candle. The sound of his voice seemed to echo

throughout the building. Then another strange thing happened as he climbed the wide stairs. In

front of him, he thought he saw a hearse(灵车). He could not be sure, though, because the light

from his candle was not very strong. Scrooge was not worried about darkness. He liked it

because it was cheap.

Before going to bed, he looked up at an old bell that hung from the ceiling. It was a bell that at

one time had been used to send for a servant, but it had not been used for many years. Now,

suddenly, it began to move and a few moments later it began to ring. Scrooge was now afraid.

He became even more afraid when he a few minutes later he heard a loud noise coming from the

rooms beneath the building. These were rooms where a wine merchant keeps all his wines.

( ) was different about Scrooge’s door knocker?

A. It looked like Marley’s face B. It was decorated with holly

C. It was broken D. It was missing

( ) 2. Why did Scrooge like darkness?

A. Because he liked to use his imagination B. Because it didn’t cost any money

C. Because he didn’t like to be seen D. Because he liked to scare people

( ) 3. According to the second paragraph, what scared Scrooge?

A. A candle went out and it was dark B. The fire was out of control

C. His servant was gone D. A bell started ringing by itself


A) 《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice是英国伟大的戏剧家莎士比亚写的四大喜剧之一故事大概是这样的:在威尼斯生活着很多不同经历,不同品格的商人。故事的主人公就是一个成功的商人,他的名字叫:安东尼奥(Antonio)他聪明、勤奋、慷慨大方,博得了大家的信任。所以事业发展很快。最近又一批买卖即将成功,这使他万分高兴。

这时,安东尼奥的朋友巴萨尼奥(Bassanio),正匆匆走来,原来他深深的爱上了鲍西娅(Portia)公主,想去求婚。但他觉得只有自己穿上最好的衣服才能和公主相配,但他现在很贫困,因此只好向安东尼奥借钱。安东尼奥答应了朋友的请求。但他全部的财产都在货船上,但货船还没有到岸。那么只有向夏洛克(Shylock)借钱了。夏洛克是一个心胸狭窄、贪图小便宜的人,他一直很嫉妒安东尼奥的才华。当他得知安东尼奥要向自己借钱,心中暗暗高兴。于是,在条约里写到:“如不按时还钱,就要从你的身上割下一磅肉。”安东 2




B) 完形填空

There was another rich man in Venice. His name was Shylock. He earned his money 1

lending money to 2 people and making them pay interest(利息). A lot of people 3

money from him.

“Will you still lend us the money?” Antonio asked Shylock.

“Why should I?” asked Shylock. “You often say bad words about 4 for the way I lend

money. I 5 argue with you about it because I am a man who does not get angry 6 .

You call me names. You call me a dog. You spit on my clothes. Now you need my 7 , and

you come to me and ask for money. I should tell you 8 a dog has no money. How can a

dog lend you thirty thousand dollars? Or should I say thank you for 9 on my clothes?

Should I say that because of these kind acts I will be 10 to lend you thirty thousand


“If you lend us this money,” pleaded(恳求) Antonio, “I will not call you names or spit on

your clothes again. I am not asking you to lend us the money as if we were your friends. Lend it

to us as if we were your enemies. Then if we cannot pay it back in time, you will feel even 11

about making us pay the penalty(惩罚).”

Shylock pretended(假装) to be 12 . “Antonio, I want to be your friend. I want to forget

all the bad things you said to me. I want to help you. I won’t make you 13 interest for the

money I lend you. 14 , let’s agree that if you pay me on time, you will give me one pound of

your flesh(肉) from wherever I choose 15 it. ”

( ) 1. A. at B. by C. with D. for

( ) 2. A. other B. others C. another D. the others

( ) 3. A. borrowed B. lent C. gave D. bought

( ) 4. A. I B. him C. me D. her

( ) 5.A. often B. never C. usually D. always

( ) 6.A. quick B. quickly C. easy D. simply

( ) 7.A. work B. hope C. help D. dream

( ) 8. A that B. if C. what D. whether

( ) 9. A spit B. spat C. spitting D. spiting

( ) 10. A. pleased B. pleasant C. pleasure D. unpleasant

( ) 11 A. well B. better C. badly D. good


( ) 12. A. surprised B. surprising C. amazing D. frightened

( ) 13. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend

( ) 14. A. But B. However C. Though D. Yet

( ) 15. A. take B. taking C. to take D took


Bassanio said he would do anything he could do to save Antonio. He would die in his place

or give up his wife if it could help Antonio. His wife, Portia, disguised (伪装) as a judge(法官),

was not very happy to hear this. Shylock shouted “Let me hear the decision!” Portia gave the

decision. “One pound of the merchant’s fresh(肉) is yours! It is what the contract says. You may

take his flesh!” Shylock held his knife and told Antonio to get ready.

“Wait!” exclaimed Portia. “You will not do anything that is not written in the contract. Is it

right, Shylock?”

“Yes, that’s right,” said Shylock. He wondered what the wise young judge was going to say.

“Well,” said the young judge, “I have read the contract carefully, and it does not say anything

about taking his blood. It says ‘a pound of flesh’ You can take your pound of flesh, but you may

not take one drop of his blood. If you take any of his flood, the duck(公爵) will take everything

you own!”

Shylock didn’t want to give everything he owned to the duke. He decided not to take his

pound of flesh. He said he would take the money.

Bassanio was happy to give him the money. “Here it is,” he said. I have it ready for you He

was very pleased that his friend Antonio would not die.

“Wait!” Portia said. “He does not want the money. It is not written in the contract, and he

said that he would not do anything that was not written in the contract. Shylock, you can take

your pound of flesh, just as the contract says. Why are you waiting? ” she asked.

Shylock understood that he would not get his pound of flesh. He understood that he would

not get his money. He decided to go home He was really feeling sick.

( ) 1. What was Shylock NOT allowed to take?

A. Payment B. Flesh C. Interest D. Blood

( ) 2. What did Bassanio say he would give up to save Antonio?

A. His riches B. His servants C. His wife D. His feet

( ) 3. What does the underline word “contract” mean in Chinese?

A. 联系 B. 合约 C. 打电话 D. 袭击

( ) 4. Which of the following we can get from the passage?

A. Portia, Bassanio’s wife, pretended to be a judge.

B. Bassanio recognizes (认出) his wife at the court at the first sight.

C. Shylock took away a pound of Antonio’s flesh.

D. Shylock went home happily at last.

( ) 5. The passage mainly tells about__________.

A. Antonio’s kindness B. Portia’s cleverness

C. Shylock’s cruelty D. all of the above


本文标签: 朋友商人法官人世间