


onceptual meaning 语言学英文定义(一)

Conceptual Meaning 语言学英文定义

Conceptual meaning, also known as conceptual content or

semantic meaning, refers to the underlying abstract ideas,

concepts, or thoughts that are conveyed by words or phrases

in a language. It is the cognitive aspect of meaning, which

involves the interpretation and understanding of language

based on the conceptual associations and mental

representations associated with words or linguistic


Conceptual meaning is a fundamental concept in

linguistics and plays a crucial role in understanding how

language works. It is the basis for communication and allows

individuals to convey and comprehend the intended meaning

behind words and sentences. By studying conceptual meaning,

linguists aim to uncover the principles and mechanisms that

govern how concepts are expressed and understood in different


Definitions of Conceptual Meaning

1. “Conceptual meaning refers to ideas or concepts that

words or expressions represent, as opposed to their

literal or grammatical meaning.”

– This definition highlights the contrast between

conceptual meaning and other types of meaning, such

as literal or grammatical meaning. It emphasizes

the cognitive aspect of meaning and the

representation of abstract ideas.

2. “Conceptual meaning is the mental representation or

cognitive content associated with linguistic


– This definition focuses on the connection between

conceptual meaning and mental representation. It

suggests that words or expressions evoke certain

mental images or ideas in the mind of the language


3. “Conceptual meaning refers to the shared understanding

and interpretation of words or expressions within a

language community.”

– This definition emphasizes the social aspect of

meaning and highlights that conceptual meaning is

not solely determined by individual interpretations

but is shaped by communal understanding and


Importance of Conceptual Meaning in Linguistics

Understanding conceptual meaning is essential for several


• Effective Communication: Conceptual meaning

allows individuals to convey their thoughts, emotions,

and intentions accurately. It enables effective

communication by ensuring that the intended meanings

behind words or expressions are understood by the


• Language Variation: Different languages may

express concepts differently, and studying conceptual

meaning helps to understand and compare how ideas and

concepts are conveyed across languages. It provides

insights into linguistic variation and how cultural,

social, and cognitive factors influence the expression

and interpretation of meaning.

• Semantic Analysis: Conceptual meaning is a

central element in semantic analysis, which examines the

relationship between words and their meaning. It helps

linguists categorize and classify words based on their

conceptual associations and analyze how different

lexical items interact and contribute to meaning

construction in sentences.

Recommended Books

1. “Semantics: An Introduction to Meaning in Language” by

Kate Kearns

– This comprehensive textbook provides an

introduction to semantics, including a detailed

exploration of conceptual meaning. It covers a wide

range of topics, such as word meaning, sentence

meaning, truth conditions, and reference. It offers

clear explanations, examples, and exercises to

enhance understanding.

2. “The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language” edited by

David Crystal

– This authoritative reference book covers various

aspects of language, including semantics and

conceptual meaning. It provides a comprehensive

overview of linguistic concepts and theories,

making it a valuable resource for anyone interested

in language and its meaning.

3. “Meaning and the Lexicon: The Parallel Architecture”

by Ray Jackendoff

– This book presents a theory of linguistic meaning

that incorporates conceptual meaning within a

broader framework. It explores how words and their

meanings are organized in the mental lexicon and

discusses the relationship between conceptual

meaning and other linguistic structures.

By studying and understanding conceptual meaning in

language, linguists can gain valuable insights into how

language shapes and reflects human cognition, culture, and


本文标签: 语言学定义