



Model Test 1

Passage One

Suppose you set your mind to work on the problem of how you would use your own

eyes if you had 3 more days to see. If with the oncoming darkness of the 3rd night you

knew that the sun would never rise for you again, how would you spend those 3 precious

days? What would you most want to let your gaze rest upon?

I, naturally, should want most to see the things which have become dear to me through

my years of darkness. You, too, would want to let your eyes rest long on the things that

have become dear to you so that you could take the memory of them with you in the

night that loomed (降临) before you.

I should want to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship have

made my life worth living. First I should like to gaze long upon the face of my teacher,

Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy, who came to me when I was a child and opened the outer

world to me. I should want not merely the outline of her face, so that I could cherish it in

my memory, but to study that face and find in it the living evidence of the sympathetic

tenderness and patience with which she accomplished the difficult task of my education.

I should like to see in her eyes that strength of character which has enabled her to stand

firm in the face of difficulties, and that compassion for all humanity which she has

revealed to me so often.

Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for just 3 days!

1. What can be inferred from the 2nd paragraph?

A. the author is a deaf B. the author is a blind person C. Mrs. Anne Sullivan

is a deaf D. Mrs. Anne Sullivan is a blind person

2. According to the passage, Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy _____.

A. failed to make the author’s life meaningful B. was quite successful in educating

the author C. showed much impatience with the author D. didn’t believe that

the author was able to learn a lot

3. The following have made the author’s life worth living EXCEPT _____ according

to the passage.

A. kindness B. gentleness C. companionship D. ambition

4. The word “compassion” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. companion B. affection C. strength D. determination

5. What does the author want to convey to us in the passage?

A. there are only 3 days for her to see the world B. she is longing for many things

which are dear to her C. Mrs. Anne Sullivan plays a very important role in her life

D. she lives quite a different life from others


Passage Two

British university entrants (新学员) expect to be provided with washing machines and

dryers in their rooms, and even car parking spaces, a survey has found. Students are also

less prepared to tolerate poor quality living conditions than their predecessors, says the

survey by British polling organization Mori.

More than 1,000 full-time undergraduates and postgraduates from 21 universities across

the UK were surveyed for the research. It shows that location is the key factor in

choosing accommodation for students ----- nearly half of those interviewed said that

being close to their place of study was the most important factor in their choice. Cost

came second, with evidence that many parents foot the bills for their children’s rent. The

survey also shows that students are no longer prepared to carry bags of washing to the

nearest launderette (自动洗衣店). These newcomers expect washers and dryers to be

provided with their accommodation. The study also highlights those things today’s

students expect as standard ----- communal (公共的) areas to cleaned regularly, utility

bills to be included, even private car parking space to be included.

Separate finding from the UK’s National Union of Students published earlier this year

show more than half of students in private rented accommodation are living in

unsatisfactory conditions.

6. Who are the subjects of the survey?

A. some oversea students in UK B. some undergraduates and postgraduates in UK

universities C. some graduates in UK universities D. some British students in

other countries

7. What kind of accommodation is the most attractive to students according to the

survey by British polling organization Mori?

A. an apartment near their universities B. a cheap house far way from their

universities C. an apartment with car parking space D. an apartment with

washing machines

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. the survey described in the passage is conducted by UK’s National Union of Students

B. most of the subjects are from universities in London C. most college students

pay the rent by themselves D. students think that communal areas should be

cleaned regularly by cleaners rather than themselves

9. According to the passage, the choice of accommodation is influenced by the

following factors EXCEPT _____.

A. convenience B. comfort C. low rents D. weather

10. What does the survey indicate?

A. UK university students are increasingly satisfied with their living conditions B.


UK university students are less and less energetic C. UK university students

demand higher qualities of their living conditions D. UK university students pay

less and less attention to their studies

Passage Three

Voters in California will decide Tuesday whether to remove Governor Gray Davis from

office. If he is recalled (罢免), public opinion studies show the leading candidate to

replace him is actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Yet the two men are not really opponents on the ballot (投票选举) Tuesday. Mister

Davis is the only name on the first question. Voters are asked to decide if the governor

should stay in office or be recalled. He needs fifty-percent of the votes plus one to stay.

The second question asks voters who support the recall to choose a replacement. 135

candidates are lists. One of them is Mister Schwarzenegger. Another is Lieutenant

Governor Cruz Bustamante. He is considered the leading Democratic candidate. If

Mister Davis is recalled, the candidate with the most votes will become governor.

Republicans worry that another Republican on the ballot, state Senator Tom McClintock,

could take votes away from Mister Schwarzenegger. Mister McClintock, however, was

refusing to withdraw. Republican Congressman Darryl Issa financed the recall effort. He

said he would urge people to vote “no” on the recall unless one of the Republicans

withdrew to avoid splitting the vote.

Opinion studies show that a majority of Californians want to recall Governor Davis.

Many people say they are unhappy with the way he has dealt with a budget crisis.

Critics of the recall effort say it is an undemocratic way to try to remove an elected

governor from office. Mister Davis is in his second term. He says the recall is a

Republican effort to seize power in California and possibly other states.

18 of the 50 states permit special elections to recall the governor. 6 of those states say

the governor must be guilty of some wrongdoing. California is not one of them. It has

some of the easiest rules for recall elections.

11. According to public opinion studies, who is most likely to replace Governor Gray

Davis as the new governor?

A. Arnold Schwarzenegger B. Cruz Bustamante C. Tom McClintock D.

Darryl Issa

12. What is the main reason for removing Governor Gray Davis from office according

to the passage?

A. he is not good at getting along with others B. he is not very politically

influential C. he is unable to cope with the budget crisis satisfactorily D. the

Republican wants to seize power in California

13. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?


A. if Mister Davis is recalled, the candidate needs fifty-percent of the votes plus one to

be the governor B. Darryl Issa argues the Governor Gray Davis should stay in

office C. Gray Davis has been the governor of California for less than 3 years

D. any Republican candidate to replace Gray Davis may split votes from Arnold


14. What may be inferred from the passage?

A. most US states permit special elections to recall the governor B. in California,

special elections to recall the governor is permitted only when the governor is guilty of

some wrongdoing C. Arnold Schwarzenegger is sure to win the election D.

the election to recall the governor is actively supported by the Republican

15. What is the author’s attitude in talking about the election to replace the governor?

A. critical B. objective C. approving D. arbitrary

Model Test 2

Passage One

The International Monetary Fund has agreed to help Argentina refinance some of its debt.

Argentine President Nestor Kirchner announced the deal Wednesday in Buenos Aires.

The agreement is designed to help the country recover from its worst economic crisis.

The three-year agreement will refinance 21,000 million dollars of debt owed to

international lenders. This includes more than 12,000 million dollars owed to the IMF.

Most of the rest is owed to the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

The agreement needs official approval by the IMF board which meets in Dubai on

September 19th.

Officials had criticized the IMF’s demands in return for the aid program. The IMF had

demanded that Argentina pay private banks for money lost during the economic crisis at

the end of 2001. The crisis led the government to devalue (贬值) the peso (比索). The

IMF had also demanded that Argentina permit private utility companies to increase their

rates. The agreement does not include either of these demands.

IMF Managing Director Horst Koehler said the agreement is designed to help Argentina

meet goals for growth, employment and social equity (平等). He said it also would help

the country’s banking system and increase lending needed to support recovery.

The country’s economic troubles were largely caused by too much spending by the

government. The crisis in December of 2001 deepened a recession.

Argentines are still dealing with the crisis. Half of the country’s 36 million people are

poor. And there are few jobs. Many Argentines blame dishonest government officials for

the problems.

1. Among the 21,000 million dollars of debt that the three-year agreement will


refinance, whom most of them are owed to?

A. the United States B. the International Monetary Fund C. the World Bank

D. the Inter-American Development Bank

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. all the debt Argentina owes is 21,000,000,000 dollars B. IMF’s original demand

s are included in the agreement C. this agreement will take effect at least after

September 19th D. the money IMF lends to Argentina is mainly used for

government spending

3. Why had the IMF demanded that Argentina pay private banks for money according

to the passage?

A. the devaluation of the peso during the economic crisis brought a great loss to the

private banks B. the Argentina government owed the private banks a lot of money

C. these private banks are subsidiaries of the IMF D. the gain in the value of peso

caused a lot of trouble to the private banks

4. What led to Argentina’s economic crisis according to the passage?

A. the bankruptcy of some private banks in the country B. the sharp increase of

unemployment C. the lack of help from the IMF before D. too much

government spending

5. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. the Argentina government has overcome the economic crisis B. half of the

country’s citizen are unemployed C. government officials are not responsible for

the economic crisis D. the Argentina’s banking system is greatly influenced during

the economic crisis

Passage Two

The former first lady and now New York Senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has written a

book about her 8 years in the White House. It is being released with a great deal of

public fanfare (虚张声势的宣传). The book reveals details about the notorious Monica

Lewinsky scandal (丑闻) involving her husband, President Clinton.

In Living History, the wife of former President Clinton recounts (叙述) the moment

when Mr. Clinton informed her that he had, in fact, had what he called “a relationship

that was not appropriate” with Miss Lewinsky, then a White House intern (实习生). She

writes, “I could hardly breathe. Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him. What

do you mean? What are you saying? Why did you lie to me? I was furious and getting

more so by the second. He just stood there saying over and over again, I’m sorry. I’m so

sorry. I was trying to protect you and Chelsea, referring to their daughter.”

Mrs. Clinton says she hopes that people will read the book for more than intimate details

of her troubled marriage. “It’s a pretty long book, and it’s about my life, and it’s about


all of the issues that I’ve worked on, particularly on behalf of women and children, and

things that I’ve cared about literally since I was a little girl,” she said. “I think it will

give people more insight and, perhaps, answer questions. It’s also my story.”

Publisher Simon & Schuster paid Senator Clinton $8 million for the 560-page book, and

has ordered an unusually large first printing of one-million copies. Publishing rights to

the book already have been sold in 16 countries.

6. What appeals to the readers most in the book Living History according to the


A. Hillary’s 8 years in the White House B. Hillary’s troubled marriage C. the

issues that Hillary have worked on D. Hillary’s life as a senator

7. The word “notorious” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. well-known B. unheard-of C. surprising D. amusing

8. Which of the following can best describe Hillary’s reaction when Mr. Clinton told

her his inappropriate relationship with Miss Lewinsky?

A. indifferent B. calm C. angry D. astonished

9. What is Hillary’s comment on her own book?

A. it is more than interesting B. it can meet the need of people to know about

other’s intimacy C. it is an academic book D. the language of the book is


10. What CANNOT be inferred from the passage?

A. Living History is expected to sell well B. Living History will be published

beyond America C. Mrs. Clinton is well paid for the book Living History D.

Mr. Clinton is a responsible husband

Passage Three

The Library of Congress is America’s national library. It has millions of books and other

objects. It has newspapers, popular publications and letters of historical interest. It also

has maps, photographs, art prints, movies, sound recordings and musical instruments.

Altogether, it has more than 100 million objects.

The Library of Congress is open to the public Monday through Saturday, except for

government holidays. Anyone may go there and read anything in the collection. But no

one is permitted to take books out of the building.

The Library of Congress was established in 1800. It started with 11 boxes of books in

one room of the Capitol building. By 1814, the collection had increased to about 3,000

books. They were all destroyed that year when the Capitol was burned during America’s

war with Britain. To help rebuild the library, Congress bought the books of President

Thomas Jefferson. Mister Jefferson’s collection included 7,000 books in 7 languages. In

1897, the Library moved into its own building, across the street from the Capitol. Today,


3 buildings hold the library’s collection.

The Library of Congress provides books and materials to the United States Congress. It

also lends book to other American libraries, government agencies and foreign libraries.

It buys some of its books and gets others as gifts. It also gets materials through its

copyright office. Anyone who wants copyright protection fro a publication in the United

States must send 2 copies to the library. This means the Library of Congress receives

almost everything that is published in the United States.

11. According to the passage, what was the Library of Congress in the very beginning?

A. a private library B. a reading room in the Capitol building C. a school

library D. a library with 3 buildings to hold its collection

12. When did America’s war with Britain probably break out?

A. around 1800 B. around 1814 C. around 1897 D. around 1901

13. Which of the following statements about the Library of Congress is TRUE

according to the passage?

A. the Library of Congress has more than 100 million books B. as other libraries,

readers can borrow books out from the Library of Congress C. the Library of

Congress is open to the public only except for government holidays D. the Library

of Congress was once destroyed in a fire

14. According to the passage, the Library of Congress can get its materials in the

following way EXCEPT _____.

A. by buying some of its books B. by getting some books as gifts from others

C. through its copyright office D. by borrowing books from other agencies

15. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. the History of the Library of Congress B. the Function of the Library of

Congress C. an Introduction to the Library of Congress D. the Significance of

the Library of Congress

Model Test 3

Passage One

Scientists say the corona (冠状物) virus, now identified as the cause of SARS, is part of

the same family of viruses that causes the common cold. But they say it is part of a

distinct sub-group of corona viruses that do not have the same properties as the ordinary


World Health Organization virologist (病毒学家) Klaus Stohr said that with the

identification of this corona virus, it could now be possible to develop more specific

diagnostic tests for the disease.

“Now the research can be focused on this virus. The research will help us to develop


new drugs,” he said. “Now we can focus on one pathogen (病原体) which ahs been

sequenced, which provides additional information for the development of tests. Now,

one can perhaps think about a vaccine (疫苗) if need be. We are still, I think, optimistic

that we can control the disease with the measures which have been implemented.”

SARS is spread by droplets through close personal contact. Symptoms include high

fever, a dry cough and shortness of breath. About 4% of its victims die. The scientists

say this virus has long existed in nature, but it has never been seen in humans before.

They say a new genetic sequencing of the SARS virus proves conclusively that it came

from animals. A scientist at the US Center for Disease Control, James Le Duc, says this

is the first experience scientists have with this virus. “Therefore,” he says, “a lot remains

unknown. So, I think it would be premature to suggest we are near the end of this


1. What is now identified as the cause of SARS according to the passage?

A. the virus that causes the common cold B. the virus that is completely different

from the virus that causes ordinary colds C. the virus that has never been tested in

humans before D. the virus that has never existed before

2. Which of the following in NOT the significance of the successful identification of

the cause of SARS?

A. more specific diagnostic tests for the disease are likely to be developed B. the

control of SARS becomes very easy C. it will help us to develop new medicines

D. the research of a vaccine for SARS can be started

3. What backs up the conclusion that the SARS virus came from animals?

A. the genetic analysis of the SARS virus B. the account of SARS patients C.

the fact that some animals are found to have died of SARS D. the fact that all of

the diseases human beings suffer are spread through animals

4. Which of the following statements about SARS is TRUE according to the passage?

A. a person who suffers from high fever, dry cough and shortness of breath is sure to be

infected with SARS B. scientists have a lot of experience in dealing with the SARS

virus C. most of the SARS patients will die within 5 weeks D. the SARS

virus is still a little mysterious to the scientists

5. The word “symptom” can be best replaced by _____.

A. disease B. sign C. test D. trouble

Passage Two

Sweden, Britain and Denmark are the only members of the 15 nation European Union

that do not use the euro (欧元). Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the

result of the Swedish vote will have no effect on his plans to decide by early next year

on whether to call a new referendum (公民投票) on the euro. Denmark voted no in



British Labor Party member Chris Bryant, who is chairman of the Labor Movement for

Europe, says that more than half of Britain’s trade is with Europe, and he hopes Britain

will be joining the euro as soon as possible. British Prime Minister Tony Blair had said

previously his government is committed in principle to joining the euro, provided that

economic conditions are right.

In Sweden, meanwhile, euro opponents have hailed the defeat of the single currency.

The leader of the Left Party, Ulla Hoffman, said the people have made it clear

democracy comes from the bottom, not from above. The Left Party, along with the

environmentalist Greens, fought against the euro. But Prime Mimister Goran Persson,

who led the movement for the euro, said Sweden would have worse opportunities

without the common currency in the long term.

Euro supporters say it would have improved trade with the 12-nation zone that uses the

euro, and that a no vote would leave Sweden without a voice in EU economic decisions.

Critics said the euro would mean higher prices and less money for Sweden’s

cradle-to-grave welfare state.

6. Among the following persons, who is a euro opponent according to the passage?

A. Chris Bryant B. Tony Blair C. Ulla Hoffman D. Goran Persson

7. What does a yes vote of common currency mean in the opponents’ eyes?

A. Sweden will have worse opportunities B. Sweden will have a strong voice in

EU economic decisions C. it is a democracy D. it will endanger Sweden’s

cradle-to-grave welfare state

8. Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?

A. Environmentalist Greens opposes to common currency B. Denmark has decided

to call a new referendum on the euro C. UK is very likely to join the euro if her

economic conditions are good D. most members of the European Union use the


9. The word “hail” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. cheer for B. feel uncomfortable for C. feel worried about D. analyze

10. What is the author’s tone in the passage?

A. ironic B. objective C. indifferent D. disapproving

Passage Three

A United Nations report is sounding an alarm on the state of the earth’s natural resources,

in advance of this month’s UN-sponsored sustainable development summit in


The report says sea levels rose and forests were destroyed at unprecedented (前所未有的) rates during the last decade. It notes that more than 40 percent of the world’s


population ----- 2 billion people ----- now face water shortages. And it predicts that with

the global population expected to increase from 6 billion to 8 billion people over the

next 25 years, further environmental stress is expected. UN Under-secretary General

Nitin Desai says the most important message in the report is that the world’s

environmental crises are interrelated. As an example. He cites the “Asian Brown

Cloud”, a “poisonous cocktail” of particulate (微粒的) matter, chemicals, and various

aerosols (浮质), currently hanging over a vast area of southeast Asia.

“Here you have a situation which arises because of the unsustainable way energy is used

in this region, which is leading to these problems which impact on agriculture, on water,

on health,” said Mr. Desai. “If you really want to address water, agriculture and health,

you have to address energy. You can’t reduce poverty unless you also address land and

water. You can’t improve children’s health without addressing water and sanitation (卫生) and air quality.”

Mr. Desai, who will lead the Earth Summit, says that governments must form specific

partnerships to reduce threats in 5 areas: water, energy, agriculture, biodiversity and


11. When is the UN report mentioned in the passage released?

A. at the sustainable development summit B. before the Earth Summit C.

after the sustainable development summit D. last year

12. “Asian Brown Cloud” is used as an example to show that _____.

A. environmental protection needs cooperation B. Asia is the most polluted area in

the world C. air pollution in Asia is very serious D. travelers are warned not

to visit Asia

13. What results in the problems concerning agriculture, water and health according to

the passage?

A. the rising sea level B. the conflicts around the world C. the improved

living standard D. the unsustainable way energy is used

14. What does the word “address” mean?

A. speak to B. make a formal speech to C. deal with D. make use of

15. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. natural resource shortage will be a great problem in the future B. poverty can be

reduced by increasing production C. sustainable development is impossible D.

southeast Asia is the most polluted area in the world

Model Test 4

Passage One

The human form of mad cow disease, an incurable, brain-wasting illness that’s killed


more than 100 people in Britain, has claimed its first Canadian victim. Canadian health

officials confirmed Thursday that the unidentified man died sometime this summer. The

man, who lived in the western province of Saskatchewan, contracted the disease from

eating contaminated (污染的) meat while traveling in Britain.

Dr. Antonio Giulivi, an official with the government agency Health Canada, quickly

moved to calm fears by assuring the public the disease had not entered the Canadian

food supply.

The variant of the cow-killing illness, known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, is believed to

be caused when ground parts of diseased cattle are mixed into cattle feed and those cows

are turned into processed meats for human consumption. Though the disease cannot be

confirmed until an autopsy (尸体解剖) is performed on the dead brain, symptoms of

human infection include uncontrolled shaking, dementia (痴呆) and finally paralysis (瘫痪).

But while government officials insisted safeguards are in place to keep the disease out of

Canadian meat, warnings were issued to 71 patients at the hospital where the infected

man was treated before his illness was identified. Those patients had been treated with

the same medical instruments used on the diseased man. Though the instruments were

cleaned and disinfected (消毒), officials said a theoretical possibility remains that those

people could have been infected.

News of the death initially sent Canadian restaurant stocks into a tailspin (直线下降),

but most of them recovered by the end of the trading session.

1. Where is the Canadian supposed to contact mad cow disease?

A. in Saskatchewan B. in Britain C. in Canada D. not mentioned

2. Which part of the body does the mad cow disease mainly affect?

A. hands B. legs C. brain D. liver

3. Why did the Canadian government issue warnings to 71 patients?

A. they ever used the same medical instruments with the first Canadian victim B.

they were intimate relatives of the first Canadian victim C. they had ever traveled

to Britain D. they were supposed to have contacted mad cow disease

4. What did Health Canada do after the mad cow disease infected a Canadian?

A. Health Canada concealed the truth by all means B. Health Canada tried to

remove public fear C. Health Canada succeeded in curing the victim D.

Health Canada tried to find ways to cure the disease

5. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. the news of the mad cow disease death has no effect on Canadian economy B.

we can decide whether a person contract mad cow disease by the symptoms of

uncontrolled shaking, dementia and paralysis C. some cows in Canada contracted


mad cow disease D. the mad cow disease is not completely known to the scientists


Passage Two

The seventh-largest US airline, US Airways, Sunday sought protection from its creditors

(债权者) under the American bankruptcy (破产) law. The airline will continue

operations while it seeks a solution to its financial crisis.

Based in suburban Washington, US Airways is the first major American airline to

declare bankruptcy since the September 11 attacks jolted (震撼、震摇) the airline

industry. US Airways suffered from a net loss of more than 2 billion dollars last year and

has continued to lose money this year. The company employs 40,000 workers and

operates 340 airplanes. Its routes are concentrated in the northeast of the United States.

Company management say US Airways has obtained emergency private sector financing,

as well as government funds, to assure continuing operations. Not long after September

11, the company laid off 11,000 workers and has been seeking salary concessions (让步)

from its plots and mechanics.

This is the second major bankruptcy to impact the Washington DC area in the past

month. In July, the number-two US telecommunications company, WorldCom, declared

bankruptcy. WorldCom’s MCI long distance subsidiary, like US Airways, is based in

northern Virginia.

US Airways has long been regarded as the most financially vulnerable of the major US

airlines. The company has high labor costs and operates in a very competitive market. A

recent attempt to merge (与…合并) with United Airlines, which is also financially weak,

was rejected as anti-competitive by government regulators.

6. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the US Airways’ financial crisis

according to the passage?

A. high labor costs B. fierce market competition C. financial scandal D.

the impact of September 11 terrorist attack

7. What has US Airways NOT done to assure continuing operation?

A. US Airways has reduced its staff B. US Airways has expanded its business

C. US Airways has sought financing and government funds D. US Airways has

sought protection from its creditors under the American bankruptcy law

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. US Airway will not continue operations while it seeks protection from its creditors

under the American bankruptcy law B. US Airways is the first American airline to

declare bankruptcy since September 11 C. the pilots and mechanics of US Airways

get lower salaries than before D. the bankruptcy of WorldCom is due to the impact

of September 11


9. The attempt of US Airways to merge with United Airlines was rejected due to


A. the strong opposition of the employees B. the strong opposition of United

Airlines C. the fact that United Airlines was also financially weak D. the

doubt that the merge may be anti-competitive

10. What does the word “vulnerable” probably mean?

A. weak B. strong C. active D. dangerous

Passage Three

The University of Chicago is a private, nondenominational (与宗教宗派无关的),

co-educational institution of higher learning and research. It is located in the community

of Hyde Park ----- South Kenwood, a culturally rich and ethnically diverse neighborhood,

7 miles south of downtown Chicago.

The University was founded by John D. Rockefeller. William Rainey Harper was its first

president. Classes began on October 1, 1892, with an enrollment of 594 students and a

faculty of 103, including 8 former college presidents. In 1930 the undergraduate College

and the graduate divisions were created. Such cross-fertilization continues to

characterize the University.

Candidates for admission to graduate programs in the divisions at the University of

Chicago should address their inquiries, including requests for application forms, to the

dean of students of the graduate division to which application is being made.

An applicant who holds a degree from an accredited (公认的) institution is considered

for admission on the basis of (1) an undergraduate record, (2) a well-organized plan for

graduate study, (3) Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and TOEFL scores, where

required, and (4) recommendations from 3 college faculty members acquainted with the

character, ability, potential, qualifications, and motivation of the applicant. Persons who

have been away from school for several years may submit recommendations from

employers professional associates, or supervisors. Transcripts of all academic work

should be submitted with the application if at all possible; the applicant should request

each institution attended to provide an official transcript in a sealed envelope.

11. What can be concluded from the first paragraph?

A. only boys were admitted when the University of Chicago was founded B. the

University of Chicago is mainly financed by the government C. the University of

Chicago is located in the suburb of a city D. the people of South Kenwood have

similar cultural tradition

12. The University of Chicago has long been characterized by _____.

A. its cross-fertilization B. its long history C. its excellent teaching staff

D. its beautiful campus


13. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. the founder of the University of Chicago is also its first president B. the

University of Chicago began to enroll graduates since its foundation C. some of its

first graduates or teachers became the presidents of it several colleges D. the

University of Chicago has always been reluctant to enroll students from other

universities in its graduate programs

14. To whom should the application form for the admission to the graduate programs of

the University of Chicago be addressed?

A. the dean of students of its graduate division B. the president of the university

C. the concerning professor D. any teachers in the university

15. What is NOT a requirement for a graduate who wants to be admitted in the graduate

programs in the University of Chicago?

A. an undergraduate record B. GRE scores C. a detailed plan for graduate

study D. a national examination

Model Test 5

Passage One

The latest data released by International Monetary Fund (IMF) show China’s GDP rank

dropped from No. 6 to No. 7 whilst GDP per capita (按人口平均计算) jumped one

place from No. 111 to No. 110. IMF measured with Atlas Methodology the GDPs and

per capita GDPs of 179 countries and regions in 2003. The conclusion is that in 2003 the

top ten GDPs were those of the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy,

China, Canada, Spain and Mexico. China’s Hong Kong had a GDP ranking No. 31

worldwide dropping three places. China’s Taiwan ranked No. 20 dropping three places.

In 2003 in spite of the SARS epidemic and the infliction of natural disaster the Chinese

economy still kept a rapid growth. In that year China’s GDP was US $1409.9 billion,

which has been one of the fastest increases since 1997. It accounted for 3.9% of total

world GDP and increased 0.1 percentages over the previous year. Dropping one place

over the previous year it took the No. 7 place worldwide. It was learned that the reason

China’s GDP dropped place in 2003 was primarily due to the appreciation of Euro

against Dollar and RMB’s comparative stable exchange rate to Dollar.

The statistics also show that in 2003 China’s per capita GDP was US$1,087 ranking No.

110 worldwide. It jumped one place but was still among the mid/low-ranking countries.

Though still small compared with those of developed countries China’s per capita GDP

for the first time exceeded the US$ 1,000 pass. The countries whose GDP per capita

ranked among the top ten were Luxemburg, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Ireland, the

United States, Iceland, Japan, Sweden and Qatar.


1. What does IMF’s conclusion indicate?

A. China’s GDP per capita rank dropped in 2003 B. Mexico’s GDP is greater than

Inida’s C. China’s economic growth is slower than the previous years D.

China’s GDP took up 3.9% percent of total world GDP in 2003

2. According to the passage, China’s GDP rank dropped in 2003 because of _____.

A. the devaluation of dollars B. the SARS epidemic C. the natural disaster in

China D. the decrease of China’s population

3. What CANNOT be inferred from the passage?

A. in 2002, China’s GDP accounted for 3.8% of total world GDP B. in 2002,

China’s GDP ranked 6 worldwide C. when US dollar devalues, Chinese RMB

generally gains in value D. Qatar is the richest country in Asia in terms of GDP per


4. What does the word “appreciation” most probably mean?

A. recognition B. a rise in value C. judgment D. understanding

5. According to the passage, what is the author’s attitude to China’s economy?

A. disappointed B. indifferent C. doubtful D. optimistic

Passage Two

Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to

research at Carnegie Mellon University. Even people who spent just a few hours a week

on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on

less frequently, the two-year study showed. And it wasn’t that people who were already

feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually appeared to

cause the bad feelings.

Researchers are puzzling over the results, which were completely contrary to their

expectations. They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television,

since the Net allow users to choose their information and to communicate with others.

The fact that Internet use reduces time available for family and friends may account for

the drop in well-being, researchers hypothesized. Faceless, bodiless “virtual” (虚拟的)

communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the

relationships formed through it may be shallower. Another possibility is that exposure to

the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.

“But it’s important to remember this is not about the technology, per se (自身、本身); it’s

about how it is used,” says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study’s

sponsors. “It really points to the need for considering social factors in terms of how you

design application and services for technology.”

6. The word “well-being” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. trouble B. health C. depression D. excitement


7. What is the intended conclusion of the research conducted by Carnegie?

A. Internet use may lead to mental dissatisfaction B. Internet use is sure to cause a

decline in mental well-being C. people who spend just a few hours on the Internet

will be happier D. people who use TV are less socially healthier than those who

use the Internet

8. Which of the following CANNOT explain the result of the research according to the


A. Internet users may spend less time with their family and friends B. the “virtual”

communication may be less psychologically satisfying C. Internet users may be

less satisfied with their lives D. Internet users make too many friends through the


9. What lessons may be drawn from the result of the research?

A. we should not have developed the Internet technology B. we should change the

way we use the Internet C. we need Internet technology very much D. TV is

more useful than the Internet

10. What is the best title for the passage?

A. the popularity of Internet use B. the history of Internet use C. the harm of

Internet use D. the fast development of Internet use

Passage Three

The computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s. The cause

of the term “computer virus” is the likeness between the biological virus and the evil

program infected with computers. The origin of this term came from an American

science fiction The Adolescence of P-1 written by Thomas J. Ryan, published in 1977.

Human viruses invade (侵袭) a living cell and turn it into a factory for manufacturing

viruses. However, computer viruses are small programs. They replicate (复制) by

attaching a copy of themselves to another program.

Once attached to me host Program, the viruses then look for other programs to “infect”.

In this way, the virus can spread quickly throughout a hard disk or an entire organization

when it infects a LAN (局域网) or a multi-user system. At some point, determined by

how the virus was programmed the virus attacks. The timing of the attack can be linked

to a number of situations, including a certain time or date, the presence of a particular

file, the security privilege level of the user, and the number of times a file is used.

Likewise, the mode of attack varies. So-called “benign” viruses might simply display a

message, like the one that infected IBM’s main computer system last Christmas with a

season’s greeting. Malignant viruses are designed to damage the system. The attack is to

wipe out data, to delete files, or to format the hard disk.

11. What results in the wide spread of computer viruses according to the passage?


A. the overgrowth of computer B. the likeness between the biological virus and

evil program C. the American science fiction The Adolescence of P-1 D. the

weak management of the government

12. What is computer virus in fact?

A. a kind of biological virus B. a kind of evil program C. a kind of biological

worm D. something that only exists in the fictions

13. What usually determines the variety of the virus attacks?

A. the time the attack is made B. the presence of a particular file C. the

security privilege level of the user D. the different ways the virus was programmed

14. What is the harm of “benign” viruses according to the passage?

A. “benign” virus might wipe out data from the computer B. “benign” virus might

delete files C. “benign” virus might display a message D. “benign” virus

might format the hard disk

15. Where does the term “computer virus” come from?

A. it comes from a play B. it comes from a computer game C. it comes from

a science fiction D. it comes from a news report

Model Test 6

Passage One

Fast food, a mainstay of American eating for decades, may have reached a high in the

United States as the maturing baby-boom generation looks for a more varied menu. Fast

food still represents a $102 billion a year industry, but growth has turned sluggish (缓慢的) recently amid tough competition from retail food stores and a more affluent (富裕的)

population willing to try new things and spend more, analysts say.

Signs of trouble in fast food include price-cutting by industry leaders, including efforts

by McDonald’s to attract customers with a 55 cent hamburger, and major players pulling

out or selling. O’Pepsico, for example, is selling its fast-food restaurant division that

includes Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC. “It’s becoming harder and harder for these firms

to grow,” said Jim Brown, a professor of marketing at Virginia Tech University. “I think

in the United States fast food has reached a saturation (饱和) point because of the

number of competitors and the number of outlets.”

Fast-food restaurant revenues grew 2.5% in 1996, according to industry figures, the

slowest since the recession of 1991. That is a far cry from (大不相同于、很不相同于)

the levels of the 1970s and 1980s. According to the Food Marketing Institute, consumers

are using supermarkets for 21% of take-home food, nearly double the level of a year ago.

While fast=food restaurants still lead, their share slipped significantly, from 48% in 1996

to 41% in 1997.


1. According to the passage, the following factors EXCEPT _____.

A. the tough competition B. a richer population C. the saturation of market

D. the lower quality of fast food

2. Which of the following signs does NOT show that fast food industry is experiencing

a hard time?

A. price-cutting by industry leaders B. the leading role of fast food in the market of

take-home food C. the selling of KFC D. the pulling out of some fast food


3. Who is a strong competitor to fast-food restaurant in the market of take-home food

according to the passage?

A. supermarkets B. Chinese restaurants C. hotels D. groceries

4. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. fast-food restaurant revenues are declining B. fast food is very popular in the

1970s and the 1980s C. the baby boom generation has never liked fast food D.

rich people like fast food more

5. What is the passage mainly concerned about?

A. the popularity of fast food B. the disadvantage of fast food C. the troubles

of fast food D. the advantage of fast food

Passage Two

Africa’s hunger is growing, dangerously. However quickly donors (捐赠者) respond to

the disastrous food shortage in southern Africa, millions more people will need aid over

the next nine months. Stocks from April’s awful harvest are nearly exhausted. The World

Food Program (WFP) says that 7 million people already need help, and that the numbers

will double before Christmas. In the worst-affected countries, Zambia, Zimbabwe and

Malawi, maize harvests were miserable, but cassava (木薯) and potatoes partly filled the

gap. Now these are almost gone, too. Within months, say aid agencies, chronic (慢性的、延续很长的) hunger could give way to starvation in the most remote areas. If donors are

slow or obstructed, a vaster famine looms (迫近).

Rural people are vulnerable even in normal times. Malawi’s woes (悲哀) are typical: it

has a shrinking economy and endemic (地方性的) poverty; half of its children are

chronically malnourished. An acute land shortage has led to over-use, soil degradation

(退化) and small yields. Imported fertilizer could make even tiny plots productive, but

most small farmers cannot afford to buy it, and donors are sending less of it free. An

internal report written in July by Britain’s Department for International Development

admits that its own severe cut in “free inputs” for Malawi’s farmers in 2000 and 2001

was a “more important factor” leading to hunger than two years of bad weather.

6. How many people need food help before Christmas in Africa according to the WFP?


A. 3.5 million B. 7 million C. 10 million D. 14 million

7. What harvest is awful in April according to the passage?

A. maize B. cassava C. potatoes D. tomatoes

8. Which of the following is NOT the factor leading to hunger according to the


A. land shortage B. less free imported fertilizer C. the rising of sea level

D. bad weather

9. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. within months, millions of people will get free food from WFP B. in 2000 and

2001, Malawi suffered from bad weather C. less and less people suffered from

food shortage D. stocks from April’s harvest in Africa can last 9 months

10. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Africa today B. Malawi’s woes C. Africa’s hunger D. April’s awful


Passage Three

It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an

education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to

go to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is


Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows

no bounds (限度、范围). It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job,

whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes

place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. Whereas schooling has a

certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation

with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions.

People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad,

inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school,

and one that should be an integral part of one’s entire life.

Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern

varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school

at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar

textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be

learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the working of

government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught.

There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.

11. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. education can take place anywhere B. education has a certain predictability


C. education consists of formal learning and informal learning D. education is a

lifelong process

12. Which of the following words can replace the work “all-inclusive”?

A. beneficial B. frequent C. comprehensive D. useful

13. According to the passage. Schooling usually takes place _____.

A. in a shower B. in a kitchen C. in a job D. in a classroom

14. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. nearly everyone is getting education B. nearly everyone is getting schooling

C. schooling is more important than education D. there is little difference between

schooling and education

15. What is the best title for the passage?

A. education in the United States B. the importance of education C. the

importance of schooling D. education and schooling

Model Test 7

Passage One

Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which

products and services that are in limited supply are rationed (分配) among buyers. The

price system of the United States is a complex network composed of the prices of all the

products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of (大量、许多)

services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services. The

inter-relationships of all these prices make up the “system” of prices. The price of any

particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which

everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.

If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define “price”, many

would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product

or service or, in other words that price is the money values of a product or service as

agreed upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes.

For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than

the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and the seller should be

familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product

or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and

payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that

apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return

privileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware

of all the factors that comprise the total “package” being exchanged for the asked-for

amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price.


1. Which of the following statements about prices is FALSE according to the passage?

A. prices affect the use of resources B. prices are ways to assign resources in a

proper way C. the prices of all products constitute the price system of US D.

the prices of different products depend on each other

2. When it comes to “prices”, most people have in mind _____ first.

A. a sum of money B. a number of products C. the form of money to be used

D. the quality of service

3. “Price” involves the following factors EXCEPT _____ according to the passage.

A. the time when a transition is made B. the place when a transition is made

C. the guarantees involved in the transition D. the credits a person earns in college

4. The word “discount” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. discovery B. account C. reduction in prices D. increase in prices

5. Who are the most intended readers of the passage?

A. pupils B. beginners of economics C. economists D. scientists

Passage Two

The modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radio,

televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without

them. When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering (摇曳的)

candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them,

and food spoils in silent refrigerators.

Yet, people began to understand how electricity works only a little more than two

centuries ago. Nature has apparently been experimenting in this field for million of years.

Scientists are discovering more and more that the living world may hold many

interesting secrets of electricity that could benefit humanity.

All living cell send out tiny pulses of electricity. As the heart beats, it sends out pulses of

record; they form an electrocardiogram (心电图), which a doctor can study to determine

how well the heart is working. The brain, too, sends out brain waves of electricity, which

can be recorded in an electroencephalogram (脑电图). The electric currents generated by

most living cells are extremely small ----- often so small that sensitive instruments are

needed to record them. But in some animals, certain muscle cells have become so

specialized as electrical generators that they do not work as muscle cells at all. When

large numbers of these cells are linked together, the effects can be astonishing. The

electric eel is an amazing storage battery. It can seed a jolt (颠簸、震动) of as much as

899 volts of electricity through the water in which it live.

6. The first paragraph mainly tells us _____.

A. the possibility of a power failure B. the heavy dependence of people on

electricity C. the wonders of electric lights, radio, TV and telephone D. the


function of traffic lights

7. Which of the following animals can produce very strong electricity according to the


A. human beings B. any kind of fish C. eagles D. electric eel

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. people have understood how electricity works for a long time B. one of the

roles that scientist play is to discover secret in nature that may benefit human beings

C. most living cells send out pulses of electricity D. most living cells can send out

very strong pulses of electricity

9. Why do some animals can generate very strong pulses of electricity?

A. because there exist some certain cells in their bodies specialized to generate

electricity B. because there exists an amazing storage battery in their bodies

C. because they live in water D. because they have received professional training

10. The passage deals with many elements EXCEPT _____.

A. the significance of electricity B. the heavy dependence of people on electricity

C. the danger of electricity D. some electric animals

Passage Three

Today Eilat’s corals are facing extinction and the colorful translucent (透明的) fish are

disappearing because of what environmentalists say is a profitable fish-farm industry in

the region’s waters. “It was one of the most beautiful reefs (珊瑚礁) in the world and

believe me I’ve seen them all. It was a pearl and it’s really very painful to see it dying,”

said Professor Yossi Loya, an internationally renowned coral (珊瑚) ecologist. He and

other experts say Eilat’s reefs will soon be wiped out unless the government swiftly

closes companies that breed some five million fish a year in cages and are operating

without permits. “We are in the eleventh hour, the very last moment to save them,” said

Loya, who has studied Eilat’s reefs for decades. The fish firms deny any direct link with

the coral decline.

The reefs had sustained damage for years as Eilat and the neighboring Jordanian Red

Sea resort of Aqaba grew from isolated desert outposts into tourist boom towns. Loya

and other experts say the most severe damage began in 1993 after fish companies started

mass production. At the time, the reefs should have regenerated as a sewage plant (污水处理厂) began to treat Eilat’s waste. Instead, coral degradation accelerated and new

coral growth dropped to near zero.

“What happened between 1993 and 2000 is there was an exponential increase (指数倍增长) in the yield of fish cages from 300 tons per year to something like 2,000 tons per

year,” Loya said. These fish excrete nitrates (硝酸钾) that develop plankton (浮游生物),

the enemy of corals as they make the sea water murky and block sunlight which is an


essential ingredient for coral survival.

11. What leads to the coral decline according to the environmentalists?

A. the warmer temperature B. the expansion of fish-firm companies C. the oil

pollution in the neighboring regions D. the less nitrogen

12. In Professor Yossi Loya’s opinion, the government should _____ to save Eilat’s


A. allow no tourism in the region B. increase nitrogen in the waters C. close

fish companies in the waters immediately D. build a sewage plant in the region

13. After a sewage plant was built, what happened to the reefs according to the passage?

A. coral degradation accelerated B. reefs regenerated C. the waters were

cleaner D. there were more fish firms

14. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. there is no way to save the beautiful reefs B. the reefs began to suffer damage

recently C. the coral decline is due to the direct damage of human beings D.

the fish that fish companies breed are the enemy of the beautiful reefs

15. The passage mainly deals with _____.

A. the colorfulness of Red Sea corals B. the beauty of Jordanian Red Sea C.

the condition of Jordanian Red Sea D. the cause of coral decline

Model Test 8

Passage One

You don’t need millions to be happy. At the Happiness Institute in Australia, a couple of

hundred dollars may do the trick. Since the institute opened its doors this year, men and

women of all ages have been paying A $200 an hour (US$140) for lessons in how to feel

great. Businesses are spending as much as A $6,000 on half-day happiness workshops

for their staff.

“You can actually increase your happiness levels. That’s what we teach,” said Timothy

Sharp, founder of institute, which also offers group sessions (团体课程) from A $30 a

head. “We take people from zero and try to put a positive in their happiness bank

account. You don’t have to settle just for OKness. It’s no more OK than having a zero

bank balance. You can have a lot more,” Sharp said.

Experts say only about 15% of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial

factors. As much as 90% comes from elements such as attitude, life control and

relationships. “If you’re not a natural (理想人员) in any of these areas you can learn to

get a lot better at them,” Sharp said.

The Happiness Institute is part of what US economist Paul Zane Pilzer calls the Wellness

Revolution. In his book of the same name, Pilzer says the next trillion-dollar industry


after cars and information technology will be in preventative businesses that help people

find peace, health and happiness. While most of us are significantly better off (富裕的)

financially than our parents and grandparents, happiness levels haven’t changed to

reflect that. Studies show that once the basic needs of shelter and food are met,

additional wealth adds very little to happiness.

1. How much should a company spend if he wants his staff to accept the happiness

education for half a day?

A. A $30 B. A $200 C. A $140 D. A $6,000

2. Which of the following factors least affects one’s feeling of happiness according to

the passage?

A. income B. attitude C. life control D. relationships

3. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. cars and information technology will be the next two trillion-dollar industries B.

Pilzer wrote the book Wellness Revolution C. people in the past were better off

financially than now D. our parents are happier than us

4. Which of the following statements about the importance of money in making

oneself feel happy is TRUE according to the passage?

A. the more money you have, the more happiness you can obtain B. money is by

no means important C. money is extremely important when one’s needs of shelter

are not met D. money is the most important factors when one is very rich

5. Which of the following titles is the best one for the passage?

A. factors of happiness B. the importance of money C. money is happiness

D. what happiness means

Passage Two

Researchers say most of us make instant judgments about a person on the basis of how

they look. They say facial features can determine whether we like or trust someone. It

may even influence how we vote

“Over the years, we have found that facial features affect the way many of us perceive

others,” says Elisabeth Cornwell, a psychology researcher at the university’s Perception

Laboratory. Studies suggest that people are less likely to trust those with particularly

masculine features, such as a square jaw, small eyes or big nose. “They are perceived as

dominant and less trustworthy,” says Ms Cornwell. “It doesn’t mean that men who look

more masculine are less trustworthy ----- It’s just our first impressions.” Those with less

masculine features ----- larger eyes, a smaller nose and thinner lips ----- are deemed to be

more trustworthy. “We are very good at processing these features quickly,” says Ms


The researchers are putting their science to the test at the Royal Society’s annual


summer exhibition in London. They have subtly manipulated (利用) the faces of Prime

Minister Tony Blair, Conservative leader Michael Howard and Liberal Democrat leader

Charles Kennedy accentuating (着重) their dominant and trust worthy features

respectively. “We have used a computer program to change the shape of their face and

features. We hope it will help people to understand our work.” So should we expect to

see Tony Blair, Michael Howard and Charles Kennedy at the exhibition getting tips? “I

don’t think it’s something they will want to try,” says Ms Cornwell. “It’s not really

possible with television. We all know what they look like. I think they would be naïve to

try it.”

6. Why are people less likely to trust those with particularly masculine features?

A. because they are bad-tempered B. because they are perceived as dominant and

less trustworthy C. because they are perceived as tricky D. because they are

more stubborn

7. According to the passage, which of the following is perceived as a masculine


A. larger eyes B. a square jaw C. a smaller nose D. thinner lips

8. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. most of us tend to judge people by how they look B. some studies show that

people with particular masculine features are more dominant C. a candidate with

less masculine features is more likely to win a vote D. most of us are with

masculine features

9. Why will Tony Blair not want to change his facial features according to the passage?

A. because he is so popular that everyone knows what he looks like B. because he

does not want to get tips C. because he has great confidence in his looks D.

because he is very naive

10. What is the best title for the passage?

A. facial features B. how people perceive others C. facial features are

everything D. how facial features affect one’s first impression

Passage Three

A mixed state secondary school has banned skirts because its girls have been wearing

them too short. The new uniform regulations at Keswick High School, near Ipswich,

require girls to wear trousers to school to stop them turning up for lessons in miniskirts.

The decision was made after consultations with parents, pupils and teachers. The new

rules will come into effect in September.

Margaret Young, the chairman of the school governors, said: “Two years ago we sent out

a letter to parents asking them to make sure skirts were regulation length, which is just

above the knee. The impact was short-lived and it wasn’t long before skirts were very


short again.” George Thomas, the school’s head teacher, said the ban was necessary

because some girls’ skirts were impractical as well as immodest. Mrs. Young, whose 3

grandchildren go to the school, said that the school was simply trying to enforce (执行)

a uniform code. She said: “Parents might see their daughter go to school in one skirt but

they change to another, shorter one, at school or they roll up the top to make them look

shorter. Some are practically pelmets (窗帘盒). Teachers waste a lot of time talking to

pupils about uniform.”

Most parents have welcomed the uniform change. “Some have said they were concerned

about the safety of their children walking home,” said Mrs. Young. The father of a

15-year-old girl at the school said: “It is an extreme measure but I can see their point.

Yet surely they could enforce a regulation skirt rather than ban them.”

The Equal Opportunities Commission said that this was the first case they had heard of

in which a school had banned skirts. A spokesman said: “There have been many cases of

girls wanting to wear trousers at school but not the other way round. We are not sure

whether the uniform is more restrictive for girls than boys from a legal point of view.”

11. The school is made to ban skirts because _____ according to the passage.

A. the temperature is too low B. the school just conforms to the congress’ decision

C. many school girls wear too short skirts in the school D. all the school boys

demand that the girls wear trousers

12. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. the school to ban skirts is a private school B. the school has taken several

measures to prevent girls wearing miniskirt C. Margaret Young is the school’s head

teacher D. teachers of the school seldom talk to the pupils about the uniform

13. What is most parents’ reaction to the uniform change?

A. pleased B. disapproving C. indifferent D. neutral

14. What is the attitude of the Equal Opportunities Commission to the measure of

banning skirt in school?

A. objective B. unfavorable C. arbitrary D. further concerned

15. Which of the following words has the closest meaning with the word “point”?

A. meaning B. hole C. mark D. spot

Model Test 9

Passage One

Scientists have shown that there is a degree of truth in the old adage (格言) that love is

blind. They have found that feelings of love lead to a suppression of activity in the areas

of the brain controlling critical thought. It seems that once we get close to a person, the

brain decides the need to assess their character and personality is reduced.


The study, by University College London, is published in NeuroImage. The researchers

found that both romantic love and maternal love (母爱) produce the same effect on the

brain. They suppress neural (神经系统的) activity associated with critical social

assessment of other people and negative emotions.

The UCL team scanned the brains of 20 young mothers while they viewed pictures of

their own children, children they were acquainted with, and adult friends. The team

found that the patterns of brain activity were very similar to those identified in an earlier

study looking at the effects of romantic love. Both studies recorded increased activity in

parts of the brain’s “reward system”. When these areas are stimulated ----- as they can be

by food and drink, or even monetary gain ----- they produce feelings of euphoria (精神欢快).

But perhaps more surprisingly, both studies also showed reduced levels of activity in the

systems necessary for making negative judgments. Lead researcher Dr. Andreas Bartels

said it was crucial that both romantic and maternal love were viewed by the brain in a

highly positive way ----- because both were crucial to the perpetuation (永存) of the


1. Why do scientists believe that love is blind in some degree?

A. because feelings of love lead to less critical thought B. because feeling of love

lead to less positive judgments C. because feelings of love lead to more active

thought D. because feelings of love lead to a better appetite

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. the closer we get to a person, the more carefully the brain will assess his or her

character and personality B. romantic love and maternal love have different effects

on one’s brain C. the two studies mentioned in the passage have similar findings

D. the subjects of the recent study are some children

3. Which of the following activities can increase the feeling of love?

A. critical thought B. negative emotions C. negative judgment D.

increased activity in “reward system”

4. What kind of feeling will be caused when the brain’s “reward system” is stimulated?

A. painful feelings B. feelings of happiness C. feelings of suppression

D. feelings of loneliness

5. What is the significance of the “blind” romantic love and maternal love?

A. they make people feel relaxed B. they may reduce the population of the world

C. they are important to the perpetuation of the species D. they make it easier for

people to find their mates

Passage Two

The weak American dollar and strong European and Asian currencies helped make


Tokyo and London the most expensive cities in the world, according to a recent survey.

American cities were absent from the top 10, with the most expensive US city, New

York, dropping two spots from last year to 12 in the survey of 144 urban areas

conducted by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. Moscow ranked in third place, with

Osaka, and Hong Kong rounding out the top five most expensive cities.

The survey, drawn up twice a year, ranks cost of living for foreign workers, not local

residents, and is used primarily by multinational companies to determine pay for

expatriate (驻国外的) employees. “The euro appreciated (升值) more than 11% in the

last 6 months,” said Marie-Laurence Sepede, senior researcher at Mercer. “So that made

European cities go up and US cities drop.” Sepede noted that while US cities got

cheaper in relation to those in Europe and Asia, the rankings among American cities

remained similar to previous years, with Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco all

placing high on the list.

Also notable was the climb of Australian and New Zealand cities up the list, a shift

caused by those nations’ strong currencies. Sydney moved from 67 last year to 20 this

year, and Auckland, New Zealand climbed 35 places to 80. The rest of the top 20

remained fairly constant, although Paris, Vienna in Austria and Istanbul in Turkey made

their first appearances so high in the rankings.

The survey took into consideration 250 criteria, including the cost of utilities, food and

entertainment. While the survey looked at a range of living standards, Sepede said the

study was most representative of the expenses of people working for big international

corporations and maintaining fairly high standards of living. Mercer said the continued

appreciation of the euro against the US dollar could eventually force companies to move

employees and reorganize. “Mainly, the depreciation (贬值) of the dollar makes it

cheaper to send employees to American cities,” said Jackie Barber, a spokeswoman for

the survey.

6. What may lead to the drop of New York in the rank of living cost according to the


A. the effective measures taken by the local government to reduce living cost B.

the weak American dollars C. the impact of the September 11 attack D. the

different methods adopted in the two surveys

7. What is the rank based on?

A. cost of living for foreign workers B. cost of living for local workers C.

cost of living for local citizens D. cost of living for travelers

8. The rank is a useful reference for _____.

A. financial institutions B. high-technology companies C. international

corporations D. local corporations


9. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. every year only one rank of cities based on the living cost is made B. Auckland

is ranked in the 35th place this year C. Turkey made its first appearance in the

rankings D. the strong Australian dollars make the climb of Australian cities up the


10. The rank indicates that _____.

A. Tokyo is the most developed city in the world B. New York suffered an

economic depression last year C. American cities, in some way, are better places to

establish companies for foreign investors D. Asia is becoming increasingly


Passage Three

The secret of a long and happy marriage appears to be not to expect too much from it.

US researchers say that, unless you have superior relationship skills, your hopes of cozy

coupledom (美满婚姻) are likely to dashed (破裂). Far better, they say, to aim low to

ensure you are not disappointed. The key to keeping that newly-wed glow appears to be

forgiveness and communication.

The study, by researchers from Ohio and Florida Universities looked at 82 couples. They

quizzed all the spouses independently over 4 years.

Their study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, found those

who believed their partner would be unfailingly (永远) kind, loving and agree with their

every word, could retain their positive outlook by being forgiving, and having charitable

(仁慈的) explanations for their partner’s negative behavior. However those with high

expectations but without those relationship skills are likely to be brought down to earth

fairly quickly as their Prince or Princess Charming falls off their pedestal.

In contrast, the researchers say holding a more prosaic (平凡的) view of your loved one

means you are less likely to be disappointed, and therefore more satisfied with your

marriage. Writing in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers led

by James McNulty, professor of psychology at Ohio University, said: “In contrast to the

idea that expectations in the early years of marriage exert main effects on satisfaction,

the current findings suggest that the effects of expectations interact with the skills

partners bring to their relationships.” Previous research found that people tend to select

like-minded partners who they believe will be able to maintain a stable relationship.

The finding contradicts the old adage (格言) that opposites attract. Instead, the US

researchers said people looking for long-term relationships should select partners who

were similar to themselves, rather than seeking out the highest quality partner available.

11. According to the passage, the disappointment of the newly-wed couples is caused by



A. high expectations B. pessimism C. forgiveness D. communication

12. The new finding of the current survey reveals that _____.

A. expectations in the early years of marriage exert main effects on satisfaction B.

expectations in the early years of marriage exert no effects on satisfaction C. the

effects of expectations on marriage interact with relationship skills D. relationship

skills exert main effects on satisfaction

13. Who is the most suitable partner for the people looking for ling-term relationships?

A. highest quality partners B. partners with similar characters to them C.

narrow-minded partners D. open-minded partners

14. The phrase “fall off their pedestal” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. be no longer admired B. be well-protected C. be made fun of D. be

looked down upon

15. What can we learn from the passage?

A. high expectations are certain to result in disappointment in marriage B. lack of

forgiveness and communication may result in disappointment in marriage C.

people with opposite characters attract D. couples cannot get happiness in their

first several years’ marriage life

Model Test 10

Passage One

The secret of being born lucky is a summer birthday, with May babies most likely to

enjoy a lifetime’s good fortune, according to a study of more than 40,000 people. The

time of year at which you are born has an enduring influence on levels of optimism and

self-reported luck, according to research by British and Swedish scientists. May was the

luckiest month in which to be born, with 50% of those born then considering themselves

lucky, while October was the least lucky month, with just 43% claiming good fortune.

The findings add to growing evidence that the phenomenon of luck is not all down to

chance, but is affected by a person’s general disposition (性情). Other research has

shown that whether people think themselves fortunate depends less on objective success

than on having a “glass half-full” or “half-empty” approach to life. “What we are seeing

suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness. My

hypothesis is that people create their own luck by traits such as optimism, that luck is a

psychological phenomenon rather than a matter of blind chance,” said Professor Richard

Wiseman, who led the research.

The pattern of the results, with those born in spring and summer reporting themselves

luckier than those born in autumn or winter, could have two potential explanations,

Professor Wiseman said.


1. According to the passage, whether people think themselves lucky or not depends on

the following factors EXCEPT _____.

A. one’s objective success B. one’s general disposition C. one’s attitude to

life D. one’s place of birth

2. According to the passage, those who were born in _____ regard themselves as the

most fortunate.

A. March B. April C. May D. October

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. optimistic people tend to be luckier B. devoted people tend to be luckier C.

objective success is more important than one’s general disposition in feeling lucky

D. people drinking more water tend to be luckier

4. Which of the following words can best replace the word “trait”?

A. quality B. expectation C. belief D. idea

5. What is the best title for the passage?

A. luck is something born B. luck is not all down to chance C. luck is a

matter of blind chance D. luck and age

Passage Two

When 10 new countries join the European Union on 1 May, they bring with them an

extra nine languages to add to the EU’s existing 11. There could even be 10 new tongues,

for if Greek and Turkish Cypriots (塞浦路斯) vote for reunification before then, Turkish

will become the EU’s 21st language. How will it cope? Even with 20, Europe’s tower of

Babel is creaking. 20 languages gives a total of 380 possible combinations

(English-German, French-Czech, Finnish-Portuguese, etc), and finding any human being

who speaks, for example, both Greek and Estonian or Slovene and Lithuanian is nearly


To get round this problem, the parliament will use much more “relay translation”,

where a speech is interpreted first into one language and then into another ----- and

perhaps into a fourth or fifth. Clearly the scope for mistakes in this game of Chinese

whispers is huge. “If I’m first in the chain, and make a mistake, then everyone else down

the relay makes the same mistake ----- or worse,” Jana Jalvi, one of the new Estonian

recruits says. The need for translation already takes away the cut and thrust of a normal

parliamentary debate.

But the rule is that every language must be provided. “The European Parliament is the

one place you can’t expect people to speak a foreign language,” Patrick Twidle, who is

in charge of recruiting new interpreters, says. “People are elected not because of their

language skills but to represent their political constituency (政治选民).”

The European Commission already has 1,300 translators, who process 1.5 million pages


a year in the EU’s 11 languages. In two years that is expected to rise to almost 2.5

million pages ----- and the staff, based in two enormous buildings in Brussels and

Luxembourg, will almost double in size to cope with the output.

6. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Cypriot is certain to join European Union this time B. it is extremely difficult to

find a person who can speak both Greek and Estonian C. “relay translation” leads

to fewer mistakes D. Turkish is already one language of European Union

7. The phrase “get round” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. take over B. deal with C. put up with D. turn round

8. In two years, nearly how many more translators will be needed?

A. 1,300 B. 2,600 C. 1.5 million D. 2.5 million

9. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. on 1 May, 9 more countries will join European Union B. there are 380

languages in EU C. every person in European Parliament can speak several

different languages D. there will be two countries speaking the same language in

the new EU

10. What is the best title for the passage?

A. the enlargement of EU B. the languages of EU C. translation: EU’s new

boom industry D. the introduction to EU

Passage Three

The Swiss cities of Zurich and Geneva topped an urban quality of life survey published

by a UK research company. Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, ranked last in the annual survey of

215 world cities, by Mercer Human Resource Consulting. Vancouver, Canada and

Vienna, Austria tied in third place on the list, which is intended as a guide for expatriates


The survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting evaluates criteria including health,

education, transport, safety and economic and environmental factors. Countries in

Europe, Australia and New Zealand dominated the top of the list, with Auckland, Bern,

Copenhagen, Frankfurt and Sydney all in the top 10.

The survey was conducted mainly in November 2003 and uses New York as a starting

point with a base score of 100. New York finished 38th, up from 44th last year, 6.5 points

behind Zurich and Geneva. The survey found that the Bush administration’s “war on

terror” had damaged the quality of life in several US cities ----- as well as in poorer

cities in the Middle East and Africa. Several US cities, which now have to deal with

increased security checks, have fallen down the rankings. Honolulu and San Francisco,

both at 24, are in the highest position, while Atlanta is the lowest-placed of the US cities

examined ----- down three places to 66. Last year Brazzaville was bottom, in 215th place,


with Baghdad at 213. But the Iraqi capital has lost 16 points ----- far more than any other

city ----- since the US-led invasion and overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

Top 10 cities for overall quality of life, 2004

1. Zurich, Switzerland

2. Geneva, Switzerland

3. Vancouver, Canada

4. Vienna, Austria

5. Bern, Switzerland

6. Copenhagen, Denmark

7. Frankfurt, Germany

8. Sydney, Australia

9. Amsterdam, the Netherlands

10. Munich, Germany

11. Which city scores 100 in the survey according to the passage?

A. Zurich B. Geneva C. Vienna D. New York

12. Why the rankings in several US cities have fallen down?

A. because their cost of security increased B. because the pollution there is more

and more serious C. because the US dollars devalued last year D. because the

living levels fall in these cities

13. What CANNOT be inferred from the passage?

A. Atlanta ranked 63 in the survey last year B. Zurich scores 106.5 points in the

survey C. Baghdad scores 16 points in the survey D. Baghdad fell 2 places in

this year’s survey

14. The US-led “war on terror” has damaged the quality of life in the following cities

EXCEPT _____.

A. New York B. Atlanta C. Baghdad D. Vienna

15. We can conclude from the passage that _____ is the country which offers best urban


A. Canada B. Switzerland C. Austria D. New Zealand

Model Test 11

Passage One

People who sleep about 7 hours a night live the longest, 3 huge studies have found, the

newest out in the February issue of the journal SLEEP. Still, many sleep experts say lots

of adults get too little rest, and that can lead to dangerous health problems. In the latest

report from Japanese researchers, 104,010 adults were followed for about 10 years. At

the start, the participants answered questionnaires about their sleep patterns, and about


their health, mental health and lifestyle habits, which also can affect survival. After

accounting for all of these factors, adults getting an average of 7 hours had the lowest

death rates. Surprisingly, less sleep, even as little as 4 hours a night, didn’t significantly

increase deaths for men and only lowered survival for women if they averaged less than

4 hours. But adults who slept longer than 7 hours, particularly women, were more likely

to die during the 10 years. Doctors shouldn’t tell all of their patients to get at least 8

hours of sleep, he says in an editorial in the journal.

Hormonal (荷尔蒙的) changes caused by darkness or other unknown biological effects

from long sleep could be affecting survival, Kripke says. But short sleepers may suffer

other bad effects. In his brief studies, those sleeping 4 to 5 and a half hours did poorly on

tests that measure memory, clear thinking and the ability to pay attention, “and they did

progressively worse as the week went on,” says David Dinges of the University of

Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Adults who slept about 7 hours performed best, he


1. According to the study, the adult who sleeps _____ hours a night is more likely to


A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

2. According to the passage, the latest study may consider all the following factors

relating to the subject EXCEPT _____.

A. sleep patterns B. races C. sexes D. lifestyles

3. Why could long sleep be affecting survival according to the passage?

A. because the darkness in long sleep causes one’s hormonal changes B. because

long sleep affects one’s appetite C. because long sleep causes heart attack D.

because long sleep makes people feel lonely

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. short sleeper suffer fewer bad effects B. the more sleep, the better C. it

may be better for some patients to sleep less than 8 hours D. women are more

likely to die than men

5. According to the study, 7-hour sleepers enjoy the following good effects EXCEPT


A. the longest life B. clear thinking C. a good memory D. frequent


Passage Two

Don’t worry, be happy and, according to new research, you will also be healthy. It is

estimated that over the course of one year, Americans suffer 1 billion colds. But new

research shows that all it may take to avoid this common affliction (痛苦) is a positive

and upbeat attitude. People who are energetic, happy and relaxed are less likely to catch


a cold than those who are depressed, nervous or angry, finds a new study published in

the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

Healthy volunteers first underwent an emotional assessment in which they were asked to

rate their tendency to experience positive and negative emotions ----- how often they felt

pleased, relaxed, happy, or anxious, depressed and hostile. The subjects were next given

a squirt (注射) up the nose of a rhinovirus (鼻病毒), the nasty little germ (细菌) that

causes colds. Researchers then watched the volunteers to see who came down with a

cold and waited to see how the unlucky ill manifested their cold symptoms. “We found

that people who regularly experience positive emotions, when exposed to rhinovirus, are

relatively protected from developing illness,” said Dr. Sheldon Cohen, lead author of the

study and a psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University.

Although positive people showed a greater resistance to colds, negative people did not

necessarily get sick more often. “Increases in positive emotional styles were linked with

decreases in the rate of clinical colds, but a negative emotional style had no effect on

whether or not people got sick,” Cohen said.

So how can your emotions influence your health? In simple terms, when the brain is

“happy” it sends messages to our organs that help keep the body healthy and sound.

6. according to the passage, one should try NOT to be _____ in order to be healthy.

A. energetic B. too excited C. too active D. depressed

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. the more positive attitude you hold, the less likely you may catch a cold B. the

less negative attitude you hold, the more likely you may have a cold C. people’s

emotional styles have no effect on whether or not they may get sick D. positive

attitudes can cure illness

8. The word “upbeat” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. unfriendly B. optimistic C. negative D. stressful

9. The healthy volunteers may NOT _____ in the study according to the passage.

A. undergo an emotional assessment B. take in a kind of bacteria causing colds

C. try to feel happy D. be observed whether they get colds or not

10. What is the best title for the passage?

A. a new cold B. an interesting study C. happiness and health D. how to

prevent colds

Passage Three

Most Americans clean their plates, no matter how full those plates are, a survey has

found. The findings, released by the American Institute for Cancer Research on

Thursday, add to the debate over how much restaurants and fast-food outlets are

contributing to the epidemic (流行病) of obesity (肥胖症) in the United States and



The institute’s survey found that 69% of those polled finish their meals most or all of the

time, even when the portions are huge. “Fully 30% of Americans now say they generally

base the amount of food they eat on the amount they are served,” according to the

institute, which promotes research on the links between diet and cancer. “In a country

where 64% of us are overweight or obese, there is an alarming tendency to overlook the

sheer amount of food we’re eating,” Dr. Barbara Rolls of Pennsylvania State University

told a news conference.

The report compiled information from two surveys involving 1,000 adults each. One

was conducted in 2000 and the other in 2003. In 2000, 7% of those surveyed said they

ate their entire meal all the time when dining a full-service restaurants. That number rose

to 37% in 2003. “Scientific studies show that people can and do unconsciously consume

more calories ----- as much as 56% more ----- when served larger portions,” the institute


11. How many people are involved in the surveys conducted by the American Institute

for Cancer Research?

A. 370 B. 1,000 C. 2,000 D. around 1,300

12. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. it is commonly agreed that restaurants and fast food outlets contribute a lot to the

epidemic of obesity B. more than half of Americans base the amount of food they

eat on amount they are served C. 64% of Americans are overweight or obese

D. most Americans eat less food than they want

13. How much more food can one consume consciously according to the scientific


A. 7% B. 30% C. 37% D. 56%

14. Which of the following word can best replace the word “polled”?

A. surveyed B. found C. talked with D. showed

15. What can we learn from the passage?

A. American food is harmful B. Americans should change their eating habit

C. Americans are the fattest in the world D. Americans should not eat fast food

Model Test 12

Passage One

Europe’s population will continue to decline for decades even if birth rates improve

significantly, researchers have calculated. Trends towards smaller families and later

motherhood (生育年龄) mean that there are too few women of childbearing age to

reverse the decline in the near future, according to an Austrian study.


At present 1.5 babies are born for every European Union woman, when two births are

required for the population “replacement rate” to be maintained. Even if women started

to have more children again, the tendency of population decline would continue for

decades, as there will be fewer parents in the next generation than in this one.

The findings come from a study by Wolfgang Lutz, of the Austrian Academy of Science

in Vienna, and Brian O’Neil, of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

in Laxenburg, Austria. The authors said that the changing role of women was a

significant factor in the projected population decline. Many were putting off having their

first child to concentrate on their education or career.

1. To maintain the present population level, how many children a woman should bear

at least?

A. 1 B. 1.5 C. 2 D. 3

2. The word “reverse” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. surprise B. accelerate C. change D. continue

3. Why will the declining tendency of European population continue for decades

according to the passage?

A. worse and worse pollution will cause more and more deaths B. there will be

fewer women of childbearing age in the next generation than in the present generation

C. women’s reproducing ability declines D. the family planning policy does not

allow people to have more children

4. What may NOT result in the drop of the birth rate according to the passage?

A. trends toward smaller families B. trends toward later motherhood C. the

changing role of women D. the population shift

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. the decline of European population is a result of modern civilization B. the birth

rates in Europe have risen C. in Europe, a woman is not allowed to bear more than

2 babies D. European population will increase in 10 years

Passage Two

One-year-old Guatemalan (危地马拉) twins joined at the head were separated in a

marathon (马拉松式的) operation that ended early Tuesday, but one sister was returned

to surgery a few hours later because of bleeding on her brain.

Maria Teresa Quiej Alvarez and her sister, Maria de Jesus, were in critical but stable

condition Tuesday night at the University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center,

but doctors were optimistic about their recovery. They were expected to remain sedated

(使用镇定剂) and using breathing tubes for days. “I’m absolutely positive they will do

OK. I’m absolutely positive if you go and visit them in five years they will be leading a

normal life,” said Dr. Jorge Lazareff, the lead Neurosurgeon (神经外科医生). The


doctors’ sense was that the girls fared well, but it remained to be determined whether

they suffered any brain damage, said Dr. John Frazee, another neurosurgeon. “They’re

moving, which is a good sign. There’s no way of knowing what the state of affairs is for

another week,” Frazee said. After the 22-hour risky separation surgery, Maria Teresa was

wheeled back into the operating room for nearly 5 more hours because of a build-up of

blood (积血) on her brain, Lazareff said.

The girls were born attached at the top of the skull and faced opposite directions. While

the two shared bone and blood vessels, they had separate brains. Cases like their occur in

fewer than one in 2.5 million live births.

In the riskiest part of the surgery, doctors had to separate blood vessels the two girls

shared and decide which belonged to each child. That was followed by plastic surgery

(整形手术) to extend each girl’s scalp (头皮) to cover the area where they had been

attached. The two face still more operations to reconstruct their skulls.

Surgeons around the world have performed cranial (头颅的) separations only 5 other

times in the past decade, and not all twins have survived.

6. The surgery to separate the twins most probably began _____ according to the


A. on Thursday B. on Monday C. on Tuesday D. on Wednesday

7. Which of the following statements about the twins is TRUE according to the


A. the twins share a brain B. both of the twins were returned to surgery after the

separating operation C. both of the twins need more operations to lead a normal

life D. in most cases, the twins can see the same thing at the same time

8. What is the doctors’ attitude to the twins’ complete recovery?

A. confident but cautious B. pessimistic C. concerned D. doubtful

9. The following operations will be done mainly to _____ according to the passage.

A. separate the skulls B. separate the blood vessels C. reconstruct their brains

D. reconstruct their skulls

10. In the past 10 years, how many persons have undergone the cranial separations?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 10 D. 12

Passage Three

Three million American teens have thought seriously about or even contemplated

suicide, a government survey released on Sunday showed. More than 13% of young

Americans between 14 and 17 years of age considered suicide in 2000, according to the

report from the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

(SAMH-SA). Only 36% of them had received mental health treatment or counseling(指导), SAMHSA noted.


Depression is the main cause of suicide, SAMHSA administrator Charles Curie

explained in a statement. “We need to help teens make the link between untreated

depression and the risk for suicide, and help them identify serious depression or suicide

risk in a friend,” Curie said. “We must encourage teens to tell a responsible adult when a

friend is at risk for suicide.”

More than one third of the 3 million teens aged 12 to 17 who said they thought about

suicide in the past 12 months actually tried it, the survey done by SAMHSA found. Girls

were twice as likely as boys to say they thought about suicide, but race and financial

condition did not seem to make a difference," the report indicates. The highest rate was

noted in the western part of the country, where 13.5% of children aged 12 to 17 reported

having had thoughts of suicide.

11. The word “contemplated” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. attempted B. completed C. seriously thought D. argued

12. According to the passage, about how many American teens aged 12 to 17 tried


A. 900,000 B. 1,000,000 C. 2,000,000 D. 3,000,000

13. So many teens want to commit suicide because of _____ according to the passage.

A. fierce social competition B. too much homework C. depression D.

too much pressure

14. What can be done to prevent teen suicide according to the passage?

A. reducing school time B. offering mental health instruction C. participating

in more after-class activities D. drinking less

15. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. girls are more likely to commit suicide than boys B. locations have nothing to

do with the suicide rate C. boys are more easily depressed D. statistically,

children in the western America are more likely to think about suicide than those in the

eastern part

Model Test 13

Passage One

It' s exhausting, time consuming and although it counts as physical activity, housework

does not improve health or help to shed (脱落) those excess pounds, British researchers

said Wednesday. Brisk walking (散步) is a healthier option and a better way to keep fit

than mopping floors, dusting and cleaning windows, particularly for older women

between the of 60—79. “Older women need to be doing more physical activity,

housework probably does cut the mustard (符合要求),” said Dr. Shah E, an epidemiologist


(流行病学家) and expert on aging at the University of Bristol, in southwestern England.

But Ebrahim and his colleagues said although housework requires physical activity it

does not seem to have any health benefits. In a survey of more 2,300 elderly women in

Britain, 10% said they enjoyed brisk walking, 1% did more than 2.5 hours of gardening

a week and than half reported doing heavy housework. “When we look at things that we

think would go along with being physically active and fit, like pulse rate and obesity

levels, they don’t show any relationship with housework,” Ebrahim, whose research is

reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, explained.

Women in the survey who walked vigorously for 2.5 hours a week or did an equal

amount of gardening were less likely to be obese (肥胖的) and had a lower resting heart

rate, which is a sign of physical fitness. Although housework requires effort, Ebrahim

said more research needs to be done on its long-term benefits before it can be included

as a health-promoting activity.

1. According to the passage, housework had been supposed to have the following

benefits EXCEPT _____.

A. improving health B. losing weight C. keeping fit D. curing disease

2. Which of the following activities may be more helpful to improve health according

to the research?

A. brisk walking B. mopping floors C. cleaning windows D. washing


3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the research?

A. older women need to do more physical exercise B. housework has much health

benefits C. many elderly women do heavy housework D. proper amount of

gardening is helpful to one’s health

4. How does Ebrahim think about housework?

A. housework does not require efforts B. housework is useless C. it is

possible that housework has some long-term benefits D. housework is a kind of

pleasing activity

5. What is the best title for the passage?

A. housework and brisk walking B. housework and health C. housework, a

health-promoting activity D. elderly women and housework

Passage Two

Forget flowers. Today’s women would much rather be wooed with gadgets (小工具、小器械) , according to new research published in Britain on Thursday. No longer are men

expected to deliver a box of chocolates. These days a trip to the local electrical store will

more than sufficed (满足).

In a series of experiments monitoring a woman’s reaction to certain types of presents,


scientists at Britain’s University of Hertford shire found that high tech toys aroused the

greatest response, the Daily Express newspaper reported on Thursday. Psychologists

wired men and women up to a machine called a “psycho-galvanometer” for tests. Like a

lie detector, the machine measures arousal levels by how the skin resists a small

electrical current. 10 men and 10 women were tested by showing them various gadgets,

the newspaper said.

Results showed that women got more aroused at being given gadgets as gifts. The

biggest response came from women given a DVD player. “It’s clear that flowers and

chocolates really don’t do it for women any more, so men should make sure they go

for the coolest, shiniest gadgets,” psychologist Dr Adam Johnson who carried out the

study said. “The results show that the gifts we traditionally perceive as romantic fail to

impress men or women today.”

6. What may impress the girls most nowadays according to the passage?

A. flowers B. chocolates C. books D. DVD players

7. How many subjects are involved in the study according to the passage?

A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40

What machine is used in the experiment according to the passage?

A. psycho-galvanometer B. lie detector C. electrical resistance D.

DVD players.

9. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “be wooed with” ?

A. dislike B. resist C. be critical of D. fall in love with

10. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. traditional romantic gifts can no longer touch girls B. girls are mentally

different from boys C. the quality of DVD players has improved D. flowers

may spoil your love

Passage Three

Scientists expect this year to be the second warmest year ever recorded. They say

average surface temperatures this year will be warmer than any other year except


The World Meteorological Organization says the higher surface temperatures are part of

a continuing move toward warmer weather. MO officials say average temperatures have

risen more than six-tenths of one degree Celsius during the past one-hundred years.

They also expect temperatures to continue rising. WMO officials say the warming is a

result of large amounts of carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) and other industrial pollutants being

released in Earth's atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun. This is commonly

called the greenhouse effect. Average temperatures this year are more than four-tenths of a

degree higher than the average temperature from Nineteen-Sixty-One Nineteen-Ninety.


This was the twenty-third year that temperatures re above the average for that period.

However, some areas reported colder than normal temperatures this year. For example,

temperatures in the Siberia area of Russia dropped to sixty degrees below zero Celsius.

Unseasonably cold weather also was reported in Bolivia and northern India.

Experts say many areas could experience extreme weather next year if the weather event

known as El Nino returns. El Nino causes climate changes that affect Pacific Ocean

waters near the coasts of Ecuador and Peru. In the past, El Nino has been blamed for

flooding, dry weather and powerful storms.

11. Which year is the warmest year according to the passage?

A. 1990 B. 1996 C. 1998 D. 2000.

12. What leads to the warmer weather?

A. the greenhouse effect B. the larger population C. the rise of sea level D.

the overuse of fresh water

13. Which of the following areas might report warmer than normal temperatures this

year according to the passage?

A. Siberia area of Russia B. Peru C. Bolivia D. Northern India

14. El Nino can lead to the following phenomenon EXCEPT _____.

A. flooding B. dry weather C. storms D. heavy snows

15. What can be inferred from this passage?

A. in the past 100 years, the average temperatures have risen more than 1 degree Celsius

B. it is unlikely that the temperature will rise continuously C. El Nino is a result of

greenhouse effect D. warmer temperatures in some areas and colder temperatures

in some other areas coexist in the globe

Model Test 14

Passage One

On January first, many people in Europe will stop using the money they have known for

a lifetime. More than three-hundred million Europeans will start using the new single

European money, the euro. It will become the legal form of money in twelve European

Union countries.

15 nations belong to the EU. 12 countries will use new euro paper money and coins

starting next month. They are Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,

Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. 3 EU members decided

not to join the single money system at this time. They are Britain, Denmark and Sweden.

EU leaders agreed on the use of the single money in the Maastricht Treaty of

Nineteen-Ninety-One. They created the euro so that business deals among their nations

would be easier and less costly. The euro is not expected to change greatly in value. This


will keep interest rates low. European leaders also believe the euro will unite Europe po-litically by forcing the nations to cooperate. For example, countries will have a reason to

help another country if it becomes weak economically. If no help is offered, the value of

their shared money could become weak.

The European Central Bank was established in Nineteen-Ninety-Eight. Two major goals

of the Central Bank are to keep the euro strong and to control inflation (通货膨胀) . The

Bank is responsible for supervising (监督) the development and public acceptance of the


3 years ago, eleven EU nations started using the euro for stock market trading,

banking and business deals. However, most Europeans continued to use their national

money. Since then, money production centers have been busy producing euro paper

money and coins. Some observers say the launch of the euro will make a real difference

in the lives of Europeans. They say Europeans now will start to identify more with the

EU in ways they did not in the past. They say the euro will be a real, physical sign of

European union.

1. Which of the following countries will use euro according to the passage?

A. Britain B. Portugal C. Denmark D. Sweden

2. Euro is expected to bring the following benefits EXCEPT _____.

A. most Europeans will identify more with EU B. EU will be more powerful than

USA C. EU will be a real country in the near future D. the governments of

the 12 EU countries will come to an end and a new single government will be elected

3. The Central Bank of European Union is NOT responsible for _____.

A. deciding which country must join the single money system B. keeping euro

strong C. controlling inflation D. supervising the development and public

acceptance of the euro

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. 15 nations of the EU decided to join the single money system B. 12 nations of

EU began to use euro for stock market trading 3 years ago C. the European Central

Bank was established in 1991 D. money production centers began to produce euro

paper money and coins 3 years ago

5. Which will be the significance of the launch of the euro according to the last

paragraph of the passage?

A. most Europeans will identify more with EU B. EU will be more powerful than

USA C. EU will be a real country in the near future D. the governments of

the 12 EU countries will come to an end and a new single government will be elected

Passage Two

Japanese officials are struggling to prevent the spread of mad cow disease. Japan’s first


case of mad cow disease was reported in September. The Agriculture Ministry

confirmed last month that a second cow was infected. Japan is the only country in Asia

where mad cow disease is known to have spread.

Scientists believe cows get the disease by eating meat and bone meal from infected

animals. Since September, Japan has banned imports and use of feed made from animal

remains. Recently, the Agriculture Ministry announced plans to destroy about 5,000

cows that may have been given the feed. Sales of Japanese beef products have dropped

sharply in the past 3 months. Since October, Japanese officials have tested all cows that

are killed for their meat. Some scientists question the testing. They say the disease often

cannot be identified in young animals. Scientists believe eating infected meat may cause

a similar brain disease in humans. This deadly disease is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob

disease. It cannot be cured.

About 100 people in Europe have died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in recent years.

Most of them have been in Britain. Researchers from France say evidence shows that

young people are more likely to become infected. In Britain, the average age of those

who died is 28. Only a few victims were older than 50. From this evidence, the team

says the probability of a person becoming infected decreases with age.

6. How many cases of mad cow disease had been confirmed in Japan?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

7. In order to prevent the spread of mad cow disease, the Japanese government will or

have done the following EXCEPT _____.

A. stopping imports and use of food made from animal remains B. planning to kill

about 5,000 cows C. testing all the cows that are killed for meat D. advising

the Japanese to eat no beef

8. According to the passage, what is some scientists' attitude to the testing of all the

cows that are killed for their meat?

A. positive B. approving C. doubtful D. indifferent

9. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. the 2 cases of mad cow disease have no influence on Japanese beef products B.

it’s hard to identify mad cow disease in young cows C. most people who died from

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have been in Japan D. more than 100 people died from

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have been in Britain

10. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Asia was free from mad cow disease before September B. there are many means

to cure Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease C. most people who died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob

disease were 28 years old D. no people who died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

were beyond 60 years old


Passage Three

The World Health Organization estimates that more than 4 million people die each year

from the effects of smoking tobacco. That number is increasing. WHO officials expect

150 million people to die from tobacco use in the next twenty years. 7 in 10 of those

deaths will be in developing countries.

In the United States, about 47 million adults currently smoke. American health experts

say tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death nationwide. This year, more

than four-hundred-thirty-thousand Americans will die of diseases linked to smoking.

One day last month, thousands of Americans attempted to stop smoking. They were

taking part in the Great American Smoke-out.

The American Cancer Society has organized the Great American Smoke-out every year

for 25 years. The goal is to show the dangers of smoking and provide support for

people who decide to stop smoking.

It is not easy to stop smoking permanently. However, doctors say you probably will live

longer if you do stop smoking. You will feel better and look better. You also will protect

the health of family members who breathe your smoke. The American Cancer Society

says blood pressure returns to normal 20 minutes after smoking the last cigarette.

Carbon monoxide gas levels in the blood return to normal after 8 hours. After one day,

the chance of heart attack decreases. After one year, the risk of heart disease for a

non-smoker is half that of a smoker.

11. According to the WHO officials, how many people will die from tobacco use in

developing countries in the next 20 years?

A. 4,000,000 B. 150,000,000 C. 105,000,000 D. 47,000,000

12. What is the leading preventable cause of death nationwide in USA?

A. tobacco US6 B. heart attack C. car accidents D. alcohol use

13. According to the passage, smoking may lead to the following results EXCEPT


A. heart attack B. clear thinking C. the rise of blood pressure D. the rise

of carbon monoxide

14. What can we learn from the passage?

A. the Great American Smoke-out is a worldwide campaign to show the dangers of

smoking B. smoking may affect the health of one's family members C.

quitting smoking is an easy job D. it is useless not to stop smoke permanently

15. After one stops smoking for _____, the risk of heart disease will drop half.

A. 8 hours B. 1 day C. 1 year D. 2 years

Model lest 15

Passage One


The American Red Cross collected more than 500 million dollars for this purpose in

what is called the Liberty Fund. Recently, Red Cross officials admitted that they were

not giving the families all the money that was collected. They said the Liberty Fund was

created to help the victims of the September attacks, and also to help victims of future

attacks. The officials said they regretted that the American public did not understand


Last week, Red Cross officials announced a major change in policy. They said all the

money given to the Liberty Fund would be used only to help the victims of the

September 11th attacks and their families. Immediately after the terrorist attacks, the Red

Cross provided money for 3 months of living costs to more than 2,000 families of

people who were killed. Red Cross officials say the organism ion also provided support

to about 23,000 other families who were affected by the terrorist attacks. These included

rescue workers and people who could not go back to their homes near the World Trade

Center in New York City. Business people who lost their workplaces also received help.

However, the Red Cross planned to use about half the money given to the Liberty Fund

for future programs. It wanted the money to increase blood supplies, improve

communications and expand services for families of people serving in the military

forces. Individuals who had given money to the Liberty Fund reacted strongly to this

news. They expected their money to be used immediately to help victims of the attacks.

Red Cross officials now say the Liberty Fund will be repaid for any money already

used for other projects.

1. What was the original purpose to establish the Liberty Fund?

A. to help the victims of the September 11 attacks B. to help the victims for future

attacks C. to help the victims of the September 11 attacks and future attacks

D. to help the victims of any terrorist attacks

2. Immediately after the terrorist attacks, the Red Cross provided support to the

following persons EXCEPT _____.

A. families of people who were killed B. families of people who were poor

C. business people who lost their workplaces in the September 11 attacks D.

rescue workers in the September 11 attacks

3. The Red Cross had originally planned to use about half the money given to the

Liberty Fund for future programs EXCEPT _____.

A. to increase blood supplies B. to make some improvements on communications

C. to expand services for families of people serving in the military forces

improve the living conditions of handicapped people

4. Why did people who had given money to the Liberty Fund raid strongly to the

original plan of the Fund?


A. because they expected their money to be used immediately to help victims of the

September 11 attacks B. because they expected their money to benefit more people

C. because they expected their money only to help those who were killed in the terrorist

attacks D. because they expected only half of their money to be used to help the

victims of the September 11 attacks

5. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The total sum of the Liberty Fund is $ 50,000,000 B. the Liberty Fund won't

change its original policy C. the Liberty Fund had already used some money for

other programs than providing support to the victims of the September 11 attacks

D. the Liberty Fund will benefit more people

Passage Two

Currently, an estimated 7.5 million people are infected with HIV in Asia and the Pacific.

However, an international group that studies AIDS in Asia says this is changing. The

group says AIDS and HIV rates in Asia are increasing faster than anywhere else in the

world. The group reports that only 3 countries have national infection rates of more than

one percent. They are Burma, Thailand and Cambodia. However, other countries have

extremely high rates of infection among some population groups and in some areas.

These countries include India, China and Indonesia.

Karen Stanecki heads the group that is studying AIDS in Asia. She says that it is only a

question of time before infection rates in Asia increase. Miss Stanecki says Africa is an

example. She says there was little evidence of HIV infections in southern Africa in the

early 1990s. Today, however, some African countries have infection rates of 10 to 15

percent of their populations.

Bernard Schwartlander works for the United Nations AIDS Program. Doctor

Schwartlander says some groups in Asia are already at high risk of becoming infected.

They include people who sell sex for money, men who have sex with men and people

who inject drugs. The rate of HIV infections has increased among these groups in

countries including China, Vietnam and Nepal.

Doctor Schwartlander says the spread of HIV probably will not remain limited only to

these groups. He says evidence from other countries shows that HIV has spread from

high-risk groups to other members of the population. Doctor Schwartlander says Asian

governments must take immediate action to keep HIV rates low. Experts say only

Thailand and Cambodia have effective HIV prevention programs.

6. Which part of the world has the fastest AIDS and HIV rates increasing?

A. Asia B. the Pacific C. Africa D. America

7. Which country has the lowest national infection rate of AIDS among the following

four countries?


A. Burma B. Thailand C. Cambodia D. India

8. High-risk group includes the following people EXCEPT _____.

A. people who sell sex for money B. doctors C. men who have sex with men

D. people who inject drugs

9. According to some experts, which of the following countries has effective HIV

prevention programs?

A. China B. Vietnam C. Thailand D. Indonesia

10. What does the passage mainly deal with?

A. the serious situation of AIDS in Asia B. the serious situation of AIDS in Africa

C. high-risk groups of AIDS in Asia D. high-risk groups of AIDS in Africa

Passage Three

The World Health Organization has published a new report on mental health. It says that

one out of every 4 people in the world will suffer from a mental or brain disease at some

time in their lives. The WHO estimates that about 40,050 million people currently suffer

from mental illness or brain disorders. About one quarter of these people suffer from

depression. About 50 million people have epilepsy (癜痫症) , a nerve disorder. These

conditions can be treated. However, the WHO reports that nearly 2/3 of people with a

known mental disorder never seek help from a health professional.

Doctor Brundtland says mental illness affects people in both rich and poor countries.

She says most people can fully recover if treated. However, only a small number of

people receive even the most simple care. This is often because of limited resources and

medicines. In addition, Doctor Brundtland says that health care providers in many coun-tries often do not have the necessary skills to treat mental diseases. She adds that

mentally sick patients are usually not treated with fairness in their cultures. And many

nations do not have good public health policies.

Doctor Brundtland says that most people suffering from mental disorders can live

productive lives if they get the right treatment. For example, more than 80% of people

with the severe mental disorder schizophrenia can be free from the disease returning

after one year of treatment. Up to 60% of people with depression can recover with the

right mixture of medicines and treatment.

Experts say mental health problems can be treated at a small cost. The WHO says

governments should treat patients in community health centers instead of large mental


11. According to the WHO, how many people currently suffer from depression?

A. about 50,000,000 B. about 113,000,000 C. about 450,000,000 D.

about 500,000,000

12. How many people in the world will suffer from a mental or brain disease in their


lives according to the report released by WHO?

A. 1/2 of the world population B. 1/3 of the world population C. 2/3 of the

world population D. 1/4 of the world population

13. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. nearly 2/3 of people with a known mental disorder can never recover B. mental

illness only affects people in developed countries C. mental health problems can be

treated at a small cost D. more than 80 % of people with depression can recover

with the right mixture of medicines and treatment

14. The following factors EXCEPT _____ contribute to the fact that only a small

number of people receive even the simplest care.

A. limited resources and medicines B. lack of necessary skills to treat mental

disease C. lack of good public health policies D. lack of a democratic


15. Where should we treat mental patients according to the passage?

A. in community health centers B. in large mental hospitals C. at home

D. in hospitals exclusively for mental patients

Model lest 16

Passage One

The United States is attempting to cut the supply of money for terrorist groups. Congress

has approved measures expanding the government’s power to halt the flow of money to

Osama Bin Laden and his al Qa’eda organization. They are the main suspects in the

airline hijackings (劫机) on September 11th which caused thousands of deaths in New

York and Washington.

President Bush has signed executive orders to freeze the American assets of 66

individuals, businesses and organizations linked to the suspected terrorists. The

government says banks have halted the use of about 40 million dollars so far.

Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said that at least 62 nations have already blocked any

activity for terrorist bank accounts. He said 102 others have said they will join the


It will not be easy to stop the financial support for al Qa’eda. That is because not all its

support comes from the movement of money through banks. Reports say the terrorist

group receives money directly from supporters in the Middle East, and through a group

of Islamic organizations.

Al Qa’eda also uses an ancient system of money exchange known as “hawala”. Under

hawala, trusted people exchange millions of dollars around the world.

Experts say Mister Bin Laden also is able to move money, weapons and men around the


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