


数字控制 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

NC and CNC

Numerical Control(NC) is any machining process in which the

operations are executed automatically in sequences as specified by the

program that contains the information for the tool NC is

performed under computer supervision,it is called Computer Numerical

Control(CNC).For both NC and CNC systems,work principles are the

the way in which the execution is controlled is

ly,new systems are faster,more powerful,andmore


es Using NC

Early machine tools were operated by craftsmen who decided many

variables such as speeds, feeds, and depth of cut, etc. With the

development of science and technology, a new term, Numerical Control (NC)

appeared. Controlling a machine tool using a punched tape or stored

program is known as Numerical Control. NC has been defined by the

Electronic Industries Association (EIA) as “A system in which actions

are controlled by the direct insertion of numerical data at some point.

The system must automatically interpret at least some portion of this


In the past, machine tools were kept as simple as possible in order

to keep their costs down. Because of the ever-rising cost of labor,

better machine tools, complete with electronic controls, were developed

so that industry could produce more and better products at prices that

were competitive with those offshore industries.

NC is being used on all types of machine tools from the simplest to

the most complex. The most common machine tools are the single-spindle

drilling machine, lathe, milling machine, turning center, and machining


-Spindle Drilling Machine

One of the simplest numerically controlled machine tools is the

single-spindle drilling machine. Most drilling machines are programmed

on three axes:

a. The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.

b. The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the


c. The Z-axis controls the up or down movement of the spindle to

drill holes to depth. 1.2. Lathe

The engine lathe, one of the most productive machine tools, has been

a very efficient means of producing round parts. Most lathes are

programmed on two axes:

a. The X-axis controls the cross motion (in or out) of the cutting


b. The Z-axis controls the carriage travel toward or away from the

headstock. g Machine

The milling machine has always been one of the most versatile

machine tools used in industry. Operations such as milling, contouring,

gear cutting, drilling, boring and reaming are only a few of the many

operations that can be performed on a milling milling

machine can be programmed on three axes:

a. The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.

b. The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the


c. The Z-axis controls the vertical (up and down) movement of the

knee or spindle. 1.4. Turning Center

Turning Centers were developed in the mid-1960s after studies showed

that about 40 percent

of all metal cutting operations were performed on lathes. These

numerically controlled machines are capable of greater accuracy and

higher production rates than the engine lathe. The basic turning center

operates on only two axes:

a. The X-axis controls the cross motion of the turret head.

b. The Z-axis controls the lengthwise travel (toward or away from

the headstock) of the turret head.

1.5. Machining Center

Machining centers were developed in the 1960s so that a part did not

have to be moved from machine to machine in order to perform various

operations. These machines greatly increased production rates because

more operations could be performed on a work-piece in one

are two main types of machining centers, the horizontal and the vertical

spindle types.

a. The horizontal spindle-machining center operates on three axes:

(a) The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.

(b) The Y-axis controls the vertical movement (up and down) of the


(c) The Z-axis controls the horizontal movement (in or out) of the


b. The vertical spindle-machining center operates on three axes:

(a) The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.

(b) The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the


(c) The Z-axis controls the vertical movement (up and down) of the

spindle. mming for NC

A program for numerical control consists of a sequence of directions

that caused a NC machine to carry out a certain operation, machining

being the most commonly used process. Programming for NC may be done by

an internal programming department, on the shop floor, or purchased from

an outside source. Also, programming may be done manually or with

computer assistance.

The program contains instructions and commands. Geometric

instructions pertain to relative movements between the tool and the

work-piece. Processing instructions pertain to spindle speeds, feeds,

tools, and so on. Travel instructions pertain to the type of

interpolation and slow or rapid movements of the tools or worktables.

Switching commands pertain to on/off position for coolant supplies,

spindle rotation, direction of spindle rotation, tool changes, work-piece feeding, clamping and so on.

programming. Manual part programming consists of first

calculating dimensional relationships of the tool, work-piece and

worktable based on the engineering drawings of the part, and

manufacturing operations to be performed and their sequence. A program

sheet is then prepared, which consists of the necessary information to

carry out the operation, such as cutting tools, spindle tools, feeds,

depth of cut, cutting fluids, power, and tool or work-piece relative

positions and movements. Based on this information, the part program is

prepared. Usually a paper tape is first prepared for typing out and

debugging the program. Depending on how often it is to be used, the tape

may be made of more durable mylar.

Someone knowledgeable about the particular process and able to

understand, read, and change part programs can do manual programming.

Because they are familiar with machine tools and process capabilities,

skilled machinists can do manual programming with some training in

programming, however, the work is tedious, time consuming, and

uneconomical and is used mostly in simple point-to-point applications.

er-aided Programming. Computer-aided part programming

involves special symbolic programming languages that determine the

coordinate points of corners, edges, and surfaces of the e

numerical control involves the insertion of data concerning work-piece

materials and processing parameters, programming must be done by

operators or programmers who are knowledgeable about the relevant

aspects of the manufacturing processes being used. Before production

begins, programs should be verified, either by viewing a simulation of

the procession on a CRT screen or by making the part from an inexpensive

material, such as aluminum, wood, or plastic, rather than the material

specified for the finished parts.

When Numerical Control is performed under computer supervision, it

is called Computer Numerical Control (CNC). Computers are the control

units of CNC machines. They are built in or linked to the machines via

communications channels. When a programmer inputs some information in

the program by tape and so on, the computer calculates all necessary

data to get the job done.

Today’s systems have computers control data, so they are called

Computer Numerically

Controlled Machines. For both NC and CNC systems, work principles

are the same. Only the way in which the execution is controlled is

different. Normally, new systems are faster, more powerful, and more

versatile unit.

The Construction of CNC Machines

CNC machine tools are complex assemblies. However, in general, any

CNC machine tool consists of the following units: computers, control

systems, drive motors and tool changers.

According to the construction of CNC machine tools, CNC machines

work in the following manner:

(1) The CNC machine language, which is a programming language of

binary notation used on computers, is not used on CNC machines.

(2) When the operator starts the execution cycle, the computer

translates binary codes into electronic pulses that are automatically

sent to the machine’s power units. The control units compare the number

of pulses sent and received.

(3) When the motors receive each pulse, they automatically transform

the pulses into rotations that drive the spindle and lead screw, causing

the spindle rotation and slide or table movement. The part on the

milling machine table or the tool in the lathe turret is driven to the

position specified by the program.

CNC machines have many advantages over conventional machines,some of

them are:

(1)There is a possibility of performing multiple operations on the

same machine in some setup.

(2)The scrap rate is significantly reduced because of the precision

of the CNC machine and lesser operator impact.

(3)It is easy to incorporate part design changes when CAD/CAM system

are used.

(4)Production is significantly increased.

(5)It is easier to perform quality assurance by a spot-check instead

of checking all parts.

(6)Because of the possibility of simultaneous muti-axis tool

movement,special profile tools are not necessary to cut unusual part



As with all computers, the CNC machine computer works on binary

principle using only two characters 1 and 0, for information processing

precise time impulses from the circuit. There are

two states, a state with voltage, 1, and a state without voltage, 0.

Series of ones and zeroes are the only states that the computer

distinguishes are called machine language, and it is the only language

the computer creating the program, the programmer does

not care about the machine or she simply uses a list of

codes and keys in the meaningful l built-in software

compiles the program into the machine language and the machine moves the

tool by its servomotors. However, the programmability of the machine is

dependent on whether there is a computer in the machine’s control. If

there is a minicomputer programming, say, a radius (which is a rather

simple task), the computer will calculate all the points on the tool

the machine without a minicomputer, this may prove to be a

tedious task, since the programmer must calculate all the points of

intersection on the tool path. Modern CNC machines use 32-bit processors

in their computers that allow fast and accurate processing of


l systems

There are two types of control systems on NC/CNC machines: the open

loop and the closed loop. The type of control loop used determines the

overall accuracy of the machine.

The open-loop control system does not provide positioning feedback

to the control unit. The movement pulses are sent out by the control and

they are received by a special type of servomotor called a stepper

number of pulses that the control sends to the stepper motor

controls the amount of the rotation of the motor. The stepper motor then

proceeds with the next movement command. Since this control system only

counts pulses and cannot identify discrepancies in positioning, the

machine will continue this inaccuracy until somebody finds the error.

The open-loop control can be used in applications in which there is

no change in load conditions, such as the NC drilling

advantage of the open-loop control system is that it is less expensive,

since it does not require the additional hardware and electrics needed

for positioning feedback. The disadvantage is the difficulty of

detecting a positioning error.

In the closed-loop control system, the electronic movement pulses

are sent from the control to the servomotor, enabling the motor to

rotate with each pulse. The movements are detected and counted by a

feedback device called a transducer. With each step of movement, a

transducer sends a signal back to the control, which compares the

current position of the driven axis with the programmed position. When

the number of pulses sent and received matches, the control starts

sending out pulses for the next movement.

Closed-loop systems are very accurate. Most have an automatic

compensation for error, since the feedback device indicates the error

and the control makes the necessary adjustments to bring the slide back

to the position. They use AC, DC or hydraulic servomotors.

Position measurement in NC machines can be accomplished through

direct or indirect methods. In direct measuring systems, a sensing

device reads a graduated scale on the machine table or slide for linear

movement. This system is more accurate because the scale is built into

the machine and backlash (the play between two adjacent mating gear

teeth) in the mechanisms is not significant.

In indirect measuring systems, rotary encoders or resolves convert

rotary movement to translation movement. In this system, backlash can

significantly affect measurement accuracy. Position feedback mechanisms

utilize various sensors that are based mainly on magnetic and

photoelectric principles.


The drive motors control the machine slide movement on NC/CNC

equipment. They come in four basic types: stepper motors, DC servomotors,

AC servomotors and fluid servomotors.

Stepper motors convert a digital pulse generated by the

microcomputer unit (MCU) into a small step rotation. Stepper motors have

a certain number of steps that they can travel. The number of pulses

that the MCU sends to the stepper motor controls the amount of the

rotation of the r motors are mostly used in applications

where low torque is required.

Stepper motors are used in open-loop control systems, while AC, DC

or hydraulic servomotors are used in closed-loop control systems.

Direct current (DC) servomotors are variable speed motors that

rotate in response to the applied voltage. They are used to drive a lead

screw and gear mechanism. DC servomotors provide higher-torque output

than stepper motors.

Alternative current (AC) servomotors are controlled by varying the

voltage frequency to control speed. They can develop more power than a

DC servomotor. They are also used to drive a lead screw and gear


Fluid or hydraulic servomotors are also variable speed motors. They

are able to produce more power, or more speed in the case of pneumatic

motors than electric servomotors. The hydraulic pump provides energy to

values that are controlled by the MCU.

3.4Tool Changers

Most of the time, several different cutting tools are used to

produce a part. The tools must be replaced quickly for the next

machining operation. For this reason, the majority of NC/CNC machine

tools are equipped with automatic tool changers, such as magazines on

machining centers and turrets on turning centers. They allow tools

changing without the intervention of the operator. Typically, an

automatic tool changer grips the tool in the spindle, pulls it out, and

replaces it with another most machines with automatic tool

changers, the turret or magazine can rotate in either direction, forward

or reverse.

Tool changers may be equipped for either random or sequential

selection. In random tool selection, there is no specific pattern of

tool selection. On the machining center, when the program calls for the

tool, it is automatically indexed into waiting position, where it can be

retrieved by the tool-handling device. On the turning center, the turret

automatically rotates, bringing the tool into position.

er-Aided Design (CAD)

A CAD system is basically a design tool in which the computer is

used to analyze various aspects of a designed product. The CAD system

supports the design process at all levels—conceptual, preliminary, and

final design. The designer can then test the product in various

environmental conditions, such as temperature changes, or under

different mechanical stresses.

Although CAD systems do not necessarily involve computer graphics,

the picture of the object is usually displayed on the surface of a

cathode-ray tube (CRT). Computer graphics enable the designer to study

the object by rotating it on the computer screen, separating it into

segments, enlarging a specific portion of kinematics programs.

Most CAD systems are using interactive graphics systems. Interactive

graphics allow the user to interact directly with the computer in order

to generate manipulation, and modify graphic displays. Interactive

graphics has become a valuable tool, if not a necessary prerequisite, of

CAD systems.

The end products of many CAD systems are drawings generated on a

plotter interfaced with the computer. One of the most difficult problems

in CAD drawings is the elimination of hidden lines. The computer

produces the drawing as a wire frame diagram. Since the computer defines

the object without regard to one’s perspective, it will display all the

object’s surfaces, regardless of whether they are located on the side

facing the viewer or on the back, which normally the eye cannot see.

Various methods are used to generate the drawing of the part on the

computer screen. One method is to use a geometric modeling approach, in

which fundamental shapes and basic elements are used to build the

drawing. The lengths and radii of the elements can be modified. For

example, a cylinder is a basic element. The subtraction of a cylinder

with a specific radius and length will create holes in the displayed

part. Each variation, however, maintains the overall geometry of the art.

Other CAD systems use group technology in the design of parts. Group

technology is a method of coding and grouping parts on the basis of

similarities in function or structure or in the ways they are produced.

Application of group technology can enable a company to reduce the

number of parts in use and to make the production of parts and their

movement in the plant efficient.

Recently CAD systems are using the finite-element method (FEM) of

stress analysis. By this approach the object to be analyzed is

represented by a model consisting of small elements, each of which has

stress and deflection characteristics. The analysis requires the

simultaneous solution of many equations. A task, which is performed by

the computer, and the deflections of the object, can be displayed on the

computer screen by generating animation of the model.

With any of these methods, or others which are used, the CAD system

generates at the design stage a single geometric data base which can be

used in all phrases of the design and later in the manufacturing,

assembling, and inspection processes.




老式机床通常是由工人操作并由他们决定机床速度、进给量、切削深度等。随着科学技术的发展,一个新术语—数字控制 (NC) 诞生了。数字控制就是利用穿孔纸带或储存的程序来控制机床。美国电子工业协会把数控定义为“采用在某些点直接插入数字数据来控制操作的系统,此系统必须能够自动解释这些信息中的一部分。”





1) X轴控制工作台左右运动。

2) Y轴控制工作台靠近或离开立柱。

) Z轴控制主轴上下运动,确定孔的加工深度。 3


1)卧式车床是生产效率最高的机床之一,它是加工回转体零件非常有效的工具。 大部分数控机床可在两个坐标轴上编程。



1. 3(铣床

铣床一直是工业生产中加工方式最多的机床之一,像铣削、成型加工、齿加工、钻、 镗、铰等只是可在铣床上进行的一少部分加工方式。数控铣床可在三个坐标轴上编程。





研究表明,整个金属材料的切削操作大约40%是在机床上进行的。早在20世纪60年 代中期,人们就开始研制车削中心。这种数控机床比普通车床具有更高的加工精度和生产效率。一般数控车削中心仅在两个坐标轴上工作:



1. 5(加工中心

加工中心是20世纪60年代发展起来的。有了加工中心,工人们不必把零件从一台机床 转移到另一台机床就能完成各种加工。由于工件经过一次装配后便能进行多种加工,所以大大提高了生产效率。加工中心主要有两类:卧式加工中心和立式加工中心。

(1) 卧式加工中心可在三个坐标轴上工作:
















当数控机床在计算机监控下工作时,它就被称为计算机数控机床(CNC)。计算机是CNC 机床的控制单元,它们内嵌于数控机床中或者通过通信渠道与数控机床连接,当程序员编程时,通过纸带或磁盘将一些信息输入,计算机将对一些必要的数据进行计算来完成工作。

当今的系统都由计算机来控制数据,因而称之为计算机数控机床(简称CNC机床)。 NC和CNC系统两者的工作原理一样,仅仅是控制执行的方式不同。新型的数控系统通常速度更快、功率更大、功能更全。


CNC 机床结构较为复杂。一般来说,任何CNC机床都由以下几个单元组成:计算机、控制系统、驱动电动机和换刀机构装置。









(3)很容易纳入部分设计变更时,均采用CAD / CAM系统。




































本文标签: 电动机控制计算机机床加工