


Lesson 5

P116 B

1. In certain circumstances, such as a formal party, it is best to _stifle____ your

anger instead of letting it out when you have been offended.

2. People who minds are full of __conventionalities_____ are usually apathetic to

new ideas.

3. Carelessness should be recognized as a frequent __bane_____ of success.

4. The ability to adjust oneself to change is also known as the __flexibility_____ to


5. From the essay we can gain a clear _perspective______ of the worker’s thought

and achievement.

6. Having had a good sleep and a _substantial_______ meal, he felt thoroughly


7. At one time outer space was believed to be a complete __void______.

8. I ___groped____ in the dark for the torch which I knew must be somewhere in the


Lesson 6

Lesson 7


1. Because he was a __mercenary__, he charged exorbitantly for his services.

2. Music is a __appeasement__ to shattered nerves.

3. Camouflage is man-made __protective__ coloration.

4. Advertisers depend upon the __credulity__ of the public to sell many of their


5. Watches, chairs and statues are artifacts_ whereas trees and stones are not.

6. _Statistics_ suggest that the population of this country will be doubled in ten

years’ time.

7. The code was _unintelligible_ to anyone who didn’t have the key.

8. _Jargon_ is a specialized language concerned with a particular subject, culture, or


Lesson 8

P192 B

1. The _fecundity_ of his mind is illustrated by the many vivid images in his poems.

2. Despite his misfortunes he __disdained__ all help or pity.

3. She __fumbled__ about in her bag for her key.

4. The old man __faltered__ as he climbed the hill.

5. The patriots __defied___ death to wipe out all the invaders.

6. The cutback in federal funds leaves the project in a state of __impotence__.

7. Unrefined petroleum is called _crude__ oil.

8. His imagination __outruns__ the facts.

9. All of a sudden, the volcano began to __eject___ bubbling lava.

10. His __strained___ laugh meant that he was telling a lie.

Lesson 9

P219 B

1. The word has been _elevated_ from the status of slang to colloquialism.

2. In that news story fat people are _euphemistically__ referred to as


3. His actions are quite __inconsistent__ with his statements.

4. The terrorists ___strangled__ their hostage with a piece of string.

5. The booming of the jet fighters disturbed the __tranquility_ of the night.

6. The __workaholic__ drops out of the human community and eats, drinks and

sleeps his job.

7. A man who can run twenty miles has great __stamina__.

8. The ruined buildings of the city bear grim __testimony__ to the heavy

bombardment by the enemy.

9. To strengthen the army many extra men were sent as __reinforcements__.

10. Sub traction is the __inverse____ operation of addition.

11. The owner of the shop submitted an _inventory__ and the price he wanted for the


12. Have you taken all the ___variables__ into account in your calculation?

13. The terrible accident is still __imprinted___ on my memory.

14. The water could not get away from the tank because the __outlet___ was blocked.

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

P275 C

1. The children use water wings to _keep___ themselves __up___ in the water while

they’re learning to swim.

2. The warnings __fell on__ deaf ears.

3. He slipped down the hillside, but he _held on__ to a branch until we came to his


4. The building had been in a dilapidated condition for some time, but it was the gale

that finally _did for___ it.

5. After enduring the rat-race in London for many years he then went and __isolated

himself from__ his fellowmen by going to live on a small uninhabited island, off

the west coast of Scotland.

6. During the storm the captain gave the command to __batten down___ the hatches.

7. The police caught the thief _in the act of____ stealing the money.

8. He put on airs as if he fancied himself___ a member if a noble family.

9. When he writes he always keeps a dictionary __at hand_____.

10. In the struggle, his pistol was __wrenched away___ from his band.

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