




When Alla Wagner couldn’t sell her $1.7 million house, she came up with an idea to find a new owner。

She's holding a writing contest and the winner will get the house. __________ 2011, Ms。 Wagner and her

family built a house in Millarville。 After (2)__________ (hurt) her back last year, Ms。 Wagneris

unable to go up and down the stairs。 So she is living on the upper floor of the house. She hates to sell (3)

__________ house。 But she doesn’t want to make other changes that can make it easier for (4)__________

(she) to get around。 Ms。 Wagner has been trying to sell the house for a few months, but so far, no one

(5) __________ (be) interested。 She began to think of other (6)__________ (way) to let someone else

have the house.

After doing some research to make sure her idea wasn't against the law,Ms。 Wagner (7)__________ (begin)

her “Write a Letter, Win a House” project on January 5。

To have a chance of winning the house, people must write a letter to Ms. Wagner (8)__________ answers

the question: ”Why would moving to this lakefront dream home change your life?”

“If somebody wants (9)__________ (write) a poem, they can write a poem,” says Ms。 Wagner.

The 500 best letters (10)__________ (choose),and then judges (评判员)will choose a final winner from

these letters。


Many companies are working on self—driving vehicles like cars and trucks. Almost all self—driving cars

still carry a safety (1)__________ (drive) who can take over the car if there is trouble。

Waymo and many (2)__________ (company)are trying to use self-driving vehicles to move people around。

(3)__________ moving people is kind of dangerous。 Self—driving experiments with goods are much

safer。 Kroger is one of (4)__________ largest grocery store chains (杂货连销店)in the US. The company

is teaming up with Nuro, a robotics company based in Mountain View, California, for its delivery (运送)service. Through this partnership, customers will be able to place same—day delivery orders through

Kroger’s Click list ordering system and Nuro’s app。


Nufo has created a special car just for deliveries. The car (5)__________ (call) Rl. The R1 is(6)__________ (small) than most cars and doesn’t weigh as much。

Walmart is also experimenting with self—driving deliveries。 (7)__________ the autumn of2018, the

company worked with the car—maker Ford on a program that allowed customers (8)__________ (have)

their goods delivered by self—driving car。

Walmart is working with Baidu, a (9)__________ (China) technology company。 Baidu has done a lot

of work in artificial intelligence — teaching computers to learn and make (10)__________ (decide) on their



In 1975, Xia Boyu lost both feet after trying to climb Mount Everest。 But last year, he (1)__________

(become) the first person from China with two artificial (人造的)legs to reach the top of Mount Everest。

Mount Everest is the (2)__________ (world)highest mountain。 The top of the mountain is about 8850

meters high. Many people try to climb it, but it is (3)__________ (difficulty). The height of the mountain

makes it hard (4)__________ (breath) and to be active. When Mr. Xia first tried to climb Mount Everest

in 1975, he and his team were forced to head back down because of (5)__________ bad weather。 On the

way back, he gave his sleeping bag to a person who was sick。 His feet were hurt(6)__________ badly by

the cold that they needed to be cut off。 About 20 years after that, his legs also had to be cut off because

(7)__________ cancer (癌症). But Mr。 Xia never stopped (8)__________ (dream) of Mount Everest。

Mr。 Xia learned to use artificial legs.

Almost 43 years after his (9)__________ (one)climb, Mr. Xia finally reached the top of Mount Everest。

UI love the mountain。 I (10) __________ (fight) for it with my entire life," he said。


In one small American city, snowball fights are illegal (违法的)。 Whenever students visited town hall, the

town leaders always talked about the snowball law。 They wanted to make sure that students understood they

had the power to change it。 But no one had ever tried。 Dane Best was (1)__________ (difference)。

Nine-year—old Dane Best lived in Severance (2)__________ his parents and little brother。 He didn’t like

the law, and he (3)__________ (think) it was outdated。


Dane learned how the town government worked. He wrote a letter to ask the town (4)__________ (change)

the law, and he got many of his friends at school to write letters, too。

Then he went to a town meeting and made(5)__________ speech。 He wanted to change the law so that

snowball fights would (6)__________ (allow)。 “I want to be able to throw a snowball without (7)__________ (get) in trouble,” he said。

The town government agreed and changed the law。 Dane became the (8)__________ (one)person in

Severance who could have a snowball fight。 Who did he want to hit with, a snowball? (9)__________

(he) four—year—old brother.

Dane (10)__________ his family have researched other rules, including one that defines (定义)pets

only as cats and dogs。 Dane has a guinea pig (豚鼠),which appears to be illegal in Severance, too。


Stanley Martin Lieber was born in 1922。 When he was 16, he got a job at a company that made comic

books. He wrote his (1)__________ (one)Certain America story in 1941。 Before he turned 19, he was in

charge of all writing for the company, which became Marvel Comics in the 1960s。 As a writer, he started

using the name “Stan Lee”(2)__________ he wanted to save his real name for a “real book”。

After writing comic books for about 20 years ,Mr. Lee got (3)__________ (tiring) of it。 At the time, most

superheroes (4)__________ (show) as being almost perfect。 They were strong and smart and always (5)__________ (know) the right thing to do。 But all that changed when Mr. Lee was given a chance

(6)__________ (create) new comic book superheroes。 Mr. Lee didn’t create the heroes by (7)__________

(he). He worked with artists to come up with the ideas. Some people have said that Mr。 Lee did not try

hard enough to let people know how much the artists did. But (8)__________ artists such as Jack Kirby and

Steve Ditko, Mr。 Lee was able to create characters that were different from anything that had been seen in

comic books before。 Mr。 Lee made it okay for comic book heroes to have (9)__________ (problem) and

weaknesses。 He also brought them into (10)__________ real world。


Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, is struggling with dangerous air pollution。 The city is spraying (喷洒)water

to clear the air。


Like many (1)__________ (Asia) cities, Bangkok suffers from heavy air pollution。 Much of the pollution

(2)__________ (come) from traffic。 There are other causes, such as farmers clearing fields by (3)__________ (bum), pollution from factories and too few green spaces. Pollution often gets worse than

usual in January and February (4))__________ there is not much wind, leaving the bad air trapped in the

pollution is (5))__________ (especial)dangerous because of the very tiny bits of dust in the air.

When people breathe this dust in, it damages their lungs (肺)。 (6)__________ dust can even enter the

blood and damage other parts of the body. To protect (7)__________ (they),many people in Bangkok wear

masks when they go out。

The government is trying (8)__________ (protect)children by closing schools. But some people think that

students might be much (9)__________ (safe) going to school. They worry that students are more likely

to play outside and breathe dangerous air if they are at home。 If you are in Bangkok, the best way to

deal(10) __________ the high level of air pollution is to stay indoors as much as possible with windows



It was Bryan’s birthday。 As promised, his mother took him to a big shopping mall to buy a birthday present

for him。

The shopping mall was (1)__________ (crowd)。 Bryan and his mother walked from one shop to another,

looking for shops which sold toys。 After (2)__________ (walk)around for about an hour, they came

across a huge shop which sold all kinds of toys. Suddenly, a latest robot caught the (3)__________ (boy)

attention。 It cost over a hundred dollars. Bryan thought that the robot was too expensive。 (4)__________,

his mother agreed to buy it。 When his mother planned (5)__________ (pay) for the toy, Bryan asked

her not to buy it。 Bryan said that he wanted to go to the bookstore which was opposite (6)__________

shopping mall。 He hoped to find something(7)__________ (cheap) and more educational。 As they were

leaving,Bryan saw a shabbily—dressed (衣衫褴褛的) girl standing beside her mother (8)__________

sat in a wheelchair。

They were begging (乞讨)at the side of the road。 It made Bryan’s heart sink when he saw the pitiful sight.

Bryan turned to his mother and asked, “Mother, if I do not buy a present, can I use the money in any way I



“(9)__________ (certain)!” his mother replied。

Bryan gave his birthday money to the mother and the girl. (10) __________ Bryan did not get the birthday

gift, he spent his birthday in the most meaningful way。


Rising temperatures are warming the oceans and making huge amounts of ice melt faster than expected。

(1)__________ something changes, this melting will happen even faster in the future, causing large rises

in sea level。 Global warming often makes (2)__________ (we) think of rising temperatures in the air or

on land。 But most of the heat from global warming — about 93% — goes into the oceans。 It (3)

__________ (mean) that measuring (测量) air or land temperature alone doesn't give a clear picture of how

much the Earth is heating up。 The (4)__________ (Earth) oceans have warmed up even more than

expected. Temperatures from2014 were about 50% (5)__________ (high) than those reported in 2007. Each

of the last three years has set a record for (6)______ warmest year ever recorded in the oceans。 Warmer

oceans are likely to do harm to (7)__________ (importance) areas for sea life, such as coral reefs (珊瑚樵)。Because water expands (膨胀)as it heats up,hotter oceans also mean rising sea levels。 Sea levels

(8)______ (rise) by about 3.5 inches (8。9 centimeters) since 1993. And the problem is expected

(9)______ (get) worse。 One big reason is melting ice (10)some of the coldest areas on the Earth.


Fifteen years ago, I drove a taxi for a living。 One day I went to pick (1)_______ a passenger。 When

I(2)________ (arrive) there, I walked to the door and knocked。 “Just a minute, answered a weak voice。

After a while, the door opened. A small woman stood before me. She was more than eighty years old。 By

her side was a big bag。

When we got into the taxi, she gave me (3)__________ address, and then asked, “Could you drive

through downtown?”

“It's not the shortest way," I (4)__________ (answer) quickly。

“Oh, I’m in no hurry,” she said, “(5)__________ I’m on my way to a hospice (临终关怀医院)。 I don't

have any family left. The doctor says I don’t have much time。”


I (6)__________ (quiet) shut off the meter (计程表).

For the next two hours, we drove through the city。 She showed me the building where she had once worked,

the neighborhood where she had lived, and the place where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she’d ask me (7)__________ (slow)down in front of a special building and would sit looking

into the darkness, saying nothing.

We drove in (8)__________ (silent) to the address she had given me。

“How much should I pay you?" she asked。

“Nothing,” I said.

“You have to make a living,” she answered.

“Oh, there are other (9)__________ (passenger),"I answered。

Almost without (10)_____ (think), I gave her a hug. She held on to me and said, “You gave an old woman

a moment of joy。”


Young people around the world were upset by how long it took adults to deal with the problems of climate

change。 They are fighting to force (1)__________ (they) governments to take action。

Recently, (2)__________ (thousand) of students across Australia took part in huge protests (抗议). They

wanted the government to treat climate change like an emergency and stop burning oil and coal。

Like most places around (3)__________ world, Australia is facing challenges from bad weather。 The

Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef, is in (4)__________ (dangerous) from warming waters

caused by climate change。

One of the goals of the protests is (5)__________ (stop) the opening of a coal mine planned by a company

called Adani. The coal mine would be (6)__________ (big) in Australia.

The protests (7)__________ (start) by a few students in year 8 in Castlemaine, Victoria。 The students(8) __________ (know) about 15-year—old GretaThunberg’s climate protests in Sweden and liked the


idea。 They also noticed (9) __________ the US students protested for gun control earlier this year。

The students planned and held school protests during November。 More and more student groups across

Australia joined in.

“We think it’s important (10)__________ it’s a huge problem," a student said “The Earth is already too

hot,with droughts (旱灾)in winter in NSW and the coral reef is dying。"


Last year, my mom and I joined my dad in California during the summer vacation。 We started from Delhi,

India and flew to Los Angeles. My dad came (1)__________ (pick) us up and we drove to Orange County

where we had an apartment. Then we got tickets for the famous amusement parks (游乐园)。

We went to one of them and (2)__________ (spend)the whole day enjoying it, and then we took a break

for a day and went to the next amusement park. Apart from these amusement parks, we went to some of (3)

__________ best beaches (海滩)of Southern California like Long Beach and LagunaBeach。 It was fun and

I enjoyed my (4) __________ (one) experience of the sea and its sands. We also went (5) __________

(shop) to Hollywood and visited Beverly Hills. Then my vacation time was over (6)__________ we had to

fly back so that I could go to school。 When we were about to cross the security barrier, I couldn't help

(7)__________ (I) and started crying。 I thought that I would miss the good time I had with my (8)__________ (parent)。 We arrived late (9)__________ night at the Delhi Airport and the next day - even

after(10)__________ (be) so tired - I went back to school. This is how my story of the happiest vacation



Many years ago, I had my first chance to visit Russia。“Russians are polite people,"I had been told before

my arrival。 My friend explained that a gentleman would pour the lemonade for the ladies and show other

good (1)__________ (manner)。

One day, I (2)__________ (invite) by my Russian friend Nicolai Vasilevich and his wife Yulya out to

dinner。 At the end of the meal, Yulya asked if I would like a banana。 I (3) __________ (polite) refused

and thanked her。 But my mind was racing, “What should I do? Should I offer her a banana?"

“Would you like (4)__________ banana?" I asked Yulya.


“Yes,” she smiled。

“Which one would you like?” I asked again。

“That one," she pointed at one of the bananas. So I picked the banana that Yulya wanted。 Then I

peeled (剥皮)it half way (5)__________ handed it to her。 The smile on her face told me that I

(6)__________ (do) the right thing。 After this experience,

I spent much time (7) __________ (let) the world know that in Russia, the polite thing was to peel

bananas for ladies.

However, I learned I was wrong during my (8)__________ (three) trip. “Oh no, David," a Russian politely

corrected me。 “In Russia, when a man peels a banana for a lady,it (9)__________ (mean) he has a

romantic (浪漫的)interest in her.”(10)__________ embarrassed I felt! So to communicate properly with

people of different cultures, we should watch carefully how people of the same culture communicate with

each other。


A wedding dress fashion contest was held in New York City. What made the contest special is that all the

dresses (1)__________ (make) out of toilet paper。

Cheap—Chic Weddingsis a website that shows people how (2)__________ (save) money on weddings。

In 2005, the people who ran the website started the contest. The contest may sound like a joke, (3)______

it has gotten more and more serious。

The people who enter the contest try to make a dress that looks like it could be worn in a real wedding。 But

to make the dresses, they can only use toilet paper, glue, tape, and thread。 The creators of the top ten

dresses came to New York to show off (4)__________ (they) work。 Some (5) __________

(bring) models to wear the dresses。 The dresses are judged in five different areas, including beauty,

creativity, and (6)__________ well the dresses are made. The top ten dresses are so good that it is usually

only tiny (7)__________ (different) that keep some dresses from winning. (8)__________ final show

was held at a famous wedding dress store. Just by (9)__________ (look)at the dresses, it was hard to

tell the differences between the toilet paper wedding dresses and the real wedding dresses。 The big winner


in 2018 was Ronaldo Cruz。 Mr. Cruz said that it took him about an hour and a half (10)__________ (finish)

one small square of the dress。


On Monday, I picked up my daughter Juliet。 She jumped into my car. She asked me to help her study

(1)__________ her science test。

“Dad, I need (2)__________ (memory) a unit. And I can hardly make it。”

“It (3)__________ (seem) like a good way to study。 But you can do (4)__________ (well)in

tests if you try to understand what you’ve learned.”

Juliet accepted my advice。 It was Monday afternoon and we had two nights to study. I suggested a plan。

“Tomorrow night,I (5)__________ (ask) you to teach the material to me。 Tonight, read the unit (6)

__________ prepare to teach。”

Studies show teaching somebody else is a useful way to learn。 Even if you don't do the teaching, the act of

(7) __________ (get) ready to teach leads to more learning。

On Tuesday afternoon, Juliet sat down with her science book and said, “Okay Dad, let’s study。" I wanted

her to teach me。 But some mistakes(8)__________ (happen)。 I couldn’t be too hard on her。 Instead, I

asked her some simple questions. She knew some but not others。 When she didn’t know the answers, I

encouraged her to check the book。

She started checking things that didn't make sense.

And she was (9)__________ (active) doing it. She was trying to make sense of things, which was exactly

(10)__________ I had hoped she would do。


Recently, the Flipflopi,a sailing boat made from plastic trash, was set to end a two—week trip along the

African coast。 The trip is meant to call attention to the (1)__________ (dangerous)of single—use plastic

(塑料).Single-use plastic is (2)__________ huge part of the 17 trillion pounds (7.72 trillion kilograms) of

plastic (3) __________ flows into the oceans every year.


Lamu is an island off the northern coast of Kenya。 There (4)__________ (be) many expert boat builders

on this island。 Mainly, they make dhows (独桅帆船)。A dhow is a special wooden sailing boat with a sail

in the shape of a triangle (三角形)。Dhows have been made and sailed in Kenya for over 1,000 years.

In 2015, the people of Lamu (5)__________ (hold) a beach cleanup to collect the plastic waste。 By the

end, they had collected 66,000 pounds (6)__________ plastic waste。

In 2016, Ben Morison decided (7)__________ (try) to build a boat made just from plastic trash collected

along beaches and roads in Kenya。 He put together a team to help build the boat。

It took the team three years (8)__________ (complete) the FlipFlopi, a 30-foot (9—meter) all-plastic

dhow. The only wooden part is the mast — the large pole that holds the sail up. (9)__________ (they)

method doesn't require any fancy equipment (高级设备)。Now they know (10)__________ to do it, and

the method can be copied easily and quickly。


On January 1, 2019, published works of art became “public domain”(公有领域)in the US,making them

free for anyone to use. They include dramatic films such as The Ten Commandments, and comedies

featuring (喜剧片)Charlie Chaplin,Buster Keaton,and Harold Lloyd. This is the (1)__________ (one)large group of things added to the public domain in 20 years。

When someone creates a work of art, (2)__________ work is protected by copyright (版权)。That means no

one else can take the work and use it (3)__________ permission (批准). This helps make sure that artists

can earn money from their work.

Before 1976, (4)__________ (long) time that copyright protection could last was 56 years。 Li 1976,

works of art were protected from the time they (5)__________ (create) until 50 years after the artist died。

The 1976 copyright law protected artists’(6)__________ (child), but it didn’t make businesses happy。

Many big businesses asked government

(7)__________ (change) the law so that these creations would not become public domain。

(8)__________ 1998, the government added 20 years to the copyright protection limit (限制)。That meant

works of art were protected for 70 years after the(9) __________ (die) of the artist, or 95 years from


when the work first got a copyright.

Now, 20 years (10)__________ (late), over50,000 things from 1923 have finally entered the public

domain。 These works can now be used by anyone whenever they want.




Betty and I are best friends. Our birthdays are on the same day. This year, we had a costume party instead.

While we (1)__________ (write) the invitation, Mom came in and asked, “Why not invite John?"

John had been in our class for only a few months, but he was getting (2)__________ (good) grades in

math than anyone else in our class。 I wrinkled (皱起)up my nose, “Mom,he wears the same pants to

school every day. (3)__________ could he even buy a costume?"

Mom said nothing。 The next day, Mom gave me an envelope (信封)。“I think it would be nice for you

(4)__________ (give) this to John,"Mom said。 But we didn’t want to make John embarrassed。 Finally,

Betty and I had a good idea。

On the day of our party, kids arrived and dressed(5)__________ (different). John arrived, in an old sheet

(床单),but still in the same brown pants as usual. We danced, ate snacks and played games in groups。

Before (6)__________ (eat)the birthday cake, Betty said in a loud voice,

“Now it’s time (7)__________ the great prize game." It was a math game。 None of us was (8)__________ (surprise) when John came up with the right answer first and walked off with the envelope。

Everything (9)__________ (go) on well. John wore a new pair of pants and a new shirt the next week。 He

felt happy (10)__________ so did we.


At sixty, my husband retired (退休) from a high—stress and challenging job。


We (1)__________ (be) happily married for thirty-five years. But I have to say that my husband's transition

(过渡)to retirement was one of (2)__________ (big) challenges in our life。 For the first time, he felt

lost。 How would he find purpose and make (3)__________ living that could allow him to have a healthier


During the last Christmas, I bought him one yoga card。 I found the magic of yoga a few years earlier and

wanted to share it (4)__________ him. He was kind and thankful, (5)__________ the gift card remained

hidden in his wallet。 One evening over dinner, after (6)__________ (complete) all the housework, he said

some—thing surprising, “l think I may use that yoga card and take a yoga class for beginners.”

I replied,“Oh. That (7)__________ (sound) good!"

Then, I realized yoga was really (8)_______ (help) to him。 The transition taught him how(9)_______

(make) a great change in life. He would soon learn that yoga is not about competing, but showing up

without judgment (评价)。I hoped the lessons would make him feel (10)__________ (relax)。 My husband

has become much gentler since he decided to take a yoga class. And all our grown children now throw a yoga

mat (垫)in their back seats. If Dad and Mom do it, it must be worth a try。


Language is part of our daily lives。 Similarly, music is part of many people's lives, too. Here are some of

their similarities.

♦They both have a writing system.

In English we record language by (1)__________ (use) the alphabet which is a collection of letters.

Similarly, we use notes (音符)(2)__________ (keep) a record of music。 Just as you are reading this

collection of letters and trying to find the meaning in it, (3)__________ (music) read notes and create

meaning in the form of music. So just as you read English, you can read music.

♦ They both follow the change of culture. People from different places speak different languages, so you

can guess (4)__________ someone is from through the language. In the same way, the styles of music are

also (5)__________ (differently)。 So we can learn about different cultures through (6)__________

(they) music。


♦ They both express people’s feelings。 (7)__________ do you know that a person is angry? Of course

you can know it from the(8)__________ (person) expression on his face, but you will know for sure

through his words。 Similarly, music can sound angry, sad or happy, too。 It can show (9)__________

(exact) how the musician was or is feeling。 That’s why many people like to sing and dance(10)__________

a happy song when they feel happy and listen to sad music when they feel down。


The British Museum is one of the biggest museums in the world. There are so many things in the museum to

see: clocks that have been telling the time for six hundred years, Roman money, some of (1)__________

(early) books in the world, including Shakespeare’s own words .。。

The British Museum was set up nearly 300years ago (2)__________ a doctor, Sir HansSloane。 The man

liked to collect things such as books, drawings, clothes, money (3)__________ flowers. He hoped that his

things would be kept well. And he also wanted people to visit the place after his (4)__________ (dead)。

His wish came true, and (5)__________ museum opened in 1759, six years after Sir Hans Sloane died。

Later,more antiques (古董) arrived at the museum, and more people wanted (6)__________ (visit) it。

Since its opening, many famous people (7)__________ (write)and studied there. It is now open every day

of the year, except for two holidays (New Year’s Day and Christmas)。

There (8)__________ (be) lots of special exhibitions and every day there are different films and talks。

Small (9)__________ (machine) tell you about the museum and as you walk about it, you can look

and listen at the same time。 So(10)__________ you are one of the British Museum’s visitors, don't see it

all too quickly。


The family is important in our life。 As soon as a baby goes into the world, the people that the baby

(1)__________ (meet) first are his or her family members。 The first person is the mother who has taken

great pain to bring him or her to this (2)__________ (beauty) world.

The family is the first place for people (3)__________ (learn) things in this world. We learn everything

from our family members from baby time till old age。 We see our family members walking and then try to

follow (4)__________ (they). We listen to our family members and then try to repeat the words。 We also


slowly learn the basic communication in (5) __________ family。 We learn how to love, (6) __________

to do and how to get on with others well.

The family works like a chain. Kids know(7)__________ (little) than other people。 They should learn (8)__________ elders。 When kids grow up, get married and have children, the circle repeats itself again。

Your family always come to help you when you are in trouble。 They always support you indifferent (9)__________ (way). You can always share your problems with the family, and you always find a better way

to solve your problems after discussing them with your family.

Considering all these things, we can say the family is (10)__________ (great) gift in our life。


I've just moved to Germany because of my university course. I am working in a school in a small town of

Germany this year and 1(1)__________ (be) here for just over a month。 Tm learning a lot about how the

school system is different here (2)__________ what is “normal" in Germany。 I help teach the children

English at the school, especially (3)__________ (they) conversational skills。 I work with some different

classes, so I get to see the different levels (4)__________ English in the school。

In England I don’t think learning languages(5)__________ (take) so seriously, although it is becoming

more important as more and more businesses work internationally now。 At school I learned German and

Spanish, but foreign (6)__________ (language) are not considered to be main subjects, which are English,

maths and science。 Here in Germany, English is one of (7)__________ most important subjects, besides

German and maths。 They start learning English in primary school and have to study it (8)__________ the

end of school, and many schools have some bilingual (双语的)lessons!

The children in Germany are very active in(9)__________ (learn) English。 Maybe this is because there are

a lot of English and American things in daily life, such as songs and films here。 At home in England, it

is hard (10)__________ (practice) foreign languages because most of our music and films are in English。


At most traditional Chinese dining tables, dishes are shared together。 (1)__________ both square tables and


round tables are used for small groups of people, round tables are preferred for large groups, especially in

restaurants in order (2)__________ (allow) easy sharing。

A basic place—setting consists of (由……组成)a small teacup, a large plate with a small and empty rice

bowl, and (3) __________ set of chopsticks —usually on the right of the plate and a spoon. High-class

restaurants often offer cloth napkins similar to (4) __________ (west) dining.

There is a seating order to every formal dinner based on status. The seat of honor reserved (保留)for the host

or (5)__________ (old) person is usually the one in the center facing east or the entrance。

Snacks are the first items presented。 Two or more small dishes (6)__________ (bring) to the table,

boiled unsalted peanuts or similar dishes included。 These may be consumed (吃)when guests (7)

__________ (wait) for other dishes。

The main course (8)__________ (include) many dishes。 White rice, which is common, is provided in

small bowls. Soup may also be served (9)__________ one of the dishes. Near the end of the meal,

(10)__________ (noodle) or Chinese dumplings are sometimes served to make sure that guests are Ml.


One afternoon, Grandpa wanted to bet (与……打赌)me a bag of candies that I didn't have as many true

friends as I thought。 I rose to the challenge,(1)__________ I wasn’t sure how I could test whether my

schoolmates were true friends or not。

The next day, before I went to school, Grandpa(2)__________ (walk) towards me and it seemed that he

was carrying something in his hand. But I could see nothing there。 Grandpa said,“Take it! It's (3)__________ special chair。

Because it’s invisible (隐形的),it will be difficult for you to sit on it. However, if you can sit on it

successfully, you can use the (4)__________ (chair)magic power to tell who your true friends are。”

Then I took the strange invisible chair to school.

At break I asked everyone (5) __________ (stand) in a circle, and put myself in the middle with the

chair。 ”Look! Something (6)__________ (amaze) is coming.” I said, and then tried sitting (7)__________ the chair. Of course, I missed and fell to the ground. Everyone had a very good laugh. I kept15

(8)__________ (try) to sit on the magic chair again and again。 Finally, I made it。 Then I (9)__________

(real) experienced the magic that Grandpa had talked about. Looking around, I saw George, Lucas and

Diana holding me up, while some of my schoolmates did nothing but make fun of (10)__________ (I)。

I was quite grateful to Grandpa。 That evening, we four true friends went to see Grandpa and had a great

time eating candies。


Summer vacation means long days, sleeping in or enjoying the summer sun。 But more and more parents fear

their kids will forget a lot of knowledge, (1)__________ they send their children to summer schools。

Summer schools can help children go over(2)__________ knowledge that the students have learned during

the school year。

In summer schools, students probably study in a more (3)__________ (relax) situation and can come up

with interesting topics。 Usually, the number of students attending summer schools (4)__________ (be)

smaller. This gives them a good chance to connect with other students and teachers better。 If a student has

failed a course, summer schools may help him or her。 Moreover, they are building their creativity and

imagination as well as (5)__________ (learn) social skills.

However, summer schools bring children problems (6)__________ the same time. It takes children the

whole summer vacation to learn without playing。

As a result it may make (7)__________ (they) less interested in school during the coming year。 For

many students, taking summer classes can be a (8)__________ (tired) experience。 Summer schools are

usually expensive。 They usually offer only a few (9)__________ (subject)。 So many students have to take

classes that they don’t like。

A summer school can be a good chance for students who need it, but it can be (10)__________

(difficultly) for students who need a rest。 So you can decide whether a summer school is suitable for your



As we know, everyone makes mistakes, but don’t worry about it。 The following is what we should do


when we make mistakes。

Firstly, just admit it。 Don't think that our mistakes (1)__________ (cause) by others。 Be brave and face

the fact that we have made the mistakes. Don't blame (责怪)other people, and don’t cheat (2)__________

(we), either.

Secondly, solve it at once. In order (3)__________ (stop) the problem from getting worse, we should

act quickly to solve it. If we don't deal (4)__________ the problem quickly, it’ll make us feel more

stressed。 Also it’s necessary to make a plan of the action and correct (5)__________ mistake according to

it. So decide quickly and act!

Thirdly, realize that making mistakes (6)__________ (be) the best way to learn。 Those who have made

the most mistakes can learn the most。 The more we learn from our mistakes, the (7)__________ (clever)

we will be。

And lastly, think about (8)__________ we can learn from our mistakes. What caused us to make the

mistake? How can we avoid (9)__________ (make) the same mistake in the fixture? When we act with a

method and get a (10)__________ (well)result, do it that way next time. If we don’t, we should stop,

think about it and try again。


Lewis owns a big warehouse (仓库)。 This is because he has (1)__________ (he) own company.

He stores all of his goods in the warehouse。

But one day, the warehouse (2)__________ (catch) fire。 After putting the fire out, Lewis found that all of

his goods had burned up。 He called the police (3)__________ once。

Police officer Fred Brown soon arrived at the warehouse. He (4)__________ (careful) checked it, and he

said that the fine began inside the warehouse。

However, the warehouse’s door and windows(5)__________ (lock). If no one broke in (6)__________ (set)

the fire, it must have been set by someone who had a key to the building。

“How has your business been going recently?” Officer Brown asked Lewis。


“Actually, I’m going bankrupt (破产)," said Lewis。

“But you must have insurance (保险)。 It can cover your losses, right?"asked Officer Brown。

“That's true,” said Lewis。 “But I spent a lot of time and money (7)__________ (bring)

African grass skirts back to my warehouse。”

“Where did you put (8)__________ grass skirts?” asked Officer Brown.

“By the window,” Lewis answered。

Officer Brown walked towards the window, which was on the warehouse's south side。 Standing by the

window, he saw Lewis' son running around with a magnifying glass (放大镜)in his hand。

“You set the fire by (9)__________ (you),didn't you?" Officer Brown asked Lewis.

(10)__________ did Officer Brown think it was Lewis who set the fire? And how did Lewis do it?


It's believed that chopsticks have been around for thousands of years. China might be the (1) __________

(one) country to use them.

Sometime in the past, people began cooking their food in large pots。 The food was cut up into small

(2)__________ (piece) so that it would cook faster。 Rather than reach their fingers into the pots, people

began to fish for their food with sticks。 It became easier (3)__________ (get) the food using a pair of

sticks, so the chopsticks were born!

In modem times, chopsticks are used (4)__________ most parts of Asia, including Japan, Malaysia,

North Korea, and Vietnam. Using chopsticks becomes one of the (5)__________ (world) most popular ways

of eating。

Chopsticks are usually made of wood, plastic, metal, ivory and jade (玉)。 Bamboo is also (6)

__________ common chopsticks,material。 In ancient times, silver chopsticks were used because they (7)__________ (think) to turn black when

they touched poison (毒药)。 Chopsticks are not only used for (8)__________ (eat) but also used as gifts.


There are often lots of different paintings on chopsticks.

As chopsticks slowly became more popular, they began to be made of different materials (9)__________

turned into different shapes. Now there are many kinds of chopsticks for different uses。 One kind of them is

for eating normal meals.

Chopsticks for the kitchen are (10) __________ (long) than usual。 Each family member has his or her

own chopsticks, with a different mark, starting at about 2—3 years old。


My mom was very sick in November, 2016。 I was worried the next Christmas would be her last。 I

wondered (1)__________ kind of gift I could give her to show my love。 Then I had an idea. I put a note

in my Christmas cards, asking friends to send my mom a card (2)__________ (cheer) her up.

My daughter posted the request for cards on her Facebook page。 In turn, her friends picked up the idea and

shared it (3)__________ their friends.

In early December, the postman (4)__________ (carry) a bag of Christmas cards to her front door

because he couldn’t put them into her mailbox.

I visited my mom every week。 She kept the cards she received each week so I could look at (5)

__________ (they), too. We would sit at the kitchen table, and she would read every card.

Sometimes my mom had to rest (6)__________ there were too many cards for her。

Christmas cards arrived from almost every state in our country. There (7)__________ (be)also some cards

from Germany, France and Australia。 My mom was (8)__________ (surprise)at the cards with their

best wishes。 Whenever someone came by for a visit, she would show them happily。 These were (9)__________ (good) Christmas gifts for my mom,(10)__________ (sad), my mom passed away in early

March 2017。 I always remember her smile when she opened the cards。 The cards are small gifts, but

they’re also the power of love。



One day, when I walked into the living room, my 12—year—old son looked up at me and said,“I love

you。” I did not know what (1)__________ (say), and I just stood there, looking at him。 My first thought

was that he must need help with his homework。 Then I asked, “What was that all about?” “Nothing,” he

said。 “My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and see (2)__________ they say。”

The next day I called his teacher to find out more about what my son said and how the other (3)__________

(parent) had reacted (反应)。 “Most of them had the same response as you did,” the teacher said。 “When

I asked the children what they thought their parents would say, some of them thought their parents would be(4)__________ (surprise).

Then the teacher explained, “I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part

(5)__________ health。 I’m trying to tell them it's too bad that we don’t express our(6)__________ (feel)。

A child should tell his or her parents that he or she (7)__________ (love) them。 Sometimes it is (8)__________ (difficulty) for some of us to say that.”

That evening (9)__________ my son came to me, I took him in my arms and held on for a while, saying,

“Hey, I love you,too。” I don't know if saying that made either of us (10)__________ (health) than

before, but I did feel pretty good。


Ordering food online has become part of college life. However, a university in Southwest China is trying

(1)__________ (stop) students doing it。

The ban (禁令)made the students (2)__________ (happy). Some said that the ban made the dining hall

full of people。 There are not enough seats in it, so students have to stand up when they eat。 The busy

dining hall also means that students have to spend more time (3)__________ (eat)。 If students can order

online, they can have more time to rest at noon. Some even said (4) __________ (angry) that the dining

hall only provides a few dishes and almost all of them taste bad.

(5)__________ fact, Guangxi University of Foreign Languages is not the earliest one to do so.

Some other (6)__________ (university) have already done that。 A teacher from Guangxi University of

Foreign Languages said that schools stopped students ordering food online (7)__________ the food from

outside was not safe for students。 Moreover, ordering too much food led (8)__________ a serious rubbish


problem, as there were many used food boxes left in the school campus (校区)after students finished


However, in the eyes of a teacher at Renmin University of China, universities (9)__________ (they)

should take action. “If schools make their dining halls better, the students (10)__________ (con〉e)

back soon。”


We have fear, anger, hate and sadness. These feelings can affect how we think and how we act。 When we

are under stress, our feelings are even(1)__________ (difficult) to control。 But what if there is a quick

and easy plan for dealing (2)__________ your feelings every time you face a stressful situation?

Well, there may be such (3)__________ plan —using the third—person singular (第三人称)。An American

expert, Jason Moser, thinks he may have found a way (4)__________ (help) control stress: Talk to

yourself in the third—person。 Moser says that talking to yourself in the third—person (5)__________

(seem) to put a kind of psycho—logical distance (心理距离) between you and your emotions。 He

thinks this distance is all that some people need to control (6)__________ they react to stress.

Talking to yourself in the third—person is like giving (7)__________ (you) advice。 Moser uses himself

in an example。 He dislikes flying, (8) __________ he must often take a plane to go to work。 So, when

he feels nervous or afraid during a flight, he talks to himself。

Moser agrees that talking out loud to yourself could look and sound strange to other people。 So, he advises

using your brain and (9)__________ (have) that discussion inside your head.

However, he adds that this way for controlling stress is not new, but the study is. With the information he

and his teammates have collected, the third-person self—talk may (10)__________ (use)by more people

and in more situations。



(一)1. In 2. hurting

be chosen

(二)1。 driver 2. companies

Chinese10. decisions

(三)1。 became 2。 world's3。 difficult4。 to breathe5。 the

9. first 10。 will fight

2. with3。 thought4. to change 5。 a 6。 be allowed 7. getting8。 first 9。

6. so 7。 of 8. dreaming 3. However4. the5. is called 6. smaller7. In 8. to have 9。

3。 the4. her5。 has been6. ways7。 began 8. that / which 9。 to write10。 will

(四)1. different

His10。 and

(五)1。 first 2。 because3。 tired

problems10。 the

4。 were shown 5。 knew6。 to create 7。 himself 8. with9。

(六)1. Asian2。 comes 3。 burning4。 because5. especially 6。 The7。 themselves8. to protect 9。

safer 10. with

4. However 5。 to pay 6. the7。 cheaper 8。 who 9。 (七)crowded2。 walking3. boy’s

Certainly 10。 Although

3. means (八)1。 Unless 2. us

get 10。 in

(九)1。 up

4。 Earth's 5。 higher 6。 the 7. important 8. have risen 9。 to

2。 arrived 3。 an 4。 answered 5。 because6。 quietly7。 to slow 8。 silence9。 passengers 10。 thinking

6. the biggest 7. were started8。 (十)1。 their 2. thousands 3。 the 4。 danger 5. to stop

knew 9. how10. because

(十一)1。 to pick 2. spent 3。 the4. first 5. shopping6. and


7。 myself 8. parents9。 at 10.

(十二)1。 manners2。 was invited3. politely4。 a 5. and 6。 had done7。 letting8。 third



means 10。 How

(十三)1。 were made 2。 to save 3。 but4. their 5. brought6。 how7。 differences

looking10. to finish

(十四)1. for2. to memorize3。 seems 4。 better 5. will ask

actively10。 what

(十五)1. danger / dangers 2。 a 3. that4. are 5。 held6。 of7。 to try

10。 how

8. to complete 9。 Their6. and7。 getting 8. happened 9。

8。 The9.

(十六)1。 first2. the 3。 without4。 the longest 5。 were created6。 children7。 to change 8。

In 9。 death 10. later

(一)1. were writing 2。 better 3。 How4。 to give5. differently 6。 eating7。 for 8。 surprised9。

went 10。 and

7. sounds 8. helpful9. to (二)1. have been2。 the biggest 3. a 4. with5. but 6. completing

make10。 relaxed

(三)1。 using2。 to keep3。 musicians 4. where

exactly 10. To

(四)1。 the earliest 2. by

10。 if

5. different6. their 7。 How8。 person’s9。

3。 and4。 death 5. the6。 to visit7。 have written8. are9。 machines(五)meets 2. beautiful3。 to learn4. them 5。 the6。 what

the greatest

(六)1. have been2. and 3。 their


7。 less 8。 from 9。 ways 10.

4。 of 5。 is taken6. languages 7. the8. until 9。 learning10. to

(七)1。 Although 2。 to allow3。 a 4。 western5。 the oldest 6. are brought

8。 includes9. as10. noodles

2。 walked

8. trying

3. a

4。 chair's

10. me

7. are waiting(八)1. but

6. amazing

5。 to stand

7。 on 9. really


(九)1. so 2。 the3。 relaxing 4. is 5。 learning


(十)1. are caused2。 ourselves 3. to stop

10. good

2. caught

8。 the

6。 at 7。 them 8。 tiring9。 subjects 10。

4. with 5. the 6。 is 7. cleverer8。 what 9。 making

(十一)1。 his


3。 at 4. carefully 5. were locked 6. to

7。 bringing 9. yourself 10. Why

4. in 5。 world’s 6. a (十二)1。 first 2。 pieces 3。 to get

7. were thought 8。 eating 9。 and 10。 longer

(十三)1. what 2. to cheer 3。 with 4。 carried 5。 them 6because 7。 were 8. surprised 9. the best 10. Sadly

(十四)1。 to say 2. what 3. parents 4。 surprised 5. of 6feelings

7。 loves 8. difficult 9。 when 10。 healthier

(十五)1。 to stop 2。 unhappy 3。 eating 4。 angrily 5. In

6. universities 7。 because 8. to 9. themselves 10。 will come

(十六)1。 more difficult 2. with 3。 a 4。 to help 5。 seems

6。 how 7。 yourself 8. but 9。 having 10。 be used


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