




《包法利夫人》简介 "Lady Bovary" is a novel written by the

French writer Flaubert.

The work is about the story of an aristocratic education

farmer Emma. She looks down when the township doctor's husband

package law and interest, dream of legendary love. But her twice

betrayal not only did not bring her happiness, but make her own

usurers to exploit the object. Finally, she debt as a mountain,

desperate, had to suicide.

It is a peach event that is common in both life and in

literary works, but the author's strokes perceive sensitive

areas that are not yet covered by others. Emma's death is not

just her own tragedy, but also the tragedy of that era. The

author uses the delicate strokes to describe the process of the

hero's emotional degradation, the author tries to find the

social roots of this tragedy.

《包法利夫人》内容简介 Charlie Pharaoh is the son of a

military doctor. He is not high talent, but very diligent,


honest, cowardly and incompetent. Father does not attach

importance to education. He was twelve years old by his mother

for his right to go to school, and later became a doctor. At

that time his parents and he found a widow with 1,200 francs

per year income - the wife of Mrs. Dolbick, she was forty-five

years old, old and ugly, "Chai as dry, like spring Germination

like a pimple. " But because of her money, there is no lack of

candidates should be elected. She married Charlie and became

the master of his master: Charlie had to obey her mind to wear

clothes, according to her orders forced the patient; she read

his letters, across the board eavesdropping him to the women

to see a doctor.

One day, Doctor Charlie received an urgent letter asking

him to go to the Bayer to give a rich farmer, Mr. Lu Ou, and

his one leg broke. Luu is a short fat man about five years old,

his wife died two years ago. At home by her only daughter Amy

cuisine. This is a romantic girl, cheeks are rosy, hair black

oil, in the back of the back into a big bun, eyes are beautiful,

because the eyelashes sake, brown color as if the black color,

she "look to you , No worries, there is a naive look. She left

a deep impression on Charlie. Charlie to Luou after treatment,

promised him to visit three days later, but the next day he went.


After that, he went twice a week. Has spent forty-six days,

cured Luo's legs.

Charlie 's wife and her husband often go to Bayer.

Inevitably to inquire about the patient's details. When she

knew that Miss Luo had been educated, know how to dance,

geography, sketch, embroidery and playing the piano, the

vinegar big hair. She asked her husband to put his hand on the

book, swear to her, and never go to Bayer again. Charlie

obediently listening, still doing it. But soon happened an

accident, his wife's property custodian with her cash to escape.

Charlie's parents found that the daughter-in-law did not have

a income of 1,200 francs a year (she lied at the time of her

engagement) and came to her and was noisy. She was angrily,

vomiting blood dead.

Lu Ou father to Charlie delivery fee, when he knew Charlie's

misfortune, they try to comfort him, said he had experienced

the pain of widowed. He invited Charlie to Bayer to get away.

Charlie went, and fell in love with Emma. He asked the father

of Lu Ou father. Luo felt Charlie is not the ideal son-in-law,

but people say that he is well-behaved, live frugally,

naturally not too care about dowry, they agreed. After the

spring, Charlie and Emma held a wedding according to local



Emma thirteen years old entered the monastery attached to

the boarding school to study. She was educated by nobility. She

loves church flowers, religious music, and grows under the

influence of romantic novels. Peter's novel "Paul ear and

Virginia" is one of her favorite books. She dreamed of the life

of small bamboo house, especially a good brother, affection

lingering, climb even higher than the clock tower to pick the

red fruit, or barefoot on the beach to run, give you a nest ;

She "sincerely respects those famous or unfortunate women",

immersed in Romantik's Myanmar. An old girl who came from the

aristocratic family before the Great Revolution went to the

monastery every month for a week, she told the girls about the

romantic story, and there was always a legendary novel in the

pocket. Later, Emma's mother died, his father took her home.

Emma got married, she finally got the kind of incredible

love. In the past, love seems to be a rose feathers of the giant

bird, is expected to not, in the poem of the bright paradise

soar. After marriage, she found Charlie is an ordinary and

vulgar people. He "talk like a sidewalk as flat, view vulgar,

as pedestrians generally dress ordinary, can not afford to get

emotional, but also excitement or dream." Charlie will not swim,


not than the sword, will not shoot the gun. At one time Emma

asked him a rush in the legendary novel, and he was stunned.

She remembered why she was getting married. Sometimes, in order

to make up for the emptiness of her feelings, she recounted

Charlie to her recollection of love poems, while Yin and sigh.

But after she had been found, she found herself as calm as before

her singing, and Charlie did not touch it, as the knives knocked

on the rocks, and when she had knocked it, she did not emit a


Soon, Charlie had a well-known Marquis's aphrodisiac. The

Marquis was grateful to Charlie that he invited Charlie to his

field to his patriarch. Charlie and his wife went to the

carriage. It is an Italian-style manor house, a large house,

and a beautiful garden. Emma on the Marquis home luxury style,

elegant guests, jeweled dance scenes, one by one fascinated.

A romantic mourner to invite her to dance, to her left a deep

impression. On the way home, she picked up a Viscount a cigar

box, but also brought back her memories of the dance. Back home,

she was angry with the maid. She hid the cigar box, when Charlie

was not at home, she took it out, opened and opened, looked and

looked, and even smell the lining of the taste: a mixed with

beautiful cherry and tobacco taste. She "hope to die, and hope


to live in Paris".

In the life of Emma, in the life of Emma, chisel a hole,

as the mountains of those big cracks, a storm, a night effort,

it became such a look. She had no choice but to open something.

But she participated in the ball of the beautiful dress, satin

shoes, she was devoutly into the chest of drawers. "Her heart

is like them, and wealth has had contact, add some dawd things."

Emma dismissed the maid and did not want to live in Dorothy.

She always looks dislike for her husband. She became lazy,

"surly and capricious".

Charlie was afraid of causing Emma sick. They moved from

Dorothy to Yongzhen. It was a village of Tongdao Road, with an

old church and a long street as a bullet. There are gold lions

on the street and the attention of Mr. Hao Mai's pharmacy. Hao

Mai is a pharmacist, wearing a gold pendant hats, wearing a pair

of green skin slippers, his complacent face a few fine linen,

air like hanging on his head in the wicker cage goldfinch That

way. He often loves to boast, advertised himself as an atheist,

he did not have a doctor license, but privately to the farmers

to see a doctor. Emma to Yongzhen that day, by Hao Mai and a

lawyer where the trainer to accompany Leon to accompany dinner.

Leon Du Pu is a young man with golden hair, the Golden Lion


Hotel package to eat the tenants. Emma and his first meeting

will be able to talk about. They have the same interest, and

are like traveling and music. Since then, they have often talked

about romance novels and time plays, and "constantly exchange

books and songs." Mr. Bao Fali rare jealousy, not blame.

Emma gave birth to a girl named Baird. Feed to the

carpenter's woman. Leon sometimes accompanied her to see her

daughter. They are getting closer, Emma birthday, Leon sent a

gift, Emma also gave him a blanket.

Fashion businessman Lele, is a sly business expert,

puffiness face without a beard, as if wiping a thin licorice

juice; a pair of thieves bright black eyes, lining the white

hair, more and more flexible. He had a hatred of his face, his

waist as he was, and his bow was like a bow. He saw Emma is a

love decorated "elegant woman", then automatically come to take

business, and credit to her, to meet her all kinds of vanity


Emma fell in love with Leon. She in order to get rid of this

mind, turn to care about housework, the small whites also take

home, and on time to church. She was thin, pale, as cold as

marble. On one occasion, she even wanted to reveal the secret

of the heart to the clergyman in repentance, but she saw that


the priest was not able to do anything. She was depressed by

her mood, pushed her daughter down, broke her face. Leon also

fell into love. In order to get rid of this depression, he went

to Paris to finish the course. Parting, he and Emma Yiyi

farewell. They all feel infinite melancholy.

Emma is sick and sick. The memory of Leon became the center

of her grief. Even if the passengers in the Russian prairie snow

lit up the fire, but also less than Leon in her memories so

bright. Once, Ip's landlord, Rodolfo Brown, came to Dr. Pharaoh

for his blood. This is a veteran in the lunar month. About

thirty-four-year-old scene, ruthless, think Ming Minmin. He

has two Zhuangtian, recently bought a manor, each year more than

fifteen thousand francs of income. He saw Emma was born Peugeot,

the initial meeting will be seduced her bad idea.

Rodolfo took advantage of the opportunity to host the state

trade show in Yongzhen, close to Emma, and devote her to her,

and he dressed himself as a wretch without friend, nobody cares

and depressed to the extreme. He said that as long as he can

get a sincere treatment of his people, he will overcome all

difficulties, to achieve their goals. They talked about the

vulgarity of the mainland, the stifling of life, the ideal of

destruction ... ...


The opening ceremony of the exhibition began, the state

executive committee Liao Wan sat four rounds of carriage slowly

late. This is a bald forehead, thick eyelids, gray face. He made

a speech to the masses, the "beautiful state of the motherland,"

a song of praise. He said that the current French "everywhere

prosperous, art developed, everywhere to build a new road, the

collective state added a lot of new arteries, constitute a new

link; our great industrial center and active; religious

strengthening, law light, we The pier is full of goods ... ...

"His speech and the nearby grazing cattle and sheep bleating

call into a piece, the masses also to his tongue. After the

meeting, held a ceremony. The government issued a silver medal

of twenty-five francs to an old woman who had served for

fifty-four years in a monastery. That old woman face wrinkles,

dry thin exhausted. When she received the medal, said: "I took

this church to give us the chief, give me a mass." Finally, held

a fireworks. Emma and Randolph do not care about the spectacular

scenes of the exhibition. They just take this opportunity to

speak children, chat, until the return of Charlie back so far.

After the show, Emma has forgotten Randolph. And Randolph

was interested in six weeks before going to see her. He was

concerned about Emma's health grounds, to lend her horse riding


her. They went to the field with the heart. Emma can not afford

the temptation of Rhodes, made his mistress. They are kept from

the bag of law and medicine often with the tryst. At this time,

Emma emotional development to the extent of fanaticism, she

asked Rodolf to take her away, and he went out with him She and

Charlie's mother also quarreled.

However, Rhodes is a quarrel. He was playing with women,

the ugly idea of acting, cheating Emma's feelings. He promised

to flee with her, but fled the day, his trustee gave Emma a

letter. The letter said, to escape both of them are not

appropriate, Emma will one day regret it. He did not want to

be the reason for her regret; say that the world is cold, fled

there can not help but be insulted. Therefore, he and her love

farewell. Emma was faint, and her heart was as big as a hit.

In the evening, she saw Rodolfo sitting in the carriage and flew

through Yongzhen, to Lu Ang to find his mistress - a female play.

Emma immediately fainted. Since then, she had a serious illness.

After the disease is good, she would like to change the former,

re-life. But then another thing happened.

Pharmacist Hao Mai invited Baffle couple to Luon to see the

play. In the theater, Emma met the actor who had been an

affection. Now he is practicing at a firm in Rouang. So, they


buried in the heart of love seeds for many years and sprout.

They did not watch the play, they went to the pier chat. At this

time, Leon is not a fledgling epigenetic, but a person with full

social experience. He will meet to meet Emma, and tell her the

pain after parting. When Emma talked about his own illness,

almost died, Leon put on a very sad look. He said that he also

"envy the grave of the quiet", often think of death, and even

one day, he also made a will, told others after his death, to

use Emma gave him that piece of beautiful blanket wrapped buried

he. He tried to encourage Emma to stay for another day to see

the scene. Dr. Pharaoh went to Yongzhen for medical affairs.

Emma stayed. So she and Leon will go to visit the Louvre

Cathedral, sitting in the carriage ride in the city. In this

way, Emma and Leon.

Emma returned to Yongzhen, an excuse to go to Luon to learn

the piano, in fact, she is to and Lion tryst. Emma once again

put all his enthusiasm in the Leon body, indulge in the pleasure

of pleasure. In order not to spend, she carrying her husband

to businessman Lele borrowing.

However, Leon and Rodolf so deceived Emma's feelings. He

was getting tired of Emma. Especially when he received the

letter from the mother and the lawyer of the package Kaji


counsel, decided to break off with Emma. Because of this

ambiguous relationship, will affect his future. Soon, he will

be promoted to the first trainee. So he began to avoid her.

At this moment, Emma received a summons from the court.

Businessman Lele to force her to pay off the debt, the court

limited Emma in twenty-four hours, all eight thousand francs

of the loan to pay off, or to property mortgage. Emma

reluctantly to Lele pleading, to him a few days longer, but he

turned his face do not recognize people, refused to work. Emma

went to prayer for help in Leon, and Leon deceived her from the

money. She went to the lawyer to borrow money from the people,

but this old ghost is her eyebrows want to occupy her She went

angrily. In the end, she thought of Prisiam to go to Roderov

to help. Luo Duoer Fu actually said he had no money. Emma

suffered humiliation, feeling heavy. When she came out from the

Rodolfo family, felt the wall shaking, the ceiling down her.

She walked into a long boulevard and stumbled over the windy

cloth ... came home, and Herman had eaten arsenic. She would

like to say "all the fraud, despicable and tortured her

countless desires, and she is irrelevant." Dr. Pharaoh knelt

on her bedside, and she put her hand in his hair, and the sweet

feeling was more sad for the doctor. Emma also felt sorry for


her husband. She said to him, "You are a good man." Finally,

she looked at the child and left the world with pain.

In order to pay off the debt, the Pharaoh doctor to sell

all the goods are sold out. When he opened the drawer, he found

his wife and Leon's love letters and the portrait of Rodolfo.

He was so sad that he could not stand out for a long time. Once,

he met Rudolph in the market, but he forgave his rival, that

"wrong is life." He was dead after he had suffered all sorts

of blows. Emma left the daughter foster home in aunt's house,

and later into the mill.

After the death of Dr. Pharaoh, there have been three

doctors to Yongzhen opening, but they can not stand Hao Mao

desperately crowded, no one is tenable. So the illegally opened

pharmacist was lucky and received the cross issued by the


《包法利夫人》创作背景 In the 1940s, it was the period when

the capitalist system was established in Western Europe, and

that the French bourgeoisie gained dominance after the July

Revolution, and that with the gradual advancement of the

industrial revolution, French capitalism was Big development,

industry and agriculture in this period have made great

progress. And the novel is depicting the 1848 bourgeoisie


achieved a comprehensive victory after the French second empire

period of social outlook. The novel is based on the real thing:

a village doctor's wife's case.

Flaubert wrote "Lady Bovary" spent four years and four

months, working twelve hours a day. Both sides of the draft of

the draft written 1,800 pages, the final version of less than

five hundred pages. 1856 "Lady Bovary" published in the "Paris




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