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1. When writing proposals, we should concentrate on the reviewers’

preferences. (1分) B



多选2. Which are included in the biographical sketches? (1分) ABC

Key investigators in the (literature reviews).

Educational background.

Academic duties.


多选3. Which are included in the progress report? (1分)ABCD

Background information:methodologies,

A description of current status: results,

Achievements so far.


多选4. Which are included in the contents of a proposal? (1分) ABCD

Project descriptions.•

References cited.

Biographical sketches .


单选5. Which are concluded in current achievements related to the proposed

project? (1分) D

Related projects completed.•

Related publications

Related duties

All the above.

6. Which is not included in introduction? (1分) C


.Basis for proposing the project


Current status (literature

单选7. What are the strategies when we write proposals? (1分) D

We need to present the key ideas clearly and convincingly in first several pages.

We have to be

creative and try very hard to set up new problems and propose new approaches unlikely to be thought

about by .

For different kinds of proposals, we should use different strategies.

All the

单选8. Which assumptions should not we accept when writing proposals? (1分)


The reviewers are statistically unbiased and proposal very well.

The reviewers know the background of

There are many smart

The reviewers are smart but very chers out there competing on the same subject and proposing similar or better ideas

多选9. Which disciplines are included in “Micro sensor and wireless sensor

networks”? (1分) ABCD

Information engineering.•

Mechanical engineering.

Physics & chemistry.


多选10. Why is the interdisciplinary research important? (1分) ABCD

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In modern science and technology, there is a tendency in interdisciplinary le the drive forces of discipline change and may change the course of another ch.

It is

The concepts and knowledge in one

New area may come out as the interdisciplinary

11. Which disciplines contribute to “Quantum Informatics”? (1分) D

Information &try.

Information& biology.


Information& physics

判断12. If you find out there are several authors no show, you can combine the

session with some others”. (1分) B



单选13. In some conferences,what do you need to report to the program

committee. (1分) D

How many papers are presentedabove.

Anyone no show

How the session goes.

All the

单选14. What are the tasks of a conference session chair ? (1分) D

Meeting the authors either in author's breakfast or just before the s.

Introducing the

Controlling the presentation time and follow the schedule.

All the above.

判断15. If you find the paper is really interesting, can you say, "I know the paper

have not been published yet, so I can directly use its ideas in my own paper?" (1分) B



16. To save efforts you can send emails to all the reviewers simultaneously. (1分)B



判断17. A paper is usually reviewed by one reviewer. (1分)B



多选18. What difficulties may you meet as the associate editor or editor? (1分)


You may have difficulty in finding a proper number of reviewers.

You may have difficulty in

You may have too getting reviews from a particular reviewer who already agreed to review .

. ..

many papers to handle, and you cannot turn in to handle the paper al affairs so you don’t have enough time.

You may have some

多选19. What should you pay attention to when choosing reviewers?( 1分)ABCD

You should find a little more than the standard number of candidate the interest of the reviewers with ours.

You should

You should not ask a person closely related to or

You should not ask the advisor to review students' fighting hard with the authors to review the .

多选20. Which factors are important to become an AE? (1分) ABCD

Willing to serve without reviewer firstly.

Writing a good CV.

Finding a good advocate.

Being a

21. What information should you give authors if you want them to revise? (1分)


Which parts to d.

how the paper should be reorganized.

How the paper should be

All the above.

单选22. How long should you spend on completing the review? (1分) C

One week.•

Two weeks.

Four to six weeks.

Ten weeks or more.

单选23. As an AE, what information should you get after glancing over the

paper? (1分) D

What the paper .

Its potential contributions.

Who are other leading researchers in the

All the above.

判断24. Validity or correctness of the method means whether your paper fits this

conference or journal. (1分) B



判断25. Serving as a reviewer can help you develop the capability of critical

reading and providing critic reviews. (1分) B



26. Which statements are correct when you serve as a reviewer? (1分)ABC

Give the comments to the authors for improvement and ic and constructive to the authors especially the beginning researcher.

You are advised to be

You should keep

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confidentiality, and you should not disclose any information on the review of the se some information on the review because the system is anonymous.

You can

多选27. Which parts should be included in rating scales? (1分) BCD

Originality or creativity of the g.

Validity or correctness of the method.

Clarity of the

Suitability of the readership

单选28. Which part mainly determine the contributions of the paper? (1分) B

Validity or correctness of the g.

Originality or creativity of the concept.

Clarity of the

Suitability of the readership

判断29. When making a poster, printing out your PPT is also a good choice. (1•

分) A



判断30. In poster sessions, you can just leave the poster at designated area and

hang out. (1分) B



31. Plenary and keynote speeches are very important because it

often discusses the future development and research directions. (1分)A



多选32. What are the benefits of poster sessions? (1分)ABCD

You can network somebody

It can attract the people who are interested in your is interested in your work.

You can get the feedback in real time.

It provides

a stage for participants to communicate with each other.

多选33. Which statements are correct? (1分) ACD

You must participate

You can just participate the sessions you are interested sessions

You should ask question appropriately and make comments politely.


can choose one or two committee to participate.

多选34. Which activities are included in a conference? (1分)


Paper presentation sessionsPoster sessionsCommittee meetingsSocial


单选35. When should we meet session chair? (1分) A

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At author’s breakfast or just before the session.

At poster sessions.


other’s presentation.

Just at any time.

36. How long should the author be allowed to present the paper? (1分) B

About 2 or 3 .

About 15 to 20 minutes.

About an hour.

About two hours or

单选37. What does “no show” mean in the video? (1分) B

You don’t submit the final .

You submit a paper to the conference and do not show up at

You don’t do a good presentation.

Don’t show off when you make presentation.•

单选38. What should you do when you present a paper? (1分) D

Prepare slides strictly according to the time ly.

Make presentation and answer questions

Read program carefully, locate your session and be aware the time slot for

All the above.


判断39. To save efforts you can just list the one author and use “et al” for the

others if the reference paper have many authors. (1分) B



判断40. There is no need to ask anyone’s consensus if I want to reuse the graph

and picture from my own paper. (1分) B



41. Which statements are correct? (1分) ABC

should treat other people’s ideas and intellectual property with respect and

You should respect other people’s ideas in academic exchanges.

You should ask

permission for use of documents and so get an idea from others.

You should publish the achievement first when

What should we do when we treat other people’s idea and

intellectual property? (1分) ABCD

Respect other people’s ideas in academic exchanges多选42.

Ask permission for use of

documents, etc.

Pay attention to the copyright for use of graphs.

Be aware of the

cultural differences.

多选43. Why it is important to share credit? (1分) ABCD

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Because it is the basis for free sharing the idea and respect for the intellectual property

right of scholars.

Because there is a harsh punishment for plagiarism.

Because it

can help to have a healthy research atmosphere.

Because it can protect the right of scholars.

Which of the following is unacceptable in terms of sharing

credit? (1分) D

If I want to reuse the graph and picture of my paper that has been previously published,


I still ask for the permission and copyright from the is really my work before I claim my contribution in the paper.

I have to make sure that

I am generous to

collaborators in some cases that their contributions are not very clear cut.

I claim credit

in my paper but the main idea is the result of the discussion with my colleagues.

In order to prepare a good presentation, you can record

your talk and then rehearse and practice. (1分)A



46. What should you do in Q&A? (1分) ACD

Answer audiences’ questions and you should ask google”.irrelevant answer

For simple questions, you can say “the question is so

Deflect the answer to the point you want to emphasize for

Admit and/or offer the approach to finding the answer, or offer answers later if

多选47. What should you do when making a presentation? (1分) ABCD

Don’t read but present with confidence.

Mention main goal early to capture attention

Try to emphasis in different ways.


slur your pronunciations and let sentences trail off.•

判断48. In order to enhance performance, you should use slides as many as

possible. (1分)B



判断49. Don’t use too many variables and notations, or the audience would

forget. (1分)A



判断50. If you use a circle to represent something, you also could use it to present

another thing in the same talk. (1分)B

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本文标签: 学术报告写作科技答案