






I give up。

Let's play another game. (我们再玩另一个游戏吧。)

You're too good for me. I give up. (你也玩得太好了,我不玩了。)

I fold. *用于玩扑克时。

I raise you $20. ([玩牌时的]再加20美元。)

I fold. (我不玩了。)

I give in。


I can't help it. *当带有can时,help表示“避开”、“抑制”、“控制”,所以I can't help it 表示“不得不这样做”、“无法回避”。

You should stop smoking. (你该戒烟了。)

I can't help it. (戒不了啊。)

There's nothing I can do about it。


Not a chance! *用于没有可能性时。

Would you lend me ¥5,000? (你能借给我5000日元吗?))

Not a chance! (没戏。)

No chance at all。

Fat chance。

No way. (根本不可能。) *否定语气,非常强烈,是不礼貌的说法。


That's the way it goes。

The game is canceled because of the rain. (因为下所以比赛取消了。)

That's the way it goes. (没办法呀。)


I have no clue. *clue 表示“线索”、“头绪”。

Do you know who stole it? (你知道是谁偷的吗?)

I have no clue. (毫无线索。)

I don't have any idea。

I don't have a clue。

I haven't a clue。


I'm throwing in the towel. *throw in the towel原是拳击用语,日常会话时常用来表示“认输”。

I'll never win. I'm throwing in the towel. (我赢不了你,我认输了。)

Don't give up so early. (别那么快就认输。)

I'm giving up。


It's hopeless。

It's hopeless. (没希望了。)

Don't give up yet. (别灰心!)

It's impossible。


Better than nothing. *句子开头的It's被省略。

I only have five dollars. (我只有5美元。)

Well, it's better than nothing. (可总比没有强吧。)


It was fate. *fate “逃脱不了的命运,注定的命运”。

How did you meet? (你们怎么认识的?)

It was fate. (这就是命运呀!)

It was meant to be。

It's my destiny。


It's history. *表示“已经没有了”、“是过去的事了”。

I thought you loved him. (我想你很他。)

We broke up. It's history. (我们分手了,一切都成为过去了。)

It's all over。

It's in the past。

It's done with。


It beats me。

What's the answer? (答案是?)

It beats me. (不知道。)

I have no idea。

I don't know。


I have no other choice but to do so。

Why are you doing it? (你为什么做这样的事呢?)

I have no other choice but to do so. (除此之外我别无选择。)

I have no other choice. (我没有别的选择。)

It's my only choice。

I have to. (我不得不做。)


I no longer feel devoted to this company. *devote 表示“把(努力、金钱、时间等)贡献、花费在(工作、目的上)”。

I no longer feel attached to this company. (我已经感觉不到这个公司的对我的引吸力。)

I don't feel loyal to this company any longer. (我再也不会对这个公司忠心耿耿的了。)


That figures。

We have to work overtime again. (我们还得再加班。)

That figures. (果不其然。)

That makes sense。

No wonder. (不足为奇。)

That explains it。

That's why. (怪不得。)


It is just as I imagined。

What do you think? (你认为如何?)

It is just as I imagined. (正如我所想像的那样。)

It's just like I dreamed。

It's exactly the way I thought it would be。


See, didn't I tell you so?

I shouldn't have done that. (我真不该做那事。)

See, didn't I tell you so? (瞧,我不早告诉你了吗?)

See, I told you!

I told you, didn't I?

See, I'm right. (瞧,我是对的吧。)

You should have listened to me. (你早该听我的。)


Good for you。

I lost. (我输了。)

Good for you. (这是当然的。)


Serves you right. *serve…right 短语,表示“当然的'报应”。

I got a speeding ticket. (我超速挨罚了。)

Serves you right. (活该!)

Well, you got what you deserved。

Well, that'll teach you a lesson。

That serves you right。

You deserve it。

You asked for it。

You were asking for it。

You got what was coming to you。


You never know。

I'll never win the lottery. (我肯定中不了奖。)

You never know. (很难说。)

Anything could happen. (什么事都可能发生。)

You can't be too sure. (什么事都可能发生。)


No wonder。

She's tired. (她累了。)

No wonder. (这不足为奇。)

That makes sense. *make sense “合乎道理”、“理所当然”。

It makes sense。

Ah, I get it. (啊,知道。)


That's why…

She's very busy. (她非常忙。)

That's why she's so tired. (难怪她会很累。)



美语里有好几种说法,"Knock it Off" 和 "Cut it Out"。

用法跟中文的别闹了一样:Hey, cut it out 嘿,别闹了!

Will you knock it off? I'm trying to sleep 别闹了好吧?我在睡觉啊。

Cut it out / knock it off right now! 如果跟年轻人说 "Stop

Playing“ 也可以表示同样的意思。


"Got Beef With" 意思是"跟X有问题,对X有意见,不喜欢"

这是很本土的俚语。注意:一定要用 got,而不要用语法正确的


用法:I got beef with your boyfriend 我对你的男友有意见(不怎么喜欢)。

Hey! I got beef with you 咱两儿有问题!I got beef with KFC (我不喜欢肯德基)


"Half-Assed" 的意思是 “随便做的,不够格的,不称职的,没诚意”。

用法不是很简单,half-assed 后面要加个名词。

My boss gave me a half-assed excuse for working OT 我的老板随便编了一个借口让我加班。

I made a half-assed effort to care 我没诚意的试着去关心。


烈性酒不叫 wine, 叫 "Liquor"。

Rum 朗姆, gin 杜松烧酒, tequila 龙舌兰酒, vodka 伏特加,

whisky 威士忌 算 liquor。

老美喜欢在前面加个hard,说成:"Hard Liquor"。而且,在酒单上烈酒也会写成 "Spirits"。

这三种说法都很地道:Want some liquor? Sure, I'll have some


感动 / 影响你:

"Get to You" 是影响你的意思。

eg:She got to me. 她影响到我了。

也是感动的意思:Her letter really got to me 她写的信真的感动我了。

If you fail your test, don't let it get to you 要是你考试不合格,不要让它影响到你。

Your gift got to me 你的礼物感动了我。



someone under your wing和take someone for a ride。

Larry: Hey, there you are, Lihua。

LH: (Sounding tired) Oh, hi Larry。

Larry: I haven't seen you since last weekend. What have you

been up to? Don't tell me you're having midterms already。

LH: 我连看书的时间都没有!尽忙着照顾我表妹了。她从中国来美国上高中,初来乍到,什么都不会,所以我这两天一直在帮她安顿。

Larry: I'm sure it's a very tough transition for both of you. But,

it's so nice of you to take her under your wing。

LH: "Take her under my wing"? 这是什么意思?

Larry: To take someone under your wing means to give them

a great deal of personal guidance and protection while they are

learning something of which you have experience。

LH: 我明白了,to take someone under your wing就是指导、保护和照料某人。我现在就是这样像母鸡带小鸡一样照顾着我表妹呢!

Larry: It takes time to learn how to cope with living in a totally

new environment - it's only natural to need a little bit of help at

first. As a matter of fact, I can remember a time not so long ago

when I took a certain confused girl from China under my own


LH: 你说你也曾这样帮助过一个女孩?你不是在说我吧?Larry, 虽然你给了我很多帮助,但这和我给我表妹的帮助是不同的。我要是不在她身边,她连出门买吃的都不敢!

Larry: But Lihua, you couldn't buy groceries on your own

either when you first moved here. One time at the grocery store,

your bill came to $7.50 and you pulled out a dollar bill, asking me

if it was enough!

LH: Haha,这个我记得。刚到美国时,每次需要跟美国人打交道


Larry: Luckily, I was there to take you under my wing while

you got used to living in the United States - just like how you're

taking your cousin under your wing now!

LH: 哈,看来我们都是好心人!最近我在帮我表妹找房子。她以前的房东欺负她是新来的,把房租提高了两倍!我表妹已经傻呼呼地交了一个月的钱!

Larry: Yeah, you have to be really careful. It sounds like that

landlord was taking your cousin for a ride。

LH: Taking her for a ride? 开车带她出去?那个房东可没这么好心!

Larry: Um, I mean "taking her for a ride" as in, taking

advantage of her situation - playing a trick on her for his own


LH: 哦!原来to take someone for a ride还有欺负人,宰人的意思!

Larry: Yea, that's right. For example, when I went to New York

City, my cab driver noticed that I had never been to New York

before, and so he took a longer route to my hotel in order to run

up my bill. This is a classic case of "taking someone for a ride."

LH: 啊?司机看你是第一次来纽约,就带着你绕远路,多收你的车费。这可真差劲,欺负人!

Larry: Unfortunately, some people will take advantage of

other people like that。

LH: Larry, 咱们是愿意take others under our wings, 不遗余力地帮助别人,可这个房东和那个出租司机却会take people for a ride,占别人便宜。所以这两个说法的意思正好相反嘛!

Larry: Yea, you could think of it like that. So, it's a great thing

that you are taking your cousin under your wing! Otherwise, it

would be easy for people to take her for a ride。

LH: 好吧,为了防止她受欺负,我就继续努力吧。

Larry: I'm sure your cousin is a smart girl. Before you know it,

she'll be just as capable to live on her own in the United States as

you are - and you won't have to worry about people trying to

take her for a ride。

LH: (叹气)不过,在她完全自立前,我可有的忙了,估计不能常和你见面了!

Larry: That's OK. Taking someone under your wing is a quite

a full-time job!


Larry和李华开车去多伦多度假,结果在路上遇到了一些问题。他们会用到两个常用语:Dodge a bullet和cheapskate。

LH: Larry, 还要开多长时间才到多伦多啊?

Larry: If we don't make any more stops, we should get there

by nightfall。

LH: 啊,天黑的时候才能到?可我已经快饿死了!咱们停下来找点东西吃吧?

Larry: Actually, we have a free dinner waiting for us at the

hotel in Toronto。

LH: 我知道酒店有免费晚餐,可是还要几个小时才能吃到,我坚持不住啦!

Larry: You know me, Lihua, I'm a cheapskate. Sorry。

LH: Cheesecake? 你带了芝士蛋糕? 快给我吃!

Larry: No, cheapskate. A cheapskate is

someone who is very cheap, or doesn't like to spend money。

LH: Cheapskate就是小气鬼。没错,你就是个cheapskate!要不是你舍不得花钱,我们才不会选多伦多度假呢,早买张飞机票飞去泰国了!

Larry: Thailand? Don't be ridiculous! Even if I wasn't a

cheapskate, you know we can't afford to go that far away for


LH: 那,就算去不起泰国,咱们停下车吃顿饭总可以吧?

Larry: If we stop for food, we'll waste time, gas, and money. I

think we should just wait until we get to Toronto。

LH: Why are you being such a cheapskate?? 咱们刚开始约会的时候,你可是特别喜欢给我买吃的呢!

Larry: Oh, yeah, I Actually, now that I think

about it, I think I might have some of that candy you like in my

something like a white rabbit, right?

LH: 大白兔奶糖?哪里?!还真有诶! 可这包已经过期了。不过我太饿,将就吃了!

Larry: Phew! Looks like I dodged a bullet there。

LH: (With candy in her mouth) Dodge a bullet? 躲避子弹?你又在说什么我听不懂的话了?

Larry: To dodge a bullet means to narrowly escape a very bad

situation. For example, a second ago you were about to get really

angry because I wouldn't stop for food, but luckily, I had that bag

of Chinese candy to keep you happy!

LH: 哦, to dodge a bullet意思就是 “逃过一劫”,躲过了非常糟糕的事情。你说,要不是因为你包里正好有糖,我肯定会因为饿肚子而大发脾气,所以你算是躲过了我的一顿数落。

Larry: That's right。

LH: 可是吃糖吃不饱啊!

Larry: We have a perfectly wonderful - and free - dinner

waiting for us in Toronto. Sorry, Lihua, we're not stopping。

(ding! The gasoline light comes on)

Larry: Uh-oh。

LH: Larry, 什么声音?是不是没油啦?你看看!几个小时前我不是让你把油箱加满么!

Larry: I heard the gas is a lot cheaper in Toronto, so I didn't

want to buy more gas than I I thought this would be

enough for us to reach Toronto!

LH: 啊?你因为觉得加拿大的汽油便宜,就不舍得在美国加油,打算坚持到多伦多再说?你怎么这么小气!Cheapskate!

Larry: I hope we can find a gas station I haven't seen

any signs for a gas station for awhile.。。

LH: 我的老天!附近没有加油站?那我们岂不是要身陷荒野!

Larry: Don't worry, we always have my cell phone if we need

to call for help。

LH: 打电话求救?呃,我刚才一直拿你的手机玩游戏,已经没电了。

Larry: Oh good grief. Luckily, I think I have an extra battery in

my backpack. Check the outside pocket。

LH: 啊!真的,这里有块备用电池!We dodged a bullet!我们逃过了一劫!

Larry: Speaking of dodging a bullet, it looks like there's a gas

station a few miles ahead. We should be able to get there without

a problem。

LH: 太好了!前面有加油站,咱们快去把油箱加满!

Larry: OK, I won't be such a cheapskate this time。

LH: 对!这次别再小气了!还有,在加油站给我买点吃的来!

Larry: OK, fine. You got it。


Larry准备参加马拉松比赛,李华在帮他进行赛前训练。他们会用到两个常用语:on the dot和get a taste of one's own medicine。

LH: Larry,加油,就剩500米了!冲刺冲刺!

Larry: (Out of breath) I do?

LH: 不错,但还是没进15分钟。

Larry: (Still a bit out of breath) Let me see Hey,

this isn't above his is 15 minutes on the dot!

LH: Dot? 点点?这个秒表是新的,上面什么都没有啊!

Larry: No, no. The watch is fine. I'm talking about the time.

it says 15:00. Exactly Fifteen minutes on

the dot。

LH: 哦,on the dot就是“正好”的意思。你是说,你刚才的成绩是正好15分钟。可是Larry,我的意思是,你还是没有冲破15分这个关口。这样你下个月参加比赛时,名次是不会理想的!

Larry: I know, wait a minute. Next month? I thought

I had way more time to prepare than that!

LH: 啊?你忘啦?距离比赛还有整整一个月,30 days on the dot!

Larry: Well, at least I'm fifteen minutes is

my best time so far. I think I'm done running for today。

LH: 好吧,那今天就练到这儿吧。天儿也够热的,今天是35

degrees on the dot,35度呢!

Larry: Well, when you're running, it feels more like 40 degrees

on the dot!

LH: 不过回家前,你还得做30个仰卧起坐。

Larry: You sure are a how do you know so much

about training?

LH: (得意地)我高中是田径队的,教练特严格,我都是跟他学的!严师出高徒嘛!

Larry: Oh really?? (pauses for a moment as if hatching a plan)

You know, Li Hua, there's a couple's race as well on race day. I

think you and I should be a team!

LH: 双人跑?我也参加?那可不行,我整整10年没跑步了!10 years

on the dot!

Larry: Hey, you've been making me run all over this track for

the past week; I think it's only fair that you got to taste of your

own medicine。

LH: 什么,taste of my own medicine? 我的药的味道?

Larry: Actually, you've been working me so hard, but now it's

time for you to go through the same ordeal that you had put me

through. In other words, you're getting a taste of your own


LH: 我明白了,get a taste of my own medicine就是自食苦果。你是说,这几天我逼你练得那么辛苦,现在你也要让我尝尝同样的滋味。

Larry: Right! Let's start be here at 7 am on

the dot. I can't wait to give you a taste of your own medicine!


1. What's your sign?


2. I don't think astrology is blind faith. It holds waterin many



3. I'm not superstitious. The horoscope sometimes turns out

to be accurate。


4. He's a typical Taurus。


5. A Scorpio girl and a Pisces guy have the potential to

become good friends。


6. A Sagittarius person is stereotyped as energetic,

adventurous, and with a good sense of humor。


a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life。


8. It's too narrow-minded to judge people by using astrology.

It's all steoreotypes。


9. Pisces is a Water element. It is extremely receptive,

compassionate, and other-directed。


10. The fire element of Arise brings assertive "I" energy。


11. The Air element of Gemini brings communication,

intellect and speed。


12. Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create,

innovate, and lead。


13. Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to



14. Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more

extroverted and active。


15. Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. It is one of the

hardest-working signs of the Zodiac。


16. Aquarius has astonishing intellectual and communication




本文标签: 星座美国没有欺负比赛