







1. 实时视频监控:通过高清摄像头,您可以随时随地,通过手机或者电脑App远程查看宝宝的实时画面,并且支持双向语音通话。

2. 温湿度监测:婴儿房内的环境温度和湿度对宝宝的健康非常重要,本产品可以实时检测并提供相关数据。

3. 智能警报功能:当宝宝发生哭闹或者异常情况时,智能婴儿监视器会立即发送警报信息到用户手机,及时提醒您进行处理。

4. 多设备连接:支持多设备同时连接,您和您的家人可以一起监护宝宝,共享欢乐时光。


1. 摄像头安装:请将摄像头稳固地安装在离宝宝床铺适宜的位置,并确保摄像头的电源连接正常。注意避免将电源线放在宝宝能触及的地方,防止发生意外。

2. 配对设备:请您下载并安装婴儿监视器App,然后按照App的指引操作,将摄像头与手机或者电脑连接配对。请确保您的手机或者电脑与摄像头的连接在同一局域网范围内,以便实现远程监控。


1. 实时视频监控:打开App,选择对应的设备,即可查看宝宝的实时画面。您可以通过手势操作对画面进行放大、缩小和拖动,以便更好地观察宝宝的情况。

2. 双向语音通话:在观看实时画面的同时,您可以点击对讲按钮与宝宝进行语音交流,通过轻柔的话语安抚宝宝,让宝宝感受到您的关怀。

3. 温湿度监测:在App界面中,您可以实时查看宝宝房间的温湿度数据,并可以设定温湿度的报警阈值,当房间的温湿度超出设定范围时,会及时发送报警信息。

4. 智能警报功能:通过智能算法,婴儿监视器能够识别宝宝的哭声和异常动作,当发生异常时会自动触发警报功能,并将提醒信息发送到用户手机,确保您对宝宝的安全第一时间得到关注。

5. 多设备连接:您可以将此婴儿监视器与其他设备连接,例如您的手机、平板电脑等。只需要下载并安装App,按照App的操作步骤进行连接即可。


1. 请确保摄像头位置合理,避免直接对准宝宝床铺的眼睛和头部,以免对宝宝产生不适。

2. 请勿随意更改产品内部设置,以免影响产品的正常使用。

3. 婴儿监视器不是替代保姆的工具,无法完全替代人工亲子互动,建议家长仍需保持与宝宝的接触。

4. 请定期检查摄像头的电源线和连接线,确保连接正常,避免发生安全事故。

5. 严禁将该产品用于非法用途,否则一切后果由用户自行承担。



Dear user,

Thank you for purchasing our smart baby monitor. In order to better use

this product, we hereby provide a detailed product description and operation

guide. Please read this manual carefully and follow the steps to use the baby

monitor correctly to ensure the safety of your baby and your user experience.

I. Product Overview

The smart baby monitor is a smart device designed for home use,

providing comprehensive monitoring of your baby through wireless

connection. This product has the following features:

1. Real-time video monitoring: With a high-definition camera, you can

remotely view your baby's real-time video anytime, anywhere through your

smartphone or computer app, and it supports two-way voice call.

2. Temperature and humidity monitoring: The environmental

temperature and humidity in the baby's room are crucial to the baby's health.

This product can detect and provide real-time data on temperature and


3. Intelligent alert function: When the baby experiences crying or

abnormal conditions, the smart baby monitor will immediately send an alert

message to your phone, reminding you to take appropriate measures in a

timely manner.

4. Multiple device connection: Supports multiple devices to connect

simultaneously, allowing you and your family to monitor the baby together

and share joyful moments.

II. Product Installation

1. Camera installation: Please securely install the camera in a suitable

position near the baby's bed, and ensure that the camera's power connection

is normal. Pay attention to avoid placing the power cord within the baby's

reach to prevent accidents.

2. Pairing devices: Please download and install the baby monitor app,

and then follow the app's instructions to pair the camera with your

smartphone or computer. Ensure that your smartphone or computer is

connected to the camera within the same local area network range for remote


III. Product Usage

1. Real-time video monitoring: Open the app, select the corresponding

device, and you can view the baby's real-time video. You can use gestures to

zoom in, zoom out, and drag the screen to better observe the baby's situation.

2. Two-way voice call: While watching the real-time video, you can

click the intercom button to communicate with the baby through voice, using

gentle words to comfort the baby and make the baby feel your care.

3. Temperature and humidity monitoring: In the app interface, you can

view the real-time temperature and humidity data of the baby's room, and set

the alarm threshold for temperature and humidity. When the temperature and

humidity exceed the set range, an alarm message will be sent promptly.

4. Intelligent alert function: Through intelligent algorithms, the baby

monitor can recognize the baby's crying and abnormal movements. When an

anomaly occurs, it will automatically trigger the alarm function and send

reminder messages to your phone to ensure that your baby's safety receives

immediate attention.

5. Multiple device connection: You can connect this baby monitor to

other devices such as your phone or tablet. Just download and install the app

and follow the app's instructions to connect.

IV. Precautions

1. Please ensure that the camera is positioned properly, avoiding direct

alignment with the baby's eyes and head to prevent discomfort.

2. Do not change the internal settings of the product at will to avoid

affecting its normal use.

3. The baby monitor is not a replacement for the caretaker and cannot

completely replace human-parent interaction. It is recommended that parents

maintain contact with their babies.

4. Please regularly check the power cord and connection cable of the

camera to ensure a normal connection and prevent safety accidents.

5. It is strictly prohibited to use this product for illegal purposes,

otherwise, all consequences will be borne by the user.

Thank you for patiently reading this product manual. If you have any

questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact our customer service.

We are committed to providing you with answers. We hope that our product

can bring you more convenience and ensure the safety of your baby.

本文标签: 产品婴儿监视器智能连接