



Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road

1 Guess what!

2 We’re learning about the Silk Road this month in school. That’s in China.

3 May I ask you a question? Sure./ Sorry, you may not.

4 Some students from my class will go to China and travel on the Silk Road.

5 (1)Who will lead the trip? Who will you go with? (2)Follow me! I will lead you there.

6 Here is the note from my school. Let’s read the note.

7 Leave a note for your parents so they won’t worry about you.

7 This is a good chance for you. Then you will have a chance to see the Great Wall.

8 I’m planning to go on a trip to Beijing this summer

9 How exciting!

10 We will travel along the Silk Road together. WangMei and I will meet you in Beijing. Our first

trip will be Xi’an. How far is it from Beijing to Xi’an? The Silk Road is about 6500 kilometres

long. But we don’t have enough time to see it all. We can only see part of it. We’ll learn about the

history and culture China along the way. I will send you the school’s plan for out trip.

11 When will the train leave? In ten minutes.

12 Welcom to Xi’an---the Walled City. You can walk along the wall in the Walled City .It is about

12 kilometres long and over 600 years old. Xi’an has a long history. You will have a lot of fun

here in this ancient city.

13 The group takes a train to Lanzhou. Then they go to the hotel. Later, they go for a walk along

the Yellow River.

14 Let’s go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights .This road will lead us to the Yellow

River. There was a bridge over the Yellow River .The Silk Road crossed the Yellow River in

Lanzhou. The Yellow River is wide and long. We call it the Mother River.

15 The group arrives in Dunhuang. They take a tour around the city. This is an amazing city. It’s

one of the main stops on the Silk Road.

16 This is our last night in China. We will fly home tomorrow. We did so much fun on this trip. I

can’t believe our trip is over. I will miss China. I will come back someday.

Unit 2 It’s Show Time!

1What’s your project about?

2 I slept for two full days. I feel good now. Are you ready for your project?

3 Jenny will talk about Macro Polo for their project. Danny’s project is about some places of

interest in China.

4 You can find donuts anywhere in Canada.

5 Let’s work on our projects. Good idea.

6 Macro Polo was a man from Italy. He and his brother moved goods between Europe and Asia on

the Silk Road. They travelled on boats, horses and camels. Their journey lasted about twenty days.

7 Chinese discovered coal and invented paper. He brought some coal and paper back to Italy with

him. He also brought back a lot of silk, tea and other goods.

8 Macro Polo wrote a famous book about his travels to China.

9 A camel is an important tool on the Silk Road. It lives in the desert.

10 Can you tell us a little bit more, please? OK.

11 We can make clothes from silk. It comes in many colours. It’s soft and colourful.

12 China has so much history. And our culture is so rich and colourfuL.

13 I feel the same way. So I want to learn to play the erhu. It is a part of ancient Chinese culture. I

can’t wait to play music for all my friends.

14 Jenny goes online to tell others about the food in China. She just got back from a trip to the

Silk Road in China. Everything was great---especially the food. Her favourite dishes were Beijing

Duck and Lanzhou noodles. They have a lot of history behind them. Beijing duck is a true Chinese

treasure. It takes a lot of work, but the end product is worth it. Lanzhou noodles are hand-made

noodles. They look good and taste delicious.

15 LiMing had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road. He saw and experienced a lot on the trip.

The history of China is so alive in these places. He aw his own history and culture in a new way.

He hopes to travel more around his country someday.

16 Where should I go next? Does anyone have any suggestions?

Unit 3 School Life

1 How is your school life going? It’s a little busy. How are you doing today? I’m doing well.

2 I start school at I usually finish at

3 What subjects do you have? My favourite subject is shop.

4 We always have a big sports meet twice a year. I often take part in the long jump. Last term I

won first place.

5 Last week, I made a bird house all by myself.

6 We often make many different things in shop class. Sometimes we make things with clay. And

this week we will print our own T-shirts.

7 I want to take part in the fair with my project on silk worms.

8 With a good education, you can make a difference.

9 She doesn’t want anyone to drop out of school.

10 She always helps us in every possible way.

11 I never miss a day of school. I want to make a difference in the future.

12 On the first day of school, something terrible happened.

13 Jason and his family lost everything in a big house fire. It was a very hard time for them.

14 So they came up with a plan. In just three days, the school raised §1200

15 I’m really interested in this project. I made a video about silk worms.

16 Danny and Jenny are excited about the science fair.

17 I was quite nervous then. But everyone here is so friendly and nice. Now I feel quite

comfortable and relaxed.

18 They move from classroom to classroom for their classes.

19 I’m so happy to be in China. I’m learning so much here. My students often teach me Chinese.

They also teach me about their culture.

Unit 4 After-School Activities

1 Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow?

2 I have volleyball practice tomorrow.

3 I’m going to the chess club after school.

4 I usually volunteer at the Old Age Home on Thursdays. Sometimes we play bingo.

5 I’m not doing well in math this month.

6 What are you going to do this weekend? I’m going to the countryside with my dad. /We are

going to plant trees. We’re both busy all week./ Nothing.

7 Do you want to improve your thinking skills? Come and join our chess club.

8 Chess challenges you and makes you think hard. You will learn and have fun at the same time.

9 Join us after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 288.

10Acting is fun and useful. You can meet lots of new people and improve your social skills. We do

lots of role play games in our classes.

11 Join our club and be a star. Hope to see you there.

12 Swimming isn’t just fun---it’s also good exercise. You can stay in shape and have a good time.

13 We have lessons for all different levels. Join us today and stop by the pool to learn more.

14 What club is right for you? Read the following questions.

15 Do you get enough exercise?

16 I like to listen to music and relax. I usually draw and paint in my free time. I like to read books

and exercise my mind. I like to be active. I like to play an instrument. I enjoy reading and writing.

17 What do you do on a cold and snowy day? I can’t sit quietly. I must do something active inside.

18 I can’t go anywhere without taking running shoes.

19 I can’t live without music. I will be bored without a book.

20 It’s lunch time on Friday.

21 You can’t stay still today. Are you in a hurry to go somewhere? No. Actually, I have big plans

for the weekend. I can’t wait. It’s going to be a good weekend.

22 Would you like to join me this weekend? I would love to come.

23 Zhao Hanyu is a Grade 7 student. She is talking to her grandma on the phone.

24 Hello, Grandma! It’s me. Are you doing well these days?

25 I can read you an English story this weekend.

26 The bookstore is just two bus stops away. It’s very close.

27 I can make donuts myself now. Fresh home-made donuts are so delicious.

28 Mountain climbing is so fun. We are going to take a bus there.

29 It’s three hours away from my house.

Unit 5 I Love Learning English!

1 She wants to practice her English with a foreign friend.

2 Can/May/Could I speak to Jenny, please? Yes. This is Jenny speaking. Is that Li Ming? Are you

free now/

3 I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak more loudly?

4 Sorry , I can’t follow you. Please say that again. Now I understand what you said.

5 How do you practice your English? I practice by myself a lot..

6 How do you practice by yourself? I watch many English TV shows and cartoons I also listen to

English music.

7 Alicia is from Russia. Ms. Bell is a Canadian teacher. They speak English online twice a week.

8 Alicia doesn’t hear a reply. Are you there? Yes, I am here.

9 I won first place at the National English Competition ! Good for you!/ Well done./ Good job.

You really improved a lot. I am so proud of you.

10 It’s all thanks to you.. Talking with you is such a great help.

11 There are only 26 letters in English, but those 26 letters can make a lot off words.

12 There is an English word with about 1900 letters in it.

13 English is an easy language to learn, right? Well, not exactly.

14 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

15 How do I learn English? Here are some tips.

16 Read a lot and use a dictionary. I often read English storybooks, magazines and newspapers. I

look the words up in a dictionary.

17 Watch English TV shows and movies. I can enjoy myself and learn English at the same time.

18 Listen to English music. You can find the words for many songs yourself. I like to write the

words down. I can sing along with the music.

19 Speak English every day. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Sometimes I make silly mistakes

and I laugh at myself. My friends help me a lot.

20 Learning a new language takes time. It can be a challenge, but the new language can give

people more opportunities. With a good knowledge of a new language, you can enjoy a better life.

21 With English, you can travel almost anywhere. You can order food and drinks at restaurants,

and ask for directions.

22 As an international language, English connects you with the rest of the world.. It can also help

you understand differences between cultures.

23 In many ways, English opens a door to the world for you.

23 This is Wang Mei’s first e-mail to her.

24 Let me introduce myself.

25 Do you study any other languages in school?

26 Learning English opens the world up to me.

27 I will teach you some words in my language.

28 Can you send me a photo of yourself? I’m looking forward to your reply.

Unit 6 Seasons

1 Did you notice the wild weather today?

2 The sun came out and it became warm. All the snow went away.

3 We are experiencing almost four different seasons in one day.

4 You can go skiing and skating. You can also have snowball fights.

5 What strange weather! / What beautiful flowers they are! / What a hot, sunny day!

What a snowy day! / What cool weather it is!/ How cool the weather is!

6 You can even get the family together and make a snowman..

7 The weather here is snowy and cold..

8 She stands in front of the class with a very big black bag.

9 It is a great season for apple picking.

10 Everyone happily takes an apple.

11 I like to play in the leaves with my friends.

12 It’s Steven’s turn to speak.

13 I am going to tell you about my favourite day during my favourite season.

14 On that day, the weather was warm and the sun was bright.

15 Let’s give him a big hand, class. The class claps loudly.

16 Today is another good day.

17 On a windy day, I can ride the waves on my surfboard.

18 Surfing is very popular here. It is difficult, but very good exercise.

19 I hope to be a great surfer one day.

20 It’s a lovely season. The temperature is not too hot or too cold.

21 Beautiful flowers are everywhere and everything looks new and fresh.

22 What is spring like in Canada?

Unit 7 Sports and Good Health

1 Jenny looks at Danny and notices something very strange.

2 To tell you the truth, I decided to change my eating habits.

3 I ate ten donuts as usual. That’s awful.

4 I woke up and I was scared.

5 We should exercise our minds.

6 School is great for building our minds.

7 There is an old saying,” A healthy body is a healthy mind.”

8 Running helps us remember information. Walking can improve our thinking skills. Exercise can

keep our brains young.

9 Apples help our brains stay strong.

10 Sports Day was a great success this year.

11 There were ten different events like running, long and high jumps, and ball throwing.

12 I ran really hard, but my tail got in the way.

13 Winning is not everything. Having fun is important.

14 They used to be very active together. They played games outdoors.

15 He is putting on weight.

16 With a true friend on my side, my world will be open wide.

17 He watches too much TV and plays too many computer games.

18 At that time, our people always went fishing and hunting for food.

19 Was life hard at that time ?

20 In the evenings, they often made a big fire. Some people played the drums and others danced

around the fire.

21 Know yourself! This is the first step towards success.

22 Take a piece of paper and write down a list of your habits.

23 I brush my teeth three times a day. I drink eight glasses of water a day. I spend too many hours

watching TV. I don’t always make my bed. I’m not organized. And my room is always a mess.

24 Good habits lead the way to good health and success!

25 Develop your good habits and improve yourself!

26 I keep my room clean and organized.

Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!

1 Jenny and Danny took their final exams today. School is over. They are excited for the summer!

2 Have a good summer!

3 I will volunteer at ARG (Animal Rights Group). ARG takes care of pets without a home. ARG

needs a lot of volunteers. I’m going to volunteer four times a week.

4 Sometimes, people move away and they can’t take their pets with them. Other times, people are

too old or sick and they can’t take care of their pets. Or sometimes, people are not nice to their


5 His family left him alone in a field.

6 This summer I’m going to play baseball for the Tigers. We will play just for fun.

7 We will often play against other teams. My family and friends will buy snacks and pop at the


8 If they don’t win, it’s a shame.

9 My friends and I will walk in the forest , fish at the lake, listen to the birds and learn more about

Canadian nature. We will see a lot of great things.

10 The beach is 650 kilometres away from our home. It will be a long drive.

11 Wish you a great summer holiday.

12 Do you have any plans for summer?

13 I will volunteer at the library for four weeks. I’m going to read storybooks to young children.

14 I’m going to take swimming lessons. I’m really excited about my summer plans.

15 I’m going back to school. I am going to take summer classes at Beijing University. I want to

keep learning. It will be a good experience.

16 Our school organized a special two-week summer camp.

17 During the two weeks, we are going to take part in many activities.

18 I will experience a new life in another part of China. I an going to write down all of my

experiences and share them with you.

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