




1. Freedom of time

Freelancers, the so-called freedom, to a large extent, is the freedom

of time. Even if they sleep until noon, no one will urge them to arrange

their time as they like. As long as they do not waste time and are not

tired of life, this is why many people are more willing to engage in

freelance work.

2. Unregulated

They are not controlled by others, or at least not affected by the

relationship between superiors and subordinates, and can do things

according to their own wishes. When there is no limit, there is more

room to play, and you can give full play to your creativity and expertise.

3. You can do what you like

It is a very happy thing to do what you like. Interest is the best

teacher. It can not only improve your favorite fields, but also make you

feel the fun of doing things you like.


1. Income instability

The biggest disadvantage is that the income is not stable. If there is

freedom, the income may be affected by the market and policies. We

cannot control the objective things. Freelancers may earn tens of

thousands of yuan a month, or they may face several months, or even

longer, with no income. This kind of thing is quite common.

2. High risk

Low anti risk ability, mainly reflected in:

(1)When you are in the game, you cannot see whether you are

doing the right thing from the perspective of an observer;

(2)Since freedom has no so-called guidance, it is all about groping

forward. If others can do it, they may not be able to do it themselves.

Everyone has different characteristics;

(3) Without the anti risk ability of an organization, an organization is

a group of people who are fighting against risks, while a freelancer is a

person who takes all risks, so you can imagine the ability to resist risks.

3. Unable to predict the future

Even with reasonable planning, the future of freelancers is hard to

predict. Freelancing is like a boat in the sea. Many things can not be

done by one person alone. Freedom means that the future may be


本文标签: 自由职业者作文优缺点