





Out of all the Disney movies I"ve seen,The Lion King is one

of the most remarkable films of all story was

touching,the characters were unbelievable,and the music was

actors were chosen rightly for their

characters and their some of the

scenes my be too intense and disturbing for younger

children,it is still an outstanding "s a great

movie to share with the whole "ll laugh,you"ll

cry,you"ll be amazed!It"s a classic for years and years to



100字,英语写的The Princess Diaries is a very

cute,heartwarming and postivie and uplifting movie.i loved

watching it over and over again-it"s very is a

very postive movie-which there isn"t a lot of in today"s

is a good reason why this movie is so good-because it"s funny and classic and a good movie about a

young girl who finds plot is this:it"s about a

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dorky girl named Mia who deals with highs school and the

mean girls and cliques at her school and is also very

finds out one day from her regal grandmother that

she is a princess of a small Euorpean makes

her sort of fearful and she doesn"t want to be a princess

anyway since she can"t lead anything not in camp fire girls

or Brownies or is afraid,and runs

grandmother goes after her and convinces her she should do

agrees,and she gets princess lessons from her royal

transforms and becomes cool and proper and

becomes the queen at the end and decides to

take the throne.I hate Julie Andrews though-she stinks.I

hate "Marry Poppins" and I can"t stand the woman.I love

Anne Hathaway-she is beautiful and amazing to is

actually a cute and funny movie.【英文电影影评100字】

英文电影影评100字(三)英文电影 英语观后感100字左右 别忘了电影名字

还要翻译功夫熊猫》(《Kung Fu Panda》)的:


I see this movie lastweek,

So terrfic,this film make me loving Kung Fu!

My liitle sister love the panda very much ,She ask me which

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kind annimal of Panda?

I told her its one of the cutiest animal in the world ,it

only lives in China.

In this movie,Panda learns how to improve his level of Kung

fu,many scence show that this cartoon is so funny,

You can see how things goes on with laugh,

I recommend this film to you.!

英文电影影评100字(四)4篇英语影评 100字左右 哈利波特影评

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels

written by British author books chronicle

the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry

Potter,together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger,his

best central story arc concerns Harry"s

struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort,who killed

Harry"s parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding

world,after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.


Today,we watched a movie,the name of this movie was

called:The day after this movie speaks BE:A

world happened to become cold affairs in the world,What to

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broadcast it is an region temperature nasty play in

New York to descend in the movie,is almost each to descend

more than ten sky still descends terrible

hail,also having more afraid of of

Tornado,city in New York became to break city for an

instant after being cut through by tornado,making the whole

city become more without results one.

This really lets the person touch eyes shocking,make

the person"s heart can"t fall calm once in a very long

while,although exaggerate very in the movie,but we now not

just so:world So ask the classmates to rise

from the do-it-yourself,environmental protection,make our

environments more beautiful!


Avatar is directed by James two main

characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and

Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.

Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to

persuade people there to leave the planet so that human

beings can exploit a rare is sent there to

control his r,he comes across Neytiri and they

fall in love with each begins to see that nature

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and the planet should be last he and the

people there work together to defeat human beings and send

them back to the earth.

3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the

two highlights of the message of the film is

simple — human beings should protect nature and live in

harmony with it.


Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character

Forrest Gump himself,who has a low IQ of only 75.I love

that Forrest doesn"t lose his innocence and purity

throughout the movie,or maybe he just can"t but either

way,this shows you don"t need to be evil or really

intelligent to be recognised or is just a

movie,so maybe it doesn"t work like that in

that simply means is that the acting and story of this film

was incredibly touching on a real in my

definition that"s what a good movie should be able to do.



哈利·波特是一系列的书面由英国作家JK罗琳7奇幻小说.这些书纪事同名青少年精灵哈利波特的冒险,与罗恩·韦斯莱和赫 5 / 10









3D技术和美丽的自然风光是两大亮点的电影.影片的信息很简 6 / 10

单 - 人类应该保护自然,和睦相处吧.



英文电影影评100字(五)泰坦尼克号100字英语影评It tells

us a story.A story about a woman and a man.A story about

love and are many things including

pictures,necklace,laugh or cry,wealth and poor,live or

like every all of them are not the most

important,the most important is"enjoy every day"with love

and dignity.

It"s only a story ,but in someone"s memory,it means all.


还要说出电影名~还有翻译,起一个好的题目A Film Review of

Kung Fu Panda

The film Kung Fu Panda is a was set in

leading character is a panda called ’s a story about

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is lazy and fat .His dream is to be a Kung Fu

,nobody thinks he can do make his dream

come true,he goes to a temple to learn if from a

then on ,his hard life the end he

becomes a real Kung Fu master and defeats his enemy ,his

formal brother Tai film is great for

everyone,especially children.I give it 8 out of ten.




,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,the movie

is make me happy.


英文电影影评100字(八)第九区英文影评100字"District 9" is

a truly global South African-born Blomkamp

learned his trade in Canada,and found a mentor in New

it"s the location that allows this allegory to


"District 9" also begs plenty of questions; not much of it

makes sense if you stop to think about Blomkamp

seriously overplays his hand in the long,thoroughly

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conventional climactic shoot-" should have been a

taut 90-minute nightmare flick -- a classic midnight movie

-- has somehow pumped up into a 112-minute approximation of

a Hollywood action blockbuster.

Still,"District 9" has plenty of material to chew

ed from a six-minute short,it"s a brashly

confident debut,full of sharp,inventive detail (the prawns

are crazy for cat food) and rooted in a couple of Big

worth the time,if not all of it.

英文电影影评100字(九)【英文影评】电影不限,120~150字.要求:内容简介(包括导演、故事背景及情节) 第一滴血First


First Blood arrived in theaters in October 1982,some

seven and one-half years after the end of the Vietnam

ns" rights were still a significant

issue,although their prominence was its message

about how returning soldiers had been marginalized by a

divided country in desperate need of healing,First Blood

sought to bring more to the table than the story of an

unhinged survivalist lashing out at a bunch of close-minded

on David Morrell"s novel,the screenplay by

Michael Kozoll,William Sackheim,and Stallone sought to mix

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politics with established by the movie,Rambo

wasn"t merely the target of a group of small-minded local

law enforcement officials,but the pawn of a system that

created him then set him adrift and,in a larger sense,of a

society that had no use for him beyond the soulless

business of First Blood,Rambo is a the

three sequels,he is "redeemed" and transformed into a

Blood has a moral compass; the subsequent

entries in the series do not.


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