


SOCKET错误代码表SOCKET错误代码表.Socket error 0 - Directly send errorSocket error 10004 - Interrupted function callSocket error 10013 - Permission deniedSocket error 10014 - Bad addressSocket error 10022 - Invalid argumentSocket error 10024 - Too many open filesSocket error 10035 - Resource temporarily unavailableSocket error 10036 - Operation now in progressSocket error 10037 - Operation already in progressSocket error 10038 - Socket operation on non-socketSocket error 10039 - Destination address requiredSocket error 10040 - Message too longSocket error 10041 - Protocol wrong type for socketSocket error 10042 - Bad protocol optionSocket error 10043 - Protocol not supportedSocket error 10044 - Socket type not supportedSocket error 10045 - Operation not supportedSocket error 10046 - Protocol family not supportedSocket error 10047 - Address family not supported by protocol familySocket error 10048 - Address already in useSocket error 10049 - Cannot assign requested addressSocket error 10050 - Network is downSocket error 10051 - Network is unreachableSocket error 10052 - Network dropped connection on resetSocket error 10053 - Software caused connection abortSocket error 10054 - Connection reset by peerSocket error 10055 - No buffer space availableSocket error 10056 - Socket is already connectedSocket error 10057 - Socket is not connectedSocket error 10058 - Cannot send after socket shutdownSocket error 10060 - Connection timed outSocket error 10061 - Connection refused

Socket error 10064 - Host is downSocket error 10065 - No route to hostSocket error 10067 - Too many processesSocket error 10091 - Network subsystem is unavailableSocket error 10092 - version out of rangeSocket error 10093 - Successful WSAStartup not yet performedSocket error 10094 - Graceful shutdown in progressSocket error 11001 - Host not foundSocket error 11002 - Non-authoritative host not foundSocket error 11003 - This is a non-recoverable errorSocket error 11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested typeWSAEADDRINUSE (10048) Address already in useWSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abortWSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refusedWSAECONNRESET (10054) Connection reset by peerWSAEDESTADDRREQ (10039) Destination address requiredWSAEHOSTUNREACH (10065) No route to hostWSAEMFILE (10024) Too many open filesWSAENETDOWN (10050) Network is downWSAENETRESET (10052) Network dropped connectionWSAENOBUFS (10055) No buffer space availableWSAENETUNREACH (10051) Network is unreachableWSAETIMEDOUT (10060) Connection timed outWSAHOST_NOT_FOUND (11001) Host not foundWSASYSNOTREADY (10091) Network sub-system is unavailableWSANOTINITIALISED (10093) WSAStartup() not performedWSANO_DATA (11004) Valid name, no data of that typeWSANO_RECOVERY (11003) Non-recoverable query errorWSATRY_AGAIN (11002) Non-authoritative host foundWSAVERNOTSUPPORTED (10092) Wrong WinSock DLL version+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++常见SOCKET错误返回码(转)WSAEINTR (10004) 被中斷的系統呼叫

查詢格式是正確的,但是查無此資料存在。這通常是暫時性的錯誤,可能在不同的網路資料伺服器中能找到這份資料。WSAPROVIDERFAILEDINIT (OS dependent) Unable to initialize a service a service provider's DLL could not be loaded (LoadLibrary() failed) or the provider's WSPStartup/NSPStartupfunction CALLFAILURE (OS dependent) System call failure..Returned when a system call that should never fail does. For example, if a call to WaitForMultipleObjects() fails or one of theregistry APIs fails trying to manipulate theprotocol/namespace _INVALID_HANDLE (OS dependent) Specified event object handle is application attempts to use an event object, but the specified handle is not _INVALID_PARAMETER (OS dependent) One or more parameters are application used a WinSock function which directly maps to a Win32 function. The Win32 function is indicating aproblem with one or more ALIDPROCTABLE (OS dependent) Invalid procedure table from service provider.A service provider returned a bogus proc table to WS2_. (Usually caused by one or more of the function pointersbeing NULL.)WSAINVALIDPROVIDER (OS dependent) Invalid service provider version number.A service provider returned a version number other than _IO_INCOMPLETE (OS dependent) Overlapped I/O event object not in signaled application has tried to determine the status of an overlapped operation which is not yet completed. Applications thatuse WSAGetOverlappedResult() (with the fWait flag set to false) in a polling mode to determine when an overlappedoperation has completed will get this error code until the operation is _IO_PENDING (OS dependent) Overlapped operations will complete application has initiated an overlapped operation which cannot be completed immediately. A completion indication willbe given at a later time when the operation has been _NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY (OS dependent) Insufficient memory application used a WinSock function which directly maps to a Win32 function. The Win32 function is indicating a lack ofrequired memory resources.7

本文标签: 資料可能網路错误系統