







Guideline Statements


Diagnosis 诊断

1. The clinician should engage in a diagnostic process to

document symptoms and signs that characterize OAB and

exclude other disorders that could be the cause of the patient’s

symptoms; the minimum requirements for this process are a

careful history, physical exam, and urinalysis. Clinical Principle

1. 临床医师应参与诊断过程,记录OAB的症状和体征,排除可能导致患者OAB症状的其他疾病;必须进行仔细的询问病史、体检和尿液分析。(临床原则)

2. In some patients, additional procedures and measures

may be necessary to validate an OAB diagnosis, exclude other

disorders and fully inform the treatment plan. At the clinician’s discretion, a urine culture and/or post-void residual assessment

may be performed and information from bladder diaries and/or

symptom questionnaires may be obtained. Clinical Principle

2. 部分患者可能需要进一步的检查和评估来确证OAB的诊断,排除其他疾病,并充分告知患者治疗计划。根据临床医生的判断,可以进行尿培养和/或残余尿评估,并可以从膀胱日记和/或症状问卷中获得信息。(临床原则)

3. Urodynamics, cystoscopy and diagnostic renal and

bladder ultrasound should not be used in the initial workup of

the uncomplicated patient. Clinical Principle

3. 对于初筛单纯性OAB患者,初次检查时不推荐进行尿动力学检查、膀胱镜检查和诊断性肾膀胱超声检查。(临床原则)

4. OAB is not a disease; it is a symptom complex that

generally is not a lifethreatening condition. After assessment has

been performed to exclude conditions requiring treatment and

counseling, no treatment is an acceptable choice made by some

patients and caregivers. Expert Opinion

4. OAB不是一种疾病;它是一种通常情况下不会危及生命的综合症。在评估后排除了需要进一步治疗和观察的情况下,部分患者和老年衰弱者可以不接受特殊治疗。(专家意见)

5. Clinicians should provide education to patients regarding

normal lower urinary tract function, what is known about OAB,

the benefits versus risks/burdens of the available treatment

alternatives and the fact that acceptable symptom control may

require trials of multiple therapeutic options before it is achieved.

Clinical Principle

5. 临床医师应当向患者进行关于下尿路正常功能、什么是OAB等知识的健康宣教,可选择治疗方案的益处与风险/负担比例,以及达到临床可接受的症状控制前可能需要尝试多种治疗方案的告知。(临床原则) Treatment 治疗

➤ First-Line Treatments: Behavioral Therapies

➤ 一线治疗:行为治疗

6. Clinicians should offer behavioral therapies (e.g., bladder

training, bladder control strategies, pelvic floor muscle training,

fluid management) as first linetherapy to all patients with OAB.

Standard (Evidence Strength Grade B)

6. 所有OAB患者,临床医师应将行为治疗(如膀胱训练、膀胱控制策略、盆底肌肉训练、液体管理)作为一线疗法。标准(证据强度等级B)

7. Behavioral therapies may be combined with

pharmacologic management. Recommendation (Evidence

Strength Grade C)

7. 行为疗法可以与药物治疗相结合。推荐(证据强度等级C)

➤ Second-Line Treatments: Pharmacologic Management

➤ 二线治疗:药物治疗

8. Clinicians should offer oral anti-muscarinics or oral β3-adrenoceptor agonists as second-line therapy. Standard

(Evidence Strength Grade B)

8. 临床医生应将口服抗毒蕈碱药物或口服β3-肾上腺素受体激动剂作为第二线治疗。标准(证据强度等级B)

9. If an immediate release (IR) and an extended release (ER)

formulation are available, then ER formulations should

preferentially be prescribed over IR formulations because of

lower rates of dry mouth. Standard (Evidence Strength Grade B)

9. 如果同时有速释型制剂(IR)和缓释型(ER)制剂可供选择,那么由于较低的口干发生率,应当优先选择缓释型(ER)制剂。标准(证据强度等级B)

10. Transdermal (TDS) oxybutynin (patch or gel) may be

offered. Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C) 10.透皮剂型(TDS)的奥昔布宁制剂(贴片或凝胶)可以选择使用。推荐(证据强度C级)

11. If a patient experiences inadequate symptom control

and/or unacceptable adverse drug events with one

antimuscarinic medication, then a dose modification or a

different anti-muscarinic medication or a β3-adrenoceptor

agonist may be tried. Clinical Principle

11. 如果应用一种抗毒蕈碱药物后患者症状控制不满意和/或不能耐受的药物不良反应,那么可以尝试调整药物剂量,或者更换为其他种类的抗毒蕈碱药物、以及更换为β3-肾上腺素受体激动剂。(临床原则)

12. Clinicians may consider combination therapy with an

anti-muscarinic and β3-adrenoceptor agonist for patients

refractory to monotherapy with either anti-muscarinics or β3-adrenoceptor agonists. Option (Evidence Strength Grade B)

12. 对于单一使用抗毒蕈碱药物或β3-肾上腺素受体激动剂治疗无效的患者,临床医生可以考虑联合使用抗毒蕈碱药物和β3-肾上腺素受体激动剂治疗。可选(证据强度等级B)

13. Clinicians should not use anti-muscarinics in patients with

narrow-angle glaucoma unless approved by the treating

ophthalmologist and should use anti-muscarinics with extreme

caution in patients with impaired gastric emptying or a history of

urinary retention. Clinical Principle

13. 除非经眼科医师批准,否则临床医生不应在患有窄角型青光眼的患者中使用抗毒蕈碱类药物,对有胃排空障碍或有尿潴留病史的患者使用抗毒蕈碱类药物应极其慎重。(临床原则)

14. Clinicians should manage constipation and dry mouth

before abandoning




anti-muscarinic therapy.

fluid Management bowel management,

management, dose modification or alternative antimuscarinics. Clinical Principle

14. 临床医师应在终止有效的抗毒蕈碱药物治疗前控制便秘和口干。措施可能包括肠道管理、液体管理、调整药物剂量或替代抗毒蕈碱药物。(临床原则)

15. Clinicians must use caution in prescribing anti-muscarinics in patients who are using other medications with

anticholinergic properties. Expert Opinion

15. 临床医生在给同期使用其他具有抗胆碱能特性药物的患者开具抗毒蕈碱类药物处方时必须慎重。(专家意见)

16. Clinicians should use caution in prescribing anti-muscarinics or β3-adrenoceptor agonists in the frail OAB patient.

Clinical Principle

16. 临床医生在给年老虚弱的OAB患者使用抗毒蕈碱类药物或β3-肾上腺素受体激动剂时应当慎重。(临床原则)

17. Patients who are refractory to behavioral and

pharmacologic therapy should be evaluated by an appropriate

specialist if they desire additional therapy. Expert Opinion

17. 对于行为治疗和药物治疗效果不佳的患者,如果需要进一步的治疗,应该由该领域的专家进行评估。(专家意见)

➤Third-line Treatments: PTNS and Neuromodulation


18. Clinicians may offer intradetrusor onabotulinumtoxinA

(100U) as third-line treatment in the carefully-selected and

thoroughly-counseled patient who has been refractory to first-

and second-line OAB treatments. The patient must be able and

willing to return for frequent post-void residual evaluation and

able and willing to perform selfcatheterization if necessary.

Standard (Evidence Strength Grade B)


19. Clinicians may offer peripheral tibial nerve stimulation

(PTNS) as third-line treatment in a carefully selected patient

population. Recommendation (Evidence Strength Grade C)

19. 临床医生可以将经皮胫神经刺激(PTN)作为经过仔细筛选患者的三线治疗选择。推荐(证据强度等级C)

20. Clinicians may offer sacral neuromodulation (SNS) as

third-line treatment in a carefully selected patient population

characterized by severe refractory OAB symptoms or patients

who are not candidates for second-line therapy and are willing

to undergo a surgical procedure. Recommendation (Evidence

Strength Grade C)

20. 对于严重的难治性OAB患者,或者不接受二线治疗并愿意接受外科手术的患者,临床医生可以将骶神经调节(SNS) 作为经过仔细筛选患者的三线治疗选择。推荐(证据强度等级C)

21. Practitioners and patients should persist with new

treatments for an adequate trial in order to determine whether

the therapy is efficacious and tolerable. Combination therapeutic

approaches should be assembled methodically, with the addition

of new therapies occurring only when the relative efficacy of the

preceding therapy is known. Therapies that do not demonstrate

efficacy after an adequate trial should be ceased. Expert Opinion

21. 执业者和患者在实施新的治疗方法前必须进行充分的试验以确定新疗法的有效性和耐受性。联合治疗应该有充分的依据,只有在已知先前治疗的相对疗效的情况下,才能增加新的治疗方法。如果经过恰当的试验性治疗后无效,则应该停止该治疗。(专家意见)

➤Fourth-Line Treatments

➤四线治疗 22. In rare cases, augmentation cystoplasty or urinary

diversion for severe, refractory, complicated OAB patients may be

considered. Expert Opinion

22. 在极少数情况下,对严重的难治性复杂OAB患者可考虑进行膀胱扩大成形术或尿流改道术。(专家意见)

➤Additional Treatments


23. Indwelling catheters(including transurethral, suprapubic,

etc.) are not recommended as a management strategy for OAB

because of the adverse risk/benefit balance except as a last resort

in selected patients. Expert Opinion

23. 由于较差的风险/效益比,因此不建议将留置尿管(包括经尿道、耻骨上膀胱造瘘等)作为OAB的常规管理策略,除非是特殊患者的最后处理手段。(专家意见)

Follow-Up 随访

24. The clinician should offer follow up with the patient to

assess compliance, efficacy, side effects and possible alternative

treatments. Expert Opinion

24. 临床医师应对患者进行随访,以便评估患者的依从性、疗效、副作用以及可能的替代治疗方案。(专家意见)

本文标签: 治疗患者临床药物膀胱