





我眼里的春天英语作文 篇1


"Where is spring There are red flowers and "

Spring is coming quietly.


I think spring is pink, because I see, the spring breeze blows

pink cherry blossom!


I think spring is green, because I saw that the spring wind has

blown green grass and trees!


The spring wind opens the flowers and green the trees; the

spring rain moistens the dry land; the spring thunder wakes the

hibernating animals!


In my eyes, spring is colorful!

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇2

How time flies, the twinkling of an eye, walked away, in winter

and spring had with gently footsteps, unconsciously quietly

come, at the moment all around us, everywhere can smell the

smell of spring. Early in the morning, I and a friend carry bag on the road, I

was surprised to find willow branches grew pale green lobule,

round, small lovely love, curious, Martin lee said: "the spring

come?" Guo Siqi said: "that is sent to our information, spring tells

us spring is coming. Because Zhao Xuan is an observant boy, he

found a piece of grass, the grass has just emerged from the earth,

is still very young, we know we can't easily hurt it, see it is

growing there, the pale green color is so lovely, it is smile to us.

Spring breeze blowing gently, I guess the wind uncle may be

physical strength is not enough, so it didn't work out. Upright

ears listen, the birds on the tree to show off the clear throat, it is

to sing aloud. The run of the car also has the change, their owners

have changed down the snow tires, running is more light, I can't

help but sigh: spring has really come, look at the park, here a

there, everywhere is green, the green, as if suddenly pop up from

the ground, like a painter drew a picture of a green overnight

landscape painting, the painting is so fresh, fresh to close your

eyes, don't feel intoxicated

At that moment, I felt the spring, spring is like a small river is

flowing in my heart, it resolved our worries; Spring is like a warm

bridge, let our hearts stick closer, spring is in my eyes, more in

my heart, I can not help but have a new feeling! Winter is over

and we are walking into a spring of hope.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇3

The spring girl was walking briskly towards nature, and she

was like a wizard with a magic wand in her hand. When she waved

the grass, the grass emerged from the mud. With a wave of her

spring flowers, she was full of flowers. With a wave of wild flowers,

the colorful wildflowers smiled from the grass. The spring girl,

like a painter, added colorful colors to the plants and trees. She painted flowers and azaleas red and made them look great. She

painted grass and willow trees green and made them more lively.

A breeze blew, the trees and flowers were blowing in the wind,

and they all laughed. The earth is full of life.

The spring girl walked briskly to the river and woke up the

frozen river. The fish swam under the water to the water and

breathed fresh air. The hibernating frog also wakes up and sings

a happy tune. The swallows flew back from the south and enjoyed

the beauty of the place.

The spring girl came to us with a cheerful step, and she

helped us to take off the thick sweater and put on light clothes.

People walked out of the house, some in the park, some in the

countryside, and some on the grass. People grinned.

"The year's plan is in spring" is a good time, we must not miss

her. I like spring.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇4

In the spring,we can flying a very beautiful.I

Believe everyone love spring.

In the spring ,i heve a picnic in the park .we look some ducks

in the pond,they are lovely,sky not have a clouds. so todayout of

the question rain soon.

I heard the weather forecast ‘’it will be sunny in

shandong'.we are in the park the sun is shining and the wind is

blowing ,linda and i are playing hinde and birds are

rabbits are weather is very good.a man is

wearing a big clildren are jumping in the water. we are

having a lovely time!Bye-bye.


Sring is very beautiful. I believe everyone loves spring. In

spring, we can fly kites. In spring, we can have a picnic in the park. There, we can see some lovely ducks playing in the sun

is shining brightly, the wind is blowing gently and the birds are

singing happily. Linda and I are playing hide and seek. The

weather is very good. We are having a great time.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇5


Spring is a key to gently open the door to the growth of all

things and quietly give life to all things.


Spring is a colorful season. The withered grass quietly

protrudes the green "head"; the dried willow branches are

covered with a green new clothes; the frozen river water is

running again; the big fish and ducks play in the water; the peach

blossom on both sides blooms a beautiful smile, which reminds

me of Su Shi's "three or two peach flowers outside the bamboo,

the duck prophet warm in the Spring River" The swallow in the

black dress flew back from the South and landed on the branch.

Looking from afar, it seemed that the notes on the staff were

chirping and composing wonderful music for us.


This is my favorite season - spring! The plan of a year lies in

spring, which is the season for all things to recover and the

beginning of all life. I want to cherish the spring light and grow up fast!

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇6

Spring does come. In the garden the rue anemones come

marching out, bright as toy soldiers on their parapets of stone.

The dogwoods float in casual clouds among the hills.


This is the Resurrection time. That which was dead, or so it

seemed, has come to life again-the stiff branch, there is in truth

eternal life.


So, in the spring, we plunge shovels into the garden plot,

turn under the dark compost, rake fine the crumbling clods, and

press the inert seeds into orderly rows. These are the commonest

routines. Who could find excitement here?


But look! The rain falls, and the sun warms, and something

happens. It is the germination process. Germ of what? Germ of

life, germ inexplicable,. Here is a message that transcends the

rites of any church or creed or organized religion. I would

challenge any doubting Thomas in my pea patch.

可你看!下雨了,阳光温暖起来了,奇迹发生了。这是萌芽的过程,什么是萌芽?这是无可名状的生命的萌芽,奇迹的萌芽。干瘪的种子裂开了,嫩绿的叶子舒展了。这里包含的信息超越了任何宗教的仪式和信条,超越了任何宗教组织。如果有谁不相信这一点,我会用我的豌豆添来说服他。 Everywhere, spring brings the blessed reassurance that life

goes on, that death is no more than a passing season. The plan

never falters; the design never changes. It is all ordered. It has all

been always ordered.


Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to

the pea patch, or to the stubbom weed that thrusts its shoulders

through a city street. This is how it was, is now, and ever shall be,

the world without end. In the serene certainty of spring recurring,

who can fear the distant fall?


我眼里的春天英语作文 篇7


In spring, I see everything is full of life. There are flowers,

grass, trees and swallows flying back from the south. The land of

spring has turned into a myriad of colors. Bees also gather honey

in the flowers. By this time, the fields and the earth have become

the scene of spring flowers. I really like the spring season.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇8


Grandpa winter left, and miss spring came in happy steps. 春天是一个美丽的季节,小草绿了,花儿红了,小黄莺,小燕子和麻雀在树上唱着欢乐的歌。

Spring is a beautiful season, the grass is green, the flowers

are red, the little yellow warbler, the little swallow and the

sparrow are singing happy songs on the tree.


The flowers compete for splendor, the pink peach, the bright

red azalea and the yellow dandelion send out fragrance together.

The green grass dances with the wind, the bees sing on it, hum..


Spring rain bathes the willow tree, which makes the willow

branch smile and stoop!


Spring is really a beautiful season, but also a beautiful and

warm season. If everyone can love the environment, the future

spring will be more beautiful and warm.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇9

Be in the place that a Chun Nuanhua opens.

The brook is shedding water livelily in a flock of group small

fish, still have swan, southern the bird that come back group

not show one‘s feelings. Firn stealthily melt. Birdie twitters

ceaseless, seem to saying: “New bud new bud grows quickly,

willow mom good do up one’s hair “ spring came really.

Mom tells me the The whole year‘s work depends on a

good start in spring, should cherish spring.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇10

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! The swallow flew back from the south, they rise and dance in a happy mood in the air,

The dance is really beautiful! The sun rises from the horizon early,

Radiation with brilliant light, good warm ah! A group of small

tadpoles wandering in the stream, they are looking for green

Frog mother? A few ducks playing in the water play, suddenly, A

duck found the fish in the water, it plunged in, To catch fish, can

be clever fish body twist, then lightly Escaped.

She took her Butterfly Kite happily running through the

brook, A, kite flying high, as if in the air and swallow than Match.

The shore of the grass grow packed closely layer upon layer, the

shining green. The grass Trees, colorful wildflowers bloom a

brilliant, red, yellow, Be riotous with colour too

beautiful to be absorbed all at once.

Trees grow and tender Green leaves, birds in the branches

while singing, while building Their homes. The spring breeze

willow sister sat on the swing. Bring some warmth to the nature,

let the life become more love.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇11

There are four seasons in a year. The spring, summer, autumn

and winter. I think spring is the most beautiful season.

In the spring, the flowers are blossoming, the grass is green

and the birds start to sing. The temperature in the spring is not

too cold or too hot. We can go on an excursion during the spring.

We can fly kites and enjoy the sunshine.

I think spring is the best season ever!

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇12

Spring is a hopeful and alive you walk through

a street in the rain,tasting the latex of the clear sky,don't you think

it a joys of life? Spring is coming,my dear to the

sound of the world and look at the new wind blows our faces r,is different from the winter wind. Do

you look forward a sunny day ? Then you can sit on a chair in the

garden with flowers are beautiful in the morning in March

and ,wait for the sunrise there anybody having a free

spirit and tasting a cup of tea,in the new germination of

has been here already,my dear your

heart is full of darkness and despair,don't forget your childish

dream,and believe,sping is coming soon.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇13

Then a strange disease spread in the area and everything

began to change. Some evil incantations have come to the

community: mysterious diseases have swept through flocks of

chickens, cattle and sheep are sick, and there are shadows of

death everywhere. Farmers say that their families have many

diseases, and doctors are more and more.

Because they are puzzled by new diseases among patients,

there have been several sudden and unexplained deaths, not

only among adults, but also among children When they play, they

suddenly get sick and die within hours. There is a strange silence,

for example, where the birds have gone, and many people are

talking about them, confused and uneasy that the feeding station

in the backyard is deserted, and a few birds are dying everywhere.

They are shaking violently and can't fly.

It was a silent spring. In the early morning, it was throbbing

with the chorus of robins, pigeons, jays and wrens. Many other

bird calls were now silent.

Only silence shrouded in the fields, woods and marshes of

the farm where the hens were hatched, but no chickens hatched.

Farmers complain that they can't raise pigs. The piglet's nest is

very small, the piglet only survived for a few days. Apple trees are blooming, but there are no bees buzzing in

the flowers, so there is no pollination, there is no fruit on the

roadside, once so attractive. Now, both sides of them are

withered yellow plants, as if burned by fire, silent, abandoned by

all creatures, even the streams are now dead, and the anglers no

longer visit them, because all of them are dead The fish all died

in the gutter under the eaves. Between the tiles of the roof, there

was a flake of white powder with some spots.

A few weeks ago, it had fallen like snow on the roofs, lawns,

fields and hillsides.



苹果树正在开花,但没有蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡作响,所以没有授粉,路边也没有水果,曾经如此吸引人,现在,它们的两旁都是枯黄枯黄的植物,仿佛被火烧过一样,寂静无声,被所有的生物遗弃,甚至溪流现在都是死气沉沉的垂钓者也不再去探望它们了,因为所有的鱼都死在屋檐下的水沟里,屋顶的瓦片之间,一片白色的颗粒状粉末还露出了一些斑点几周前,它像雪一样飘落在屋顶、草坪、田野和山坡上。 我眼里的春天英语作文 篇14

Hello everyone, my name is xxx. I'm x years old. I come from


I can speak Chinese and a little English. My favorite subject

is English, because I think it's very interesting. I like watching

movies, sports and reading books.

I like summer best because it's very relaxing. We have a long

holiday. I love my life.

I think I'm a happy girl. Do you want to make friends with me.


我眼里的春天英语作文 篇15

Grass in front of my house there is a little grass in front of my

house, because the ground in front of my house is concrete, and

the only grass becomes very prominent. It is very strong. It grows

well and is exposed to the weather.

For example, there was a strong thunderstorm last night.

Now it is very tired, but it still hasn't given up. I think I should

learn its spirit.

I need to learn it Strong in my life.


我眼里的春天英语作文 篇16


The teacher asked us to find spring, but where is spring? I sat

at home and couldnt find it. At this time, my mother said to me,

practice gives you real knowledge. You should go to nature to

find spring!


So my parents and I went out to the outside world to see

where spring is?


We came to the fields. A piece of golden rape flowers are

competing with each other in full bloom, which is extremely

beautiful. By the ridge of the field, the grass, like a child just

waking up, stretches and struggles to get out of the soil and

breathe the breath of spring.


We came to the Bank of the river. One by one, the branches

and leaves of green willows are drooping, gently swaying with

the spring wind, just like the spring girl gently touching the bank.

On the river, layers of water mist rise slowly, and circles of ripples

gradually ripple away.


We came to the blue sky. The birds slanted across the sky,

and in a twinkling they fell on the electric pole. From a distance, they looked like notes on the staff, which became a symphony of



Unconsciously, many smiling children had gathered in the

vast field. They fly a beautiful kite in the spring wind. Kites

scrambled to fly higher and higher, as if to see the beauty of



Suddenly, I felt as if I had found spring. Where is spring?

Spring is in the lively field. Where is spring? Spring is in the

ripples of the river. Where is spring? Spring is in the smiles of the



Children! Lets embrace the beautiful spring with open arms!

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇17

I like spring germination, growth under the care of the earth.

I like the generous peak green, I like the spirit striving to make


I like to step into the cool summer pavilion. Such as the sea

around the lotus, lotus leaf like a group of conscientious escorts,

flutters the body for lotus low sing a wonderful song after


I like the autumn fruit trees. On the branches, in the countless

leaves, can always find many big sweet fruit.

I like snow in winter, so pure, so clean. Gently float down,

floating on the heart, want to stretch out his hand to touch, all of a sudden it melted.

I also like flowers, in either. I like the fresh lily, tulip, which

fragrant gorgeous peony and coloured lanqiu chrysanthemum. I

also like to drive on the side of the road not well-known small

wildflowers, pale pink, sky blue, yellow, lavender, I think they are

beautiful too.

I like reading books, to enjoy the beauty in the book.

Whenever reading, as if really came to the world in the book, and

the hero laughing, sad together, to explore together in the book

to the other world.

I also like to draw, when see the beautiful scenery, use the

brush to record the beautiful scenery, the picture has become my


I like to write to teach little brothers and sisters, holding a

seriously to teach them with your hands in mine. When they

laughed and said: "I'll write!" Then pretend to be a serious said:

"you see I write?" I like/love to write words, they even crooked,

but could see that they are written in the heart.

I love life, I love in the life is filled with so much love!

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇18

Snow sister gone, spring girl wearing a green skirt, it is very

beautiful,I like spring very much, because it makes everything

full of also lost our low-spirited attitude,More important

is that we can go to the spring and the children together to fly

kites, close ours eyes and feel the spring breeze, all this is how

goodBreathe in pure breath, feel the vitality of all things, the

body can not help light up, his face filled with a happy smile,

unaware, I was infected with the vitality of spring, turn to a gust

of wind passes over the mountains, could not help but sigh of

spring charm a 修改后:

Winter is gone, and here comes the spring which is very

beautiful. I like spring very much, because it makes everything

full of vitality. What’s more, we can go out to play in spring and

the children can fly kites together. We can stand under the sun,

with our eyes closing and feel the spring breeze. How wonderful!

We canbreathe the fresh air, watch the beautiful flowers and hear

the birds singing.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇19

spring 'sgetting warmer and hing is dry,

trees, fields and even the air. Just then, it rains. lt's as soft as silk.

ltwashes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the

fields. lt also waters people's hears. Farmers stand in the spring

rain and rain is as dear as oil They seem to see the

harvest time inautumn. Spring rain brings water to the air. It also

brings hope to people.

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇20

Spring is a delightful temperatures are

moderate,and the blooming trees and flowers make the city

bright with is the time when we can begin to wear

lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more

r children like to bring their kites out to the spacious

I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after

being in the city for the winter months.


我眼里的春天英语作文 篇21

spring is a wonderful getting warmer and take off their heavy flowers begin to

open .they are very beautiful and trees begin to turn


the birds begin to sing here and often

many people with their child to go to th park .they like to fly

th grasses are grow butterflies and the bees are

are very happy too.

i like spring very e it is very interesting and

a beautiful spring!

我眼里的春天英语作文 篇22

Spring, I never had strong feeling to spring before last year.

Some people said spring should be a happy season. But I never

sensed that. I always liked the autumn because I thought autumn

was a romantic season. I liked summer when I was very young for

I loved my skirt with , I still like autumn and

summer,while I like spring and winter.


Before I disliked the various colors of the flowers,and I

thought they are flighty and superficial. I thought only only the

blue ocean is deep, the golden autumn is elegant. However, now

I have a different idea that I find spring wonderful. I like the

blossom in the field and in the moutain. From them I am spirited

with life.


本文标签: 没有喜欢季节春风疾病