



What is the Five Layers Model? The Framework of the Internet Explained

Computer Networks are a beautiful, amazing topic. Networks involve so much knowledge from different fields, from physics to algorithms.

When dealing with Computer Networks, there is one framework that puts everything into place – and that is the layers model.

In this post you’ll learn why we need layers, as well as what the five layers model is. You will also understand the role of each layer in this model.


Imagine you are given the task to design and implement the Internet! Where do you start? What do we actually want from a network, and an important one such as the Internet?

Well, we actually want quite a lot of things. To name a few:

  • We want it to be fast – that is, allow fast communication. We don’t want to wait long for a message to get from one host to another.
    我们希望它快速 - 也就是说,允许快速通信。我们不想等待很长时间才能将消息从一台主机发送到另一台主机。

  • It should also be reliable – when sending a message, we want the receiver to actually receive it.

  • The network should be extendable – that is, allow more devices to join. We wouldn’t want to start with two computers, and then not bee able to add a third one.

  • The network should support different devices and connections – it should be able to connect a wired PC, wireless laptop, and a cellphone, for example.-
    网络应该支持不同的设备和连接——例如,它应该能够连接有线 PC、无线笔记本电脑和手机。

And this is just a partial list.

So, how do we go about implementing the internet when we want to achieve so many different things?

Computer Networks are complex

In order to simplify things and make networks flexible, the communication is divided into layers.

Each layer has its own responsibility. It provides services to an upper layer, and uses services provided by a lower layer.

Consider an example network consisting of three devices:

An example network with three devices

We have two layers:

Layer Alpha is responsible for transmitting data between hosts that are directly connected to each other. In the diagram above, it’s between hosts A and B, or between hosts B and C.
Layer Alpha 负责在彼此直接连接的主机之间传输数据。在上图中,它位于主机 A 和 B 之间,或主机 B 和 C 之间。

Layer Beta is responsible for transmitting data between distant hosts. In the diagram, it’s between hosts A and C.
Layer Beta 负责在远程主机之间传输数据。在图中,它位于主机 A 和 C 之间。

What did we gain from this division? We gained a lot of flexibility.

Each layer can be developed and implemented by different people. The upper layer doesn’t care about the implementation of the lower layer, and vice versa.

For instance, the connection between hosts A and B could be a WiFi connection, while the connection between B and C could consist of a carrier pigeon. These are (completely) different implementations of Layer Alpha.
例如,主机 A 和 B 之间的连接可以是 WiFi 连接,而 B 和 C 之间的连接可以由信鸽组成。这些是 Layer Alpha 的(完全)不同实现。

Notice that this way also enables us to have different specializations and expertise – an expert in training carrier pigeons does not necessarily have to be qualified at building solid WiFi network cards, or vice versa.
请注意,这种方式还使我们能够拥有不同的专业化和专业知识 —— 一个擅长训练信鸽的专家不一定需要在构建稳固的 WiFi 网卡上具备资质,反之亦然。

“Carrier pigeon” ,信鸽。在这里是一种比喻,用来表示一种不常见或老的通信方式。( 斐夷所非 注释

The Alpha Layer may have different implementations on the same network
Alpha 层在同一网络中可能有不同的实现

Developers of Layer Beta don’t need to bother themselves with this difference. At this layer, host A needs to know that in order to reach host C, it first needs to send his message to host B, rather than, say, host D. Then, host B will forward it to host C.
Layer Beta 的开发人员无需为这种差异而烦恼。在此层,主机 A 需要知道,为了到达主机 C,它首先需要向主机 B 发送消息,而不是向主机 D 发送消息。然后,主机 B 会将其转发给主机 C。

This way, Layer Beta is only responsible for finding the route to send the message. It uses the service provided by Layer Alpha – transmitting data between directly connected hosts.
这样,Layer Beta 只负责查找发送消息的路由。它使用 Layer Alpha 提供的服务——在直接连接的主机之间传输数据。

In general, networks are very complicated, and have various requirements. Dividing the communication into layers will allow us to simplify things and make communication more flexible.

Now that you understand why we need layers, we can go on to learn about the layers that are actually used in networks.


What is the Five Layers Model?

There have been a few layer models proposed along the years – most notably, the five layers model, the 7 layers model (aka OSI model), or the 4 layers model (aka the TCP/IP model).
多年来,已经提出了一些层模型,其中最著名的是五层模型、七层模型(又名 OSI 模型)或四层模型(又名 TCP/IP 模型)。

They are way more similar than different, and I choose to focus on the five layers model as it is the most practical of all – and best describes the way the Internet actually works.

第一层 – 物理层

The First Layer – The Physical Layer

The first layer is responsible for transmitting a single bit – 0 or 1 – over the network.
第一层负责通过网络传输单个比特(0 或 1)。

To get some intuition as to what this layer is responsible for, consider the time of transmission. Assume that we have some kind of cable to transmit our data, and we use +5 Voltage to transmit 1, and -5 Voltage to transmit 0. What bits does the following diagram represent?
要获得有关该层负责什么的直觉,请考虑传输时间。假设我们有某种电缆来传输数据,我们使用 +5 电压传输 1,使用 -5 电压传输 0。下图表示哪些位?

A physical layer implementation encoding 1 as +5 Voltage and 0 as -5 Voltage

Well, it might be 1001. That is the case if it takes this long to transmit a single bit (demonstrated by the dashed orange line in the diagram below):
好吧,它可能是 1001。如果传输一个比特需要这么长时间(如下图中的橙色虚线所示),就是这种情况:

An example bitstream encoded by this signal

However, it might also represent other bit streams. For instance, if it only takes half the time to transmit a single bit (demonstrated by the dashed green line below), then the bit stream might be 11000011:
但是,它也可能表示其他位流。例如,如果传输一个比特只需要一半的时间(由下图的绿色虚线表示),则比特流可能是 11000011

Another possible bitstream encoded by the same signal

The difference lies in the time dedicated for transmitting a single bit. This is called the bitrate – that is, the number of bits that are conveyed per unit of time.

Of course, achieving a high bitrate is preferable, as it means we can send many bits in a short timeframe. But it is hard to achieve high bitrates without getting many errors.

This is only one of the things that the first layer needs to take into consideration. The important thing for now is the goal of this layer: to transmit and receive a single bit.

第二层 – 数据链路层

The Second Layer – The Data Link Layer

The second layer is responsible for transmitting data between two hosts that are directly linked, despite possible errors.

What do we mean by “directly linked”? For now, imagine that there is no device in between the two devices. So, if we have two computers here – computer A and computer B, and they are connected via computer M – then computer A and computer B are NOT directly linked. But computer A and computer M are directly linked, and so are computer M and computer B.
我们所说的“直接链接”是什么意思?现在,假设两个设备之间没有设备。因此,如果我们这里有两台计算机——计算机 A 和计算机 B,并且它们通过计算机 M 连接——那么计算机 A 和计算机 B 不是直接链接的。但是计算机 A 和计算机 M 是直接链接的,计算机 M 和计算机 B 也是直接链接的。

Two remote hosts connected via another device

Another way to put it is that computer A and computer M are one hop away from one another, whereas computer A and computer B are two hops away.
另一种说法是,计算机 A 和计算机 M 彼此相距一跳,而计算机 A 和计算机 B 相距两跳。

That is, in order to get from computer A to computer B we need two “hops” – one hop from A to M, and another hop from M to B.
也就是说,为了从计算机 A 到计算机 B,我们需要两个“跃点”——一个从 A 跳到 M,另一个从 M 跳到 B。

Every direct connection is called a Hop

Going back to the second layer’s responsibility – we mentioned it is responsible for transmitting data between two hosts that are directly linked, despite possible errors.

What do we mean by errors? The physical layer might provide erroneous data. For example, 1 instead of 0. So a stream of bits such as 000110, might be received as 001110.
我们所说的错误是什么意思?物理层可能会提供错误的数据。例如,1 而不是 0。因此,像 000110 这样的位流可能被接收为 001110

Many reasons might cause these kind of errors. For instance, we can think of a truck literally running over the wire where the bits are transmitted, causing some problem. Regardless of the reason, the second layer must handle the communication despite these errors.

The second layer sends data in datagrams, that is, in chunks. Datagrams in this layer are called Frames. Frames will usually contain MAC addresses, which are physical addresses, one identifying the sender, and another identifying the receiver.


Why would we need a MAC address?

First, the receiving devices would like to know whether the frame is intended for them. The receiver wouldn’t like to waste precious time reading data intended for someone else. If the frame contains a MAC address that doesn’t belong to a receiver’s device, that device can simply ignore this frame.
首先,接收设备想知道帧是否适合它们。接收者不想浪费宝贵的时间来读取用于其他人的数据。如果帧包含不属于接收器设备的 MAC 地址,则该设备可以简单地忽略此帧。

Second, for privacy reasons - we would like messages to arrive only at intended receivers, so only they can read the data.
其次,出于隐私原因 - 我们希望消息只到达预期的接收者,因此只有他们才能读取数据。

Third, the sender would like the receiver to know who sent the frame. That way, the receiver will be able to send their response back to the sender, and not to someone else.

Note that we would like these addresses to be unique. That is, we want one address to identify a single device. That way, we know that if we send a message to a specific address it will be sent to the intended device only.

第三层 – 网络层

The Third Layer – The Network Layer

The third layer is responsible for routing – that is, determining the path where the data will “travel”.

You can think of this layer as the successful routing app, Google Maps. When you get in the car and use Google Maps, you tell the app your destination, and Google Maps finds out the best route for you to drive in.
您可以将此图层视为成功的路径应用程序 Google Maps。当你上车并使用谷歌地图时,你告诉应用程序你的目的地,谷歌地图就会为你找到最好的开车路线。

Notice that Google Maps is dynamic – it won’t necessarily pick the same route each time. Sometimes, one path will have a traffic jam, so Google Maps will prefer another route.

We said that the second layer has physical addresses, called MAC addresses. The third layer is responsible for logical addresses, such as IP addresses.
我们说第二层有物理地址,称为MAC地址。第三层负责逻辑地址,例如 IP 地址。

In this layer, datagrams are called packets.

Consider the following network diagram:

A network diagram with Computer A in France, Computer B in the US, and 10 routers in between

We have two computers here – one in France, and one in the United States. Of course, they are not directly linked. Rather, they are linked via third layer devices called routers.

Which layer is responsible for each connection?

Consider the connection between Computer A and Router 1. The second layer is responsible for this connection. Right, again, this is the second layer. The same applies for each connection between two directly linked devices.
考虑计算机 A 和路由器 1 之间的连接。第二层负责此连接。对,再说一遍,这是第二层。这同样适用于两个直接链接设备之间的每个连接。

What about the connection between Router 2 and Router 5?
路由器 2 和路由器 5 之间的连接情况如何?

The third layer is responsible for defining the route – that the message sent from Computer A to Computer B will go through Routers 1, 2, 5, 8 and 10, and not in another way.
第三层负责定义路由——从计算机 A 发送到计算机 B 的消息将通过路由器 1、2、5、8 和 10,而不是以其他方式。

Note that there may be different implementations for each layer. For instance, we may have different implementations of the second layer. So while the connection between computer A and Router 1 might be over an Ethernet cable, the connection between Router 1 and 2 might be wireless and use WiFi. The connection between Router 2 and Router 5 might use a carrier pigeon, while the connection between router 5 and 9 will also use WiFi.
请注意,每一层可能有不同的实现。例如,我们可能有不同的第二层实现。因此,虽然计算机 A 和路由器 1 之间的连接可能通过以太网电缆连接,但路由器 1 和路由器 2 之间的连接可能是使用无线 WiFi 的 。路由器 2 和路由器 5 之间的连接可能使用信鸽,而路由器 5 和 9 之间的连接也将使用 WiFi。

The second layer may be implemented differently on every link

The third layer does not care about these changes, but the second layer definitely does. If the carrier pigeon that transmits data from Router 2 to Router 5 is sick, the second layer will have to handle it. The data link layer will also have to make sure the data transmitted over the air between routers 1 and 5 is valid and without errors.
第三层不关心这些变化,但第二层肯定关心。如果将数据从路由器 2 传输到路由器 5 的信鸽生病了,则第二层将不得不处理它。数据链路层还必须确保路由器 1 和 5 之间通过无线传输的数据有效且没有错误。


Interim Summary

So far we have covered three of the five layers. To recap:
到目前为止,我们已经涵盖了五层中的三层。 回顾一下:

  • The physical layer is responsible for transmitting a single bit, 1 or 0, over the network.
    物理层负责通过网络传输单个位 10

  • The data link layer is responsible for transmitting data between directly linked devices, that is – devices connected via a single hop.

  • The third layer is responsible for transferring data between hosts that are connected via multiple hops. It determines the route, the path that the packets will travel.

第四层 – 运输层

The Fourth Layer – The Transportation Layer

The fourth layer is an end-to-end layer. That is, it is responsible for communication from the source, all the way to the ultimate destination.

It allows multiplexing of multiple services. For example, one server may serve as a Web server, as well as a Mail server. When a client turns to that server, the client should be able to specify which service it would like to access. While the third layer specifies the address of the server, the transport layer identifies which service is relevant for the current communication.
它允许多个服务的多路复用。例如,一台服务器既可以用作 Web 服务器,也可以用作邮件服务器。当客户端转向该服务器时,客户端应该能够指定它要访问的服务。第三层指定服务器的地址,而传输层则标识与当前通信相关的服务。

In addition, the transport layer may ensure reliability. So when this layer receives data from the upper layer, it splits it into chunks, sends them, and makes sure that all those chunks arrive correctly at the other end.

Notice that the network layer is usually not reliable. Packets may arrive in incorrect order, they can arrive with incorrect data, or even not arrive at all. A reliable transportation layer makes sure that the data is correctly received.

In this layer, datagrams are called segments.

Consider the following network diagram once more:


Which layer is responsible for what?

We have already said that the network layer is responsible for the route, that is, the path in which the packets travel. We also mentioned that the second layer is responsible for the transmission of the data between two, directly connected devices. For example, the link between Router 1 and Router 2.
我们已经说过,网络层负责路由,即数据包传输的路径。我们还提到,第二层负责在两个直接连接的设备之间传输数据。例如,路由器 1 和路由器 2 之间的链路。

The fourth layer views all of this network diagram as an abstract cloud. It doesn’t know the routers, and it doesn’t care about the structure of the network, or the routing. It assumes that the network can send a packet from one end to another:

The fourth layer sees the network as an abstract cloud

The transportation layer makes sure that the endpoints can communicate over different services – for example, web and email. In addition, it might make sure that the connection is reliable.
传输层确保端点可以通过不同的服务(例如 Web 和电子邮件)进行通信。此外,它可以确保连接可靠

One example would be to acknowledge every received segment. For instance, when computer A sends a segment to computer B, computer B will send a special Acknowledgement segment, announcing that it has received the packet.
一个示例是确认每个收到的段。例如,当计算机 A 向计算机 B 发送分段时,计算机 B 将发送一个特殊的确认分段,宣布它已收到数据包。

第五层 – 应用层

The Fifth Layer – The Application Layer

Last but definitely not least, we have the fifth layer, or Application Layer. This layer provides the service to the user’s application – web service, Voice over IP (VoIP), network games, streaming, and so on.
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们有第五层,或应用层。此层为用户的应用程序提供服务 - Web 服务、IP 语音 (VoIP)、网络游戏、流媒体等。

According to the layers model, the fifth layer doesn’t care at all about the network. It relies on the fourth layer, as well as the lower layers, to transmit the data from one endpoint to another. The fifth layer will use this service for the various needs of the application.

Different protocols will be used for different applications. For instance, HTTP protocol is commonly used for serving web pages on the World Wide Web. SMTP is a protocol used for emails, FTP for exchanging files, and there are many, many more.



In this post you learned what the five layers model is and why we need layers. You should now understand what each layer is responsible for, and you can fit every topic you encounter in Computer Networks into this model.

via: Omer Rosenbaum OCTOBER, 2022

本文标签: 互联网详解五层框架模型