

Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built

  1. 翻译为中文:
    “Big Ben取名自本杰明·霍尔爵士,他在新国会大厦建造期间负责制作这座钟。”

  2. 时态分析与语法正确性:

  3. 句子结构分析:

    • 主语:Big Ben
    • 谓语:takes
    • 宾语:its name
    • 从句:from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built
      • 介词短语:from Sir Benjamin Hall
      • 定语从句:who was responsible for the making of the clock
        • 主语:who (指代Sir Benjamin Hall)
        • 谓语:was
        • 补语:responsible
        • 介词短语:for the making of the clock
          • 宾语:the making of the clock
            • 定语:of the clock
        • 时间状语从句:when the new Houses of Parliament were being built
          • 连词:when
          • 主语:the new Houses of Parliament
          • 谓语:were being built
            • 助动词:were
            • 现在分词作为被动语态:being built

    "being built"是这个句子的关键部分。这里使用了被动语态的现在分词形式(being + 过去分词),表示在过去某个时间点,新国会大厦正在被建造。

  4. 相似英文例句:

    • The bridge was named after Samuel Beckett, who was influential in its design while the city was undergoing changes.
    • The library got its name from Thomas Jefferson, who was instrumental in its establishment when the university was being expanded.

“were being built” 是过去进行时的被动语态。

  • “were” 是过去进行时的助动词。
  • “being” 是现在分词,用于构成被动语态。
  • “built” 是动词build的过去分词,用于形成被动语态。

这个结构表示在过去某个时间点,一个动作(在这个例子中是建造)正在进行中,并且是被动的,也就是说主体是被动接受动作的对象。在这个句子中,“the new Houses of Parliament” 是被建造的对象。

本文标签: TakesSiRBigBenBenjamin