

Microsoft announced a change in GitHub pricing today, and it’s great for anyone learning to code. In the past, GitHub charged $7 a month for a private repository. But now those are free if you have three collaborators or fewer.

微软今天宣布改变GitHub定价,这对任何学习编码的人来说都是很棒的。 过去,GitHub每月为私有存储库收取7美元的费用。 但是现在,如果您有三个或更少的协作者,那么这些都是免费的。

新的免费套餐为学生带来了福音 (The New Free Tier Is a Boon to Students)

GitHub has always had a free tier, but in the past, that free tier was limited to public repositories. If you were an aspiring coder who wanted to delve into source control, the best affordable option was to make your code public. That’s not always appealing, especially in the early stages of learning when your code might be something of which you are less than proud. Even after landing your first developer job, when it comes time to move on or work on a side project, you might not want to have your work out in the open for your current employer to see.

GitHub一直都有免费层,但是在过去,该免费层仅限于公共存储库。 如果您是一个有抱负的编码人员,想深入研究源代码控制,那么最好的负担得起的选择就是将您的代码公开。 这并不总是很吸引人,特别是在学习的早期阶段,您的代码可能会令您感到不满意。 即使完成了您的第一个开发人员工作,当需要继续进行或进行副项目时,您可能也不想公开进行工作,以供当前的雇主查看。

For an employed developer, this wasn’t a difficult problem. GitHub charged $7 a month for private repositories. While that cost does add up over the year, it isn’t too challenging to put together $7 a month if you have a job. For students, who might not have the time or capability to work while learning, that fee can be harder to put together. The cost might have prevented students from using a resource that could not only give them more experience with source control but also give them a valuable place to store their work for future job prospects.

对于一个有经验的开发人员来说,这不是一个难题。 GitHub每月为私人存储库收取7美元的费用。 虽然这笔费用确实是一年来加起来的,但如果您有工作,每月要花7美元并不是一件容易的事。 对于可能没有时间或能力在学习中工作的学生来说,这笔费用可能更难计算。 这笔费用可能使学生无法使用一种资源,该资源不仅可以为他们提供更多的源代码控制经验,而且可以为他们提供一个宝贵的地方来存储其工作,以供将来的职业前景之用。

Today’s announcement is a win for those students. Private repositories are free so long as the repository has three collaborators or fewer. This is a reasonable compromise that ensures Microsoft can see profit from GitHub for commercial projects while extending a great benefit to those who could use the help the most. Anyone who does need more than three collaborators can continue to pay $7 a month for GitHub Pro.

今天的宣布对那些学生来说是一个胜利。 私人存储库是免费的,只要该存储库具有三个或更少的协作者即可。 这是一个合理的折衷方案,可确保Microsoft可以从GitHub上的商业项目中获利,同时又将最大的利益扩展到那些可以最充分地使用帮助的人。 确实需要三个以上协作者的任何人都可以继续每月为GitHub Pro 支付 7美元。

企业收益也太多 (Businesses Benefit, Too)

Microsoft is simplifying GitHub’s business options as well. Instead of offering GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Service as separate services, Microsoft is rolling them into one:  GitHub Enterprise. Businesses can now access both for one per-seat price.

微软也在简化GitHub的业务选择。 微软没有将GitHub Enterprise Cloud和GitHub Enterprise Service作为单独的服务提供,而是将它们整合为一个:GitHub Enterprise。 企业现在可以按每个席位的价格访问这两种服务。

Overall these changes should help GitHub continue to develop a healthy ecosystem of users. The new free tier for private repositories will be a boon to students and small developers alike.

总的来说,这些变化将帮助GitHub继续发展健康的用户生态系统。 面向私人存储库的新的免费套餐将为学生和小型开发商带来福音。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/fyi/github-is-now-free-and-thats-great/

本文标签: 好了GitHub