



@echo off

echo    Author:Hama_Tago Time:2017/9/5

echo  ====================================
echo  RE:Pelase Runing On The User\Desktop
echo  ====================================

cd "%Userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

if exist 2.txt goto start
if exist log.log del log.log
if exist restart.bat del restart.bat

cd %Userprofile%\Desktop

copy restart.bat "%Userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

  cd %Userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  if not exist 1.txt goto set 
  if exist 2.txt for /F %%i in (2.txt) do set /a b=%%i 
  set /a b+=1
  echo %b% >2.txt
  for /F  %%i in (1.txt) do set /a c=%%i

   if %b% gtr %c% goto end

  echo %b% >>log.log
  echo %date% %time% >>log.log
  cd c:\windows\system32
  shutdown -r -t 0

  pause >nul

del 1.txt
del 2.txt
del restart.bat
copy log.bat "%Userprofile%\Disktop"

  echo  ===================================
  echo  [pelase input the times of Restart]
  echo  ===================================  
  set /p a= 
  echo %a% >1.txt
  goto start

本文标签: 重启次数电脑bat