

[size=large][color=blue][b] 51 Advertise to yourself[/b][/color][/size]
Loser visualize the penalties of failures and winners visualize the rewards for success. Without advertising our goals to ourselves, we can lose sight of them all together. Draw 4 circles on the blank piece of paper in the beginning of the day. The 4 circles represent goals for my day, my month, my year, and my life. Inside each circle, write down what I want. It can be a dollar figure, it can be anything.And the goals can change from day to day. By writing the goals down, I'm like an airline pilot with a radar. I'm orient my mind to what I'm up to in life. I'm reminding myself of what I really want. If I don't make a map, basically I'm saying "just take me anywhere".

[size=large][color=blue][b] 52.Don't stop thinking[/b][/color][/size]
Motivation comes from thought. Everything we do begins with a thought.And when we quit thinking,we lose the motivation to act. We eventually slip into pessimism and the pessimism leads to even less thinking. So a downward spiral of negativaity and pessimitivity starts to feed on each other.Pessimists thinking so negativity about doing the whole thing perfectly that they end up doing nothing and become passive. The optimist on the other hand always does something, they always take some type of action.always feel like some type of progress is made.Pressimists containually use their imagination to visualize worse case scenarios and then concluding that those secenarios are so hopeless, they don't take any action. Therefore, pessimism always leads to passivity. Imagination should be used not to escape from reality, but to create it. Start a habit to yourself in start saying no to negativity.When negative thoughts start forming in your mindm which it will happen,even for optimism, don't stop thinking.Real creative thinking is going to lead to optimism.And optimism is always self-motivating.

[size=large][color=blue][b] 53 Debate your dark side[/b][/color][/size]
Negative thinking is something we all do. The difference is that the optimists becomes a "good debater."You can learn to debate your pessimistic thoughts. If you catch yourself being pessimistic, build a case of the optimistic view. Pretend your an attorney and your job is to prove the pessimists in you is wrong.
[size=large][color=blue][b] 54. Make use of trouble[/b][/color][/size]
We hear stories of bad events,when looking back, were strokes of great fortune. A person that breaks their leg skiing meets a doctor in the hospital, falls in love and marry that person.What seems horrible becomes a great event in their life."Every problem carries a gift inside it"Now by choosing to make use of what seems to be a "bad event"by asking yourself"how can I use this?" what might be good about this? You can get to the gift inside the problem a lot more quickly.

[size=large][color=blue][b]55.Learn to brainstorm by yourself[/b][/color][/size]
Put a goal on the top of a page and put numbers 1 through 20 on that page and begin your brainstorming session. List 20 ideas.They don't have to be well thought out or reasonable. Just make sure you flow. Your only objective is to have 20 ideas out in a certain amount of time.If you do this for one week,you will end up with 100 ideas.They will probably not all be usable, but who cares. Your beginning the process and you'll have more than you started out with.
[size=large][color=blue][b] 56.Create your own voice[/b][/color][/size]
You can create your own voice by practicing.Use audio cassettes in your car and sing out loud,even when you don't feel like singing.Practice.Force your practice.The point is don't let your feelings ruin your life. Keep thinking.Strategy.Plan. You can create anything you want. You can even create your own voice.
[size=large][color=blue][b] 57. Live on the frontier[/b][/color][/size]
The information age is our new frontier.Employers are not as interested as job history. They are more interested in current capabilities. Times has changed.It's all about what you can do now, not what you have done.
[size=large][color=blue][b] 58. Replace your habits[/b][/color][/size]
Self-motivation is mentally harder to achieve when we're held back by mentally bad habits.But here's the catch.Bad habits can't be gotten rid of because they exist for good reasons.Their there to do something for us even if that something ends up being self destructive.Down deep, even a bad habit is trying to make us operate better. That's why bad habits has to be transformed and built upon.They can't be killed.They can't be eliminated.What we're trying to do is "habit replacement"and where bad habits lives, replacement is the only thing that works.i.e. running replaces smoking beacuse of the breathing.Subconsciously you don't even think a habit is to identity the need and build on it. Honor the need by replacing the current habit with one that is healthier and more effective for you.
[size=large][color=blue][b] 59.Paint you day[/b][/color][/size]
Self-motivation is much more difficult to achieve when we're held hack mentality by certain bad habits.When you wake up try picturing your day as a blank painter's canvas. Ask yourself,"Whose the artist today? Me or blind circumstance?"If you choose to be the artist, how do you want to paint your day?
[size=large][color=blue][b]60. Swim laps under water[/b][/color][/size]
Prepare big challenges by swimming laps under water.Build you brain by building your lungs. Sometimes all you need is the air that you breathe just to motivate yourself. Going for a run or a walk or simply deep breathing gives the brain the fuels it needs to alive.

本文标签: waysmotivate