

It is desired that the ideal single-phase rectifier presents a resistive load to the ac system. The ac
line current and voltage will then have the same waveshape and will be in phase. Unity power
factor rectification is the result. Thus, the rectifier input current iac(t) should be proportional to
the applied input voltage vac(t):


where Re is the constant of proportionality. An equivalent circuit for the ac port of an ideal
rectifier is therefore an effective resistance Re, as shown in Fig. 21.1a. Re is also known as the
emulated resistance. It should be noted that the presence of Re does not imply the generation
of heat: the power apparently “consumed” by Re is actually transferred to the rectifier dc output
port. Re simply models how the ideal rectifier loads the ac power system.

其中Re是比例常数。理想变流器可以等效为一个电阻, 如图Fig. 21.1a所示,这个电阻就是模拟电阻。不过这个电阻并不产生热量,因为这个电阻消耗的能量实际上是传递到了整流器的输出端。Re仅仅用来描述理想整流器如何成为电网的负载的。
Output regulation is accomplished by variation of the effective resistance Re, and hence the
value of Re must depend on a control signal vcontrol(t) as in Fig. 21.1b. This allows variation of
the rectifier power throughput, since the average power consumed by Re is

对输出电压,输出能量的调整是通过改变Re实现的,因此,Rd必须收控制信号控制,如图Fig. 21.1b. 由式子21.2可以看出,输出功率可以通过调整Re来实现。

Note that changing Re results in a time-varying system, with generation of harmonics. To avoid
generation of significant amounts of harmonics and degradation of the power factor, variations
in Re and in the control input must be slow with respect to the ac line frequency.


本文标签: 整流器电子技术特性理想电力