


Sometimes, you need to make a pie chart in Excel. No, it might not be the best way to present your data, but sometimes you have to go with the chart type that someone else chooses.

有时,您需要在Excel中制作饼图。 不,这可能不是呈现数据的最佳方法,但是有时您必须使用其他人选择的图表类型。

Why would you want to make a pie chart? It could be one of these reasons:

您为什么要制作饼图? 可能是以下原因之一:

  • Maybe your boss is demanding that you make one for the annual report.

  • Perhaps your professor is basing 50% of your final grade on building the perfect pie chart.

  • Your sister needs help with a report for her dessert of the month club, and a pie chart seems okay for that!


So, if you’ve never built a pie chart in Excel, or it’s been so long that you’ve forgotten the steps, here’s how you can do the best job possible.


视频:在Excel中构建饼图 (Video: Build a Pie Chart in Excel)

Watch this video to see the steps to build a pie chart in Excel. The written steps are below the video.

观看此视频,以了解在Excel中构建饼图的步骤。 书面步骤在视频下方。

Bonus: There's another video at the end of the post, that shows how to add a picture in a pie chart slice



设定资料 (Set Up Your Data)

What should your data look like, if you want to build a pie chart? It should have the following:

如果要构建饼图,数据应该是什么样? 它应具有以下内容:

  • just one row or one column of numbers

  • (optional) one row or column with text that describes the numbers.

  • (optional) heading cells for the numbers and text


Warning – Only use a few numbers, or the pie chart won’t be readable. I’d pick 6 as the upper limit, but let your conscience (or your boss) be your guide.


本文标签: 如何在Excel饼状图