

Episode 30 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available. This week your hosts are Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy), Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), and Brad Williams (@williamsba).

SitePoint Podcast的 第30集现已发布。 本周的主持人是Patrick O'Keefe( @ifroggy ),Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves )和Brad Williams( @williamsba )。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

  • SitePoint Podcast #30: Google Infects IE (MP3, 32MB)

    SitePoint Podcast#30:Google感染IE ( MP3,32MB )

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


Ma.gnolia Returns


  • Ma.gnolia is reborn


  • Larry Halff interviewed on CrunchGear

    拉里·哈夫(Larry Halff)在CrunchGear上接受了采访

Microsoft WebsiteSpark


  • Microsoft Launch WebsiteSpark: Free Software For Web Developers (TechCrunch)

    Microsoft Launch WebsiteSpark:适用于Web开发人员的免费软件 (TechCrunch)

Opera Mini Hits 30 Million Users

Opera Mini吸引3000万用户

  • Opera Mini Tops 30 Million Users, But Is It The World’s Most Popular Mobile Browser? (TechCrunch)

    Opera Mini拥有3000万用户,但这是世界上最受欢迎的移动浏览器吗? (TechCrunch)

  • Top 9 Mobile Browsers in Belgium from Aug 08 to Sep 09 (StatCounter)

    从8月8日到9月9日在比利时排名前9位的移动浏览器 (StatCounter)

Google Sidewiki


  • Google Force Feeds Social Media on the World with Google Sidewiki (Social Media Explorer)

    Google Force通过Google边栏评注 (Social Media Explorer) 为世界上的社交媒体供稿

Google Chrome Frame

Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架

  • Google Fixes IE6 with Chrome Frame (SitePoint)

    Google使用Chrome浏览器内嵌框架 (SitePoint) 修复IE6

  • Google releases Google Chrome Frame, a plugin for IE to enable HTML5 (Chromium blog)

    Google发布了Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架,这是IE的插件,可启用HTML5 (Chromium博客)

  • Microsoft fires back at Google Chrome Frame (Ars Technica)

    微软回击Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架 (Ars Technica)

  • Google responds to Microsoft’s claims (TechWorld)

    Google回应Microsoft的声明 (TechWorld)

  • IE8 runs ten times faster with Chrome Frame (TechWorld)

    IE8使用Chrome Frame (TechWorld)的运行速度快十倍

Host Spotlights:


  • Brad: DropBox iPhone App Released

    布拉德: DropBox iPhone应用发布

  • Stephan: Foreign Airlines Ahead of U.S. on Cellphone Use

    斯蒂芬: 外国航空公司在使用手机方面领先于美国

  • Patrick: Break an Arm, Blow up a Head and… Batman? (via Digg)

    帕特里克: 断臂,炸毁头,……蝙蝠侠? (通过Digg )

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

显示成绩单 (Show Transcript)

October 2, 2009, Ma.gnolia returns, Google Sidewiki opens for comments, and Google Chrome Frame attempts to modernize IE6. This is the SitePoint Podcast #30: Google Infects IE.

2009年10月2日,Ma.gnolia返回,Google Sidewiki公开征求意见,Google Chrome Frame尝试对IE6进行现代化。 这是SitePoint播客#30:Google Infects IE。

Patrick: Hello, and welcome again to the SitePoint podcast. This is Patrick O’Keefe filling in for our usual lead host, Kevin Yank, who is on vacation, hopefully having safe natural fun. I’m joined today by my usual co-hosts, Stephan Segraves and Brad Williams. This is our first show without Kevin as lead host, I think, as a group. Right guys?

帕特里克:您好,欢迎再次访问SitePoint播客。 这是帕特里克·奥基夫(Patrick O'Keefe)为我们通常的主持人凯文·扬克(Kevin Yank)度假的过程,希望他能享受安全的自然乐趣。 今天,我与平常的共同主持人斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯和布拉德·威廉姆斯一起加入了会议。 我认为这是我们在没有Kevin担任主持人的情况下进行的首次演出。 对吧?

Stephan: That it is.


Brad: He wasn’t the lead host for, the first couple, I think, but it’s been a while.


Patrick: I think we were testing it out. It has been a while. This is a purely US-based show today; there is no Australian influence, so we’ll see how it works but I’m sure we’ll survive. Without any further discussion, let’s get into the stories.

帕特里克:我想我们正在测试。 这已经有一段时间。 这是今天纯粹基于美国的演出。 没有澳大利亚的影响力,因此我们将看看它的运作方式,但我敢肯定我们会生存下去。 无需进一步讨论,让我们开始讲故事。

Our first story is an update. In episode 8, we discussed the — I guess you would call it — the catastrophe that happened to Ma.gnolia, which was a popular social bookmarking service. They lost their data and this led to a lot of discussion on our show over multiple episodes about data safety and how to back up your data and the importance of doing so.

我们的第一个故事是更新。 在第8集中,我们讨论了(我想您会称呼它)发生在Ma.gnolia(这是一种流行的社会书签服务)上的灾难 。 他们丢失了数据,这在我们的节目中引起了很多讨论,涉及数据安全性,如何备份数据以及这样做的重要性等多个问题。

Well, Ma.gnolia is back now. They’ve relaunched their service. This comes in a blog post from Larry Halff, who is the founder of the company, he founded it about four years ago. And he says that “With Ma.gnolia’s relaunch comes lessons learned and changes and among the most obvious and important is that it is no longer a doors-wide-open public service. I’m currently inviting old Ma.gnolia members to return, along with others who might be interested. Soon, those Ma.gnolia members will be able to send out their own invitations.”

好吧,Ma.gnolia现在回来了。 他们重新推出了服务。 这是该公司创始人拉里·哈夫(Larry Halff)的博客文章,他是大约四年前创立的。 他说:“随着Ma.gnolia的重新推出,吸取了教训和变化,最明显和最重要的是,它不再是一门开放的公共服务。 我目前正在邀请Ma.gnolia的旧成员以及可能感兴趣的其他人回来。 很快,这些Ma.gnolia成员将能够发出自己的邀请。”

He also writes “this version of Ma.gnolia is tested versioned, nightly database backups to AWS S3 and those are all an integral part and working part of the relaunch of Ma.gnolia.”

他还写道:“此版本的Ma.gnolia是经过测试的版本,每晚都将数据库备份到AWS S3,这些都是Ma.gnolia重新启动的组成部分和工作部分。”

Now, among the hosts, Stephan was the only one who was a Ma.gnolia user. So what’s your take on this Stephan? Have you got back into the service yet?

现在,在主持人中,斯蒂芬是唯一一个Ma.gnolia用户。 那么,您对此Stephan有何看法? 您已经恢复服务了吗?

Stephan: No, I haven’t been invited back, so I’ll have to give it a few more days before I pass judgment. Hopefully I get invited back. I’m a delicious user now, and I was a delicious when I used Ma.gnolia, and I was just testing the two out and that’s when Ma.gnolia died.

史蒂芬:不,我没有被邀请回来,所以我必须再等几天才能做出判断。 希望我能被邀请回来。 我现在是一个美味的用户,当我使用Ma.gnolia时我很美味,而我只是测试了两者,那就是Ma.gnolia死了。

Patrick: Talk about bad timing.


Stephan: It sounds like an interesting product. He’s going more on the lines of connecting with people and stuff, and I think that’s a good idea. So we’ll see.

斯蒂芬:听起来像是一个有趣的产品。 他将更多的精力放在与人和事物的联系上,我认为这是一个好主意。 所以我们会看到。

Brad: I wish I had a few more details on what exactly has changed because they’re not … I mean it really just says it’s kind of more member-focused sharing of links but there is not a lot of details of what exactly has changed or what’s different from the way Ma.gnolia used to work.


Stephan: Yeah, I don’t know. There is an interview on Crunchgear. Larry Halff mentions that he wants to make it more like what you see on Facebook where people archive stories … not really archive stories but share stories. He sees delicious as an archiving tool to just hold things you want to remember and he likes the idea of more of the Facebook way of doing things.

斯蒂芬:是的,我不知道。 关于Crunchgear的采访。 拉里·哈夫(Larry Halff)提到,他希望使它更像您在Facebook上看到的那样,人们可以在其中存档故事……不是真正地存档故事,而是共享故事。 他将美味视为保存您想记住的东西的存档工具,并且他喜欢使用更多Facebook做事方式的想法。

Patrick: I don’t know if that’s really different from delicious.


Stephan: Yeah, I don’t know either. But the thing is, is I really don’t share links on delicious. I do share links on Facebook. I use delicious as a bookmarking tool.

斯蒂芬:是的,我也不知道。 但问题是,我真的不共享美味的链接。 我确实在Facebook上分享链接。 我使用美味作为书签工具。

Patrick: So you need something like delici-book.


Stephan: delici-book, exactly. I like that.

斯蒂芬:完全是美味书。 我喜欢。

Brad: It kind of raises an interesting question and how can you actually trust a company that’s shut down and then a few months later has come back and said hey, we’re back, come join again. I don’t know how much stock I would put into that.

布拉德:这引起了一个有趣的问题,您如何才能真正信任一家已经倒闭的公司,几个月后又回来了,说嘿,我们回来了,再次加入。 我不知道我会投入多少库存。

Stephan: Do you use delicious, Brad?


Brad: I do, yeah, I like delicious.


Stephan: Like if delicious died tomorrow and they didn’t have any of my bookmarks, I probably would never use them again.


Brad: Yeah, I mean, it’s like giving a two weeks’ notice at a job, and then right before you leave saying you know what, never mind — I’m gonna stay. And then even if they allow you to stay, you’re kind of like always that guy that tried to leave and didn’t, or changed his mind, or whatever it is … you’re probably always going to be labeled as the person who tried to quit. Maybe they’ll overcome that, maybe they won’t, but it’s definitely too early to tell.

布拉德:是的,我的意思是,这就像给工作一个两周的通知,然后就在您离开之前说,您知道,没关系-我要留下来。 然后,即使他们允许您留下来,您也总是像那个试图离开但没有离开,改变主意或其他事情的那个人……您可能总是被贴上这个人的标签。谁试图退出。 也许他们会克服这一点,也许他们不会,但是现在说这还为时尚早。

Patrick: Yeah, and as we talked about it, I mean it’s a reminder to backup your data. There are services out there that allow you to backup your social networking screen, like LifestreamBackup, you can back up your Twitter and your Gmail and Flickr and delicious and Facebook and everything. So it’s just a reminder, and I think he took the right approach in the blog post. I think it was a humble post and obviously, the biggest thing about Ma.gnolia is: “Are you guys gonna die again?” He said it’s backed up. So we’ll see.

帕特里克:是的,正如我们所谈到的,我的意思是提醒您备份数据。 有一些服务可以让您备份社交网络屏幕,例如LifestreamBackup ,您可以备份Twitter和Gmail,Flickr,美味和Facebook等所有内容。 因此,这只是一个提醒,我认为他在博客文章中采用了正确的方法。 我认为这是一个不起眼的帖子,显然,关于Ma.gnolia的最大事情是:“你们还会死吗?” 他说已经备份了。 所以我们会看到。

Brad: Next up, Microsoft just announced a new service called WebsiteSpark, which might sound familiar. We actually discussed BizSpark, which is another program under this whole Spark platform that Microsoft has really been pushing lately.

布拉德:接下来,微软刚刚宣布了一项名为WebsiteSpark的新服务,听起来可能很熟悉。 我们实际上讨论了BizSpark,这是Microsoft最近一直在推动的整个Spark平台下的另一个程序。

WebsiteSpark is a program that any web site development or design company can join and it’s for smaller companies, not larger corporations. So you still have to have 10 or less employees or members at your organization. But essentially, you can join up for free and once you’re accepted, you have access to a lot of the Microsoft developer programs, like Visual Studio 2008 Professional, Expression Engine 2 or 3, Windows Web Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 … these are some pretty expensive apps and programs that Microsoft will essentially give you for free once you’ve been accepted and again, it’s for smaller companies that are really just kind of either getting into the scene or have been around for a little while.

WebsiteSpark是任何网站开发或设计公司都可以加入的程序,适用于较小的公司,而不是较大的公司。 因此,您组织中仍然必须有10名或更少的员工或成员。 但实际上,您可以免费加入,一旦被接受,您就可以访问许多Microsoft开发人员程序,例如Visual Studio 2008 Professional,Expression Engine 2或3,Windows Web Server 2008,SQL Server 2008…这些是一些相当昂贵的应用程序和程序,一旦获得您的认可,Microsoft就会免费为您提供免费的服务,这实际上是给较小的公司的,它们实际上只是进入现场或已经存在了一段时间。

Some of the requirements to join, like I said, you have to have 10 or less members and exactly as Microsoft states, that you have to be a professional services firm whose primary business is providing web development and design services for its clients. So as long as you kind of fit into that bucket, you can apply and once you get accepted, you have access to download these great programs and use them legally.

就像我说的那样,要加入某些要求,您必须有10名或更少的成员,并且完全像Microsoft所说的那样,您必须是一家专业服务公司,其主要业务是为其客户提供Web开发和设计服务。 因此,只要您适合该类别,就可以申请,一旦被接受,您就可以下载这些出色的程序并合法使用它们。

So it’s a pretty cool program, you should definitely check it out.


Patrick: Yes, I mean, you get three licenses to Expression Studio 2008, Expression Studio, Expression Web, Windows Web Server, SQL Server and dot net panel – some of those I have no idea what they are but, I mean, free is not a bad thing. At the end of the day, of course, Microsoft is looking for buy in and looking for you to stick around and once you reach a certain level but, you know, free is never a bad thing, right?

帕特里克:是的,我的意思是,您获得了Expression Studio 2008,Expression Studio,Expression Web,Windows Web Server,SQL Server和dot net panel的三个许可证–其中一些我不知道它们是什么,但我的意思是,免费是这不是一件坏事。 当然,归根结底,微软正在寻找买入并希望您坚持下去,一旦达到一定水平,免费就永远不是坏事了,对吗?

Brad: Yeah, and actually because we talk about BizSpark. I’m not sure what episode it was but earlier in the year. And if you remember BizSpark is for startups whereas this is for web design companies. And then there’s also a third Spark program called DreamSpark which is for students. I actually found some stats. I guess on a 10-month period since launching BizSpark, they had 28,000 companies enrolled. So, you know, you can see that this has been pretty widely adopted. A lot of people are getting involved and joining up and using these Microsoft programs. So they’re definitely extending their reach out there and trying to hit some of the smaller companies.

布拉德:是的,实际上是因为我们谈论BizSpark。 我不确定是哪一集,但今年早些时候。 而且,如果您还记得BizSpark,则适用于初创公司,而适用于Web设计公司。 然后还有第三个Spark程序,称为DreamSpark,适用于学生。 我实际上发现了一些统计数据。 我想自从推出BizSpark以来的10个月中,他们注册了28,000家公司。 因此,您可以看到它已经被广泛采用。 很多人都参与其中并加入并使用这些Microsoft程序。 因此,他们肯定会扩大业务范围,并尝试打击一些较小的公司。

Brad: Actually reading through some of the finer print in their requirements … one of the stipulations, it says to be eligible to continue in the program, a company must deploy a new public and internet-accessible web site developed using program software within six months from program enrollment and report it to their web site portal.


There are not a whole lot of specifics on what that web site has to do or what technologies it needs to be developed in. I mean, I’m assuming Microsoft assumes that you’re going to use .NET, but it doesn’t specifically state that. So it would be funny to see if anyone actually developed, say, a PHP web site using Visual Studio as their primary editor and then submitted that, if Microsoft would accept that or not. So it does prove that you have to actually what you’re using this for. So within six months, if you don’t have anything to show, no web sites, you can say that you’ve used their programs to build, you might get kicked out of the program. So just keep that in mind.

该网站必须执行的操作或开发所需的技术没有很多细节。我的意思是,我假设Microsoft假定您将使用.NET,但并没有特别指出。 因此,看看是否有人真正开发了一个使用Visual Studio作为其主要编辑器PHP网站,然后提交(如果Microsoft接受或不接受),将是很有趣的。 因此,这确实证明您必须实际使用此功能。 因此,在六个月之内,如果您没有任何要展示的内容,也没有网站,那么您可以说您已经使用了他们的程序来构建,您可能会被踢出程序。 因此,请记住这一点。

Patrick: So next, we’re speaking about the Mobile Web. Opera Mini has topped 30 million users according to a report at TechCrunch by Erick Schonfeld. He asked the question, is it the world’s most popular browser? Opera says that nearly 32 million people used their browser in August of this year. That’s 147% increase over the year before. Page view wise, they’re up 235% annually. That means that each person is loading 436 pages a month on their cell phones or 14 a day. A year ago, it was 10 a day.

帕特里克:接下来,我们要谈论移动网络。 根据Erick Schonfeld在TechCrunch上的一份报告,Opera Mini已突破3000万用户。 他问了一个问题,它是世界上最受欢迎的浏览器吗? Opera说,今年八月有近3200万人使用了他们的浏览器。 比上一年增长了147%。 从页面浏览量来看,它们每年增长235%。 这意味着每个人每月要在手机上加载436页,或者每天要加载14页。 一年前是一天10天。

Opera has claimed to be the world’s most popular mobile browser but Schonfeld analyzes the numbers provided by StatCounter. and they do show that Opera has a 26% share of the mobile browser market share worldwide but iPhone has 21.8% and the iPod Touch has 9.7%. If you put those two together, Apple’s market share tops 31%. And now on top of that, he mentions that, of course, the iPhone and iPod Touch aren’t really browsers, they’re devices, and what should really be compared is Opera versus WebKit. And if you added the WebKit’s market share up, it would be even higher. What do you think, Brad?

Opera声称是世界上最受欢迎的移动浏览器,但是Schonfeld分析了StatCounter提供的数字。 他们的确表明,Opera在全球移动浏览器市场份额中占26%的份额,但iPhone占21.8%,而iPod Touch占9.7%。 如果将两者合计,苹果的市场份额将超过31%。 现在最重要的是,他提到,iPhone和iPod Touch当然不是真正的浏览器,而是设备,应该将Opera和WebKit真正进行比较。 而且,如果您增加了WebKit的市场份额,它将更高。 布拉德,你觉得呢?

Brad: It’s definitely some interesting data. I’ve read about Opera Mini. I’ve seen it mentioned as being a great browser but unfortunately, I have an iPhone so I’m stuck on Safari. So, it would be nice to kind of be able to install some alternative browsers on my phone and try them out. Actually, about a year ago, I had a Blackjack and I had Opera installed on my Windows Mobile but I really didn’t use web browsing too much back then.

布拉德:绝对是一些有趣的数据。 我已经读过Opera Mini。 我已经看到它被认为是一个很棒的浏览器,但是不幸的是,我有一部iPhone,所以我只能使用Safari。 因此,能够在我的手机上安装一些其他浏览器并进行尝试会很高兴。 实际上,大约一年前,我在Windows Mobile上安装了二十一点,并安装了Opera,但那时我确实并没有过多地使用网络浏览。

I’m surprised by these numbers. I wouldn’t have expected Opera to be that high up for mobile browsing. I would have expected iPhone to dominate the market and looking at these StatCounter stats, and we’ll definitely put the link in the show notes, it’s kind of surprising that with some of these stats and what market share they have on mobile browsing. I mean, even the PSP has like 1.75%, which, who knew? I guess you’ve really got to think about this when you’re designing mobile web sites that people are using all sorts of different things, but Opera is obviously popular.

这些数字令我感到惊讶。 我不希望Opera对于手机浏览如此重要。 我本来希望iPhone在市场中占据主导地位并查看StatCounter的这些统计信息,并且我们肯定会将链接放在展示笔记中,这令人惊讶的是,其中一些统计数据以及它们在移动浏览中的市场份额是多少。 我的意思是说,即使PSP也有1.75%,谁知道? 我想您在设计人们使用各种不同东西的移动网站时确实需要考虑这一点,但是Opera显然很受欢迎。

Patrick: Yeah, I mean looking at the list, you have Opera at the top with 26.4% and then you have the iPhone, Nokia takes about 20%. The iPod Touch, Blackberry is right there with the Touch. There’s a lot of devices. It’s definitely a little more spread out than the desktop browser market share.

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,我的意思是看名单,您将Opera(26.4%)排在首位,然后是iPhone,诺基亚大约占20%。 iPod Touch,Blackberry和Touch就在那儿。 有很多设备。 它的分布绝对比桌面浏览器的市场份额要大得多。

Stephan: Is the Wii using (Opera) mobile, or does it use the full-blown browser?

斯蒂芬: Wii使用的是(Opera)移动版,还是使用功能齐全的浏览器?

Patrick: I thought about that too but it’s not on this list so I guess they don’t count it. I’m sure it’s going to count as the full-blown browser since you’re looking at it on your TV, and the Wii console isn’t inherently mobile.

帕特里克(Patrick):我也考虑过这一点,但它不在清单上,所以我想他们不算在内。 我确定它将被视为功能完善的浏览器,因为您正在电视上看它,而且Wii控制台本身并不是移动的。

Brad: But you know, even if Opera is #2 behind iPhone and Safari, I mean, still they’re #2, which is a great feat. I mean what’s Opera’s market share in a normal browser? Like a couple of percent? So I mean, I think it’s a great feat and it speaks highly of what they’ve been able to do there.

布拉德:但是你知道,即使Opera在iPhone和Safari之后排在第二位,我的意思是,它们仍然排在第二位,这是一个很棒的壮举。 我的意思是Opera在普通浏览器中的市场份额是多少? 像百分之几? 因此,我的意思是,我认为这是一项了不起的壮举,充分说明了他们在此领域所能做的事情。

Stephan: And it’s a good mobile browser, I like it. I don’t have it but every time I see people using it, I’m like “that’s nice.” I use Mobile Safari on the iPhone but I do like the way it looks. If I had a Blackberry or something, I’d probably use it.

史蒂芬:这是一个很好的移动浏览器,我喜欢它。 我没有它,但是每次看到人们使用它时,我都会感觉“很好”。 我在iPhone上使用Mobile Safari,但我喜欢它的外观。 如果我有黑莓之类的东西,我可能会用它。

Patrick: Google this week has force fed social media on the world. This is according to Jason Falls of Social Media Explorer. Google launched Google Sidewiki. Basically, Falls writes, “Anyone who downloads a browser toolbar for Firefox or for Internet Explorer,” but not Chrome yet, it’s on the way. Even though this is a product from Google, they don’t really have a Chrome plugin for it just yet, but what it does is it allows people to add comments and notes to a sidebar, a frame if you will, to the left of any web site. This includes certainly, your web site and this is done without any sort of opt in or opt out, anyone can simply visit a site and add a note to it.

帕特里克(Patrick):本周Google迫使世界各地的社交媒体饱食。 这是根据社交媒体资源管理器的杰森·福尔斯(Jason Falls)的说法。 Google推出了Google边栏评注。 基本上,Falls写道:“任何为Firefox或Internet Explorer下载浏览器工具栏的人”,但Chrome尚未出现,它正在发展中。 即使这是Google的产品,他们还没有真正的Chrome插件,但是它的作用是允许人们在侧边栏(如果可以的话)的左侧添加注释和注释。任何网站。 当然,这包括您的网站,并且无需任何选择加入或退出的操作,任何人都可以访问该网站并为其添加注释。

Falls, rightfully points out that one of the things Google does best is that they serve up relevant advertisement so it’s not without some foundation to think that Google could monetize these comments in the future and place ads on this sidebar that’s on your web site and your competitors could advertise there as well. Again, he calls this ‘force feeding’ and links to the Google Sidewiki video its called “Introducing Sidewiki” and we’re going to have a link to this in the show notes certainly.

Falls正确地指出,Google最擅长的事情之一就是投放相关的广告,因此,有理由认为Google将来可以通过这些评论获利并将广告放置在您的网站和竞争对手也可以在那里做广告。 再次,他将此称为“强制喂食”,并链接到名为“ Introducing Sidewiki”的Google边栏评注视频,我们肯定会在展示笔记中找到此链接。

Basically the video says that Sidewiki could help people to find expert insights on important issues, helpful tips as you browse, back information for more history, or added perspective on new technology. This paints kind of a rosy picture of the product. But on the other hand, those of us who manage forums or have a blog know that comments are not always in that realm. Oftentimes, we get insults or spam or some sort of other unsavory behavior that’s posted on our web site that we like to remove but this Sidewiki is not something we will have control over. There is an element to report the comment but again, it’s not something that you, as a web site owner control. Of course, not everyone is going to download this extension; some people won’t, and even less will add comments but Jason says that at the end of the day, in this space, in this small set of the population, you’ll need more brand fans than brand detractors.

基本上,视频说,Sidewiki可以帮助人们找到重要问题的专家见解,浏览时的有用提示,获取更多历史信息或增加对新技术的看法。 这描绘了该产品的一种玫瑰色图片。 但是另一方面,我们这些管理论坛或拥有博客的人知道,评论并不总是在那个领域。 通常,我们会在网站上发布我们要删除的侮辱性或垃圾邮件或其他不愉快行为,但我们无法控制此Sidewiki。 有一个元素可以报告评论,但同样,作为网站所有者控制,这不是您想要的。 当然,并非所有人都会下载此扩展程序。 有些人不会,甚至更少的人会添加评论,但Jason说,最终,在这个空间中,在这少数人群中,您需要的品牌拥护者比品牌贬低者更多。

What do we think?


Brad: I’m on the fence between “really scary” and “really cool.” Like you said, it could really go either way. As history has thought us, anytime there is a way to have a public Wiki where anyone can add comments, there’s going to be bad stuff along with the good stuff. You would hope that most comments are going to be good but you never quite know, especially from say like an ecommerce standpoint, if you have a web store, your public opinion on the internet is a big part of your business. So if a couple of people go around saying that you have an awful store or awful customer service, that can really affect you. If it’s right on your web site, that’s really going to affect you because they’re going to see it right when they’re looking at whatever that product is they’re getting ready to purchase. And if the top post on there says, “This web store is awful” then you might have just lost a customer because of what somebody else wrote.

布拉德:我在“真的很恐怖”和“真的很酷”之间。 就像您说的那样,它实际上可以任意选择。 正如历史所认为的那样,只要有一种方法,只要有一种公开的Wiki,任何人都可以添加评论,那么好的和坏的事情就会一起出现。 您希望大多数评论会很好,但是您永远都不知道,尤其是从电子商务的角度来说,如果您拥有网络商店,那么互联网上的公众意见将是您业务的重要组成部分。 因此,如果有几个人四处说您的商店或客户服务糟糕,那确实会影响您。 如果它在您的网站上正确,那确实会对您产生影响,因为当他们准备购买的产品时,他们会正确地看到它。 而且,如果那里的最高职位说:“这家网上商店真糟糕”,那么您可能会因为其他人写的东西而失去了一个客户。

On the flipside, I do think its kind of a cool idea at the same time because then you can write legitimate entries about a web site right on it where other people are going to see it in real time rather than just maybe a review on some third-party web site.


I think it’s so early that it’s really hard to see how well it’s going to be adopted. I think the major factor here is how many people are going to use this. If it’s all just internet tech geeks, then I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Now, if this becomes something that our parents start using, then it might be something to look at a little closer.

我认为现在还为时过早,很难看到它会被采用的程度。 我认为这里的主要因素是有多少人将使用此功能。 如果这只是互联网技术极客,那么我不必为此担心太多。 现在,如果这成为我们父母开始使用的东西,那么可能需要仔细研究。

Stephan: I don’t know, I see it turning into the massive online version of news-web-site-comment. I just see it turning into people just arguing on a web site everywhere you go. I really have no interest in looking at it. I don’t read the comments when I go to a news web site. I don’t care. I’m there for something else. I kind of see it as a distraction from the main point. If you’re running a blog and you have a comments section, then people should just comment there and not on some Wiki page that Google puts out.

史蒂芬:我不知道,我看到它变成了新闻网站评论的大规模在线版本。 我只是看到它变成人们随处可见的一个网站上的争论。 我真的没有兴趣看它。 当我访问新闻网站时,我没有阅读评论。 我不在乎 我在那里。 我认为这是从主要方面分散注意力。 如果您正在运行一个博客,并且有一个“评论”部分,那么人们应该在此处发表评论,而不要在Google发布的Wiki页面上发表评论。

Patrick: I kind of sympathize more or I fit more with the scary side of this because I think on some level, this kind of strikes me as irresponsible and just in the moderation of it. Consider YouTube comments — they’ve become a joke. The YouTube comment is basically a euphemism for nasty comment, it’s just the way it is right now because people receive this comments in their videos that are so off the wall and so crazy that the comments, kind of like Digg comments, have adopted that sort of persona. Do you really want to Google moderating comments that are on your web site? It’s cool when it’s on YouTube, because they own YouTube, but then when you extend that to other web sites along the web, I don’t know if that’s something that you really want.

帕特里克(Patrick):我有点同情或更喜欢这种可怕的一面,因为我认为在某种程度上,这种打击是我不负责任的,只是适度地打击了我。 考虑一下YouTube评论-他们已经成为一个笑话。 YouTube评论基本上是委婉的评论,只是现在的样子,因为人们在他们的视频中收到这些评论的声音太过疯狂,以至于这些评论(例如Digg的评论)都采用了这种评论角色。 您是否真的要Google审核您网站上的评论? 当它在YouTube上时很酷,因为它们拥有YouTube,但是当您将其扩展到网络上的其他网站时,我不知道这是否是您真正想要的。

One of the things that has to be kept in mind with this is it’s not even limited to having the toolbar necessarily or having a plugin installed. Someone can give you a link it can be linked to where the frame will automatically popup even if you don’t have the toolbar and you’ll be able to see a comment on there just like it is. I can definitely see people falling in the “scary” category and maybe in those, people will be shouted they’re not transparent or whatever but I can definitely sympathize with that.

必须牢记的一件事是,它甚至不仅限于必须安装工具栏或安装了插件。 有人可以给您一个链接,即使您没有工具栏,也可以将其链接到框架将自动弹出的位置,并且您将能够在其中看到评论。 我绝对可以看到人们属于“恐怖”类别,也许在这些人中,人们会大喊他们不透明或其他任何东西,但我绝对可以同情。

Brad: I was looking at a few sites that actually had comments, or Wiki entries, and below it had a little clip saying “Was this helpful: Yes or No?” I guess it will be interesting to see as there is some cutoff like if it get 3 Nos or 10 Nos or … is there is some cut off where it drops off or is it there forever? What’s the moderation, or is there any for this?

布拉德:我正在看几个实际上有评论或Wiki条目的站点,下面有一个小片段,上面写着“这是否有用:是或否?” 我想这会很有意思,因为有些截止值会变成3个Nos或10个Nos或……是否有一些截止值出现在它的下降位置或永远存在? 请问节制是什么?

Patrick: Jason, in the post, said that it’s purely community-based — basically what you said, is it helpful or not and also, supposedly there is a report mechanism for it for the comment as well and then, of course, it’s in Google’s hands. But beyond that, I mean, no, it’s moderated kind of like comments in other Google web sites, I think.

帕特里克(Patrick):杰森(Jason)在帖子中说,它纯粹是基于社区的—基本上您说的是有用或没有帮助,并且据说应该有一个报告机制可以发表评论,然后,当然,谷歌的手。 但除此之外,我的意思是,不,我想这是其他Google网站中类似评论的内容。

Brad: Yeah, I mean one nice thing about this, and it’s kind of just about every service that Google is releasing now, is that it releases with an API, a fully functional API, that you can build tools around, which I think is really cool because, right away, I could build an app that could basically scour all of my site URL’s and check for any kind of Wiki entries. So rather than going through all of my pages and seeing if anyone’s written anything about it, I can just make a quick script that does it for me with their API which I think is really cool. So at least they’re giving everyone the tools they need to start thinking about this and getting ready for it because people are going to start using it. It’s a Google product. Google can get the word out. So, definitely, start thinking about it.

布拉德:是的,我的意思是,这很不错,Google现在发布的几乎每项服务都带有API,即功能齐全的API,您可以围绕它构建工具,我认为这是真的很酷,因为我可以立即构建一个可以基本上搜索我所有站点URL的应用程序,并检查任何种类的Wiki条目。 因此,与其浏览我的所有页面并查看是否有人写过任何东西,我不如直接制作一个快速脚本,使用他们认为很酷的API为我做这件事。 因此,至少他们为每个人提供了他们开始考虑并为之准备所需的工具,因为人们将开始使用它。 这是Google产品。 Google可以说出来。 因此,一定要开始考虑它。

Patrick: One other thing that really jumped out at me about this is, like I said, there have been other services like this but I can’t really recall that there were many … or I can’t recall one but there might have been one where it was in frames. I know you can add comments onto a page or add sticky notes or something that other people can see from different bookmarking services and so on, but let’s relate it back to a popular topic on this show the, Digg Bar. How far off is this frame from that if Google goes ahead and puts ads on this? If it’s a page frame that pops up automatically with a link that’s shared; I mean, how different is that from a Digg short link if you can get a Google Sidewiki link to a site and have that automatically pop up to the left and then if there are ads, I mean, you consider the lawsuits, the lawsuits that have been executed in the past and how those have worked out. I wouldn’t be shocked if this ended up being a legal issue should they put advertisements on it, and even if they don’t, through maybe the liability of the comments I guess you could say there’d be some unhappy businesses but especially if they put ads on it, I don’t see a huge difference between this and the Digg Bar.

帕特里克(Patrick):关于此事,我真正跳出的另一件事是,就像我说的那样,还有其他类似的服务,但我真的不记得有很多……或者我想不起来一个,但也许有一帧。 我知道您可以在页面上添加注释,也可以添加便笺或其他人可以从不同的书签服务中看到的内容,等等,但是让我们将其与本节目Digg Bar上的热门话题联系起来。 如果Google继续在此框架上投放广告,该框架与框架有多远? 如果它是一个页面框架,并且使用共享链接自动弹出; 我的意思是,如果您可以获取指向网站的Google边栏评注链接并自动弹出到左侧,然后再有广告,则与Digg短链接有什么不同,我的意思是,您考虑的是诉讼,过去已经执行过,以及如何执行。 如果最终在他们身上放广告成为一个法律问题,即使他们不这样做,我也不会感到震惊,即使他们不这样做,也许是由于评论的责任,我想您可以说会有一些不愉快的事情,但是特别是如果他们在上面放广告,我认为这与Digg Bar之间没有太大的区别。

Brad: I wouldn’t worry too much. I mean, Google is not allowed to be evil, right?

布拉德:我不会太担心。 我的意思是,不允许Google邪恶,对吧?

Patrick: Well, I don’t know if it’s evil or not, nothing wrong with money, but …


Brad: Yeah, there’s definitely a growing trend in doing things, like this like you said, and it is a little bit scary but I think, again, it’s so new. It’ll be interesting to see where it’s at in four, six months from now to see how many people are actually using it. You know it would be nice if they hooked this into Alerts so you could actually be alerted if somebody leaves a Wiki post on your web site rather than build a script into it.

布拉德:是的,做事肯定有增长的趋势,就像你说的那样,这有点吓人,但我想,这又是新事物。 有趣的是,从现在开始的四,六个月后,它会在哪里,看看有多少人实际使用它。 您知道,如果他们将它们挂接到Alerts中会很好,这样,如果有人在您的网站上留下Wiki帖子而不是在其中构建脚本,则实际上可以向您发出警告。

Stephan: One more thing to interrupt my day.


Patrick:I don’t know. I mean, if I could subscribe to it, I guess that’s okay, but I just don’t like the idea of it and people in the comments on the blog post at Social Media Explorer basically are saying “What about foreign people who get banned?” I mean, that’s like an automatic given that they’re going to show up in this area and start leaving comments and it’s just an annoyance, it’s one more thing.

帕特里克:我不知道。 我的意思是,如果我可以订阅的话,那应该没问题,但是我只是不喜欢它的想法,社交媒体资源管理器中博客文章中的评论基本上都在说:“被禁止的外国人呢? ?” 我的意思是,这就像是自动的,因为他们将出现在该区域并开始发表评论,这很烦人,这是另一回事。

Brad: And with comments and forums, you have that level of moderation, you’re right, with this, you don’t. It’s completely out of your hands. So hopefully, there’s some way that you could report bad posts or really explicit posts or whatever it may be. I can easily go to all my competitors and put something horrible on there but, I mean, is there a way they’re going to be able to remove it? Who knows? Not that I would do that.

布拉德(Brad):在评论和论坛中,您有一定程度的主持权,这是正确的,但实际上没有。 它完全不在您手中。 因此,希望您可以通过某种方式报告不良帖子或真正露骨的帖子或其他内容。 我可以轻松地与所有竞争对手竞争,并在上面放一些可怕的东西,但是,我的意思是,他们有办法删除它吗? 谁知道? 不是那样的。

Patrick: Well, speaking of Google doing good, some web developers are happy with the release of Google Chrome Frame and it’s designed as an add-on for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 that allows IE to take advantage of what Google calls recent JavaScript performance improvements in the emergence of HTML5 enabled web applications to do things that could previously only be done by desktop software. This is at the Chromium blog, and Chromium is the open source project behind Google Chrome.

帕特里克:嗯,说到Google做的不错,一些网络开发人员对Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架的发布感到满意,它被设计为Internet Explorer 6、7和8的附加组件,使IE可以利用Google的最新功能。 HTML5的出现提高了JavaScript性能,使Web应用程序能够完成以前只能由桌面软件完成的工作。 这是在Chromium博客上发布的,Chromium是Google Chrome浏览器背后的开源项目。

Basically, it’s built as an enhancement really aimed at developers who can’t afford to ignore IE because most people use some version of IE, they admit, so they end up spending lots of time implementing work around or limiting the functionality of their apps.


I’m not really a developer, so let’s kick this over to the developers for some thoughts.


Brad: This is awesome, in my opinion. I mean it’s not as awesome in the IE 7 and 8 arena. It is cool. But for IE 6, I mean, this is a huge, huge announcement. The fact that you can install a simple plugin, and a site administrator … because a lot of the users using IE 6 aren’t home users. There are still some, obviously, but a lot of them are in the corporate world where they can’t upgrade because they have certain applications that will only work in IE 6. This gives them an option because they can install this plug-in. It will not affect the apps they’re using in IE 6 but they can view sites that require HTML5 and still get them to work just like they would in Chrome.

布拉德:我认为这太棒了。 我的意思是,它在IE 7和8领域并不那么出色。 很酷。 但是对于IE 6,我的意思是,这是一个巨大的公告。 您可以安装一个简单的插件以及一个站点管理员的事实,因为许多使用IE 6的用户不是家庭用户。 显然,仍有一些应用程序无法在企业环境中升级,因为它们具有只能在IE 6中运行的某些应用程序。这为他们提供了一个选择,因为他们可以安装此插件。 它不会影响他们在IE 6中使用的应用程序,但他们可以查看需要HTML5的网站,并且仍然可以像在Chrome中一样使它们正常工作。

I actually installed this on the IE 6 browser earlier today and was running some tests on it and it’s great. It definitely speeds up how IE 6 runs. I took IE 6 and ran it through the Acid3 Test, I did it once with Chrome Frame off, and I got a 4 out of a 100. I did it after I enabled Google Chrome Frame and I got a 100 out of a 100. So just seeing that Acid3 Test passing inside IE 6 is something I never thought would happen.

我实际上是在今天早些时候将其安装在IE 6浏览器上的,并且正在其上运行一些测试,这很棒。 它绝对可以加快IE 6的运行速度。 我使用IE 6并通过了Acid3测试,在关闭Chrome Frame的情况下进行了一次测试,得到100分中的4分。在启用Google Chrome Frame之后,我得到了100分。因此,只是看到在IE 6中通过Acid3测试是我从未想到的事情。

This is a great idea, hats off to the whole team at Google that worked on this. I’m sure to Microsoft it felt like a slap in the face but this is really what IE 6 needs. It needs kind of an alternative without forcing them to upgrade or to switch browsers. They need some way to view these sites and this is it.

这是一个好主意,这对Google致力于这一工作的整个团队来说都是不二的。 我向Microsoft保证,这就像打耳光一样,但这确实是IE 6所需要的。 它需要一种替代方案,而不必强迫他们升级或切换浏览器。 他们需要某种方式来查看这些站点,就是这样。

Patrick: And from looking at how it works and how it can work, I mean you’re prompted to install it. It kind of feels like, from reading the documentation just a little bit, it’s kind of like when you didn’t have Flash and you get prompted to install the Flash player. It seems like it might be that kind of setup and if it’s that easy, then I mean, you can see it being widely adopted.

帕特里克(Patrick):从看它如何工作以及如何工作来看,我的意思是提示您安装它。 稍微读一下文档,感觉就像是没有Flash并提示您安装Flash Player时的感觉。 好像是这样的设置,如果这么简单,那么我的意思是,您可以看到它已被广泛采用。

Brad: Yeah, it really is. I mean, you go to it, you click Install, you have to click OK once I think, just to grant permission to do the install and it took about a minute and that was it and then it was done. That was on older machine too, so it would probably be quicker on a much newer machine, but you can turn it on from within your own web site … so if I wanted to force a user to run in Google Chrome Frame if they are in IE6, I can drop one line of code into head of my web site – and that essentially will, if Google Chrome Frame is effective, it will force it to render your web site using that. So you can use all the HTML5 components that you like, which is great.

布拉德:是的,确实如此。 我的意思是,转到它,单击“安装”,一旦我想,就必须单击“确定”,只是授予许可进行安装,这花了大约一分钟,然后就完成了。 那也是在较旧的计算机上,因此在较新的计算机上可能会更快,但是您可以从自己的网站中打开它……因此,如果我想强迫用户在Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架中运行, IE6,我可以将一行代码放到我的网站的头部–如果Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架有效,那实际上将迫使它使用它来呈现您的网站。 因此,您可以使用所有喜欢HTML5组件,这很棒。

Then you can also, I believe using JavaScript, if they don’t have Google Frame installed, you can detect that and you can ask them if they would like to install it. So now, all of us as webmasters and web developers, we can actually kind of help spread Google Chrome Frame in the IE world and ask the users if they like to install the plugin. Once they install it, refresh your site, and everything will look great.

然后,我相信您也可以使用JavaScript,如果他们未安装Google Frame,则可以检测到该问题,并询问他们是否要安装它。 因此,现在,作为我们的网站管理员和网站开发人员,我们实际上可以通过某种帮助在IE世界中传播Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架,并询问用户是否愿意安装该插件。 一旦他们安装它,刷新您的网站,一切都会看起来很好。

Patrick: You mentioned that Microsoft may have taken in a slap in the face and, sure enough, they came out shortly after it was released with the Microsoft spokesperson telling Ars Technica that “With IE8, we made significant advancements and updates to make the browser safer for our customers. Given the security issues with plugins in general and Google Chrome in particular, Google Chrome Frame running as a plugin has doubled the attach area for malware and malicious scripts. This is not a risk we would recommend our friends and families take.”

帕特里克(Patrick):您提到微软可能已经打了一个巴掌,而且可以肯定的是,它们在发布后不久就出现了,微软发言人告诉Ars Technica:“有了IE8,我们在开发和改进浏览器方面取得了重大进步。对我们的客户更安全。 考虑到一般插件(尤其是Google Chrome)的安全性问题,作为插件运行的Google Chrome Frame已使恶意软件和恶意脚本的附加区域增加了一倍。 我们建议朋友和家人冒险,这不是冒险。”

Emil Protalinski at Ars Technica gives Microsoft, I guess you could say, a nod to the plugin and add-on security issue because sometimes plugins and add-ons can be security problems certainly, but dismisses the idea of IE plus Chrome equaling double the potential for damage to a browser, meaning that would be open to both Google Chrome and IE because it wouldn’t degrade the security options that IE8 already has in place. Again, it’s not just for IE8 or IE7. It’s also for IE6, which obviously is, much less secure. Google responded to that claim and they basically said, “No, Microsoft, that’s not the case.” They said that using this Google Chrome Frame brings Google Chrome security features to IE users and it provides strong fishing and malware protection, which doesn’t exist in IE6 and robust sandboxing technology and defences from emerging online threats that are available in days, rather than months (that’s a little subtle slap there you could say).

我想您可以说,Ars Technica的Emil Protalinski向Microsoft表示了对插件和附加组件安全问题的肯定,因为有时插件和附加组件当然可能是安全性问题,但是却驳斥了IE + Chrome的潜力两倍损害浏览器,这意味着它将对Google Chrome和IE开放,因为它不会降低IE8已有的安全选项。 同样,它不仅适用于IE8或IE7。 IE6也是如此,显然它的安全性要差得多。 Google对这一说法做出了回应,他们基本上说:“不,微软,事实并非如此。” 他们说,使用此Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架为IE用户带来了Google Chrome浏览器的安全功能,并提供了强大的钓鱼和恶意软件防护,这在IE6中是不存在的,并且具有强大的沙箱技术和防御几天之内出现的新兴在线威胁的功能,个月(您可以说那是一个微妙的巴掌)。

Both IE7 and IE8 have a sandbox defence-type of feature called Protected Mode, but it only works when the browsers are run in Vista or Windows 7, and the Google Chrome Frame plugin provides protection for malicious code on Windows XP as well. Microsoft also claimed that Google Frame broke the privacy model, and users weren’t able to use IE’s privacy features, a spokesperson told Techworld. Google shout right back again, saying that it was designed with security in mind — again, a little slap here” “While we encourage users to use a more modern and standards-compliant browser, such as Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome rather than a plugin; for those who don’t, Google Chrome Frame is designed to provide better performance, strong security features, and more choice across all versions of Internet Explorer.” The company – that’s Google – is reviewing bugs filed with the Chrome Team by Microsoft developers to address any privacy feature-related issues.

IE7和IE8都具有沙盒防御类型的功能(称为保护模式),但仅在浏览器在Vista或Windows 7中运行时才起作用,并且Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架插件也为Windows XP上的恶意代码提供保护。 微软发言人还告诉Techworld,微软还声称Google Frame破坏了隐私模型,并且用户无法使用IE的隐私功能。 Google再次大声疾呼,称其设计时考虑了安全性-再次在此稍加耳光。““尽管我们鼓励用户使用更现代且符合标准的浏览器,例如Firefox,Safari,Opera和Chrome,而不是插件; 对于那些不喜欢的人,Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架旨在在所有版本的Internet Explorer中提供更好的性能,强大的安全功能以及更多选择。” 该公司(即Google)正在审查Microsoft开发人员向Chrome小组提交的错误,以解决与隐私权相关的所有问题。

Is security something you’re concerned about when you use this?


Brad: I’m not. Anyone listening to the show knows that I use Chrome pretty much all day long – that’s my primary browser. I’m no more worried about security with this plug-in than I am using Chrome as my primary browser. I think it just adds that extra layer of security. Obviously, it makes less sense on something like, say, IE8 versus IE6 where obviously there’s a huge gap and what changes have happened, but I mean, I don’t really think security is too much of an issue.

布拉德:我不是。 任何听过该节目的人都知道我几乎整天都在使用Chrome-这是我的主要浏览器。 与使用Chrome作为主要浏览器相比,我不必担心此插件的安全性。 我认为这只是增加了一层额外的安全性。 显然,在诸如IE8与IE6之类的东西之间显然没有太大的区别,并且发生了什么变化,这没有什么意义,但是我的意思是,我真的不认为安全是一个太大的问题。

Obviously, Microsoft had to say something about why people shouldn’t use this, and I think security was the most obvious one for them to attack Google with. They can’t just sit by and not actually make a statement about it.

显然,微软不得不说出为什么人们不应该使用它,我认为安全性是他们攻击Google的最明显的方法。 他们不能只是袖手旁观,而不能就此发表声明。

But one of the other major benefits of using Chrome Frame is the speed, and actually, Computerworld ran some benchmark tests with Chrome Frame installed in IE8 and found out that IE8 runs 9.6 times faster with Chrome Frame running rather than without, which boggles my mind. So basically, even if you install this on IE8, you can install it just for the sake of the fact that you’re going to speed up your web browsing almost ten times by using Chrome’s WebKit renderer and their JavaScript engine.

但是使用Chrome浏览器内嵌框架的另一个主要好处之一是速度,实际上,Computerworld在安装了IE8的Chrome浏览器内嵌框架上进行了一些基准测试,发现在运行Chrome Frame的情况下IE8的运行速度比不使用IE8快了9.6倍,这让我感到困惑。 因此,基本上,即使将其安装在IE8上,也可以仅出于使用Chrome的WebKit渲染器及其JavaScript引擎将网页浏览速度提高近十倍的目的而安装它。

So between security and speed and HTML5, I mean it’s really a no brainer in my opinion especially if you’re running 6. If you’re doing 7 and 8, feel free to do it if you want. But if you’re running 6, definitely install Google Chrome Frame right away. If you’re a webmaster and web developer, definitely get that meta tag in your head to force users, to render your site in Chrome Frame if it’s installed.

因此,在安全性,速度和HTML5之间,我的意思是,这确实没什么问题,特别是如果您正在运行6。如果您正在执行7和8,则可以随意进行操作。 但是,如果您正在运行6,则一定要立即安装Google Chrome浏览器内嵌框架。 如果您是网站管理员和网站开发人员,请一定要在您的脑海中使用该meta标签来强迫用户使用已安装的Chrome Frame呈现您的网站。

Patrick: I was thinking about this issue and when the browser makers compete, they’re generally competing to make a better browser, often make a better browser than IE because that who leads in market share and even IE, of course, is focused on making a better browser than everyone else especially now. So I guess my question is this seems to be a case of making another browser better. So why is Google doing this when we talked about “do no evil,” why is Google making IE8 better, which will presumably keep people in IE8. I mean, it’s a make-nice with developers, I guess you could say. I mean it doesn’t change the user strength to make it look like Chrome is visiting the page does it?

帕特里克(Patrick):我当时在考虑这个问题,当浏览器制造商竞争时,他们通常在争相开发更好的浏览器,通常是比IE更好的浏览器,因为谁在市场占有率上领先,甚至IE当然也专注于制作比其他所有人更好的浏览器,尤其是现在。 所以我想我的问题是,这似乎是使另一个浏览器更好的一种情况。 那么,当我们谈论“请勿做恶”时,Google为什么要这样做呢?为什么Google要使IE8更好,这可能会使人们继续使用IE8。 我的意思是,这对开发人员来说很不错,我想你可以说。 我的意思是说,这不会改变用户的力量,不会使它看起来像Chrome浏览器正在访问页面吗?

What is Google’s motivation here?


Stephan: It gets the Google name out there, for sure. That seems like a motivation to me. If you’re still driving people and saying “We make Chrome, but we also make this,” it’s still getting the Google name in front of people, which is a good thing.

Stephan: It gets the Google name out there, for sure. That seems like a motivation to me. If you're still driving people and saying “We make Chrome, but we also make this,” it's still getting the Google name in front of people, which is a good thing.

Brad: Yeah, I mean it definitely gets the name out there. I also read in one of the articles researching this topic that one of the reasons behind it might have been with Google Wave that’s coming out soon (within the next couple of days, I believe), that it would not function in IE. It needs certain parts of HTML5 to function in its entirety. And so by getting this plugin into IE, it’s going to open up that many more people who can use Google Wave. Whether it’s true or not, may or may not be, but it holds true for YouTube … any other site that Google owns that they are going to start migrating in some HTML5 elements, would not function properly without this. I think that might be part of their motivation as well.

Brad: Yeah, I mean it definitely gets the name out there. I also read in one of the articles researching this topic that one of the reasons behind it might have been with Google Wave that's coming out soon (within the next couple of days, I believe), that it would not function in IE. It needs certain parts of HTML5 to function in its entirety. And so by getting this plugin into IE, it's going to open up that many more people who can use Google Wave. Whether it's true or not, may or may not be, but it holds true for YouTube … any other site that Google owns that they are going to start migrating in some HTML5 elements, would not function properly without this. I think that might be part of their motivation as well.

Patrick: So if you’ve used Google Chrome Frame, let us know what you think in the comments on this podcast blog entry on sitepoint/podcast.

Patrick: So if you've used Google Chrome Frame, let us know what you think in the comments on this podcast blog entry on sitepoint/podcast .

It’s time for our group podcast regular: the host spotlight. Brad, why don’t you go first:

It's time for our group podcast regular: the host spotlight. Brad, why don't you go first:

Brad: My spotlight is actually on iPhone app and it’s by the popular web service Dropbox. They just got their iPhone app approved. I believe they submitted it weeks ago but, you know, Apple likes to take their time and review everything thoroughly. So they finally got approved, and it’s in the App Store.

Brad: My spotlight is actually on iPhone app and it's by the popular web service Dropbox. They just got their iPhone app approved. I believe they submitted it weeks ago but, you know, Apple likes to take their time and review everything thoroughly. So they finally got approved, and it's in the App Store.

For those of you not familiar, Dropbox is quite simply kind of file sharing; it makes a mapped drive on your computer which you can drag files into and then you can share those files easily with other Dropbox members. So you can drag a file into a folder and it will pop up on your buddy’s desktop instantly.

For those of you not familiar, Dropbox is quite simply kind of file sharing; it makes a mapped drive on your computer which you can drag files into and then you can share those files easily with other Dropbox members. So you can drag a file into a folder and it will pop up on your buddy's desktop instantly.

Some of the cool features that it includes through the iPhone, you can actually open up all your files that are within Dropbox and then from within those files, you can easily send a link to those files to any of your contacts or through email. If it’s a secure file, Dropbox will make a temporary URL that will expire after a certain amount of time and send them a direct link to it.

Some of the cool features that it includes through the iPhone, you can actually open up all your files that are within Dropbox and then from within those files, you can easily send a link to those files to any of your contacts or through email. If it's a secure file, Dropbox will make a temporary URL that will expire after a certain amount of time and send them a direct link to it.

It’s a great easy way to kind of share files. I highly recommend Dropbox if you’re not currently using it and if you have an iPhone, definitely go download the Dropbox iPhone app, which is free.

It's a great easy way to kind of share files. I highly recommend Dropbox if you're not currently using it and if you have an iPhone, definitely go download the Dropbox iPhone app, which is free.

Stephan: My spotlight is this: I was reading this article in the New York Times about how foreign airlines are ahead of the US on cell phone use in flight. I just kind of want to put that out there and just see what you guys think. I fly a lot and, to me, I really don’t want cell phone use on an airplane. I don’t want the guy talking on his phone next to me. Some people really want this and some of the interviews that they did with people in the New York Times article in Dubai, in the Middle East and in Europe, these people use their cell phones a lot on airplanes, especially to text message.

Stephan: My spotlight is this: I was reading this article in the New York Times about how foreign airlines are ahead of the US on cell phone use in flight. I just kind of want to put that out there and just see what you guys think. I fly a lot and, to me, I really don't want cell phone use on an airplane. I don't want the guy talking on his phone next to me. Some people really want this and some of the interviews that they did with people in the New York Times article in Dubai, in the Middle East and in Europe, these people use their cell phones a lot on airplanes, especially to text message.

I think that if this is going to become something that happens in the United States, they’re going to have to change the roaming rules and the data plans because I was just out of the country and the roaming charge was $19 for a megabyte or something. I’m not willing to pay that. In other countries, it’s much cheaper.

I think that if this is going to become something that happens in the United States, they're going to have to change the roaming rules and the data plans because I was just out of the country and the roaming charge was $19 for a megabyte or something. I'm not willing to pay that. In other countries, it's much cheaper.

I just wanted to get your thoughts and if you have guys have comments out there in the audience, leave them on the podcast page; I’m interested to hear what y’all think.

I just wanted to get your thoughts and if you have guys have comments out there in the audience, leave them on the podcast page; I'm interested to hear what y'all think.

Patrick: Are we going to have to have the pilots watch that violent anti-texting PSA that’s been floating around?

Patrick: Are we going to have to have the pilots watch that violent anti-texting PSA that's been floating around?

Stephan: The British one.

Stephan: The British one.

Patrick: I think you go by the complaints, if you launch it and then people complain like crazy, then I guess it won’t work.

Patrick: I think you go by the complaints, if you launch it and then people complain like crazy, then I guess it won't work.

Stephan: And the thing is like WiFi is the big thing right now on US flights and everybody wants that but we don’t have cell phone connectivity and everyone is saying we should have that first and I’m kind of like – I like being disconnected when I’m on a plane. That’s the beauty of it.

Stephan: And the thing is like WiFi is the big thing right now on US flights and everybody wants that but we don't have cell phone connectivity and everyone is saying we should have that first and I'm kind of like – I like being disconnected when I'm on a plane. That's the beauty of it.

Patrick: My host spotlight, I’m going to call “Batman Asks Wal-Mart To Open Up More Lanes.”” The video is actually called Break An Arm, Blow Up A Head and Batman? It’s from Film Riot, which is on Revision3 (there will be in a link in the show notes, of course). Basically, it’s a short clip where Batman is asking Wal-Mart to open up more lanes. There is not much to it beyond that. I just found it really funny. Found it on Digg.

Patrick: My host spotlight, I'm going to call “Batman Asks Wal-Mart To Open Up More Lanes.”” The video is actually called Break An Arm, Blow Up A Head and Batman? It's from Film Riot, which is on Revision3 (there will be in a link in the show notes, of course). Basically, it's a short clip where Batman is asking Wal-Mart to open up more lanes. There is not much to it beyond that. I just found it really funny. Found it on Digg.

Check it out and hopefully, have a laugh.

Check it out and hopefully, have a laugh.

Why don’t we pass it around the table, guys, and tell everybody where they can find us.

Why don't we pass it around the table, guys, and tell everybody where they can find us.

Brad: I’m Brad Williams from webdevstudios and you can find me on Twitter, @williamsba.

Brad: I'm Brad Williams from webdevstudios and you can find me on Twitter, @williamsba.

Stephan: I’m Stephan Segraves from Houston, Texas, and you can find me on Twitter at @ssegraves.

Stephan: I'm Stephan Segraves from Houston, Texas, and you can find me on Twitter at @ssegraves.

Patrick: And I am Patrick O’Keefe for the iFroggy network. You can find me on Twitter as @iFroggy.

Patrick: And I am Patrick O'Keefe for the iFroggy network. You can find me on Twitter as @iFroggy.

You can follow our usual lead host, Kevin Yank at @sentience, and you can follow SitePoint at @sitepointdotccom. Visit us at sitepoint/podcast to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. Email us at podcast@sitepoint with your questions, and we’d love to read them on the show and give you our advice.

You can follow our usual lead host, Kevin Yank at @sentience, and you can follow SitePoint at @sitepointdotccom. Visit us at sitepoint/podcast to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. Email us at podcast@sitepoint with your questions, and we'd love to read them on the show and give you our advice.

The SitePoint Podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker. Thank you for listening, and we’ll see you next time.

The SitePoint Podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker. Thank you for listening, and we'll see you next time.

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we’re doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we're doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/podcast-30-google-infects-ie/

本文标签: PodcastSitePointGoogle