


by Tigran Hakobyan

由Tigran Hakobyan

关于成为远程开发人员的思考 (Reflections on being a remote developer)

介绍 (Introduction)

It was the winter of 2016 when I opened my phone and saw the job offer from Buffer. I remember I was in an Uber with my wife driving back home from the JFK airport.

在2016年冬天,我打开手机,看到Buffer的工作机会。 我记得我和妻子从肯尼迪国际机场开车回家时在优步。

So many things have changed since then. I’ve grown as a person and as an engineer. This article is a story where I openly share all the lessons and challenges I’ve experienced throughout my journey of working remotely as a software engineer.

自那时以来,发生了许多变化。 我已经成长为一个人和一个工程师。 本文是一个故事,在这里我公开地分享了我在作为软件工程师进行远程工作的整个过程中遇到的所有教训和挑战。

一些背景 (Some background)

My name is Tigran and I’m a software engineer at Buffer. I’m also the creator of Cronhub, a tool to help developers to monitor cron jobs. In the past, I’ve created other other side-projects as well and written articles about my journey of building a side-project while having a full-time job.

我叫Tigran,我是Buffer的一名软件工程师。 我还是Cronhub的创建者,该工具可帮助开发人员监视cron作业。 过去,我还创建了其他其他副项目 ,并撰写了有关在从事全职工作的同时建立副项目的过程的文章 。

I get a lot of questions on Twitter about my experience at Buffer and how it feels to work remotely. Most of the questions are about time management, work and day structure, and the tools that I use daily to stay productive. Even though these are very good questions, I’ve decided to step back a little bit and share my story from the beginning — when and how I started my remote work.

关于我在Buffer的经验以及远程工作的感觉,我在Twitter上遇到了很多问题。 大多数问题与时间管理,工作和日间结构以及我每天用来保持工作效率的工具有关。 尽管这些问题非常好,但我还是决定退后一步,从一开始就分享我的故事-我何时以及如何开始远程工作。

I hope to share all the good and challenging parts of my experience. I know remote work culture is rapidly growing across the world, so I hope this will be a useful resource for beginners who’re considering going remote.

我希望分享我的经验中的所有美好和挑战性的部分。 我知道远程工作文化在世界范围内正在Swift发展,所以我希望这对于正在考虑使用远程工作的初学者来说是有用的资源。

I’ll be honest and tell you that I also wanted to write this article for myself to look back and reflect. That’s why it may feel like I’m writing in my diary. I hope you don’t mind that style.

老实说,我告诉你我也想写这篇文章供自己回顾和思考。 这就是为什么感觉就像我在写日记。 希望您不要介意这种风格。

开始远程作业 (Starting a remote job)

It’s interesting that I never thought about getting a remote job. It kind of didn’t matter at the time that I was applying for new jobs in February 2016. I was living in Jersey City, New Jersey, which is very close to Manhattan. I knew that if I had a job in New York City, the commute wouldn’t be an issue (especially with audiobooks).

有趣的是,我从未想过要获得远程工作。 在2016年2月申请新工作时,这没什么大不了。我住在新泽西州的泽西市,该市离曼哈顿很近。 我知道,如果我在纽约市工作,通勤就不会成为问题(尤其是有声读物)。

However, at the time, the top company on my list that I wanted to work for was Buffer. It was, and still is, a fully remote company with employees spread across the world. I heard about and used Buffer before joining the team and read so much about their culture. I also really admired Joel Gascoigne (the founder of Buffer) and enjoyed reading his Buffer story and all the lessons he was sharing on his blog.

但是,当时,我想要工作的名单上排名第一的公司是Buffer。 它曾经是,现在仍然是一家完全远程的公司,其员工遍布全球。 在加入团队之前,我曾听说过并使用过Buffer,并深入了解了他们的文化。 我也非常钦佩Buffer的创始人Joel Gascoigne ,并喜欢阅读他的Buffer故事以及他在博客上分享的所有课程。

I applied for a back-end engineer position. Lucky for me, this position was open at the time and it really matched my previous background working with back-end technologies and services.

我申请了后端工程师职位。 对我来说幸运的是,这个职位当时是空缺的,这确实与我以前使用后端技术和服务的背景相吻合。

I knew that Buffer had many applicants for the same position (if I’m not mistaken, we had around 1500 applications for this position) so my hope was quite small. But only a couple weeks after applying I received an email from Leo (the co-founder of Buffer who’s not with the company anymore) offering to chat. He wrote that he really liked my background and wanted to get to know me better in a call. I was beyond happy and excited for the opportunity, and was really surprised — because, quite frankly, I wasn’t expecting to hear back from them.

我知道Buffer具有同一职位的许多申请人(如果我没记错的话,我们有1500个该职位的申请),所以我的希望很小。 但是在申请后仅几个星期,我就收到了来自Leo(Buffer的联合创始人,不再与该公司合作)的一封电子邮件,邀请他们聊天。 他写道,他真的很喜欢我的背景,并且想通过电话更好地了解我。 我为这个机会感到高兴和兴奋,并感到非常惊讶-因为坦率地说,我不希望收到他们的来信。

After my chat with Leo, I started the interview process. Buffer makes sure that whoever joins the team is a great fit. So apart from technical aspects, the interviews were also focused on the culture. When I joined Buffer, I had to go through a 45-day boot camp.

与Leo聊天后,我开始了采访过程。 Buffer可以确保加入团队的人非常合适。 因此,除了技术方面的采访外,采访还着重于文化。 加入Buffer时,我必须经历45天的新手训练营。

Boot camp is like a date where both of you take your time to figure out whether you’re a good fit for each other. While in boot camp, you’re considered a contractor until you become a full-time employee. At this time, however, don’t have boot camp anymore.

新手训练营就像约会之日,你们俩都要花时间弄清楚自己是否彼此适合。 在新手训练营期间,您将被视为承包商,直到您成为全职员工为止。 但是,此时,就没有新手训练营了。

As I said, I wasn’t necessarily looking for remote opportunities. It just so happened that I’ve become a remote worker because I really wanted to work at Buffer, and I was excited to explore what remote work would offer.

正如我所说,我并不一定要寻找机会。 碰巧我成为一名远程工作者是因为我真的想在Buffer工作,而我很高兴探索远程工作将提供什么。

远程工作的最初挑战 (Initial challenges of working remotely)

Working remotely is very different from working in the office. I don’t think you fully grasp the difference until you actually start being remote. For someone like me who never worked in a remote environment, the beginning wasn’t smooth and it came with challenges. Eventually, I got better at most of those things but it’s worth looking back now and reflecting on my early days.

远程工作与在办公室工作非常不同。 在您真正开始处于远程状态之前,我不认为您会完全理解它们之间的区别。 对于像我这样从未在远程环境中工作过的人来说,起步并不顺利,而且充满挑战。 最终,我在大多数情况下都变得更好了,但是现在值得回顾一下,回想一下我的早期生活。

I can clearly remember my very first day at Buffer. I woke up, had breakfast and coffee, then started my day with this question: “So what now, what should I do?” It was a valid question, really. There wasn’t any office that I had to go to, and I used to associate the start of my working day with arriving at the office. I felt confused and lonely for a moment.

我清楚地记得在缓冲区的第一天。 我醒来,吃了早餐和咖啡,然后开始了这个问题:“那么现在该怎么办?” 确实,这是一个有效的问题。 我没有要去的办公室,我通常将工作的开始与到达办公室联系起来。 我感到一阵困惑和孤独。

通讯 (Communication)

In the office-based environment, we rely so much on in-person communication that it feels really odd not to have that commodity anymore.


The remote environment is the complete opposite, because it’s primarily based on asynchronous communication. Actually, current remote work-spaces are more of the combination of both synchronous and asynchronous communication and each one completes the other.

远程环境则完全相反,因为它主要基于异步通信。 实际上,当前的远程工作空间更多是同步和异步通信的结合,并且每个工作空间相互补充。

There are some tasks for which synchronous communication is more time effective. Later on, you start learning when and what type of communication is better for each situation.

在某些任务上,同步通信更有效。 稍后,您将开始学习何时以及哪种通信方式更适合每种情况。

Communication is still a big issue in remote teams, but I think at Buffer we have found the good balance over the last years.


工作结构 (Work Structure)

Getting back to my initial challenges, the biggest one I was facing was confusion over how the work was done and structured. When I joined Buffer, I got assigned a role and cultural buddies who were there to support me throughout my boot camp. Having them by my side was a huge help. I used every opportunity to ask questions, and it helped me a lot to understand the work process.

回到我最初的挑战,我面临的最大挑战是对工作的完成方式和结构感到困惑。 当我加入Buffer时,我被分配了一个角色和文化伙伴,他们在整个新兵训练营期间都在支持我。 让他们在我身边是一个巨大的帮助。 我利用每一次机会提出问题,这对我了解工作过程有很大帮​​助。

In the beginning, I was mostly working from home in order to manage my time more efficiently. Plus I was nervous about having video calls in coffee shops, because of the noise and poor wifi signal. Wifi speed has become such a big part of my flow that I’ve bookmarked FAST (a network speed measuring tool developed by Netflix) on my browser and moved it to the beginning of all bookmarks for easy access.

一开始,我主要是在家工作,以便更有效地管理时间。 另外,由于噪音和较差的wifi信号,我很担心在咖啡厅打视频电话。 Wifi速度已成为我流程中的重要组成部分,以至于我在浏览器上将FAST (由Netflix开发的网络速度测量工具)添加为书签,并将其移至所有书签的开头以方便访问。

Working from home really worked out for me in the beginning, because I got a lot of things done with zero distractions. But then eventually it made me feel more isolated.

一开始,在家工作对我真的很有效,因为我做了很多事,零干扰。 但是最终,这让我感到更加孤立。

定时 (Timing)

Another challenge I was facing in the beginning was not being able to switch myself off from the work. I was constantly online. I’d end up starting my day at 8 am and signing off around 8 or 9 pm. It didn’t last long, but working long hours really did become problem.

一开始我面临的另一个挑战是无法摆脱工作。 我一直在线。 我最终将在上午8点开始新的一天,然后在晚上8点或晚上9点退出。 它并没有持续很长时间,但是长时间工作确实确实成为问题。

You have to be very strict with your working hours, otherwise mental exhaustion can easily take over. You don’t want that. You want to set your working hours and stick to them.

您必须严格限制工作时间,否则精神疲惫很容易接管。 你不要那样 您想要设置工作时间并坚持下去。

Of course, you can be flexible when and how you work depending on your lifestyle — but time management is key. Think about what time of the day you’re most productive and construct your day accordingly.

当然,您可以根据自己的生活方式灵活选择工作时间和方式,但是时间管理至关重要。 考虑一下一天中什么时候最有生产力,并据此构建一天。

For instance, I’m a morning person, so I do the most important tasks first thing in the morning. With no distraction and 2 to 3 hours of focused work, I can get a lot of things done. I try to schedule my calls in the afternoon when my mental energy is not too high but I can still concentrate and focus on the conversation.

例如,我是一个早起的人,所以我在早上首先要做最重要的任务。 不用分心,只需2到3个小时的专注工作,我就可以完成很多工作。 当我的精神能量不太高时,我会尽量安排下午的通话时间,但我仍然可以集中精力并专注于谈话。

I’ll continue talking about my work routine a bit later. In the meantime, let’s talk about how I’ve become better at remote work after my initial challenges.

稍后我将继续谈论我的工作程序。 同时,让我们谈谈在面对最初的挑战之后我如何在远程工作中变得更好。

更好地进行远程工作 (Getting better at remote work)

The first couple of months of working remotely were the most challenging for me. But working at Buffer was great, and I think they helped me find ways to overcome these challenges.

对我来说,远程工作的头几个月是最困难的。 但是在Buffer的工作很棒,我认为他们帮助我找到了克服这些挑战的方法。

With the help and advice of my teammates and the lessons from my experience over time, I’ve become better at working remote. I have become more productive and have found my place.

有了队友的帮助和建议,以及随着时间的推移,我的经验教训使我在远程工作方面变得更好。 我变得更有生产力,并且找到了自己的位置。

Now when I look back, I think there were a couple things that really contributed to that success:


共同工作 (Co-working)

Two months after joining Buffer, my colleague Dan Farrelly and I decided to find a co-working space in NYC where both of us could commute a few times a week. I was super pumped and lucky to have a co-worker based in the same area as I was. Dan, who is now the director of engineering at Buffer, has become my best pal whose advice and help really shaped me as a developer and remote worker.

加入Buffer的两个月后,我和我的同事Dan Farrelly决定在纽约市找到一个共同工作的空间,我们俩每周可以通勤几次。 我非常兴奋,很幸运能在与我所在地区相同的地方工作。 Dan现在是Buffer的工程总监,他已成为我最好的朋友,他的建议和帮助确实使我成为开发人员和远程工作者。

I was fortunate to find a friend and co-worker who also worked remotely and had enough context in the remote environment to understand my challenges. We started to co-work a couple times a week, have lunch together, and discuss a variety of topics including our work at Buffer. As of now, we co-work 2–3 times a week in New York City and the rest of the week we work from home.

我很幸运地找到了一个朋友和同事,他们也进行远程工作,并且在远程环境中有足够的上下文可以理解我的挑战。 我们开始每周进行几次合作,一起吃午餐,并讨论各种主题,包括我们在Buffer的工作。 截至目前,我们每周在纽约市进行2-3次合作,其余时间我们在家工作。

参加聚会 (Going to meetups)

Finding someone who you can work with is a great way to stay social. One of the other things that I’ve tried that’s been very useful is attending meetups in NYC on the topics that interested me. I met like-minded people with whom I had lots of common things to connect about.

寻找可以与您合作的人是保持社交关系的好方法。 我尝试过的另一件非常有用的事情是参加纽约市关于我感兴趣的主题的聚会。 我遇到了志趣相投的人,我有很多共同的事情可以联系。

Online communities can be helpful too, and there are many remote work-based communities you can be part of.


工作时间管理 (Working on time management)

I started to better manage my time. Every day I dedicated time to prioritizing the next day’s tasks by setting specific goals. I usually set 3–4 tasks for a day, and typically don’t go beyond that number.

我开始更好地管理自己的时间。 我每天都花时间通过设定特定的目标来优先安排第二天的任务。 我通常一天要安排3-4个任务,通常不要超过这个数目。

Prioritization really helped me with time management, and it also made me more focused on things that mattered. The tricky part of remote work is that you fully control your time and you have to be very cautious how and what you spend your time on.

优先排序确实帮助我进行了时间管理,这也使我更加专注于重要的事情。 远程工作的棘手部分是您完全控制自己的时间,并且必须非常谨慎地花费时间和方式。

Of course, distractions can happen. But finding ways to improve your focus is such a key element of productive remote work.

当然,可能会分散注意力。 但是,寻找方法来提高您的注意力是生产性远程工作的关键要素。

加强沟通游戏 (Upping the communication game)

We use Slack at Buffer. I heard about Slack in the past, and knew it was very popular among tech companies. I think it is a great tool, and it has many benefits for the workplace including bringing the team together.

我们在缓冲区使用Slack。 我过去曾听说过Slack,并且知道它在科技公司中非常受欢迎。 我认为这是一个很好的工具,它对工作场所有很多好处,包括将团队团结在一起。

However, it’s focused on synchronous communication. For some remote teams like Buffer, asynchronous communication is very important and it has become part of our DNA and culture.

但是,它专注于同步通信。 对于像Buffer这样的远程团队来说,异步通信非常重要,它已成为我们DNA和文化的一部分。

We are very mindful of our teammates’ time, so we want to structure our communication in a way that at least some portion of it can be handled asynchronously.


异步工作 (Working asynchronously)

Another reason why we are inclined to communicate asynchronously is the time zone difference between our teammates. We are spread all around the world, and it’s not always possible to jump on a call or get an immediate answer to your direct messages. Buffer is also very supportive of each team member’s lifestyle, and we respect the working hours of everyone on the team.

我们倾向于异步通信的另一个原因是我们队友之间的时区差异。 我们遍及世界各地,并非总是可以接听电话或直接回答您的直接留言。 Buffer也非常支持每个团队成员的生活方式,我们尊重团队中每个人的工作时间。

Prioritizing my time better helped me to get better at asynchronous communication. I’ve started to rely more on tools that enable asynchronous communication like email or Dropbox Paper.

优先安排时间可以帮助我更好地进行异步通信。 我开始更多地依赖支持异步通信的工具,例如电子邮件或Dropbox Paper。

保持健康 (Staying healthy)

I started to pay attention to mental health as a top priority. I work better when I’m less stressed. I’m lucky that Buffer is an amazing place that supports mental health in every way possible.

我开始将精神健康作为重中之重。 压力较小时,我的工作会更好。 我很幸运,Buffer是一个神奇的地方,它以各种可能的方式支持心理健康。

I started to work out in the mornings, play soccer, and track my working hours which drastically improved my mood and motivation. I stopped working late hours, and tried to get a good 8 hours sleep every night.

我从早上开始锻炼身体,踢足球和跟踪我的工作时间,从而极大地改善了我的情绪和动力。 我在很晚的时候停止工作,并试图每天晚上睡8个小时。

过着我最好的远程生活 (Living my best remote life)

I finally started to take advantage of my remote work lifestyle. I started to travel more, going to Buffer retreats and visiting my family in Armenia for month long trips. It’s really incredible to have the flexibility to spend a month with my family and friends in Armenia.

我终于开始利用我的远程工作方式。 我开始旅行更多,去缓冲区静修处并拜访我的家人在亚美尼亚进行为期一个月的旅行。 能够灵活地与我的家人和朋友在亚美尼亚度过一个月,真是令人难以置信。

I think that being able to work from anywhere is the most awesome advantage of remote work. Since the beginning of the year, I’ve traveled to Canada, Mexico, Bali, Singapore, and am flying to Armenia in a month. We are planning to visit more destinations in the future.

我认为能够在任何地方工作都是远程工作的最大优势。 从年初开始,我去了加拿大,墨西哥,巴厘岛,新加坡,并在一个月内飞往亚美尼亚。 我们计划将来访问更多的目的地。

我典型的工作日 (My typical workday)

People ask me this question a lot on Twitter, so I’ve decided to dedicate a separate section to writing about what my typical workday looks like.


I wake up at 7:05 am every day. I have an alarm set, but rarely need it. My body has its own alarm that is quite precise. I wake up, and the first thing I do is make my morning coffee and have it with my pre-workout meal. In the summers, I’m usually having an espresso with an ice cube which makes the coffee more refreshing.

我每天早上7:05起床。 我有一个警报器,但很少需要它。 我的身体有一个非常精确的警报。 我醒了,我要做的第一件事是早上喝咖啡,并与锻炼前的饭菜一起喝。 在夏天,我通常会喝带有冰块的意式浓缩咖啡,使咖啡更清爽。

At 8:10 am I’m at the gym to work out. I’ve been doing weight exercises for a year now, strictly trying to follow Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body program to gain muscle and lose fat. It’s been working out great for me, and I see the difference in my body and general health. I highly recommend this book if you’re unsure what workout program you should follow. It’s a great book for beginners in particular. I’m tracking my workouts using Strong, and very recently hit my 100th workout.

早上8:10我在健身房锻炼。 我已经进行了一年的举重锻炼,严格遵循Bigger Leaner Stronger:构建终极男性身体的简单科学程序,以获取肌肉和减少脂肪。 这对我来说一直很有效,我发现自己的身体和总体健康状况有所不同。 如果您不确定应该遵循的锻炼程序,我强烈推荐这本书。 这对初学者尤其是一本好书。 我正在使用Strong跟踪我的锻炼,并且最近达到了我的第100个锻炼。

I spend an hour in the gym and right after it, I try to have my protein-rich breakfast. Usually, it consists of eggs, cottage cheese and a piece of whole wheat bread.

我在健身房里待了一个小时,然后就尝试吃富含蛋白质的早餐。 通常,它由鸡蛋,干酪和一块全麦面包组成。

After my breakfast, I get ready to start my working day. I usually ping Dan to decide where we want to work from that day. We use Croissant to find and book a co-working space. It’s a great app and has many spaces available in New York City. We usually stick to the ones in the Financial District because it’s relatively close to both of us. It takes 12–15 minutes door to door for me to get there. I’m in the co-working space around 10–10:30 am.

早餐后,我准备开始新的一天。 我通常会让Dan决定从那天起我们要在哪里工作。 我们使用牛角包来查找和预订共同工作的空间。 这是一个很棒的应用程序,在纽约市有很多可用空间。 我们通常会坚持在金融区,因为它离我们俩都比较近。 我到那里需要12-15分钟的门到门时间。 我大约在上午10–10:30在共同工作的空间中。

I’m done with work around 6:30 pm on a typical day. A couple of times a week I have evening soccer games, so if that’s the case I try to get home a bit early to have a light dinner before my game. Playing soccer is probably my most favorite activity in the universe.

在通常的一天中,我大约在晚上6:30完成工作。 我每周有几次晚上足球比赛,因此,在这种情况下,我会尝试早点回家,以便在比赛前享用便餐。 踢足球可能是我在宇宙中最喜欢的活动。

I’m a huge soccer fan, although my wife doesn’t really like the idea of me paying $140 for authentic soccer jerseys. However, last year she surprised me by arranging a meeting with Henrik Mkhitaryan in London. He is my favorite player.

我是个忠实的足球迷,尽管我的妻子并不喜欢我花140美元购买真正的足球服的想法。 但是,去年她安排在伦敦与亨里克·姆赫塔良 ( Henrik Mkhitaryan)的会面使我感到惊讶。 他是我最喜欢的球员。

Unless I’m mentally very tired, I spend most of my evenings working on Cronhub and trying to grow it. I’ve written a couple of blog posts in the past about Cronhub, and how I’m trying to make it into an online business. I’m very lucky that my wife is very supportive of this and she is rooting for me. I’m a big believer of side-income, and that’s why I try to spend at least 2 hours every day working on my side-project.

除非我精神上非常疲倦,否则我将大部分时间都花在Cronhub上并尝试使其成长。 过去,我写了几篇有关Cronhub 的博客文章 ,以及我如何使它成为在线业务。 我很幸运,我的妻子对此非常支持,她正在为我加油。 我是副收入的忠实拥护者,这就是为什么我每天尝试花费至少2个小时从事副项目的原因。

If I’m very tired, I just crash on the couch and watch a Netflix show with my wife. On the weekends, I’m mostly trying to rest and do something with my wife and friends. There are weekends where I work on Cronhub, but not that often. I know how critical the rest is.

如果我很累,我就坐在沙发上崩溃,和妻子一起看Netflix的节目。 在周末,我主要是想和我的妻子和朋友一起休息。 我有几个周末在Cronhub工作,但不经常。 我知道其余的至关重要。

远程工具 (Remote tools)

What tools we use and rely on plays a huge role in our productivity and work life. At Buffer, we are generally open-minded to experimenting with different tools that we think could benefit the team.

我们使用和依靠哪些工具在我们的生产力和工作生活中起着至关重要的作用。 在Buffer,我们通常持开放态度尝试使用我们认为可能有益于团队的各种工具。

Here are some of the tools that we use daily at Buffer.


  • G Suite — From the G Suite family, we use Gmail and Google Calendar. We use email a lot, and that’s why I have auto filtering and labeling setup so I can easily go over my inbox. Setting up filters and labels is not that fun, but it’s worth investing your time just once and forgetting about it later on.

    G Suite –从G Suite家族中,我们使用Gmail和Google日历。 我们经常使用电子邮件,这就是为什么我要进行自动筛选和标记设置,以便可以轻松浏览收件箱。 设置过滤器和标签并不是一件有趣的事,但是值得一次投入您的时间,以后再去忘记它。

  • Slack — We use Slack for sync communication and direct messages. We have a general channel, engineering, etc. I like Slack, and I think there are situations when it’s hugely beneficial.

    Slack —我们使用Slack进行同步通信和直接消息。 我们有一个一般的渠道,工程技术等。我喜欢Slack,并且我认为在某些情况下它非常有用。

  • Zoom — We use Zoom for video calls. We are so dependent on Zoom and it’s such a great tool to bring the entire team together. It handles the calls with many team members quite well, which happens in our all hands.

    缩放 -我们将“缩放”用于视频通话。 我们非常依赖Zoom,它是将整个团队团结在一起的好工具。 它很好地处理了许多团队成员的电话,这一切都发生在我们手中。

  • Dropbox Paper — Probably one of my favorite tools. Even now I’m using it to write the draft of this blog post. We use Paper for collaboration and note-taking. It’s a big part of our asynchronous communication.

    Dropbox Paper —可能是我最喜欢的工具之一。 即使是现在,我也使用它来撰写此博客文章的草稿。 我们使用Paper进行协作和做笔记。 这是我们异步通信的重要组成部分。

  • Discourse — We use discourse for announcements, promotions, or sharing general learnings in the team. I enjoy using Discourse and I find it very intuitive to navigate.

    话语 -我们使用话语进行公告,提升或分享团队中的常识。 我喜欢使用Discourse,并且导航起来非常直观。

Apart from these tools, I have my own tools that help me to be more productive. I’m a happy Todoist user where I log all my daily tasks and check them when they’re done.

除了这些工具,我还有自己的工具,可以帮助我提高生产力。 我是一个快乐的Todoist用户,我在其中记录所有日常任务并在完成后检查它们。

I track my working hours with Rescue Time. It’s a great tool that helps me understand how I spend most of my time and where. It also monitors the use of social media that I’m actively trying to reduce.

我使用Rescue Time跟踪我的工作时间 。 这是一个很棒的工具,可以帮助我了解大部分时间和地点的使用方式。 它还监视着我正在努力减少的社交媒体的使用。

In a remote team, you usually end up creating and sharing screenshots or screen-casts to show something to your teammates. We use CloudApp for this purpose and it’s so worth it. Highly recommend.

在远程团队中,您通常最终会创建并共享屏幕截图或屏幕截图,以向队友展示一些内容。 我们为此目的使用CloudApp ,这是非常值得的。 极力推荐。

寻找远程工作 (Finding a remote job)

If you’re looking for your first remote job, then this short section will probably be useful for you. Remote work is quite trendy nowadays, and many companies introduce remote work as an option for their employees.

如果您正在寻找自己的第一个远程工作,那么这段简短的内容可能对您有用。 如今,远程工作非常流行,许多公司将远程工作作为其雇员的一种选择。

You can either work in a fully-remote company or a company that has an office but has also remote teammates. There are also the freelancers who can be considered as remote workers too, but it’s a bit different I think. My experience is only based on working in a fully-remote company that has no office.

您可以在完全远程的公司中工作,也可以在既有办公室又有远程队友的公司中工作。 也有一些自由职业者也可以被视为远程工作者,但是我认为这有些不同。 我的经验仅基于在没有办事处的全远程公司工作。

If you’re non-remote right now, but are considering to switch to remote so you can travel or spend more time with your family, then there’s good news: it’s getting easier to find remote opportunities. The field is growing and companies are starting to realize the benefits of going remote. Remote companies have the big advantage of hiring talented people from the large pool of candidates because the location is not important anymore.

如果您现在不在家,但正考虑改用偏僻的地方,以便您可以旅行或与家人共度更多的时间,那么有个好消息:寻找边远的机会变得越来越容易。 这个领域正在发展,公司开始意识到远程化的好处。 偏远地区的公司具有从大量候选人中招聘人才的巨大优势,因为地点不再重要。

I know a few companies apart from Buffer that are fully remote. They are Automattic, GitLab, InVision, Doist and Zapier.

除了Buffer之外,我还知道其他几家完全远程的公司。 它们是Automattic , GitLab , InVision , Doist和Zapier 。

You can always go to their career pages to see if they have any open job opportunities. Another great resource to consider is Remotive . Remotive is a community that helps you to find a remote job. If you already have a remote job, then you can connect with other remote workers, get tips, or start a discussion on any topic. Another great website that is more focused on helping you to find a remote job is Remote OK.

您总是可以转到他们的职业页面,查看他们是否有任何空缺的工作机会。 另一个要考虑的重要资源是Remotive 。 Remotive是一个社区,可帮助您找到远程工作。 如果您已经有远程工作,则可以与其他远程工作人员联系,获取提示或就任何主题进行讨论。 另一个更专注于帮助您找到远程工作的出色网站是Remote OK 。

远程与非远程 (Remote vs. Non-remote)

Before joining Buffer and working in a fully remote company I worked for office-based companies. While I was doing my masters at the Rochester Institute of Technology, I interned at the Parametric Technology Corporation for 7 months, and 3 months at Twitter. After school, I joined YCharts and stayed there for a year. I’ve experienced both working remotely and working in the office. I think both work spaces have trade-offs.

加入Buffer并在一家完全远程的公司工作之前,我曾在基于办公室的公司工作。 当我在罗切斯特理工学院(Rochester Institute of Technology)做硕士时,我在Parametric Technology Corporation实习了7个月,在Twitter实习了3个月。 放学后,我加入了YCharts,并在那里呆了一年。 我在远程工作和在办公室工作都经历过。 我认为两个工作空间都需要权衡。

In remote work, you’re not tied to a location so you can potentially live in a cheap place and earn enough to have a good life. In fact, I have a couple of Twitter friends who’re currently living in Bali and working for a remote company or trying to start their own thing. Their expenses are quite low compared to mine in the New York City area. A couple of months ago when I was in a co-working space in Bali, I saw many digital nomads living and working from there. Nomading feels like a movement now.

在远程工作中,您不受位置的限制,因此可以潜在地生活在便宜的地方并获得足够的收入,过上好日子。 实际上,我有几个Twitter朋友,他们目前居住在巴厘岛,在一家远程公司工作或试图创办自己的公司。 与纽约市地区的矿井相比,他们的支出非常低。 几个月前,当我在巴厘岛的一个共同工作空间中时,我看到许多数字Nomad民在那里生活和工作。 Nomad现在感觉就像是运动。

When you work remotely, you also have the option to choose your working hours. So if you have a family, you can spend more time with them by working from home. However, you have to be a self-motivated person and eager to stay focused most of the time.

远程工作时,您还可以选择工作时间。 因此,如果您有家庭,您可以在家工作,与他们在一起的时间更多。 但是,您必须是一个自我激励的人,并渴望在大多数时间保持专注。

Loneliness can be an issue too, so finding different ways to stay social can be helpful. Of course, it also depends on your personality.

孤独也可能是一个问题,因此找到保持社交的不同方式可能会有所帮助。 当然,这也取决于您的个性。

In an office-based job, you’re tied to a specific location. You have to commute to your work which sometimes can take a lot of time. But I think developing personal relationships with your co-workers is a bit easier in-person when you all are in the same space.

在基于办公室的工作中,您被绑定到特定位置。 您必须上下班,有时会花费很多时间。 但是我认为,当所有人都在同一个空间中时,与您的同事建立个人关系会容易一些。

At Buffer, we have annual retreats where the entire team gets together for a week. It’s probably one of my favorite times of the year, because I get to see my co-workers and spend time with them. It makes such a big difference, because it brings us together and helps us develop better relationships.

在Buffer,我们有每年一次的务虚会,整个团队聚会一个星期。 这可能是一年中我最喜欢的时间,因为我可以去见同事并与他们共度时光。 之所以如此重要,是因为它使我们团结在一起并帮助我们建立了更好的关系。

结论 (Conclusion)

To summarize, working remotely as a developer for almost 3 years has been an incredible journey for me. Years full of professional learning, travel, connections, and new experiences. This reflection is solely based on my own experience, so it can differ from someone else working remotely.

总而言之,对我来说,作为开发人员远程工作近3年是一段令人难以置信的旅程。 多年的专业学习,旅行,联系和新经验。 这种反思完全基于我自己的经验,因此可能与远程工作的其他人有所不同。

I often get asked — but I don’t have the answer yet — whether I’ll ever go back to be non-remote. It’s hard for me to tell, because it really depends on the opportunity. I like the lifestyle and freedom I have, but it could change in the future.

我经常被问到-但我还没有答案-我是否会回到非远程状态。 我很难说,因为这确实取决于机会。 我喜欢自己的生活方式和自由,但将来可能会改变。

Right now, I’m focused on my work at Buffer and growing Cronhub as a side-business. My eventual goal is to become financially independent so I can spend my mental energy on things that I deeply care about. It has become the north star that guides me forward and gives motivation. I see the path that I can take to achieve that goal and I’m doing my best.

现在,我专注于在Buffer的工作,并将Cronhub扩展为副业 。 我最终的目标是在财务上独立,这样我就可以将自己的精力花在我深切关心的事情上。 它已成为指引我前进并给予动力的北极星。 我看到了可以实现该目标的道路,并且我正在尽力而为。

If you’re new to remote work or looking for one, feel free to reach out to me with your questions. I’m always available to help and share more.

如果你是新来的远程工作或找一个,随意伸出您的问题给我。 我随时可以提供帮助和分享更多信息。

If you like my writings, then you may want to subscribe to my personal newsletter so I’ll email you when I write new articles. I plan to do it at least every month. Thanks for reading.

如果您喜欢我的作品,那么您可能想订阅我的个人新闻,以便在我撰写新文章时给您发送电子邮件。 我计划至少每个月做一次。 谢谢阅读。

I’m also active on Twitter if you want to say hi.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/reflections-on-being-a-remote-developer-757465ed1e9e/


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