


Lots of programming languages to choose from and you don’t know where to start? This listicle is for you! We’re discussing the best programming languages of 2020 today.

许多编程语言可供选择,您不知道从哪里开始? 这个清单适合您! 今天,我们正在讨论2020年最好的编程语言。

I’ll go over a quick brief about the language and show you a hello world code snippet for each of the languages so you get a brief idea of the language!


2020年最佳编程语言列表 (List of the Best Programming Languages in 2020)

For our lazy ones out there, here’s a short summary of the top 10 languages.


  1. Python – The go-to programming language for AI and Machine learning

    Python – AI和机器学习的首选编程语言
  2. Java – The best programming language for server-side back-end development

    Java –服务器端后端开发的最佳编程语言
  3. JavaScript – The popular choice for client-side scripting

    JavaScript –客户端脚本的流行选择
  4. C++ – The best programming language for general-purpose coding

    C ++ –通用编码的最佳编程语言
  5. C – The most trusted language to date

    C –迄今为止最受信任的语言
  6. Ruby – The proven choice for data science and web development

    Ruby –数据科学和Web开发的可靠选择
  7. C# – A powerful object-oriented language by Microsoft

    C# –微软强大的面向对象语言
  8. Swift – The most efficient programming language for iOS development

    Swift – iOS开发中最有效的编程语言
  9. PHP – The best server-side web development language

    PHP –最好的服务器端Web开发语言
  10. Golang – A scalable system programming language by Google

    Golang – Google的可扩展系统编程语言

Now that we’re down with the list, let’s get started with the complete list right away.


#1。 Python – AI和机器学习的首选编程语言 (#1. Python – The go-to programming language for AI and Machine learning)

Developed in the 1990s by Guido van Rossum, Python is arguably the one language loved by everyone. It has a low learning curve, and the language holds the capacity to function in an industry-level setting.

Python由Guido van Rossum在1990年代开发,可以说是所有人都喜欢的一种语言。 它的学习曲线很低,并且语言具有在行业级别设置中起作用的能力。

Python was a language developed with a focus on developer experience. 


本文标签: 十大编程语言