


There are many factors that determine the success of a mobile app on the market.


Apart from the overall UX and the value it delivers, it must also be easy to find by potential users.


If you run an Android app, it’s very important that it has high discoverability and we can reach this result by optimizing the release for the Google Play Store and making it stand out among other options available, especially, as we’re talking about more than 3 million apps currently published on the store.

如果您运行的是Android应用程序,那么它具有很高的可发现性就非常重要,我们可以通过优化Google Play商店的发行版并使它在其他可用选项中脱颖而出来达到这一结果,尤其是当我们谈论的不仅仅是目前,该商店已发布了300万个应用。

In this article, we want to share with you the top 11 tips that can help you make your app distinguishable for the Google Play Store algorithm and users alike.

在本文中,我们想与您分享最重要的11个技巧 ,这些技巧可以帮助您区分Google Play商店算法和用户的应用

1.选择具有正确的“点击量”的关键字 (1. Select keywords with the right “volume-to-click-through” ratio)

For anyone starting off with ASO, App Store Optimization, it’s a popular mistake finding and using keywords with the highest possible search volume in the app page description.

对于从ASO开始的任何人,App Store Optimization都是一个普遍的错误查找,并在应用程序页面描述中使用具有最大搜索量的关键字。

Looking for popular and most searched words it’s certainly important but not all phrases receive an adequate amount of clicks from users (a factor known as CTR — click-through rate).

寻找流行且搜索最多的词当然很重要,但并非所有短语都获得用户足够的点击次数( 称为CTR(点击率 ))

A low-CTR phrase can potentially harm your app listing if you don’t get enough clicks, Play Store might determine that it’s irrelevant to users.


One of the keys to knowing which keyword you should select is by considering your target users’ search intent.


Can you expect them to know what your app does?


Have they used a similar solution before, or are they new to the subject?


An example of a well-thought-out user intent strategy is Google Maps’ listing in the Play Store.


Despite the app is very popular, Google decided to go of a descriptive name: Maps — Navigate & Explore.

尽管该应用程序非常受欢迎,但Google还是决定使用一个描述性名称: Maps — Navigate&Explore

By choosing the keywords “Navigate” and “Explore”, Google made sure that anyone searching for a navigation solution without using their brand name will still come across their app.

通过选择关键字“ Navigate”“ Explore” ,Google确保了搜索不使用品牌名称的导航解决方案的任何人仍然会遇到他们的应用程序。

ASO长尾关键字 (ASO Long-tail keywords)

Given that CTR and user search intent are such important ASO factors, the way to gain more visibility and interactions is to use long-tail phrases, which are more specific and tend to have a higher CTR.

鉴于点击率用户搜索意图ASO如此重要的因素 ,获得更多可见性和互动的方法是使用长尾词组 这些词组更具体并且往往具有较高的点击率

According to an Ahrefs’ study of over 1.9 billion keywords, 29.13% of phrases with over 10,000 monthly searches were made up of three or more words!


Source: Ahrefs

资料来源: Ahrefs

在哪里可以找到应用程序的关键字和关键字组合? (Where can you find keywords and keyword combinations for your app?)

Find relevant keywords for your app is quite easy and you can do that by simply making research and analyzing the common keywords used by your competitor.


For better work, use an App Store Optimization keyword planning tool which can help you find the most relevant keywords with other useful information like the rank, the usage by other apps or websites, the researches made by users, etc…

为了更好地工作,请使用App Store Optimization关键字计划工具 ,该工具可以帮助您找到最相关的关键字以及其他有用信息,例如排名,其他应用程序或网站的使用情况,用户的研究结果等…

Here are some tools:


  • KeywordKeg


  • AppFollow


  • KeywordTool


2.结合您的品牌名称和所选关键字,以使标题醒目 (2. Make a catchy Title by combining your Brand name and the keywords you selected)

The title of an app in Google Play Store is an important ASO on-metadata factor to keep in mind.

Google Play商店中应用程序的标题是一个重要的ASO元数据因素 ,请牢记。

Google allows developers to include 50 characters in the App Title (NEW: link), so use them wisely.

Google允许开发人员在“应用程序标题” (NEW: 链接 )中包含50个字符 ,因此请明智地使用它们。

Keep your brand name short, easy to spell and easy to memorize for your users.


Include your most relevant keywords alongside your brand name.


Remember that you can add one title in each language to localize your app


Don’t ignore localizing your app title — the mobile world is global, and the demand for your app can arise from the countries that you have never expected.


A quick tip:


Try adding emoji to your app title to grab the attention of the users when they browse or search the Play Store.


本文标签: 商店技巧play谷歌