

                  Coverage Options In Compile/Simulation




-cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch+assert

line : Enable collecting line or statement coverage
cond : Enable collecting condition coverage
fsm : Enable collecting FSM coverage
tgl : Enable collecting toggle coverage
branch : Enable collecting branch coverage
assert :  Enable collecting SystemVerilog assertion coverage

-cm_libs yv

yv :Enable collecting coverage source code from Verilog libraries
Default doesn't collect coverage of the library files. 

-cm_dir $directory_path_name

Specify an name and location for simv.vdb

Default is simv.vdb

-cm_log $filename

Specify a log file for monitoring coverage.

Default is cm.log. To suppress the log file, you could re-direct the log file to empty path. (ex, -cm_log /dev/null)

-cm_name $testname

Specify a different location for different simulation, used in dsim flow

-cm_hier $filename

Collect particular instances' coverage

$filename contents
+/-tree $instance_name [$level] //level number of 0 (or no level number) specifies the entire sub-hierarchy
+/-module $module_name

-cm_assert_hier $filename

Collect particular assertion' coverage

$filename contents
+/-assert my_assert
+/-assert A*
+/-assert $instance_name

-cm_line contassign

Specifies enabling line coverage for Verilog continuous assignments.

-cm_tgl portsonly

Only monitor port of toggle coverage, remove net and variables monitor in modules.



       When merge vdb files of local simulation to whole chip,  you might get the error as following:

“Warning-[UCAPI-MAP-SHAPEMISMATCH] Shape mismatch in mapping”

     导致shape mismatch可能有以下几个原因:

  1. Coverage option mismatch;
    1. Make sure the coverage-related options are the same for both vdbs.

For example:if one vdb is compiled with –cm_line contassign and the other isn’t, it will cause shape mismatch;

$vcs_cov_opts .= " -cm_line contassign ";
  1. RTL mismatch;
  2. Version  mismatch;
  3. Tool bug;

 2.2、Condition Coverage收不全的问题

       有时候我们在分析Condition Coverage的时候,发现有些含有“&&”和“||”的语句没有收到Condition Coverage,究其原因,是因为Code中除了“&&”、“||”之外还含有其他逻辑符号。此时需要检查VCS Option。实测,按照如下Option run Simulation,可以收全Condition Coverage。

       在compile option里面加上-cm_cond full或者-cm_cond allops可以收到所有含有“&&”和“||”的表达式的Coverage数据。但是建议用-cm_cond allops; full会统计很多没必要关心的非逻辑条件,而且拆分的很细,像@(posedge clk or negedge rest)这种都会去统计。

$cov_opts  = " -cm line+tgl+cond+fsm+assertion+branch -cm_noconst -cm_line contassign ";
$cov_opts .= " -cm_cond full+tf+for+anywidth ";

注意:不建议使用上面的option,因为如果有full选项的话,有达到的Condition Coverage数据会非常多,并且大多是不需要关心的,推荐使用如下设定:-cm_cond allops

三、 Coverage Merge

 3.1、urg merge option详解



-dir <dir>

Use <dir> as directory for source data;

-report <dir>

Generate report in <dir> instead of default directory. default report directory is urgReport;

-metric line

Report line coverage;

-metric fsm

Report fsm coverage;

-metric cond

Report cond coverage;

-metric tgl

Report tgl coverage;

-metric assert

Report coverage for monitored cover directives, events and assertions;

-line nocasedef

Exclude case default lines in line coverage

-tgl portsonly

Only report ports in toggle coverage;

-elfile <file>

Exclude coverable objects specified in <file> for code/assertion/group coverage;

-elfilelist <file>

A <file> containing exclusion file names to be loaded;

-hier <file>

Specify the module definitions,instances,hierarchies,and source files you want to exclude or include for report;

-format both

Generate both HTML and text reports;

-show ratios

Show number of covered objects and total number of objects with each score;

-dbname dirname

Creates a merged database in the directory 'dirname.vdb'. The

name of the merged test will be 'test' by default.


Generates only the merged results when used with -dbname; this

option does not generate reports

-mode64 | -full64

Use 64 bit URG;

-map <mod>

Report on merging mapped modules coverage;


Also report HVP in the XML format;


  • 此时需要用VCS Option: -cm_hier  xxx_ip_tree.cfg
  • 其中xxx_ip_tree.cfg要按照下面的规则来做
  1. 如果是指定收某个Hierarchy的Coverage数据:

          +tree  top.cm_ctrl_top.en_ctrl

          +tree  top.cm_ctrl_host_top.host_dec

  1. 如果是指定不收某个Hierarchy的Coverage数据:

          -tree  top.cm_ctrl_top.en_ctrl

          -tree  top.cm_ctrl_host_top.host_dec

本文标签: 解法不全VCSconditionCoverage