



It was 40 years ago when Pac-Man first gobbled its way into Japanese arcades and captured our hearts with its simple, but challenging, gameplay. Even after all this time, Pac-Man still rules as a cultural icon. Let’s explore what makes this game such a beloved and enduring phenomenon.

距今40年前,《吃豆人》首次涉足日本市场,并以其简单但具有挑战性的游戏玩法吸引了我们的心。 即使在所有这些时间之后,“吃豆人”仍然是文化偶像。 让我们探究是什么使这款游戏如此受欢迎和持久。

游戏 (The Game)

In the original 1980 arcade version of Pac-Man, you play as a yellow, disc-shaped hero and munch your way through a maze. Your goal is to eat all the dots, while avoiding four ghosts of different colors that chase you. If you collect any of the four power pellets on the stage, though, the tables turn. Pac-Man briefly gains the ability to eat the ghosts, and they run away from you.

在原始的1980年街机版《吃豆人》中,您扮演的角色是黄色的圆盘形英雄,并在迷宫中mu地步。 您的目标是吃掉所有的点,同时避免追赶您的四个不同颜色的鬼魂。 但是,如果您在舞台上收集到四个动力弹药中的任何一个,桌子就会旋转。 吃豆人短暂地获得了吃掉鬼魂的能力,它们逃离了你。


At the time of its release, Pac-Man was also notable for being a relatively nonviolent game. It’s free of the shooting, killing, and explosions that were common in other arcade games at the time. Indeed, the game’s creator, Toru Iwatani, specifically avoided violence in Pac-Man to make the game more appealing to women. This crossover appeal contributed heavily to the game’s unusual mainstream success at the time.

在发行时,《吃豆人》还以非暴力游戏而著称。 它没有当时其他街机游戏中常见的射击,杀死和爆炸事件。 确实,游戏的创造者岩谷彻(Toru Iwatani )特别避免了吃豆人中的暴力行为,以使游戏对女性更具吸引力。 这种交叉的吸引力极大地促进了游戏在当时非同寻常的主流成功。

It’s likely that Pac-Man has proved perennially popular because it’s so easy for anyone to pick up and learn. There’s only one interface: a four-way joystick, and no buttons required. The gameplay concept is obvious, yet challenging enough to keep you coming back for more.

吃豆人很可能已被证明常年流行,因为任何人都可以很容易地学习和学习。 只有一个界面:四向操纵杆,不需要任何按钮。 游戏概念很明显,但又具有挑战性,足以让您重返游戏世界。

港口 (The Ports)

When Pac-Man came home in the early 1980s, the game was just as wildly popular on consoles and home computers as it had been in arcades. Over the last 40 years, the original Pac-Man arcade game has appeared on at least 37 computer and video game platforms. You can play an officially licensed version of the game on anything from an Xbox 360 to a click-wheel iPod. If you count unlicensed games and clones, Pac-Man is basically on everything.

吃豆人在1980年代初期回家时,该游戏在游戏机和家用计算机上的狂热程度就如同在街机游戏中一样。 在过去的40年中,最初的吃豆人街机游戏已经出现在至少37个计算机和视频游戏平台上。 您可以在Xbox 360或点按式iPod上的任何游戏上玩游戏的官方许可版本。 如果您算上未经许可的游戏和副本,《吃豆人》基本上就是一切。

The most well-received home ports back in the day were the Atari 800 and 5200 versions of the game. Later releases, such as the Namco Museum series in the mid-’90s, though, had the horsepower available to emulate the original arcade game code for a more authentic experience.

当时最受欢迎的本机端口是Atari 800和5200版本的游戏。 不过,后来的发行版(例如90年代中期的Namco博物馆系列)具有可用来模拟原始街机游戏代码的功能,以提供更真实的体验。

As far as lesser ports go, who can forget the story of Pac-Man’s controversial Atari 2600 version? Atari famously rushed the port out the door despite its poor quality. The company manufactured more copies of the game than Atari 2600 consoles in existence, and then had to bury unsold inventory in the New Mexico desert. It still sold 7 million copies, but it left a bad taste in the mouths of many Atari customers and contributed to the 1983 North American video game crash.

就较小的港口而言,谁能忘记吃豆人有争议的Atari 2600版本的故事? 尽管质量低劣,但Atari还是以著名的方式将港口赶出了大门。 该公司生产的游戏副本数量超过了现有的Atari 2600游戏机,然后不得不将未售出的库存埋在新墨西哥州的沙漠中。 它仍然卖出了700万张,但在许多Atari客户的口中却留下了不好的味道,并促成了1983年北美电子游戏的崩溃。

续集 (The Sequels)

Not long after its release in 1980, players discovered Pac-Man is a deterministic game. This means it plays out exactly the same if you give it exactly the same inputs. A quick enough player who memorizes a set of five patterns can play Pac-Man indefinitely on a single quarter (or until he or she hits the kill screen).

在1980年发行后不久,玩家发现《吃豆人》是一款确定性游戏。 这意味着,如果您提供完全相同的输入,则其播放完全相同。 能够记住一组五个模式的足够快的玩家可以在一个季度内无限期地玩“吃豆人” (或直到他或她击中击杀屏幕)。


The creators of Ms. Pac-Man (1981) improved on these shortcomings in their sequel by adding more mazes and improved ghost AI. Ms. Pac-Man has been an enduring success in arcades. It even outsold Pac-Man in U.S. stand-alone machine sales.

Pac-Man女士(1981)的创作者通过添加更多迷宫和改进的虚幻AI来改善了续集中的这些缺点。 吃豆人女士在商场中取得了持久的成功。 在美国单机销售中,它甚至超过了吃豆人

Other early follow-ups, such as the lackluster Pac-Man Plus and the underrated Super Pac-Man, failed to make much of an impact in the market. They’re still relatively niche games.

其他早期的后续行动,如乏善可陈的《吃豆人》 Plus和被低估的《超级吃豆人》 ,未能对市场产生很大影响。 他们仍然是相对利基游戏。


However, Pac-Man has become more than just a game—it’s a franchise. Online video game database, Mobygames, currently lists 92 licensed Pac-Man spin-offs. A few standouts include Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness, Pac-Man World, Pac-Man Arrangement, and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX.

但是,《吃豆人》已不仅仅是游戏,而是一种特许经营。 在线视频游戏数据库Mobygames当前列出了92个获得许可的“吃豆人”副产品。 一些杰出人物包括《吃豆人迷宫疯狂》 ,《吃豆人世界》 ,《吃豆人安排》和《吃豆人冠军版DX》

商业 (The Merch)

Milton Bradley

After introducing such an iconic set of characters, it’s not surprising Pac-Man inspired a huge wave of licensed merchandise. In the ’80s, elements of the game made their way onto hundreds of products, including trash cans, bedspreads, roller skates, drum sets, lunch boxes, puzzles, board games, clothing, cereal, and much more.

引入了如此标志性的字符集之后, Pac-Man激发了一大批许可商品也就不足为奇了。 在80年代,游戏的元素逐渐出现在数百种产品上,包括垃圾桶,床罩,溜冰鞋,鼓套,便当盒,拼图,棋盘游戏,服装,谷类食品等等。

And don’t forget Pac-Man Children’s Chewable Multi-Vitamin Plus Iron, which allowed kids to imitate their power-pellet-munching hero in the pursuit of good health.



Pac-Man merchandise is still common today. You can order Pac-Man socks, water bottles, fleece blankets, or even a 1/4-size functional replica of the original arcade cabinet. And there’s no end in sight.

吃豆人商品今天仍然很普遍。 您可以订购Pac-Man袜子,水壶,羊毛毯,甚至还可以订购原始街机柜的1/4尺寸功能复制品。 而且没有尽头。

现象 (The Phenomenon)

Pac-Man was perhaps the first video game in America to become a mainstream cultural phenomenon. It was covered frequently by the press, and even demonized at times.

吃豆人也许是美国第一个成为主流文化现象的视频游戏。 它经常被新闻界报道,有时甚至被妖魔化。

The game also inspired an American hit single called “Pac-Man Fever” by Buckner & Garcia. It reached No. 9 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in March 1982.

游戏还启发了Buckner&Garcia制作的美国热门单曲“ Pac-Man Fever ”。 1982年3月,它在Billboard Hot 100榜上排名第9。

Pac-Man is still a cultural stalwart. In 2015, the character had a prominent role as a traffic-munching-monster in the film Pixels. Even though the film received largely negative reviews, it was still a reminder of the evergreen, iconic nature Pac-Man.

吃豆人仍然是文化的坚定者。 在2015年,该角色在电影《像素》中扮演交通犯罪怪兽的角色。 尽管这部电影在很大程度上受到了负面评论,但这仍然使人想起了常绿,标志性的《吃豆人》

Recently, to celebrate the game’s 40th anniversary, author Tim Lapetino has been tweeting about Pac-Man daily. His goal is to do something Pac-Man-related every day this year. It’s fun to follow the interesting tidbits he’s sharing.

最近,为庆祝游戏40周年,作者蒂姆·拉佩蒂诺(Tim Lapetino)每天在推特上发表有关《吃豆人》的推文。 他的目标是今年每天做与吃豆人相关的事情。 跟随他分享的有趣花絮很有趣。

今天如何玩原始吃豆人 (How to Play the Original Pac-Man Today)

Unlike many 40-year-old video games, Pac-Man is still available on modern hardware. You can play it as a standalone, of course. But it’s also in collections on most modern gaming platforms, including Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iPhone, iPad, and Android.

与许多已有40年历史的视频游戏不同,《吃豆人》仍然可以在现代硬件上使用。 当然,您可以将它作为独立播放。 但它也出现在大多数现代游戏平台上,包括Windows , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One , Nintendo Switch , iPhone,iPad和Android 。

Pac-Man might also still be lurking at your local arcade. On Namco’s World’s Largest Pac-Man machine, you can play the iconic original on a nearly nine-foot-high screen.

吃豆人可能仍会潜伏在您当地的拱廊中。 在Namco世界上最大的吃豆人机器上,您可以在近9英尺高的屏幕上播放标志性的原著。

You can even play an interpretation of Pac-Man as a Google Doodle in your web browser. It’s just one more reminder that Pac-Man is everywhere, and, likely, will continue to be for decades to come. Happy birthday, Pac-Man!

您甚至可以在网络浏览器中将“吃豆人”解释为Google Doodle 。 这仅是提醒我们,《吃豆人》无处不在,而且很可能会持续数十年。 生日快乐,吃豆人

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/672938/40-years-later-pac-man-is-still-capturing-our-hearts/


本文标签: 吃豆互动年后