





2014-8-2 1

1. manual  automatism automatic atom anatomy atomic audio auto video audit commission 1

audit commission 1

audit pass 1

事务:ACID (Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability)   1

java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger: An int value that may be updated atomically.   1

human anatomy 1

anatomy of a tpoic 1

MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual 1

AtomicReferencepareAndSet(): Atomically sets the value to the given updated value if the current value == the expected value. 1

2. replicate  replication replica 1

3. voute 1

4. in MB 1

5. real 1

6. response 1

7. shard  share  1

8. chunk 1

won quite a chunk of money. 1

9. thousand kilo 1

10.   sign up 与sign in    login logout   1

Sign up for free  to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment 1

SSO   1

2014-8-4 1

11.   supersede  surprise  surprize   super  SuperClass SubClass 1

2014-8-5 1

12.   equivalent equate equal queue equity quality qualify qualified qualifier quantity equipment quarter  1

spring: @Qualifier("ftsReconProcessService")   1

13.   auto-detect detect 1

ElasticSearch date_detection  1

14.   acknowledgment acknowledge knowledege knowledge  1

There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system. 1

wait for acknowledgement 1

acknowledgement feature  1

2014-8-6 1

15.   entire  1

2014-8-7 1

16.   assistant assist assistance associate  assign assassin assassinate 1

permission assignment 1

an offer of assistance   1

We associate China with the Greet Wall.  1

file associations  1

Please assist.  1

We'll do all we can to assist you. 1

He asked us to assist him in carrying through their plan.   1

2014-8-9 1

17.   prefix  suffix postfix   1

18.   wild wildcard country 1

remote, wild country. 1

city and country 1

Which do you prefer to live in a city or in the country ?  1

2014-8-11  1

19.   reach reachable 1

20.   download  upload 1

21.   badminton football racket  ping-pong  tennis  table tennis basketball baseball billard 1

22.   destination  distant  source resource originate  innovation disease plan plant fat flat 1

But where did the innovation originate?  1

The disease originated in Africa.   1

destination Xinxiu 1

A FilterInputStream contains some other input stream, which it uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.  1

2014-8-15  1

23.   raid  racket  rack  track sensible sensitive  option  1

They were going to raid Warsaw the next day 1

sensible option 1

case sensitive  1

Linux grep: invalid option -- '.'   1

As I see it, we have two options…   1

Going to college was not an option for me.  1

Choose the ‘Cut ’ option from the Edit menu.   1

2014-8-16  1

24.   ring  token 1

token ring 1

25.   offer  offset 1

offer letter  1

offer a few ideas  1

zero offset   1

26.   alphanumeric   punctuation comma camel camera  1

Field list, comma separated!  1

He was known for his poor grammar and punctuation   1

27.   whietespace  signficant  sign unsigned 1

sign language 1

sign for 1

insignificant whitespace 1

significant difference   1

unsigned number 1

Another discussion focuses on the use of integer and unsigned integer. 1

create table tt(id int unsigend, name varchar(200));  1

2014-8-17  1

28.   synonym  noun sync synchronized  async 1

material noun 1

action noun   1

2014-8-18  1

29.   permit permission  deny  assign assignment 1

30.   permanent perm generate  generation  Garbage   generic  1

She had her hair permed. 1

...a middle-aged lady with a perm   1

java garbage collection java  1

jdk:PermGen space 1

permanent resident 1

linux generic 1

generic programming 1

2014-8-20  1

31.   wizard  1

setup wizard  1

Configuration Wizard  1

Component Wizard 1

Xshell: InstallShield(R) wizard 已经Xshell5 更新为版本5.0.1060 1

2014-8-21  1

32.   random  1

random variable 1

random selection 1

33.   aplologize convenience   1

We apologize for the inconvenience! 1

Convenience store  1

A convenience class for making tuple values using new Values("field1", 2, 3) 1

2014-8-23  1

34.   relative relevance reverse invert  inverted inverse contrary revert 1

policy relevance 1

Relevance analyze  1

in reverseadv 1

inverted order  1

Inverted triangle  1

relative motion 1

reverse Proxy 1

linux: grep apple fruitlist.txt | grep -v pineapple  1

Incomplete installation, We will revert any change we made. 1

35.   inclusive exclusive wrapper  wrap   1

inclusive ticket 1

word wrap  1

He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents.  1

How can I wrap the text around?  1

2014-8-26  1

36.   arm sword swordsman  swordman 1

The New One-Armed Swordsman 1

Swordsman Online 1

Unknown Swordsman  1

2014-8-28  1

37.   june october november december  april may  august september july  january  february  march   1

long march 1

2014-8-29  1

38.   monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday 1

2014-8-30  1

39.   fuzzy 1

fuzzy query   1

2014-9-4 1

40.   scheduler  quartz quarter schedule  period  1

A task that can be scheduled for one-time or repeated execution by a Timer.   1

job scheduler 1

scheduler program  1

quartz watch  1

41.   rent expire  export explore income  1

rent videos   1

market rent   1

Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent 1

Expire Date   1

hao bin: Product Expiration Notification 1

expire in  1

explore Shenzhen 1

However, most of these contracts expire this month 1

Files can be exported in ASCII or PCX formats.   1

Log Explorer for SQl Server 1

Explore More  1

2014-9-6 1

42.   moon  cake   mooncake  sweet  sweetmeat  frequency  1

43.   overview rank random military 1

Product Overview 1

china rank 1

Traffic Rank  1

social rank   1

redis: ZRANK key member  1

44.   retrieval  1

Document retrieval 1

retrieval data  1

45.   optimize 1

optimize index  1

46.   metadata 1

47.   folder file  directory  direct external extend extensive 1

the direct way of speaking 1

the direct opposite [contrary]   1

create external table xx 1

external files  1

Extensible Markup Language 1

<mirrorOf>external:*</mirrorOf>  1

2014-9-7 1

48.   contribute ccontributor  contrib attribute  fragment 1

code fragment 1

xml fragment  1

In fact, they do contribute code to the community, which is as it should be.  1

2014-9-9 1

49.   brown   browse  browser  fox fog ox lazy   1

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs   1

hibernate lazy load 1

50.   dump  jump  triple trigger triangle  iron   1

Garbage Dump  1

data dump  1

memory dump   1

Did you hear he's dumped his girlfriend? 1

triple jump   1

long jump  1

oracle trigger  1

iron triangle 1

mysqldump --opt --routines  -uroot -p123qweasd hb001 > /opt/hbTemp/hb004.sql 1

2014-9-10  1

51.   Argentina  French Germany Korea  North korea  Spain  South korea  brazil  Italy  Sweden  UK 1

52.   sample demo   1

hive:select * from btest tablesample(bucket 1 out of 3 on id); 1

53.   surround package 1

transport package  1

software package 1

2014-9-11  1

54.   beta  release deluxe enhance encourage enterprise  edit edition 1

Beta version  1

release version 1

Past Releases 1

The club is releasing some of its older players.   1

registered version 1

unregistered version  1

standard version 1

deluxe version    deluxe edition 1

professional version  1

enterprise version 1

Ultimate version 1

enhance version 1

55.   extract retrieve 1

Extract Contents 1

Language teachers often extract examples from grammar books.  1

beyond retrieve 1

manual retrieve 1

Retrieve a single row mapped from the statement key and parameter. 1

56.   split mark occur occurrence occurrent concurrent 1

punctuation mark 1

split mark 1

trade mark 1

The program counts the number of occurrences of any word, within the text. 1

a common/everyday occurrence  1

Found the 1st occurrence from the top 1

2014-9-13  1

57.   expand  extend extension  exponent  opponent collacoalesce enrollment   1

Expand All 1

expand enrollment  1

the union of soul and body 1

effect the union between two countries 1

The railway will be extended next year.  1

…, and the project has now been extended.  1

There is no file extension in the file name.   1

2014-9-15  1

58.   highlighter   1

url   highlighter  1

highlighter  setting  1

Highlighter   tool 1

59.   section  deinstall 1

Deinstall game  1

60.   schema  1

database schema 1

conceptual schema  1

Without such a named type, the elements were simply copied from one point of the schema to another. 1

61.   sensitive  1

case sensitive  1

2014-9-22  1

62.   author authorize authority  auth authentic authenticate authentication  examine  credential credit  accredit  accident privilege authorize certify certification vertify verify verification 1

credit cards  1

He handed her a piece of paper certifying (that) she was in good health.  1

examine and verify 1

mvn verify 1

not authorized for query on haobin_1.system.namespaces 1

authentic self  1

INSERT INTO mysql.user(HOST,USER,authentication_string) VALUES("localhost","hbhbhb",PASSWORD("123"));   1


63.   figure  finger   1

We must verify his figures. 1

figure out Please figure out the total cost.   1

No one could figure out how he got to be so wealthy. 1

2014-9-23  1

64.   absent explicit implicit ascent concrete   1

field for the QueryParser to use when an explicit fieldname is absent  1

absent from   1

Note that only interfaces with at least one method will be registered; concrete classes will be ignored 1

I'm writing to explain to you the reason why I was absent from your lecture last time 1

explicit instantiation   1

A soldier must give implicit obedience to his officers.  1

I trust him implicitly.  1

implicit functionWhether you use explicit or implicit feedback, or some combination of the two, is an important decision in designing any WOC system.   1

Note that only interfaces with at least one method will be registered; concrete classes will be ignored 1

2014-9-24  1

65.   omit optimize norm   unique recipe salt   1

If the procedure is unique, you can omit parameters that have default values and enter the parameters in any order.  1

social norm   1

Omit the salt in this recipe. 1

Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.  1

2014-9-25  1

66.   facet 1

Indeed, almost every facet of software development proffers at least one framework 1

Table facet   1

Now let's look at another facet of the problem.   1

2014-9-27  1

67.   zoo keeper zookeeper elephant bee   1

2014-9-28  1

68.   transient  ephemeral persistent persistence detached  deprecate dispatch  dispatcher disappoint dispose discard despair brave 1

persistent data 1

Transient state 1

We should detach good apples from bad. 1

Note: This class has been superseded by MongoClient, and may be deprecated in a future release. 1

Redis Persistence  1

An ephemeral node will be removed by the ZooKeeper automatically when the session associated with the creation of the node expires. 1

Therefore, it can reduce the dispatch load, isolate high concurrent connection of networking.   1

dispatch center 1

load dispatch 1

These handlers should always be deployed after the dispatch phase. 1

a drug that disposes the patient towards sleep   1

dispose sb to/toward(s) sth 1

Dispose of these old newspapers. 1

Discard Old Builds 1

disacrd any data 1

The room was littered with discarded newspapers.   1

We should discard old beliefs.   1

redis: mult discard exec 1

2014-9-30  1

69.   redundancy 1

data redundancy 1

database redundancy 1

2014-10-2  1

70.   retrieve  literature culture library  1

beyond retrieve 1

beyond control  1

Literature Retrieve 1

Japanese literature 1

2014-10-5  1

71.   include exclude 1

2014-10-11 1

72.   trunk branch  batch bath bathe patch path   1

tree trunk 1

processing batch 1

batch program 1

We can patch up those holes.  1

Older machines will need a software patch to correct the date.  1

2014-10-14 1

73.   backup  interceptor 1

backup  set 1

backup  device   1

data backup   1

His open shirt revealed a fat gold chain 1

2014-10-16 1

74.   increase  percentage population  1

population increase 1

percentage increase 1

75.   category catalog 1

price category  1

Product Catalog 1

2014-10-17 1

76.   projection  addit  additional good god imitative imitate  1

Often, the service data is a selection and projection (or view) of domain data.  1

The world of the gods is anthropomorphic, an imitative projection of ours. 1

2014-10-22 1

77.   repository  keyword  audio auto automatic  video 1

Metadata Repository 1

Next, I set up the data files and initialize my repository with them  1

keyword search  1

keyword index 1

2014-10-28 1

78.   flush  fresh  1


fresh litchi  1

2014-11-5  1

79.   terminate perspective resolve appear  appearance terminal terminology  commencement   1

the delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the next  1

I don't understand scientific terminology.  1

She appeared to be in her late thirties. 1

He appears a perfectly normal person. 1

He is anxious to appear a gentleman.  1

2014-11-12 1

80.   father monther grandfather grandmonther son daughter descendant descent descend ascent ascend  1

2014-11-18 1

81.   dynamic 1

dynamic balance 1

dynamic link library  1

2014-11-19 1

82.   suspend  substitute resume  recursion recursive flat   fat plat plan hierarchies hierarchical   daemon demon demand sample 1

suspend payment 1

video resume  1

resume script execution  1

personal resume 1

Resume Certificate 1

job resume 1

If they follow the hierarchical model, they solve one problem very well.  1

The mapping table is a common construct that allows you to map one hierarchical structure to another 1

It normally runs as a daemon in the background when started. 1

The daemon will not terminate if there are any applications using the subsystem.   1

a demand for higher pay  1

to meet the demand for a product 1

Demand is exceeding supply. 1

An object that creates new threads on demand   1

Hierarchical query 1

You can almost always substitute a loop for recursion. 1

substitute for  1

In this cake mixture, you can substitute oil for butter.   1

2014-12-2  1

83.   macro micro milli peak bear bee  1

macro instruction  1

macro definition 1

macro data 1

Micro Film 1

microsoft  1

The Peak 1

peak value 1

peak load  1

Temperatures have peaked at over 90 degrees.   1

2014-12-11 1

84.   reflection  invocation innovation invoke  breakpoint 1

mirror reflection  1

Program Invocation 1

invocation stack 1

method invoke 1

Invoke Script 1

call invoke   1

But where did the innovation originate?  1

skip all breakpoints  1

ReentrantLock.tryLock(): Acquires the lock only if it is not held by another thread at the time of invocation. 1

2014-12-12 1

85.   comment  commend command annotation retain retention policy  1

retention period 1

@Retention(value=RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)   1

His designs were highly commended by the judges   1

You must obey the captain's commands. 1

Command Shell 1

command pattern 1

retain your independence 1

This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory. 1

activemq: MessageProducer.setTimeToLive():  Sets the default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a produced message should be retained by the message system.   1

2014-12-25 1

86.   inherit  inherited 1

inherit the tradition 1

inherited filed 1

2014-12-30 1

87.   failure  faith faithful  1

Faithful Love 1

She had been faithful to her promise to guard this secret.  1



2015-1-5 1

88.   withdraw  deposit  daemon  demand  revoke   1

Withdraw money  1

withdraw deposit 1

Time deposit  1

Demand deposit  1

In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality. 1

2015-1-7 1

89.   sequent  sequence  subsequent queue queen king kingdom  1

the increase of population in subsequent years   1

subsequent handling 1

java.util.Vector.remove(int): Shifts any subsequent elements to the left  1

2015-1-23  1

90.   decoration decorator   camera  camel   1

The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror.  1

She picked a large bunch of flowers for table decoration 1

text-decoration:none  1

Decorator Pattern  1

2015-1-28  1

91.   Period  interval 1

The process is repeated after a short interval of time. 1

This crisis might last for a long period of time. 1

92.   bake  back-up back up 1

No, I should definitely back-up my hard disk first.  1

bake bread 1

bake a cake   1

2015-2-3 1

93.   overflow 1

94.   opacity 1

atmospheric opacity 1

filter:alpha(opacity=1-100) 1

95.   notepad 1

Select all the text and copy it to Notepad. 1

96.   step over  step in 1

2015-2-4 1

97.   original 1

original design 1

original data 1

original image  1

98.   tag  tagName  1

price tag  1

name tag 1

The monorail can be completed at the price tag of $1.7 billion. 1

99.   deactivate activate 1

2015-2-6 1

100. primitive  wrap   raw  original  persitive  1

primitive culture  1

primitive people 1

The value is automatically wrapped in an object if it has a primitive type. 1

raw materials 1

raw meat 1

original song 1

original design 1

original work 1

2015-2-26  1

101. caution  calculate calculation  accurate calendar casual slip laborer lamp lamb 1

caution slippery 1

an accurate description/account/calculation 1

casual laborer  1

child laborer 1

street lamp.  1

table lamp 1

leg of lamb.  1

lamb of god   1

2015-3-6 1

102. Dictator  victor  doctor 1

2015-3-11  1

103. application berry  beg   1

black berry   1

We are not going to beg for help anymore.   1

2015-3-11  1

104. snapshot  release  1

Force update of Snapshots/release   1

2015-3-12  1

105. undone  1

This operation cannot be undone! 1

2015-3-14  1

106. host 1

107. distribute distribution  1

distribute control syste 1

maven:pom.xml: <distributionManagement />   1

2015-3-19  1

108. isolation  1

2015-3-24  1

109. Lifecycle reference  framework 1

reference books 1

reference price 1

Reference News  1

2015-3-25  1

110. dependency  essential integrity aggregate inclusion closure  transitive 1

XML inclusion dependency is essential integrity constraints.  1

dependency relationship  1

transitive dependency 1

JavaScript closure 1

aggregate function 1

We saw his dependency on his mother and worried that he might not survive long if anything happened to her. 1

2015-3-26  1

111. minimus  maximum  mini min  minimum  max  maxi  mum  1

minimum wage  1

minimum cost  1

minimum index enabled 1

2015-4-1 1

112. aggregate  1

2015-4-8 1

113. army enemy 1

2015-4-9 1

114. classify  circle cycle recycle withdraw   1

recycle bin   1

2015-4-13  1

115. validation 1

2015-4-16  1


Pagination display of database query is realized by ADO accessing background database.   1

access by remote 1

access denied 1

I'd assess your chances as low.  1

2015-4-28  1

117. statistics 1

according to statistics  1

population statistics 1

2015-5-8 1

118. prompt promote policy police  1

command prompt  1

As each component started, you saw some messages appear on the command prompt window.   1

policies to promote economic growth 1

2015-5-14  1

119. appropriate appreciate appreciative appraise appreciable  1

Behave appropriately  1

Returns an appropriate default value for a type.   1

I would appreciate it if you paid in cash.  1

Anyone can appreciate our music. 1

Peter stood by me when I most needed it. I'll always appreciate that.  1

an appreciable increase/amount   1

Appraise oneself:  1

I appraise the damage done in your accidents.   1

An employer should appraise the ability of his men. 1

2015-5-15  1

120. strategy 1

net.sf.json.JsonConfig.setCycleDetectionStrategy(CycleDetectionStrategy cycleDetectionStrategy)  1

development strategy  1

strategy pattern 1

2015-5-18  1

121. suppress  surprise  support 1

2015-6-15  1

122. bath  wardrobe equipment device facility   1

take a bath   1

water bath 1

laboratory equipment  1

common equipment 1

Safety facility: RMB 1000 penalty for non-emergency use 1

2015-6-24  1

123. parenthese  racket  bracket  quarter  square brace  1

square bracket  1


square bracket  1

brace highlighting 1

2015-7-2 1

124. detach  attach   1

2015-7-10  1

125. secret secretary strict restrict 1

strict mode   1

We restrict the number of students per class to 10.   1

Access to the club is restricted to members only. 1

I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day.   1

She is a strict teacher. 1

2015-7-14  1

126. prototype  1

2015-7-16  1

127. callee  1

128. character characterics   1

2015-7-21  1

129. lock clock unlock  1

2015-7-23  1

130. resource  mobile  communication  1

human resource 简称hr 1

resource pool 1

China Mobile Communications Corporatio 1

2015-8-3 1

131. ontology  masochism sadomasochism   1

2015-8-4 1

132. cut-off 1

cut-off time  1

133. pessimistic pessimize  optimistic   1

optimistic lock 1

pessimistic lock 1

2015-8-5 1

134. phantom 1

2015-8-7 1

135. advance 1

136. module  definition asynchronous  1

asynchronous module definition   1

2015-8-13  1

137. compose comprise consist constitute 1

England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.  1

Transaction: Wraps a database connection. Handles the connection lifecycle that comprises: its creation, preparation, commit/rollback and close.  1

138. response responsibility principle   1

Single Responsibility Principle  1

2015-8-20  1

139. journey journal  pilgrimage 1

safe journey  1

Journey to the West 1

pilgrimage site 1

140. aficionados  greek 1

ThinkPad aficionados, are you ready?  1

a computer geek 1

2015-8-24  1

141. usage 1

Please allow Subclipse team to receive anonymous usage statistics for this Eclipse instance(info) Report usage of Subclipse to Subclipse team  1

useage note   1

useage rate   1

142. tutorial  manual guide specify specification  specifical  special accordance   1

Computer Tutorial  1

interactive tutorial  1

Sqoop User Guide (v1.4.4-cdh5.1.0) 1

a Guide to Family Health 1

travel guides 1

HttpClient Tutorial - gives a detailed examination of the HttpClient API, which was written in close accordance with the (sometimes not very intuitive) HTTP specification/standard.  1

in close accordance with 1

java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger:An int value that may be updated atomically. See the java.util.concurrent.atomic package specification for description of the properties of atomic variables.  1

Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes. 1

The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery.  1

2015-8-25  1

143. idle 1

idle fund  1

idle mode  1

minIdle 1

Ehcache:  timeToIdleSeconds 1

2015-8-26  1

144. Architecture archive  1

SOA(Service oriented Architecture) 1

dubbo architecture 1

archive file  1

national archive 1

$ hadoop archive -archiveName files.har -p /user/hadoop/in /user/hadoop  1

She went to the city archive this morning.  1

2015-8-31  1

145. notify  1

Please notify us when you leave. 1

A watcher object which will be notified of state changes, may also be notified for node events   1

hao bin: Product Expiration Notification 1

2015-9-2 1

146. latency 1

high latency  1

Scheduling Latency 1

bus latency   1

2015-9-6 1

147. timer 1

148. approximate approximately  1

approximate number 1

Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements. 1

149. ring king  1

2015-9-8 1

150. education  graduate  undergraduate  diploma 1

undergraduate education  1

graduate education 1

graduate diplomas  1

2015-9-10  1

151. conflict 1

version conflict 1

2015-9-15  1

152. forum 1

2015-9-16  1

153. massive massively  parallel parallelize algorithm  process proceed current concur concurrency  concurrent  1

Mutltiversion Concurrency Control   1

Massively Parallel Processing 1

Parallel algorithm 1

My political views concur with yours. 1

ConcurrentModificationException  1

show processlist 1

kill -9 1391;  -bash: kill: (1391) - No such process 1

154. cron 1

cron job 1

doing cron 1

155. master detail 1

master detail  table  1

When you have mastered one situation you have to go on to the next...  1

2015-9-24  1

156. zone  locale  1

2015-9-28  1

157. leap mankind giant 1

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind。  1

the history of mankind   1

He's a giant of a man.   1

158. mouse  keyboard  1

159. embed  embarrass  situation 1

2015-10-8  1

160. cartoon finger  figure  digit  digest  digital 1

cartoon figure  1

tens digit 1

digit compression  1

Cheese doesn't digest easily. 1

It often takes a long time to digest new ideas.   1

161. render  1

After the initialization, you render the scene to the screen.  1

Demo: Using ${} or {{html}} to render data values or expressions 1

2015-10-9  1

162. capital  caption 1

2015-10-12 1

163. economy economic 1

market economy  1

planned economy 1

first class  business class,economy class  1

164. premium 1

standard  premium  deluxe   1

2015-10-14 1

165. unshift  shift   1

day shift  1

shift system  1

shift register  1

java.util.Vector.remove(int): Shifts any subsequent elements to the left  1

2015-10-15 1

166. expensive    affordable  1

affordable fair 1

less expensive  1

167. cause 1

This was a small mistake, but it did cause me some worry.   1

Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease. 1

Causes the "aa" class to be applied 1

2015-10-16 1

168. cell  cellphone  mobile  1

169. drop  drop-down  1

drop-down menu下拉式菜单 1

drop-down box 下拉框   1

drop-down list 下拉式列表 1

I dropped my glasses and broke them.  1

His blood pressure had dropped severely. 1

2015-10-19 1

170. complex 1

2015-10-20 1

171. beta   stable 1

172. introduction  tutorial   1

2015-10-22 1

173. flight  1

international flight  1

174. space  blank  blanket 1

space station 1

the issue of blankets to the refugees 1

2015-1-12  1

175. description   1

Web Services Description Language   1

2015-1-12  1

176. discount  staff  1

cash payment  1

special discount 1

All full-time staff get a 20 percent discount   1

We shouldn't discount the effect of AIDS 1

The store will discount 5% for cash payment 1

If you feel unwell Please contact staff at the next station! 1

2015-1-17  1

177. aware issue  calendar 1

Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.   1

green issues  1

issue date 1

due Date 1

social issue  1

Money is not an issue 1

the issue of blankets to the refugees 1

2015-1-18  1

178. holder  merchant bond 1

bond holder   1

2015-1-24  1

179. compile  compiler  decompiler  copyright   1

Eclipse Class Decompiler plugin, copyright (c) 2012 Chao Chen  1

180. oriented produce process procedural procedure  projector  1

Oriented Object 1

procedural oriented 1

procedural justice 1

background process 1


Remote Procedure Call 1

2015-2-2 1

181. infrastructure  constructure(没有这个单词) constructive construction structure instruction   1

upper infrastructure  1

infrastructure construction 1

improvements in the country's infrastructure   1

tree structure  1

system structure 1

constructive suggestion  1

HICC: Hadoop Infranstructure Care Center 1

Follow the instructions on the packet carefully.   1

The plant comes with full instructions on how to care for it. 1

Operation Instruction 1

2015-3-1 1

182. neat   extreme   1

people living in extreme poverty 1

ANT(another neat tool)   1

183. embedded 1

184. elapse  1

time elapse quickly 1

As Days Elaps 1

00:05:23 elapsed 00:10:22:left   1

2015-3-3 1

185. captcha 1

2015-3-7 1

186. integration agree aggregate  aggregation   temporary  template   surefire 1

integration test 1

template method 1

document template  1

aggregate function 1

2015-3-8 1

2015-3-9 1

187. moudle  1

2015-3-11  1

188. bundle  1

PropertyResourceBundle.getBundle("systemconfig");   1

2015-3-28  1

189. anonymous  1

2015-3-29  1

190. evict eviction  1

Evict Unused Proxied Items From Repository Caches  1

timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis 1

A number of tenants have been evicted for not paying the rent. 1

2015-4-4 1

191. dist   abbreviation  distance  destination  export  explore  explode exposure   1

almost right  1

almost right is wrong!   1

Explore Shenzhen 1

explode firecrackers  1

I used a long exposure for this one.  1

exposure time 1

prolonged exposure to harmful radiation  1

192. gap   1

...the gap between rich and poor.   1

Mind the gap between the train and platform, please let passengers alight first. 1

2015-4-20  1

193. abort  illegal  legal bill ill 1

Legal System  1

They couldn't afford to pay the bills. 1

illegal initialization   1

If the wrong password is given the program aborts. 1

abort statement 1

execution abort 1

2015-4-27  1

194. mount 1

195. scale 1

2015-5-2 1

196. shadow  resource directory director direct secure insecure secret digital dictator doctor  1

/etc/shadow   1

Root directory  1

telephone directory 1

Secure Digital  1

Secure protocol 1

Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. 1

director general 1

Christopher will direct day-to-day operations.   1

Inside, a guard directed them to the right. 1

They are in direct contact with the hijackers.   1

His death was a direct result of your action.   1

We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work. 1

He has high moral principles. 1

I refuse to lie about it; it's against my principles .  1

It's not just a matter of principle.  1

working principle  1

basic principle 1

2015-5-10  1

197. shortcut  paste past  1

A symbolic link, is a special kind of file that points to another file, much like a shortcut in Windows or a Macintosh alias. 1

Copy And Paste Operations  1

shortcut key  1

shortcut menu 1

Past Releases 1

2015-5-14  1

198. concatenate  concat  concatenation  1

Concatenate Strings 1

2015-5-23  1

199. ignore  1

ignore case   1

2015-5-30  1

200. massive massively  parallel  algorithm  process  current concur concurrency 1

Mutltiversion Concurrency Control   1

Massively Parallel Processing 1

Parallel algorithm 1

My political views concur with yours. 1

201. giga gigabit ethernet switch  1

ethernet switch 1

202. stand standby 1

203. entrance   mirror  1

main entrance 1

entrance ticket 1

entrance examination  1

2015-6-22  1

204. inherits inherit  distribute  delimiter deliver 1

split_part(string text, delimiter text, field int) 1

method inherits 1

greenplum:  create external table tb_ext_gf01(id int, name text) location ('gpfdist://mdw:8081/a.txt') format 'text' (delimiter '|' null ''); 1

hive:  create table choice (userid int, classname string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; 1

He has no son to inherit his land. 1

I have orders to deliver it to Mr Demiris personally.   1

My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private. 1

ODC( Outsourcing Delivery Center) 1

She was a master of the English language.   1

2015-6-24  1

205. partition  1

2015-6-27  1

206. vendor sale customer product  quantity quality qty  motion gather 1

GongMaoYuan Customer service center 1

No Vendors 1

Java version: 1.7.0_67, vendor: Oracle Corporation   1

207. encrypt  encrypted 1

file encrypt  1

Account details are encrypted to protect privacy. 1

encrypted signals  1

linux: vim 1.txt   enter encryption key  1

208. unit until 1

the time unit of the delay parameter  1

The basic unit of society is the family. 1

Unit testing  1

Work unit  1

2015-7-5 1

209. transaction   1

2015-7-6 1

210. orient orientation 1

2015-7-12  1

211. subXXXXX  partition  gender 1

2015-7-14  1

212. boundary 1

2015-7-15  1

213. change exchange 1

2015-7-18  1

214. serial serialize 1

215. distinct 1

216. sufficient 1

sufficient condition  1

insufficient privileges  1

2015-7-20  1

217. correlation relevance correlate  1

activeMQ JMS消息的结构:   JMSCorrelationID:   1

The figures do not seem to correlate. 1

This brings up the question of how you correlate a response to its respective request. 1

218. expression express mail subscript subscription subscribe subtract  1

If you subtract 3 from 5, you get 2.  1

In their first year at school, most children learn to add and subtract. 1

logical expression 1

mathematical expression  1

As soon as I receive payment I will express the book to you.  1

Worldwide express mail service   1

I sat down to open the mail . 1

We do our business by mail .  1 1

publish-subscribe  1

Which journals does the library subscribe to?   1

Subscribe to Product Announcements 1

Unsubscribe success 1

2015-7-24  1

219. manipulation pertain  pertaining  maintain maintenance humour honour enormous charm chain pertain  pertaining  1

DML   1

Primitive man quickly learned how to manipulate tools.  1

Do you know how to manipulate a computer?   1

The main bedroom is enormous. 1

It was an enormous disappointment. 1

supply chain  1

His open shirt revealed a fat gold chain.   1

The school pays for heating and the maintenance of the buildings.  1

car maintenance 1

maintenance staff  1

Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue):  1

ThreadLocal values pertaining to this thread.   1

maintain order  1

maintain world peace  1

maintain contact with 1

2015-7-26  1

220. external extend 1

external environment  1

2015-8-16  1

221. trial 1

222. dead end 1

2015-8-17  1

223. emit  intermediate  heat heart  heartbeat   1

intermediate level 1

intermediate product  1

emit light 1

emit heat  1

Yeah, I feel my heartbeat. 1

224. partition  distributed   1

It ensures that partitions do not access the memory of another partition.  1

HDFS(hadoop distributed file system) 1

225. cyclic scyclic  direct   1

DAG(directed acyclic graph) 1

crc32:Cyclic Redundancy Check 1

226. pipe 1

steel pipe 1

227. site website  suite 1

What will the site be like? 1

the murder site 1

pilgrimage site 1

I suggest we fit you up with an office suite.   1

Spring Tool Suite  1

She has a suite of rooms in the hotel. 1

228. shuffle 1

Shuffle Play  1

Shuffle Repeat  1

You have to shuffle the cards before the cut for deal.  1

229. side-effect   1

no side-effect  1

drug side-effect 1

230. invert inverse  converse converstaion convert convention 1

Someone has been listening in on my telephone conversation. 1

231. identity ident  1

Identity function  1

national identity  1

role identity 1

232. reactor 1

233. transaction  translate  transform  transfer  convert  transport  transmit 1

public transport 1

HTTP-Hypertext transfer protocol 1

SSH Secure File Transfer 1

transmitting file date   1

air/freight/road transport 1

He wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter. 1

a transfer of technology 1

transfer rate 1

234. incubator  incubate 1

Apache Incubator 1

235. foundation  found fund   1

Rockefeller Foundation   1

Qatar Foundation 1

apache software foundation 1

236. optical driver  1

237. power on 1

power-on time 1

238. bay   1

drive bay  1

239. battery 1

2015-8-24  1

240. upgrade 1

Online Upgrade  1

You have to upgrade your computer. 1

Upgrade Driver  1

rpm   -Uvh   package.ix86.rpm  1

241. tolerant 1

fault-tolerant  1

242. portable 1

posix(Portable Operating System Interface)  1

243. throughput 1

high throughput 1

2015-8-25  1

244. thrift  rack  1

Life Thrift   1

thrift store  1

magazine rack 1

245. topology 1

bus topology  1

Star Topology 1

topology structure 1

246. responder  1

Server responded "Connection closed". 1

247. ack   packet  1

interrupt ack 1

ack packet 1

248. available  availability  1

high availability  1

249. failover 1

250. federation 1

russian federation 1

251. robust  1

252. threshold pct ratio academic  1

academic threshold 1

253. generic option  1

254. finalize  quota  upgrade 1

finalize upgrade 1

exchange quota  1

255. seek 1

256. trash 1

Pop music doesn't have to be trash; it can be art. 1

257. learn more 1

2015-9-4 1

258. negative infinity indefinitely positive minus plus decrease substract 1

If the argument is NaN or an infinity or positive zero or negative zero, then the result is the same as the argument 1

Seven minus three is four. 1

select a,b from T1 minus select d,e from T2 1

In their first year at school, most children learn to add and subtract. 1

The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year.  1

DateTime org.joda.time.DateTime.minusMonths(int months)   1

DateTime org.joda.time.DateTime.plusMonths(int months) 1

259. progress 1

progress bar  1

2015-9-7 1

260. slim 1

2015-9-11  1

261. commutative  commute  1

262. mean 1

Mean value 1

2015-9-12  1

263. extract 1

264. shell 1

Shell company 1

Shell Sort 1

Linux shell   1

2015-9-21  1

265. permissive 1

2015-9-26  1

266. replica  replication  1

267. trash  can  bin  1

trash can  1

recycle bin   1

2015-9-27  1

268. gas   1

269. present 1

Present Capacity 1

present state 1

present tense 1

The jar is present at http://cdn.mysql/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-5.1.29.tar.gz. 1

2015-10-2  1

270. speculative suspect   speculator  perspective prospective  1 1

a prospective buyer 1

prospective analysis  1

prospective search 1

If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light. 1

Whom do the police suspect? 1

2015-10-5  1

271. expert   conclusion 1

expert conclusion  1

Silent Conclusion  1

272. split slice   1

If the chicken is fairly small, you may simply split it in half.  1

a slice of bread 1

2015-10-6  1

273. mission   Occupy  Blacklist 1

We guarantee to complete our mission. 1

Their mission was to crack into the computer system of a major corporation.   1

Occupied Reduce Slots 1

Occupy Central  1

occupy markets  1

2015-10-19 1

274. bucket  1

275. propagation propagate paradigm  pilgrim paragraph  1

event.stopPropagation(); 1

spring 事务传播行为:  propagation_required/propagation_support 1

276. immutable commutables mutable 1

immutable values 1

Returns an immutable list containing only the specified object. The returned list is serializable. 1

277. dictionary 1

278. scalable available rely reliable reliability scale  1

I know I can rely on you to sort it out. 1

Therefore, we are not to rely on feelings, but to have faith in the facts. 1

From an IT perspective, these systems need to be scalable.  1

He's in business on a small scale. 1

The scale of the map is 1 : 460000. 1

2015-10-26 1

279. semis 1

semistructured data 1

England are expected to win every game, reach the semis and beyond  1

semi-finished products   1

2015-10-31 1

280. flash 1

USB flash disk  1

281. entry  museum 1

Keyboard Entry  1

You can gain entry to the club only through a member. 1

Entry to the museum is free.  1

entry point   1

282. migration migrate  1

human migration 1

bird migration  1

redis: migrage host port key destination-db timeout [COPY] [REPLACE] 1

3 Chinese women detained at South Korea immigration after plastic sugery 1

283. series  1

TV series  1

a series of personal attacks  1

2015-11-2  1

284. quorum  1

285. quota calcium  milk fulfil 1

Be sure you get your daily quota of calcium.   1

We will fulfil the quota without fail. 1

create user plat identified by tiger default tablespace platdb2 quota unlimited on platdb quota unlimited on platdb2; 1

2015-11-7  1

286. generate general 1

generate database  1

General Motors  1

287. do 1

Table member does exist  1

2015-11-8  1

288. italic bold strikethrough underlike regular regard  1

regular expression 1

regular breathing  1

a regular heartbeat 1

Do you take regular exercise? 1

289. halt 1

The system is going down for system halt NOW!   1

2015-11-9  1

290. poem pole pope  role  1

2015-11-10 1

2015-11-12 1

291. tiny 1

tiny times 1

tiny bee 1

292. subordinate  ZIP 1

Subordinate units  1

Sixty of his subordinate officers followed his example. 1

zip code 1

293. financial crisis 1

financial crisis 1

crisis management  1

The company is in financial difficulties.   1

She would like to be more financially independent.  1

294. severity  degree 1

severity degree 1

This does not prevent disease altogether, but can reduce its severity. 1

295. symbol  purty 1

terminal symbol 1

The dove is symbolic of peace.   1

They worried about the purity of tap water. 1

296. capital  caption capture 1

2015-11-14 1

297. round  decimal   1

select round(12.3456, 2) from dual 1

java: BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP   1

298. semi 1

semi final 1

left semi join  1

arid and semi-arid deserts 1

299. stock dividend  1

300. crack cracker firecracker warehouse federal dividend insurance  subset  1

explode firecracker 1

federal government 1

2015-11-17 1

301. hive 1

bee hive 1

2015-11-18 1

302. captive 1

Islamic group says it has killed Norgegian, Chinese captives;  1

2015-11-19 1

303. recognize  1

FAILED: ParseException line 1:72 cannot recognize input near 'row' 'format' 'delimated' in table row format specification   1

Recognize him 1

2015-11-22 1

304. complex  tuple bag 1

complex type  1

complex question 1

air bag 1

a bag of sweets. 1

2015-11-24 1

305. illustrate 1

Here are few examples to illustrate this principle. 1

To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis.  1

306. alias 1

/etc/services  service-name  port/protocol  [aliases ...]   [# comment] 1

2015-11-25 1

307. election 1

direct election 1

local election  1

popular election 1

308. flower follow follower   1

flower shop   1

follow me  1


309. tick ticket transient trick trace trip 1

Clock Tick 1

Tick Timer 1

entrance ticket 1

plane ticket  1

hat trick  1

magic tricks. 1

He shows me card tricks. 1

2015-11-26 1

310. ephemeral joyn  enjoy 1

ephemeral key 1

ephemeral joys  1

enjoy yourself  1

I enjoy a chat with a friend. 1

2015-11-27 1

311. robust  agent adaptor  adapt  1

General Agent 1

The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 1

Adaptive Collector 1

2015-11-28 1

312. applicable 1

applicable scope 1

where applicable 1

Should referenced projects also be opened where applicable?   1

The method findById(Long) in the type DeviceStatusDao is not applicable for the arguments (int) 1

2015-7-24  1

313. wall   paper  1

2015-8-1 1

314. furbish  refurbished  1

Refurbished machines  1

315. reject  1

reject region 1

RejectedExecutionHandler 1

316. present  absent  pretend preserve reserve protect project 1

pretend poor  1

present tense 1

project manager 1

Three armed groups were contending for power.   1

Nurses often have to contend with drunken patients.  1

contend with  1

Many people contend that we have a right to think what we will, and that wicked thoughts, if not translated into wicked deeds, are not harmful. 1

The management reserves the right to refuse admission. 1

All rights reserved 1

I've reserved a room in the name of Jones.  1

These seats are reserved for special guests.   1

2015-8-4 1

317. abort 1

2015-8-6 1

318. transition  transitive  transaction 1

2015-8-8 1

319. consolidate   force coverage land   1

consolidate its power by force   1

SonarQube 6.2: enhanced Issues pages, new landing page for non authenticated users, consolidated coverage features   1

320. hint tip  hit 1

psychological hint 1

2015-8-12  1

321. tolerant  pig  protocol  block  track urgent combine  1

Internet Protocol  1

a block of ice  1

For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products. 1

redis: BLPOP key [key ...] timeout 1

Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career.  1

How to track and control software testing projects is urgent. 1

Note that the resource adapter should not block in this method. 1

routing protocol 1

java.util.Arrays.asList(T... a)  This method acts as bridge between array-based and collection-based APIs, in combination with {@link Collection#toArray}. 1

322. balance   balancer  threshold 1

323. compose   component 1

Compose mail  1

2015-8-15  1

324. introspection  reflection   1

325. subject  handler interrupt intercept interceptor interpret interpreter interact interactivity 1

interrupt handler  1

Surprisingly, maths was voted their favourite subject. 1

to be subjected to criticism  1

subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers 1

Interceptor Chain  1

Struts Interceptor 1

How do we interact with this thing? 1

...experts on human-computer interaction.   1

You have to understand how cells interact.  1

Designing Interactivity  1

Full Interactivity 1

326. sound sight   1

Peter heard the sound of gunfire.   1

《sound and sight》 1

I didn't so much as catch sight of him all day long. 1

He caught sight of his hair in a mirror. 1

2015-12-1  1

327. prefer preferred 1

primary preferred  1

prefer to do  1

prefer doing  1

preferred position 1

328. whether 1

Think it over and let me know whether you agree with me. 1

Whether we will go there tomorrow depends on the weather.  1

2015-12-2  1

329. engine  1

He got into the driving seat and started the engine. 1

search engine 1

execution engine 1

2015-12-3  1

330. evaluate 1

The market situation is difficult to evaluate.   1

evalutate solution 1

331. care 1

hicc: hadoop infrastructure care center  1

2015-12-5  1

332. parcel  1

There's a parcel and some letters for you.  1

Posting Parcel  1

2015-12-18 1

333. peer sense pregnant passenger 1

life peer  1

I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all. 1

made no sense 1

make sense 1

He looks about him, sensing danger. 1

passenger capacity 1

passenger list  1

334. fee park parking ant elephant monkey  1

license fee   1

procedure fee 1

central Park  1

Cars allowed, but parking is limited. 1

335. boil datum cigarette  1

boiler room   1

Each datum has a unique key.  1

336. capacity compat impact compact compatibility compress compass  compaction  admire tombstone 1

handling capacity  1

I really admire his capacity for work. 1

She has an enormous capacity for hard work. 1

Compatibility mode 1

programe compatibility assistant service 1

This will have no impact if delete.topic.enable is not set to true 1

the environmental impact of tourism 1

major compaction 1

Compacting Collector  1

Compacting folders might take a while. Compress folders now?  1

a map and compass  1

2015-12-21 1

337. amount count number 1

2015-12-26 1

338. cow milk topology  1

cow milk 1

339. launch lunch  1

launch an attack 1

Launch Options  1

So the workbench can correctly launch the perspective for your application.   1

storm-yarn launch storm.yaml  1

2015-12-28 1

340. fetch pool cliff vertex vertical horizontal edge align 1

Can you fetch it out and show me it?  1

Fetch me my hat please.  1

He stood on the edge of the cliff. 1

vertical-align  1

A tripod will be useful to align and steady the camera...  1

The wheel must be aligned with the frame. horizontal lines 1

The vertical line meets the horizontal one here   1

2015-12-30 1

341. resile spill resilient elastic   1

Resilient Distributed Dataset 1

Spark当前RDD默认是存储于内存,但当内存不足时,RDD会spill到disk   1

Don't spill the soup. 1

342. lineage gene  1

The gene is only part of the causation of illness. 1

She has never traced back her lineage, but believes her grandparents were from Aberdeenshire.  1

343. alone 1

We need to talk alone.   1

Do you mind being alone? 1

2015-12-31 1

344. narrow wide wise wire ware warehouse  1

a narrow road 1

a man with wide interests  1

a wide road [river] 1

data warehouse  1

wide knowledge  1

silverware 1

ironware 1

chinaware  1

small ware 1

earth wire 1

steel wire 1

345. soul soap  soup cake  1

toilet soap   1

a cake of soap  1

the union of soul and body 1




2016-1-10  1

346. negotiator 1

Apache Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator)   1

2016-1-17  1

347. poke 1

Someone had poked a message under the door. 1

Don't poke her eye out with that stick!  1

The kids poked holes in the ice with sticks.   1

2016-1-20  1

348. desktop 1

create desktop shortcut  1

349. simplify traditional  1

Chinese simplified 1

Chinese traditional 1

350. priority 1

Please offer seats to priorities 1

Education is a top priority . 1

351. board broad cast broadcast treasure 1

Do not exit or board when doors are closing 1

I boarded the plane bound for Boston. 1

broad shoulders 1

a broad street /river 1

a broad range of products  1

The priceless treasures had been cast into the Nile. 1

352. collect 1

to collect data/evidence/information  1

Samples were collected from over 200 patients.   1

353. away 1

an apple a day keep the doctor away 1

She ran away with a man called McTavish last year. 1

go away 1

She was away from work for a week. 1

354. eventually eventual event  eve 1

Even if we cannot agree, we should maintain our contact. 1

2016-1-22  1

355. customer consumer  consume  custom  grain  coarse consensus consistency consist  consistent provide 1

Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume.  1

local custom  1

eventually consistent 1

Consume Less, Enjoy More.  1

Provider/Consumer  1

ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services.  1

fine-grained Mode  1

coarse-grained Mode 1

a grain of salt 1

distributed consensus problem 1

1992 Consensus  1

ACID(Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability)   1

2016-1-26  1

356. hence 1

We suspect they are trying to hide something, hence the need for an independent inquiry.  1

It's handmade and hence expensive. 1

Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found.  1

357. timeout 1

Any one of the connections could fail; for example, due to a timeout. 1

Can I get a timeout , please? A pause? 1

358. pend pending  1

I see the to-do list as a “bucket” or a placeholder to dump all my pending ideas/tasks, but that’s about it.  1

Cancel pending installations  1

activeMQ: Number Of Pending Messages  1

359. respectively  1

All men have their respective duties. 1

He and I are each going to visit our respective teachers.  1

360. as long as 1

2016-2-1 1

361. carrriage  crow crowd  crowded 1

Police had to break up the crowd.   1

The wings of a crow can never cover up the sun.   1

2016-2-2 1

362. analyse analyze analysis analyser analyzer 1

363. represent representational 1

representational state transfer  1

Who are they and what do they represent? 1

The king is represented as a villain in the play. 1

364. peer 1

he enjoys the respect of her peers. 1

Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.  1

p2p(Peer to Peer)  1

2016-2-4 1

365. gateway gate door entrance 1

2016-2-5 1

366. boost 1

This will be a great boost to the economy.  1

to boost sb's confidence 1

2016-2-7 1

367. summary  gather  1

I'm giving you a summary of facts. 1

He began to gather facts to develop his theory.   1

2016-2-9 1

368. coordination  1

You need good hand-eye coordination to play ball games.   1

coordination control  1

369. attachment 1

2016-2-10  1

370. pipe  pipeline   1

2016-2-13  1

371. perform performance 1

AdminClient org.elasticsearch.client.Client.admin():   The admin client that can be used to perform administrative operations  1

high-performance (= very powerful) cars  1

high performance 1

good performance 1

performance evaluation   1

performance management   1

system performance 1

High Performance Remoting.pdf 1

Forces the use of Async Sends which adds a massive performance boost  1

2016-2-19  1

372. chief 1

COO(chief operating officer)  1

Chief Editor  1

2016-2-20  1

373. forest  1

a forest fire 1

2016-2-23  1

374. nest 1

nested query  1

2016-2-28  1

375. count counter encounter  1

I followed all steps in "https://github/jprante/elasticsearch-river-jdbc" but I encounter with error(the log is in below). 1

Download source and javaodc has encountered a problem 1

Reason: Problems encountered while deleting resources; 1

2016-2-29  1

376. shield  secure  secrets  1

face shield   1

The gunman used the hostages as a human shield .   1

Secure Flight 1

We'll make sure our home is as secure as possible from now on. 1

377. via   1

The news reached us via a friend of mine 1

As an example, you can set it via the command line as follows: 1

378. alter alarm alternative alternatively 1

Dad set the alarm for eight the next day.   1

We could not see what had alarmed him. 1

2016-3-2 1

379. optional  option mandatory 1

Optional Configuration   1

optional course 1

The label field in this extension is optional.   1

You should choose the second option, though.   1

mandatory field 1

380. duplicate  1

Duplicate entry '6291458' for key 'PRIMARY' 1

Your jacket's a duplicate of mine. 1

There's no point in duplicating work already done. 1

Don't duplicate what you already do.  1

His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home.   1

2016-3-3 1

381. puppet  1

The occupying forces set up a puppet government .   1

a puppet show 1

2016-3-4 1

382. workbench bench 1

Mysql Workbench 1

emebded Workbench  1

a park bench  1

383. correspond 1

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version. 1

The translation does not quite correspond to the original. 1

Your account and hers do not correspond. 1

Compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations. Two strings are considered equal ignoring case if they are of the same length and corresponding characters in the two strings are equal ignoring case. 1

384. proceed 1

He proceeded to tell me of my birth.  1

If you proceed, those products will not be installed or upgraded. Is this ok? 1

385. strength 1

Password strength weak   1

the strength of the sun  1

2016-3-5 1

386. relay delay   1

relay log  1

relay race 1

Messengers will relay your letters. 1

387. pagination page 1

Pagination display of database query is realized by ADO accessing background database.   1

Model data pagination and sorting. 1

2016-3-11  1

388. yield 1

He refused to yield up his gun.  1

He may yield control. 1

2016-3-14  1

389. airport air aire  pollute pollution popular 1

to Airport East 1

It only takes three hours by air (= in a plane) .   1

air travel/traffic 1

Heap pollution  1

390. pet  article  1

No Pets 1

No Balloons   1

Dangerous articles forbidden  1

391. emergency emergent pen penal  penalty proper improper 1

Emergency Use 1

Emergency Exits at ends of train 1

Emergency stop button 1

Penalty RMB 500 for improper use!   1

Emergency exit  1

392. spam 1

Possible Spam 1

spam email 1




2016-3-20  1

393. elevator freight staff stair luggage  1

Passengers with bulky luggage, baby parm or those who have difficulty with their action, please use the elevator or the stairs. 1

394. cargo 1

no cargo 1

a cargo ship  1

395. exceed  excellent safe safety safely  1

For your safely, Please don’t exceed the yello line when waiting  1

The price will not exceed £100.  1

The officers had exceeded their authority.  1

396. lean leaf leave pinching pinch crush crash rush pin 1

No leaning!   1

I leaned back in my chair. 1

Warning hands pinching!  1

Watch out for pinching!  1

Warning crushing!  1

Don't rush off, I haven't finished. 1

No Rush 1

Pull the safety pin;  1

397. voltage 1

398. hacker vary variable  1

The value of the local variable is never used.   1

2016-3-24  1

399. stumble 1

Caution Stumbling  1

2016-4-1 1

400. chapter section 1

The Section Two of Chapter One   1

I've just finished Chapter 3. 1

I shall return to this point in the next chapter.   1

These issues will be discussed more fully in the next section.  1

2016-4-2 1

401. climb  litter little  1

She climbed up the stairs. 1

No climbing   1

No littering  1

The streets were full of litter. 1

a little house  1

Which do you want?  I'll take the little one.   1

402. placeholder   1

<context:property-placeholder location="" />  1

2016-4-3 1

403. marketplace   1

2016-4-4 1

404. appear appeal court 1

sex appeal 1

They took their appeal to the Supreme Court.   1

The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me.  1

2016-4-6 1

405. specify special 1

Please specify the top-level package e.g. com.mycompany.myapp*  1

In some editors, you may have to specify the location of these files through other configuration means.  1

406. univer universe university universal  1

UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)  1

407. dialect 1

In the fifties, many Italians spoke only local dialect. 1

Qingdao dialect 1

hibernate.dialect  1

2016-4-9 1

408. utility utilize 1

Utility knife 1

time utility  1

reasonable utilize 1

...the utilization of human resources. 1

Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings.   1

The passwd utility is used to update user’s authentication token(s). 1

409. type retype essay  1

I can type your essays for you.  1

I had never really learned to type properly.   1

an essay on the causes of the First World War   1

There is much food for thought in this essay.   1

Retype new password:  1

2016-4-10  1

410. neighbour  1

2016-4-16  1

411. amass  fortune weath  fix fixed  1

He amassed a fortune from silver mining. 1

Executors.newFixedThreadPool()   1

412. milli millisecond second 1

413. direction discretion  1

at the discretion of the Executor implementation  1

It is completely at the discretion of the administrator.  1

Tom went off in the direction of home. 1

The aircraft was flying in a northerly direction. 1

2016-4-17  1

414. conduct  construction 1

code of conduct 1

The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. 1

Please note that a code of conduct 1

to conduct an experiment 1

2016-4-24  1

415. establish  1

establish a connection to Sql Server  1

The committee was established in 1912. 1

establishing a connection to   1

416. monitor 1

Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure.   1

a monitor with a 21 inch screen  1

monitor system  1

computer monitor 1

remote monitor  1

2016-4-27  1

417. dismantle  medium binary 1

I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.   1

medium sized. 1

a man of medium height   1

2016-4-30  1

418. recovery restore 1

Recovery for SQL Server  1

storage engine  1

These 12 words are the only way to restore your MetaMask accounts! 1

419. senior intersect interact community 1

a senior post/position   1

He was described by his seniors as a model officer. 1

senior high/senior middle scho   1

redis Set:   SINTER key [key ...]   1

Set.retainAll(): If the specified collection is also a set, this operation effectively modifies this set so that its value is the intersection of the two sets. 1

2016-5-2 1

420. hibernate  1

hibernate/restart/cancel/shut down 1

Bears often hibernate in caves.  1

Hibernate PC  1

421. ease erase 1

He passed the exam with ease .   1

In his retirement, he lived a life of ease. 1

rpm   -e   packagename 1

2016-5-6 1

422. indicate 1

PreparedStatement.execute():  The execute method returns a boolean to indicate the form of the first result.  1

Please indicate 1

Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.  1

2016-5-10  1

423. cooperate routine  route 1

test routine  1

Make exercise a part of your daily routine .   1

main routine  1

routine maintenance 1

routine work  1

trunk route   1

2016-5-13  1

424. mis misconfiguration  1

2016-5-17  1

425. abandon 1

The baby had been abandoned by its mother.  1

They abandoned the match because of rain.   1

removeAbandonedTimeout   1

logAbandoned  1

The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being abandoned to the care of strangers.   1

2016-5-17  1

426. at most one  if and only if 1

You can take at most one sleeping pill at a time. 1

2016-5-18  1

427. derive  1

Every derived table must have its own alias 1

scientific knowledge derive  from experiments and observations.  1

We derive our sustenance from the land.  1

2016-5-27  1

428. aggress 1

I have pressure. You have pressure. Why did you aggress me?   1

a poly to aggress the east. 1

He gets aggressive when he's drunk. 1

a dangerous aggressive dog 1

aggressiveLazyLoading 1

429. navigation negotiate negative settle reconcile neighbour 1

navigation systems 1

an expert in navigation  1

to settle a dispute/an argument/a matter 1

It's time you settled your differences with your father.  1

an attempt to reconcile the need for industrial development with concern for the environment   1

bank reconciliation 1

It was hard to reconcile his career with the needs of his children.   1

The crisis had a negative effect on trade.  1

The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative.  1

The government will not negotiate with terrorists.   1

a strong negotiating position 1

negotiating skills 1

2016-5-31  1

430. actual  1

James looks younger than his wife but in actual fact he is five years older.  1

The actual cost was higher than we expected.   1

2016-6-4 1

431. incident 1

Mukden Incident 1

His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.   1

There was a shooting incident near here last night.  1

hb is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported 1

2016-6-12  1

432. encode  1

to encode data for computer processing 1

binary encode 1

Encode Files  1

433. corrupt rotten  1

corrupt software 1

The text on the disk seems to be corrupt.   1

/hbase/corrupt  1

corrupt official 1

the smell of rotten vegetables   1

The organization is rotten to the core . 1

2016-6-14  1

434. envelope gift 1

red paper containing money as a gift, 1

red packet;   1

red envelope  1

writing paper and envelopes 1

435. host hostess hostage  1

2016-6-21  1

436. postpone postgraduate undergraduate postwar postcard postman postoffice 1

The game has already been postponed three times.   1

2016-6-25  1

437. ugly 1

438. priority author authority  1

439. assembly 1

assembly language  1

maven assembly plugin 1

a car assembly plant  1

440. physics phase chemistry  biology noun phrase  1

during the first/next/last phase 1

the design phase 1

Noun Phrase   1

set phrase 1

It's difficult to tick off in a phrase.  1

2016-6-28  1

441. panic pain penal nose towel instant instance instantiate instancy 1

The fire alarm hour please not the panic, and absolutely not elevator. 1

a moment of panic  1

back pain  1

Please use wet towel the nose 1

instant coffee  1

Please arrive immediately recent of instancy export! 1

The show was an instant success. 1

explicit instantiation   1

instances of a class  1

2016-7-2 1

442. goal global   1

True Globalization of Mobile Apps   1

He headed the ball into an open goal (= one that had nobody defending it) .  1

They scored five goals in the first half of the match.  1

goal line  1

score a goal  1

China is one of the countries most affected by global warming. 1

linux: grep (global search regular expression(RE) and print out the line 1

2016-7-3 1

443. dial 1

Still unable to dial tcp://v.qq after 3 attempts 1

Dial me at home. 1

2016-7-4 1

444. presume resume pseudo assume evidence 1

@param b Presumed UTF-8 encoded byte array. 1

I presumed (that) he understood the rules.  1

‘Is he still abroad? ’ ‘ I presume so . ’  1

Random.nextInt():  Returns the next pseudorandom  1

pseudo code   1

pseudoscience 1

You assume his innocence before hearing the evidence against him. 1

2016-7-5 1

445. duration  iterator iterate 1

How to Iterate Over a Map in Java   1

Iterate until reach the pre-defined stop point.   1

duration of work 1

short duration  1

2016-7-10  1

446. left 1

They still have six games left to play.  1

Nothing is left over. 1

2016-7-11  1

447. singleton single 1

This woman is probably the UK's most famous singleton. 1

2016-7-14  1

448. modify modifier 1

Class sy.test.reflection.CallMethod_001 can not access a member of class sy.test.reflection.A1 with modifiers "private"   1

The software we use has been modified for us.   1

In “the black cat” the adjective “black”modifies the noun “cat”.  1

We had to slightly modify the original design.   1

Illegal modifier for the class A; only public, abstract & final are permitted   1

449. efficient inefficient deficient tier  tie   1

which is able to dispatch service request events efficiently 1

(3-tier architecture) 1

a wedding cake with three tiers  1

450. etc   1

2016-7-16  1

451. should  summary  summon  1

Should the elevator not operate normally, please summon help by press the ALARM button.   1

Should anyone call , please tell them I'm busy.   1

If you should change your mind, do let me know.   1

to summon assistance/help  1

2016-7-17  1

452. stand standard standalone  1

zookeeper: standalone mode 1

2016-7-25  1

453. whatsoever contract 1

I always thought the worst of myself and had no confidence whatsoever.   1

The general contract of the method <code>run</code> is that it may take any action whatsoever.   1

2016-7-28  1

454. determine  1

Determines if the currently running thread has permission to modify this thread.   1

2016-8-2 1

2016-8-3 1

455. intend content  attend contend clipboard   1

The code is in your clipboard now   1

The ability to copy the results to the clipboard in HTML form. 1

I don't intend staying long.  1

to attend a concert 1

to attend church 1

Success attended her efforts (或 hard work).   1

Attend to my word. 1

Please pay attention (= listen carefully) to what I am saying.  1

2016-8-6 1

456. variant underlying 1

SessionAwareMessageListener: Variant of the standard JMS {@link javax.jms.MessageListener} interface  1

This game is a variant of baseball. 1

To stop a problem you have to understand its underlying causes. 1

2016-8-10  1

457. condition ripe professor 1

Success will come when conditions are ripe !   1

The conditions were ripe for social change. 1

These grapes are ripe.   1

458. mutual  1

mutual respect/understanding  1

mutual support  1

2016-8-11  1

459. formal  1

More formally 1

to make a formal apology 1

formal legal processes   1

2016-8-17  1

460. dirty particular  border 1

dirtyRead  1

I always get given the dirty jobs. 1

In particular, a thread may not be restarted once it has completed execution. 1

We must pay particular attention to this point.   1

in the US, near the Canadian border 1

border area   1

A Frame is a top-level window with a title and a border.  1

2016-8-18  1

461. enclose enclosure close  1

No enclosing instance of type A is accessible.   1

We will create the enclosing frame at the end of the program. 1

All translated words should be enclosed in brackets.  1

462. internal internation international 1

the internal structure of a building  1

internal doors  1

The medicine is not for internal use . 1

an internal inquiry 1

2016-8-21  1

463. workload 1

Redis important speed improvements under certain workloads  1

a heavy workload 1

2016-8-22  1

464. nano nanosecond precise measure  1

465. alpha beta rc(Release Candidate) stable EVAL(evaluate) Retail 1

the retail trade 1

2016-8-25  1

466. grab 1

She grabbed the child's hand and ran. 1

He grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go.  1

She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. 1

2016-8-30  1

467. Inspector evacuate 1

ZooInspector  1

ticket inspectorn  1

quality inspector  1

Evacuate route  1

468. acquire otherwise inquiry  1

The government ordered an independent inquiry into the affair. 1

She has acquired a good knowledge of English.   1

online inquiry  1

2016-8-31  1

469. hold 1

Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread and returns immediately, setting the lock hold count to one.  1

How long will the fine weather hold?  1

Hold this position for a count of 10. 1

He was holding the baby in his arms.  1

She was holding a large box.  1

2016-9-1 1

470. aid countdown latch 1

medical aid programmes   1

emergency aid 1

A synchronization aid that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations being performed in other threads completes. 1

There were three more things to do before countdown. 1

Let yourself in; the door's on the latch.   1

You left the latch off the gate and the dog escaped. 1

471. increment decrement decrease  1

Decrements the count of the latch, releasing all waiting threads if the count reaches zero.   1

2016-9-16  1

472. broke broker  1

producer/broker/consumer 1

The broker will get 5% if he finds a purchaser.   1

an insurance broker 1

2016-9-25  1

473. tenant talent telnet  1

They had evicted their tenants for non-payment of rent. 1

Can you help me find a new tenant for my flat?   1

multi-tenant  1

2016-9-27  1

474. backlog 1

2016-10-1  1

475. purge 1

We need to purge our sport of racism. 1

air purge  1

476. fit ingest 1

This coat does not fit me. 1

Is Flume a good fit for your problem? 1

If you need to ingest textual log data into Hadoop/HDFS then Flume is the right fit for your problem, full stop. For other use cases, here are some guidelines:  1

The key doesn't fit the lock. 1

The rooms were all fitted with smoke alarms.   1

Every ingestion of food can affect our mood or thinking processes. 1

477. kit   1

SDK:Software Development Kit  1

a first-aid kit 1

sports kit 1

478. volatile substance 1

Petrol is a volatile substance.  1

a highly volatile personality 1

volatile market 1

479. fatal 1

Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. 1

2016-10-3  1

480. request require 1

kafka:request.required.acks 1

2016-10-7  1

481. exit exist 1

2016-10-14 1

482. license 1

The copy is licensed to XXX 1

The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US.   1

They had licensed the firm to produce the drug.   1

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)   1

2016-10-16 1

483. idempotent 1

rabbitMQ:Declaring a queue is idempotent - it will only be created if it doesn't exist already   1

2016-10-18 1

484. journal 1

wall street journal 1

medical journal 1

Which journals does the library subscribe to?   1

activeMQ:KahaDB配置参数:journalMaxFileLength   1

2016-10-22 1

485. forward duplex  1

duplex connector 1

forward message 1

2016-10-23 1

486. collision exponent deadline dead 1

collision domain 1

a collision between two trains   1

In his work we see the collision of two different traditions. 1

2^4 is an exponential expression.   1

to increase exponentially  1

2016-10-26 1

487. verbose aspect Durable   1

verbose code  1

Your report is too long and verbose.  1

The house had a southwest aspect.   1

durable plastics 1

negotiations for a durable peace 1

activeMQ: session.createDurableSubscriber(topicName, name) 1

activeMQ: Message durability  1

488. frontend  backend  1

2016-10-29 1

489. prison poison 1

Poison ack 1

poison gas 1

If I was your wife I would poison your coffee.   1

food poison   1

490. conduit 1

conduit subscription  1

underground conduit 1

491. advise advisory   advisement advertise advertisement 1

advisory message 1

Her mother was away and couldn't advise her.   1

I'd advise extreme caution. 1

advisory committee 1

advisory service 1

2016-11-2  1

492. donate charity charitable christmas chef chief dominate  1

a charity concert  1

Her husband is unemployed and the family depends on charity. 1

He frequently donates large sums to charity.   1

493. hook hang shame 1

a fish hook   1

Hang your towel on the hook . 1

a fish hook   1

She hung her head in shame 1

494. folding fold  1

com.cb.eclipse.folding   1

The bird folded its wings. 1

2016-11-6  1

495. other than typically classical   1

More typically, tasks are executed in some thread other than the caller’s thread 1

Do you have any special interests other than your job?  1

The factory typically produces 500 chairs a week. 1

I don't know any French people other than you.   1

2016-11-9  1

496. condition  1

A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry. 1

Work is basic to the human condition (= the fact of being alive) .   1

living/housing/working conditions   1

Query Condition 1

497. enqueue dequeue startup occasionally occasion occasionally  anxious rarely rare  1

staying up 1

There's no harm in your staying up late occasionally. 1

What you said on the occasion was not appropriate.  1

We occasionally meet for a drink after work.   1

498. unfortunately fortunate AFAIK 1

499. In addition to 、 as well、BTW,keep in mind, all day long 1

There is, in addition, one further point to make. 1

Are they coming as well? 1

They sell books as well as newspapers. 1

500. volunteer voluntary basis stuck  1

He took voluntary redundancy .   1

I do some voluntary work at the local hospital.   1

The basis of a good marriage is trust. 1

a solid basis 1

501. stuck 1

My work is stuck here and no one is responding.   1

She got the key stuck in the lock. 1

I can't get out─I'm stuck. 1

2016-11-12 1

502. spell 1

You've spelt my name wrong. 1

spell check   1

503. treat train thief chief chef  1

It's because you're trying to grep for something like -4.5 and grep is treating that as an option rather than a search string.   1

My parents still treat me like a child.  1

He was treated as a hero on his release from prison. 1

to get on/off a train 1

I like travelling by train .  1

Michael is a professionally-trained chef.   1

the chief cause/problem/reason   1

the Chief Education Officer 1

the chief financial officer of the company  1

commander-in-chief 1

504. weird 1

a weird dream 1

She's a really weird girl. 1

505. abruptly 1

java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler: Interface for handlers invoked when a Thread abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception. 1

He spoke abruptly  1

His contract was abruptly terminated. 1

2016-11-19 1

506. simultaneity simultaneous simultaneously simultane  1

org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount - There are 3 threads in the thread pool, which means that a maximum of 3 jobs can be run simultaneously.   1

simultaneous interpretation 1

This event was almost simultaneous with that one. 1

2016-11-21 1

507. finalize final  1

We should finalize by the end of the weeks. 1

to finalize your plans   1

We are saying nothing until all the details have been finalized.  1

508. vote veto  1

The president used the power of veto. 1

She obtained 40% of the vote. 1

to have the right of veto  1

2016-11-22 1

509. no idea 1

I also have no idea 1

You've no idea how much traffic there was tonight. 1

510. feature featured virtually virtual virtually virtue  stand-alone e-commerce  commerce 1

virtual reality 1

virtual world 1

main feature  1

outstanding  feature  1

to be virtually impossible 1

It is not possible to clone an object merely by virtue of the fact that it implements this interface(java.lang.Cloneable). 1

2016-11-25 1

511. preference reference  1

It's a matter of personal preference . 1

window->preference 1

I can't say that I have any particular preference.   1

512. take a while  1

Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.  1

Cannot perform operation, may take a while! 1

Compacting folders might take a while. Compress folders now?  1

2016-12-1  1

513. enumerate introduce instruct introduction   1

introduce myself 1

Let me introduce him to you.  1

He instructed that a wall should be built around the city.  1

514. as far as  1

2016-12-6  1

515. exercise  FAQ review meanwhile 1

take exercise 1

Swimming is good exercise. 1

516. usd   1

2016-12-10 1

517. predict erase  ease foresee trademark 1

How to Build a Predictive Analytics Model to Foresee Flight Delays 1

I cannot predict when to meet her again. 1

No one can foresee what will happen in the future. 1

2016-12-17 1

518. overlap military neutral nature  1

C:\EclipseMarsWK\recon overlaps the location of another project: 'recon' 1

...the overlap between civil and military technology.   1

519. deceive decide decision decrease cheat 1

Her husband had been deceiving her for years.   1

You're deceiving yourself if you think he'll change his mind. 1

520. autumn spring summer winner winter summon   1

521. loan obscure  1

The origin of the word remains obscure.  1

The bank refused him the loan.   1

522. functionality function   1

Apache activemq browse: It aims to implement functionality such as New Message Create/Send, Delete Message  1

Interfaces describe a set of functionality, or a contract.   1

2016-12-18 1

523. ambiguous  1

This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations. 1

an ambiguous word/term/statement 1

2016-12-27 1

524. explain explanation explicate 1

I urged him to an explanation.   1

I'm writing to explain to you the reason why I was absent from your lecture last time 1

It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners. 1

I don't have time to explicate it   1

525. caption  captain curtain certain 1

The captain refused to leave his sinking ship while there were others on board.   1

You must obey the captain's commands. 1

I didn't understand the drawing until I read the caption.  1

I didn't understand the drawing until I read the caption.  1

sea captain   1

The captain refused to leave his sinking ship while there were others on board.   1

a certain degree 1

a certain amount of 1

2016-12-27 1

526. again against  piano  1

the fight against terrorism 1

That's against the law.  1

The evidence is against him.  1

Put the piano there, against the wall. 1

527. pivot 1

redis: LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value 1

Their daughter was the pivot of their lives.   1

he whole discussion pivots on this one point.   1

2016-12-29 1

528. lexicon  lexical graphical lexicographical 1

lexicographical order 1




2017-1-1 1

529. diskless sentinel  1

redis: repl-diskless-sync  1

stand sentinel  1

redis:sentinel  1

2017-1-4 1

530. prepose propose proposal  purpose prose portrayal mail  1

I propose resting for an hour.   1

Did he propose marriage to you?  1

Can you do this poem into prose? 1

This poem does him credit. 1

We are not experts on search systems, if anything is incorrect about our portrayal, please let us know on the mailing list or via some other means.  1

Character portrayal 1

submit/consider/accept/reject a proposal 1

His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected. 1

531. govern government temper 1

You should govern your temper.   1

Their citizens are very thankful they are not governed by a dictator.  1

Prices are governed by market demand. 1

Who are the men who really govern in this country? 1

2017-1-7 1

532. precede Agricultural Agriculture precise   1

Agricultural development simply must precede economic development. 1

2017-1-10  1

533. ident indent indentation 1

Since I always indent my code, I don't have a problem with this. 1

The structure view itself can take on multiple appearances, somemore useful than others, but generally the options involve somehelpful nested indentation and/or icons. 1

Obviously, being able to perform operations on blocks is useful, whether it is indent/outdent, cut/copy/paste, or templating.   1

You can set newlines, you can deal with indentation, you cancontrol almost every aspect of the output file. 1

Indentation Size 1

2017-1-13  1

534. literal 1

Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal "FirstRuning" 8 times.   1

The literal meaning of ‘petrify ’ is ‘turn to stone ’. 1

a literal translation 1

I am not referring to ‘small ’ people in the literal sense of the word. 1

2017-1-14  1

535. debt doubt debit 1

Brazil is putting forward a new debt repayment plan. 1

This money will go towards the debt.  1

I know I shall feel for ever in her debt.   1

The total of debits must balance the total of credits. 1

SonarQube: Technical Debt  1

2017-1-19  1

536. underscore 1

I want to underscore the importance of this decision.  1

2017-02-10 1

537. comply regulate regard regulation benefit repay  warrant invest property poverty lend 1

comply the regulation 1

Like it or not, the clubs must comply. 1

to comply with the regulations   1

I've had the benefit of a good education.   1

Both sides have benefited from the talks.   1

'll repay the money I owe them next week.   1

to repay a debt/loan  1

When are you going to repay them?   1

There is no warrant for such criticism.  1

an arrest warrant  1

They had a warrant to search the house.  1

The government has invested heavily in public transport. 1

Now is a good time to invest in the property market. 1

property right产权 1

This building is government property. 1

Be careful not to damage other people's property.  1

The bank refused to lend the money to us.   1

Has he returned that book you lent him?  1

I've lent the car to a friend.   1

Many elderly people live in poverty 1

2017-02-10 1

538. comfort comfortalle serious threat 1

They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age.  1

material comforts  1

a serious illness/problem  1

It's time to give serious consideration to this matter. 1

His position as leader is under threat.  1

Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships.  1

Note that useradd will not create a home directory for such an user, regardless of thedefault setting in /etc/login.defs 1

2017-02-16 1

539. inquire injure synopsis  1

Three people were killed and five injured in the crash. 1

2017-02-17 1

540. internal  international Journey January   1

541. criteria criterion screenshot 1

session.createCriteria() 1

The main criterion is value for money. 1

What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability? 1

542. potential  1

potential bugs  1

potential customers 1

a potential prime minister 1

2017-02-20 1

543. adjust  1

To attract investors, Panama has adjusted its tax and labour laws.  1

How did you adjust to college life? 1

He has been forced to adjust his schedule.  1

nepadte -u : adjust time server offset  1

2017-02-25 1

544. outcome  outcomer institute initiate head hat heat 1

LPI(Linux Professional Institute) 1

Nobody could predict the outcome.   1

a research institute  1

institutes of higher education   1

545. preempt 1

/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf: preempt 1

The law would preempt stronger local rules. 1

This project adds the judge of preempt_count after interrupt,and modifies the scheduling arithmatic.   1

2017-03-02 1

546. theme contrast couple 1

Eclipse Color Theme 1

theme parkn.  1

theme song 1

This article marries theme and style well.  1

There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. 1

547. predicate  1

Can we predicate of a dog that it has a soul?   1

Your proposal is acceptable, as we all predicate. 1

linux: find / -i "axxxx" : error : unknown predicate '-i'  1

548. pick 1

to pick grapes  1

Pick a number from one to twenty.   1

She picked the best cake for herself. 1

549. interface consult  1

The web interface cannot be displayed because your browser is not supported.Please switch to a supported version or another supported browser. 1

If the pain continues, consult your doctor. 1

Have you consulted your lawyer about this?  1

the interface between computer and printer  1

the user interface 1

graphical interface 1

550. term 1

SonarQube 5.6.4: Long Term Supported version, requires Java 8 to run   1

technical term  1

It's nearly the end of term . 1

551. philosophy 1

2017-03-07 1

552. receipt sweep squeeze queue 1

Can I have a receipt, please? 1

Are you in receipt of any state benefits?   1

The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form.   1

Squeeze the handle and sweep from size to side.   1

2017-03-10 1

553. festival holiday 1

2017-03-13 1

554. passive 1

He played a passive role in the relationship.   1

a passive observer of events  1

2017-03-29 1

555. refugee camp  1

political refugees 1

refugee camp  1

556. segregate  isolate  separate vehicle  desk monitor keyboards insulate  1

Interface Segregation Principle  1

motor vehicles  1

557. dialog  1

dialog control  1

2017-04-24 1

558. listing 1

linux jstack -l 1

directory listing  1

2017-04-25 1

559. uptime downtime 1

2017-05-15 1

560. afford award reward prize pride forward   1

Can we afford a new car? 1

the Housing Design Award 1

2017-06-03 1

561. ordinary original organization origination   1

ordinary people like you and me  1

This was no ordinary meeting. 1

The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice. 1

562. kilobytes megabyte 1

2017-06-04 1

563. violate violent 1

to violate international law  1

Any attempt to insert records into a child table that violate this rule will result in an error.   1

If the user attempts to add an element to the set that violates this constraint, the add call will throw a ClassCastException. 1

to violate international law  1

violent crime 1

Her husband was a violent man.   1

There was a violent reaction from the public.   1

a violent change 1

2017-06-11 1

564. designed to   1

The plan is designed to reduce some of the company's mountainous debt. 1

javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor: An abstract annotation processor designed to be a convenient superclass for most concrete annotation processors.   1

The course is designed to help students with colour and composition.  1

2017-06-20 1

565. clarify starve entertainment grief brief   1

I hope this clarifies my position . 1

The animals were left to starve to death.   1

You can't see your sister starve without trying to help her!  1

radio, television and other forms of entertainment 1

The show was good entertainment value .  1

She was overcome with grief when her husband died. 1

It was a grief to them that they had no children.   1

566. quote embassy toothpaste cardinality candidate  1

to quote Shakespeare  1

She said, and I quote, ‘Life is meaningless without love. ’ 1

So in the above example, this means the table cardinality is 12 (6 * 2). 1

2017-06-23 1

567. accuse climate zoom 1

zoom in/out   1

House prices have zoomed up this year. 1

Traffic zoomed past us.  1

Accused Donald Trump of talking 'the most serious, and wrong, decision on climate change this world has seen'  1

to accuse sb of murder/theft  1

She accused him of lying.  1

2017-06-29 1

568. recite  1

recite word   1

2017-07-14 1

569. pretty  1

I'm pretty sure I'll be going.   1

The game was pretty good.  1

She's a very charming and very pretty girl. 1

570. form former formerly portable 1

Download portable version for Windows 64-bit:   1

Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is the free lightweight GUI for MongoDB enthusiasts. 1

the former world champion  1

my former boss/colleague/wife 1

2017-08-02 1

571. loose lose 1

I have a loose tooth. 1

Don't lose your heart!   1

572. mask 1

The robbers  were wearing stocking masks 1

a face mask   1

2017-08-07 1

573. dense sparse parse highway way expressway freeway 1

sparse matrix 1

We entered a dense forest. 1

Black dense smoke rose up. 1

dense index/sparse index 1

574. resign  anti  1

He resigned as manager after eight years.   1

anti-government 1

anti-join  1

anti-isolationist  1

anti-scientism  1

the Anti-Japanese War 1

2017-08-17 1

575. judge justice lifeboat boat weed 1

a High Court judge 1

a federal judge 1

laws based on the principles of justice  1

Who can deny the justice of their cause? 1

576. complement complain commence comment  1

The two suggestions complement each other.  1

There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.   1

2017-08-26 1

577. air conditioning  principal  principle 1

Air conditioning is operating. Close the door, please. 1

It was 90 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room.  1

The principal reason for this omission is lack of time. 1

New roads will link the principal cities of the area. 1

He has high moral principles. 1

I refuse to lie about it; it's against my principles .  1

It's not just a matter of principle.  1

working principle  1

basic principle 1

2017-08-28 1

578. toilet paper  stool, director general, excerpt 1

579. fair fare fairy fee return a ticket 1

bus/taxi fares  1

train/rail fares 1

The punishment was very fair. 1

To be fair , she behaved better than we expected.   1

2017-09-05 1

580. kilo mega giga tera 1

2017-09-12 1

581. anymore 1

He rarely comes here anymore. 1

I couldn't trust him anymore. 1

He doesn't come here anymore. 1

2017-10-08 1

582. rain umbrella 1

You say that you love rain, but you open you umbrella when it rains…..  1

2017-10-10 1

583. strive deserve job-hunting hunt  hurt 1

Lions sometimes hunt alone. 1

You should always strive to achieve more, however well you have done before. 1

Strive for the best, prepare for the worst. 1

You deserve a rest after all that hard work.   1

The report deserves careful consideration.  1

They didn't deserve to win. 1

584. occupy occupation residence reside resent   1

Thank you. What` your occupation?   1

take up an occupation 1

Please state your name, age and occupation below 1

Please state your occupation and place of residence .   1

permanent residence 1

a residence permit 1

2017-10-17 1

585. whore whorehouse tissue detain   1

One man has been detained for questioning.  1

The act allows police to detain a suspect for up to 48 hours. 1

Well, mother, I won't detain you any longer.   1

Taiwan did not detain long. 1

2017-11-14 1

586. grand theatre restaurant  threat democracy dictator dictatorship  1

take out a restaurant 1

take-away food/ take out food 1

2017-11-18 1

587. ultimate limit imitate  betray 1

For years they had been betraying state secrets to Russia. 1

He was offered money to betray his colleagues.   1

She felt betrayed when she found out the truth about him. 1

She betrayed his trust over and over again. 1

our ultimate goal/aim/objective/target 1

accept ultimate responsibility   1

ultimate test 1

588. bathroom restroom toliet  warrior violent   1

ok,stick to your work and we'll go back to it later.  1

take your time. I talk to ya later! 1

2017-11-19 1

589. toggle tap 1

2017-12-22 1

590. delegate 1

2017-12-25 1

591. it is said 1

They say ghosts haunt this house.   1

It is said a football game will be cablecast tomorrow afternoon. 1

2017-12-29 1

592. maternal paternal partner  1

paternal grandfather/grandmother 1

maternal grandfather/grandmother 1

paternal love 1

sexual partner  1

partner for life 1

2017-12-30 1

593. tag   1

Every article has a price tag on it.  1

A tagging interface that all event listener interfaces must extend.  1



1.    survive starve surgery    1
major/minor surgery    1
to undergo heart surgery    1
a doctor's surgery    1
She's starving herself to try to lose weight.    1
The animals were left to starve to death.    1
She was the last surviving member of the family.    1
Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.    1
major/minor surgery    1
2.    knock off, off duty ,stage    1
Do you want to knock off early today?    1
What time do you knock off work?    1
Let's knock off for lunch.    1
I'm off duty.    1
The product is at the design stage.    1
This technology is still in its early stages    1
3.    beginner, novice, Kindly give us your advice,    1
4.    零散时间disperse    1
If can´t find a free hour of time, then find small patches of time.    1
Good at using discrete time of person, is the most successful.    1
Social structures are not discrete objects; they overlap and interact.    1
2018-01-10    1
5.    courier guide remedy  guard province capital cure overcome    1
province capital    1
treat an illness    1
see a doctor/ go to the hospital    1
2018-01-23    1
6.    wounds swallow    1
knife/gunshot/ wound    1
don't swallow interrupts    1
The pills should be swallowed whole.    1
The nurse cleaned the wound .    1
8.    engagement  engage  appointment  lovers    1
He cannot go for he has a previous engagement.    1
The toy didn’t engage her interest for long.    1
It is a movie that engages both the mind and the eye.    1
Rose had forgotten all about their appointment.    1
I have numerous engagements next week    1
She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor.    1
Lovers can not do it, and we can be friends/ we make friends.    1
9.    Holland NetherLand Brazil Spain Argentina Mexico England Thailand Singapore Malaysia Vietnam/Vietnamese Japanese  America/United States, Sweden Philippines Greek Denmark Canada    1
10.    intelligent  rotten    1
a highly intelligent child    1
intelligent software/systems    1
11.    Strong  democratic civilized harmonious Freedom equality justice  Nomocracy/(rule of law) Patriotic dedicated honest friendly    相关词: patriot pat riot    1
They worked very harmoniously together.    1
Harmonious Society    1
Harmonious Relations    1
Harmony trains    1
launching a patriotic movement.    1
I’m not very patriotic.    1
The landlady patted her hair nervously...    1
She patted the dog on the head.    1
race riots    1
prison riots    1
His murder triggered vicious race riots    1
riot police    1
She dedicated her life to science.    1
dedicated line专线;    1
Please devote more time to your work.    1
2018-01-24    1
12.    porno  pornographic confidential actress  misused minor    1
confidential information/documents    1
pornographic movies/magazines    1
...the misuse of power and privilege.    1
misuse of authority    1
13.    cynic legend romance    1
Young cynic    1
I have come to be very much of a cynic in these matters.    1
This legend still spreads abroad among the people    1
14.    天气变冷了    1
15.    多穿衣服    1
16.    欧美人面部立体感很强    1
17.    三年半    1
18.    口语    1
19.    给我点建议    1
20.    我的英语一般般    1
21.    10周年校庆    1
22.    理财    1
23.    不得不    1
24.    说话小时点/大声点    1
25.    年货    1
26.    工作节奏    1
27.    我肚子不舒服    1
28.    单反    1
2018-02-12    1
29.    母校,    1
30.    fond elementary essential crucial  urgent  decisive pivotal critical acute crucial    1
a crucial factor/issue/decision    1
Over the years, I have grown quite fond of her.    1
fond of music/cooking    1
a fondness for animals    1
He has fond feelings for his Alma Mater    1
31.    mansion marsh coach coast cost    1
32.    地铁出口    1
2018-02-17    1
33.    guardian curator curate farm farmer    1
Farmers should be guardians of the countryside.    1
The police are guardians of law and order.    1
Apache Curator。    1
34.    conscience    1
I have a terrible conscience about it.    1
He refused for reasons of conscience to eat meat.    1
freedom of conscience    1
35.    cola    1
2018-02-19    1
36.    三国演义 西游记    1
2018-02-21    1
37.    eden    1
38.    rate ratio    1
39.    小学 初中 高中 大学    1
40.    invitation interest    1
2018-03-03    1
41.    override overload    1
42.    从现在开始    1
43.    kid  kind kindly    1
What? Are you kidding me?    1
three kinds of cakes/cake    1
What kind of house do you live in?    1
Kindly Remind    1
He is a kindly teache    1
44.    sublet relet    1
45.    dummy    1
Dummy value to associate with an Object in the backing Map    1
dummy application    1
The gun was a dummy.    1
2018-03-10    1
46.    体检    1
47.    发型乱了, 有胡子    1
48.    手机    1
49.    结账    1
50.    白酒 红酒 啤酒    1
51.    私人教练    1
52.    都是我的错    1
53.    工作节奏    1
54.    种族问题 种族冲突    1
55.    我只想做后台    1
56.    让我再考虑考虑    1
57.    我无法决定是否转租    1
58.    排队    1
2018年3月16日    1
59.    Hyperlink  link    1
60.    requirement,  Is this OK?    1
You still have failling product requirements. If you proceed, thos products will not be installed or upgraded. Is this ok?    1
Is this OK?    1
You have not entered text for the Subject box. Is this OK?    1
The meeting organizer will not be sent a response. Is this OK?    1
2018-03-19    1
61.    from time to time    1
She has to work at weekends from time to time.    1
62.    at this time yesterday,    1
2018-03-23    1
63.    从那以后, 公交车站台, 艳遇    1
2018-03-26    1
64.    没车没房没存款, 能力平庸,长相普通,能力一般    1
65.    智商一般,情商一般    1
66.    哄女孩子    1
67.    我不知道我是否讲清楚了    1
68.    spotlight blur    1
69.    2018-03-30    1
70.    familiar    1
I'm not familiar with such a person.    1
The voice on the phone sounded familiar.    1
2018-03-30    1
71.    请教问题    1
72.    堵车    1
2018-04-01    1
73.    按摩   中医    1
74.    scope  configure    1
This subject lies beyond the scope of our investigation.    1
Our powers are limited in scope .    1
2018-04-03    1
75.    crop    1
76.    软件外包    1
77.    做笔记    1
78.    slogan  poster  banner    1
79.    垃圾桶    1
80.    工作场景    1
81.    起初,我没在意, 但是后来    1
2018-04-04    1
82.    scope    1
2018-04-06    1
83.    expect except express exact    1
Teachers have expressed concern about the changes.    1
to express interest/regret/surprise    1
A special express service is available by fax.    1
We are expecting a rise in food prices this month.    1
You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a few months.    1
2018-04-16    1
84.    三年后, 三年前, 我几乎从来没有, 共产党,  搬家    1
85.    overrule underline cashier    1
86.    身份证, 营业执照 ,法人    1
2018-04-22    1
87.    hobbyist  hobby  habit mock    1
What kind of hobbies do you have?    1
88.    午休   我以为,  充值    1
2018-05-07    1
89.    interrogate  inquire    1
2018-05-09    1
90.    O’clock    immigrate   immigration  migrate    1
2018-05-18    1
91.    醒来    1
92.    昨晚    1
93.    睡得很晚    1
94.    classmate  schoolmate    1
95.    二维码  chopsticks   female  male    1
96.    请上车  下车    1
97.    包间    1
98.    前台    1
2018-05-20    1
99.    susceptible  concept intercept acceptability  zipcode  postalcode    1
Young people are the most susceptible to advertisements.    1
Like it or not, your attitude is susceptible to the dominate attitude of those around you.    1
100.    昨天    1
2018-05-21    1
101.    相反    1
2018-05-21    1
102.    esteem    1
She is held in high esteem by her colleagues.    1
Please accept this small gift as a token of our esteem.    1
103.    痛苦    1
104.    assistant  associate  association    1
associate professor    1
We associate with all sorts of people.    1
When bad men combine,good men must associate    1
a senior research assistant    1
the Football Association    1
a residents' association    1
105.    发货    1
106.    老弱病残孕    1
107.    等车    1
108.    易燃 易爆 易挥发    1
109.    一切皆有可能,  绝对不可能    1
2018-05-24    1
110.    billboard    1
111.    害怕    1
I feel absolutely terrific today!    1
She's doing a terrific job.    1
horrible weather/children/shoes    1
The coffee tasted horrible.    1
a horrible crime    1
It was absolutely frightful!    1
I feel absolutely terrific today!    1
She's doing a terrific job.    1
I've got a terrific amount of work to do.    1
I dread being sick.    1
112.    无辜的    1
2018-05-27    1
113.    相反的, see    1
词语辨析:opposite inverse  contract  contrary contrast reverse communicate converse convert commercial commence convention    1
2018-05-28    1
114.    nervous  anxious    1
115.    有事要出去    1
2018-05-30    1
116.    speculate    1
The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report.    1
It is reasonable to infer that the government knew about these deals.    1
We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation.    1
117.    法院判决    1
118.    supercede  substitute    1
2018-05-31    1
119.    flee  foul flour    1
foul air    1
His boss has a foul temper .    1
foul language    1
She burst into tears and fled.    1
He was caught trying to flee the country.    1
2018-06-04    1
120.    calm claim  chain compose composed, take it easy    1
Ten men compose the committee.    1
compose a letter    1
I'm trying to compose a letter; please don't make so much noise.    1
He appeared very composed despite the stress he was under    1
2018-06-18    1
121.    get along with,  Fake    1
The Fake News Media said that I did not get along with other leader at the #G7Summit in Canada.    1
122.    announce, anonymous    1
2018-06-27    1
123.    熬夜    1
124.    成语    1
2018-06-28    1
125.    clip   clipboard    1
a hair clip    1
Movie Clip    1
2018-07-05    1
126.    复习 新郎   新娘    1
127.    让路    1
2018-07-08    1
128.    到处都是人    1
129.    uncertainty  pop-up    1
uncertainty principle    1
For complex systems, uncertainty is usually the biggest risk a program faces in the early stages of development    1
uncertainty principle    1
pop-up frame    1
130.    食神  我不是药神    1
131.    折中方案    1
Unless the union and the management can reach a compromise on pay, there will be a strike.    1
After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise .    1
This model represents the best compromise between price and quality. Unless the union and the management can reach a compromise on pay, there will be a strike.    1
132.    达成一致    1
133.    没办法    1
2018-07-10    1
134.    needle pin 晨会    1
135.    坚持下去    1
136.    coordinate  obtain  detain    1
137.    mechanism    1
2018-07-10    1
138.    温馨提示    1
139.    非凡  保持联系   协调  plug    1
140.    privacy  annotate    1
Account details are encrypted to protect privacy    1
It will be published with annotations and index.    1
2018-07-18    1
141.    passport  没人可以预测未来    1
142.    充值  debit    1
143.    人造的, 合成的    模仿的    1
2018-07-20    1
144.    asset  net    1
the net asset value of the company    1
On this screen, you can see all your wallets, accounts, and assets.    1
2018-07-21    1
145.    stuff  annoy   heed    1
Your funds will be stolen if you do not heed these warnings.    1
We know this click-through stuff is annoying. We are sorry.    1
I don't know how you can eat that stuff!    1
146.    钓鱼网站  freeze    1
We cannot recover your funds or freeze your account if you visit a phishing site or lose your private key.    1
Most fishing websites confuse shoppers by using a similar domain name to the real shopping website.    1
147.    responsible    1
You and only you are responsible for your security.    1
2018-07-21    1
148.    charge    1
Delivery is free of charge .    1
admission charges    1
Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance.    1
Go out and buy a pair of glasses, and charge it to us.    1
They have the evidence to charge him.    1
Alex had forgotten to charge the battery.    1
Who's in charge here?    1
149.    ultimately oxygen    1
2018-07-30    1
150.    fantastic   brilliant    1
a fantastic achievement    1
You've got the job? Fantastic!    1
The car costs a fantastic amount of money.    1
151.    infinity  identity    1
152.    as opposed to    1
153.    diet,  Getting Started    1

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