


1. When employees participated in the problem-solving process, they were much more willing to (implement) solutions to the problems.

2. A strong police force has been placed between the two (rival) groups in the village to prevent fighting and killing.

3. Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in (motivating) innovative acts cannot be ignored.

4. Though many things have been changed culturally, there is a commitment and sense of responsibility that have not yet been (discarded) in today's society.

5. Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21st century and their (fluctuating) birth rates have also posed problems.

6. She didn't want to marry him and was (prejudiced) against him because he had only a bachelor's degree and didn't meet her expectations for marriage.

7. The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to (restore) his credibility after people discovered that he was not telling the truth.

8. To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and (enlightening) , providing me with a new and different perspective on the world in which we live.

9. People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution not only affects everyone's health but also makes it difficult for businesses to (profit) .

10. Instead of ignoring or envying successful students, I made it my mission to (investigate) the mysterious causes of their success and greatness.

1. It was essential to (harness) science and technology, not just for the economy but for environmental protection as well.

2. Language is the (symbolic) representation of a people, and it combines their historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as their approach to life.

3. Because of the effective and helpful method, I was (disposed) to answer all the questions I could, and I never worried about making mistakes.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that the commercial prosperity in Cambridge is due to hi-tech IT companies whose business has been (flourishing) .

5. You will need to prove that the noise (violated) the regulations, that your neighbor was causing the noise, and that you attempted to have him stop.

6. Most universities will guarantee your (accommodation) , at least during your first year, but you are likely to share a kitchen and bathroom with other students.

7. We may (infer) from the report that hackers from outside of the company present a more serious threat to their security systems.

8. She frowned at the business report, making an effort to (compose) herself before she talked to the employees at the upcoming meeting.

9. A crucial factor is that one witness' evidence, though (plausible) , may be rejected because it is contradicted by another witness whose evidence is already proved correct.

10. Windsor Middle School has been famous for zero (tolerance) to violence and emphasis on respect for its students and rules.

1. The main task for the troop there is not fighting but (arresting) the progress of the enemy army and waiting for reinforcements (援兵).

2. He always anxiously summarizes the concessions which he has made but he almost always (omits) to mention those offered by the other party.

3. She was an excellent teacher, whose (optional) courses on women's writing were very popular among the students.

4. It will be up to the doctor's judgment whether or not the organ can be successfully (transplanted) to the child who has been waiting for it.

5. Teachers can no longer use their past experiences to prepare students for their future career; (hence) , our young people need to rely on themselves.

6. Accurate and inaccurate information is mixed so naturally that there are no reliable ways to tell what has been (twisted) and what has not.

7. That wealthy lady's demand on a premarital agreement greatly (stung) her future husband's pride, and it ended up with his refusal to get married.

8. When I opened the album, I carefully examined every photograph in (minute) detail by wearing my reading glasses so as not to miss anything.

9. It seems that James has a talent for acting because he can (imitate) different teachers' speeches perfectly, which really amazes his classmates.

10. Smoking is compared to self-poisoning and self-destroying, thus making the (evil) effects of smoking cigarettes truly alarming.

1. Most cities in the country have introduced “Clean Air Zones” (whereby) factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.

2. He knows that the (pursuit) of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort.

3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to (inhibit) the spread of the disease.

4. We see many special education directors trying to (maintain) the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.

5. People there are told it is their (patriotic) duty to support the national economy by buying their own products.

6. Darwin’s thinking both drew upon and (transcended) the conventional ideas of his time.

7. In spite of all your (endeavors), there may be times when you encounter difficulties in the training process.

8. My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicine, as this is a field which requires a lot of (dedication) and long working hours.

9. Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions that are stable and could bring (prestige) and economic benefits.

10. It’s legally possible for an elderly person to (nominate) someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.

1. Kids are more likely to (intervene) in a situation if they believe their parents expect them to help.

2. The first lesson I learned as a newcomer for the company was never to (underestimate) the degree of difficulty I would face in career advancement.

3. Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to (recede).

4. Whatever the decision is, I would like you to know that your department is my first choice and I (deem) it a great honor if I could study in your department.

5. During one particularly (bleak) moment in my career, a senior colleague of mind said to me, “If you follow your dreams, the money will come. Follow the money, and you’ll lose your dreams.”

6. Unless we can find a way to (appraise) nature and then invest in protecting it, our basic life-support systems are going to collapse.

7. The blizzard(暴风雪) moved south, turning into an icy rain that (paralyzed) the airports for three days.

8. In this introduction we have diagnosed some of the causes of the illness and, in the following chapters, we will draw attention to its various unpleasant (symptoms).

9. In those days, divorce under any circumstances was socially unacceptable and there was great (dismay) in the family who went through it.

10. Every time she talked about being rejected in her hunt for a job, she seemed on the (brink) of tears, and I would quickly switch the conversation to another topic.


1. He's usually indifferent to the feelings of other people; he can neither understand nor (sympathize) with my eagerness and anxiety.

2. There has been no official (confirmation) that the documents are original, although different sources from the media and the public suggest that they are.

3. There's a consensus that the (strategic) defense of a country depends on a powerful air force and marine force, in addition to advanced arms.

4. Total construction time of the shop was about 30 days including the (installation) of the newly-imported machines and the assembly of the various parts.

5. To illustrate my point of view, I would like to (quote) from a source that many of us find more authoritative than the words of a businessman.

6. People need to be kind. Therefore, I am not ashamed to be regarded as (sympathetic) to the anxieties of those who are treated harshly in life.

7. In business, we often do things inappropriately. For example, we may (criticize) someone's work in front of their co-workers.

8. The restaurant has recently moved here because its owners want to provide a convenient (location) for their customers in this area.

9. Cultural awareness will help you when you learn the language. After all, language is a(n) (reflection) of the culture from which it developed.

10. Students are no longer learning how to (industrialize) agricultural economy; instead, they are learning the digital economy.

11. People living in this remote area for generations have harsh living conditions and poor (provision) of housing, food and medicines.

12. If you do not get the detailed information required for the school's (registration) , you may lose the opportunity to take the classes you want.

1. In (actuality) , it was the poor peasants and blue-collar workers who complained louder about and suffered more from the current tax policy.

2. The purchase insurance covers (mechanical) breakdown for one year, which is stated in the insurance policy form.

3. The salesperson's emotional state will influence the customer, and the customer's buying decisions are first emotional and then are justified with (logic) .

4. I don't appreciate his reply as it was in part a(n) (denial) of the criticism and in part an attempt to change the issue.

5. (Occasional) gunshots can still be heard in the district though no one seems to know who fires the guns and if anyone is hit.

6. The boss was undecided as to what to do since his decisions can have severe and (fatal) consequences to all the employees and the company.

7. Mike is well over 40 now and is much worried about how to maintain (continuity) between his youthful past and his middle-aged present.

8. All notions about the well-known theory of (relativity) seem to have been coming from Einstein's general theory of relativity.

9. Social fund officers are expected to give high (priority) to requests for loans for the repairs in public places like schools.

10. With the increase of (commerce) in the 21st century, investment in money rather than in land has become the most convenient and popular form.

11. The insurance fee charged by the company is directly (proportional) to the compensation its clients try to claim from their cases.

12. As construction progresses, workers check (horizontal) and vertical levels to ensure that both walls are exactly up to the design requirements.

1. Multinational corporations protested strongly against any unreasonable (interference) by some countries in the free marketplace.

2. At the time a real threat of a(n) (invasion) of the British Isles existed, so the British troops were gathered around the coastline to get ready to fight against an invading fleet.

3. (Consumption) is relatively low, and it shows that the economic problem in the country stems from the dangerous side effects of careless politics and widespread poverty.

4. The wedding (procession) was of an enormous size and enormous splendor, which was started homeward and followed by a large banquet at a luxury hotel.

5. When doing writing exercises for that English course, students should remember that they are writing according to (specific) structures.

6. Among close family and good friends, (deception) is the worst part of life, and we believe in practicing good faith and honesty.

7. Jobs are (scarce) at the moment, so you should be realistic in your choices about the pay, working hours, medical benefits, bonuses, etc.

8. The writer was thinking about writing some kind of (thrillers) because it would help him become popular through making his plot more attractive to the young.

1.Thomas Edison is often cited as an example of a great inventor who would never yield

to hardships in his quest for new inventions and deserve his (resultant) success.

2.They’re (tolerant) of unconventional attitudes toward marriage and the changing roles of the sexes.

3.Most scientists in the world today firmly believe the effective means to stop global warming is to reduce emissions of aIr (pollutants).

4.Earthquakes have plagued our lives and resulted in great damage to the human beings for as long as people have (inhabited) the earth.

5.Miss World organizers claim on their official website that (participants) are judged on qualities other than just their physical appearance.

6.Many of today's Chinese Americans are the (descendants) of early immigrant miners and railroad workers who came from southeast China.

7.The Princess was followed by five or six (attendants) when she got off the plane at the Pittsburgh International Airport.

8.I don't think she'd get angry if you were a little more (respectful) when you disagreed with her on matters of child rearing.

9.The attendance has increased steadily over the last five years and the conference attracts

more and more international (contestants).

10.Although she had sacrficed so much for her family, her husband accused her of being (neglectful) of her duty as a wife and mother.

11.Educated young people in China now are clever and (resourceful), full of plans, and able to cope with the world of high technology and constant change.

12.In order to leave a good impression on the Interviewers, you should emphasize your

good points without sounding (boastful).

1.She was (bored), and angry with Conway, because he thought he understood everything and he never listened to other people.

2.He worked for a major oil corporation there called Pan Global and felt he was (privileged) to be entrusted by his employer.

3. They wanted from us a(n) (assurance) that we would continue to provide the level of service that we had done in the past.

4.Mr Brown's apparent (dominance) of her husband was rally her attempt to make him within sight and pay attention to her.

5. Red pens specifically have long been associated with error corrections because the color red is implicitly connected with failure and (avoidance) , the act of trying to get away.

6.Apart from his native language English ,the student of English Local History will need a faint (acquaintance) with three other languages.

7.The (reliance) on government contracts may also have contributed directly to the decline in competitive potential of the country's economy.

8.The declaration of an area as a national park does no guarantee long -term conservation ,as significant forest (clearance) , logging ,and hunting occur within park boundaries in Indonesia.

9.He is easily (distracted) and bounces from one thought to another like one of his rubber balls.

10.At the sight of him, all she felt was (annoyance) at having been deserted for three whole years.

11.In those after school schools, teachers deliver fast- paced instruction to prepare students for (admittance) to the right colleges.

12.The ego ideal of young children is based on those closest to them, usually the parents ,and later on other educators who have some (resemblance) to their parents.


1. Though he was 80 years old, blind and hardly able to walk, his family (was attached to) him so much that they could hardly bear the thought of his death.

2. The support our volunteers provide to the community as well as society cannot (be measured in) purely practical terms, and their continuing contribution is vital.

3. Please don't forget the Tourist Guide, which should (come in handy) when you travel to different places in Asia and Europe for the next few weeks.

4. These people living in this area are still (clinging to) their traditions which give their life meaning and help them in answering many questions.

5. You will (pay a big price) for not learning English; you never know how much you will miss without being able to speak English.

6. If you (are exhausted from) travel and trying to adjust to a new time zone, you may not be ready to face the new challenging environment yet.

7. The general manager of the company intends to introduce new management courses, and tighter controls will be (imposed on) internal management to raise efficiency.

8. Class discussions next week will (revolve around) the importance of love, communication and a close relationship between parents and their children.

1. I surely know it's a good opportunity for us to invest in this housing project, but it all (comes down to) money in the end; that is, how much money we can afford to invest.

2. Many people (take exception to) this report because it may imply that women generally have a weaker character and are less responsible for their behavior.

3. There have been big strikes all over the country due to the recent tax reform, but the Prime Minister has made it clear that he won't (make concessions to) the strikers.

4. What surprised me was that she stared at me for a moment and then (burst into) laughter suddenly.

5. He would never (feel at ease with) the French: He will never wear the right clothes, and he will never feel well on goose and red wine.

6. Having expected that she would become the mistress of the household and have much more freedom after her marriage, she was now disappointed (on both counts) .

7. Carl (took over) the duties and responsibilities of his father in running a manufacturing factory from an early age.

8. Bob was popular with local soccer fans, but his popularity also (stemmed from) the fact that he made or scored vital goals when they were needed.

1. Some people have (persisted in) a traditional view that language learning is essentially the same as the learning of grammar or language rules.

2. Regular review of the teaching material in school ensures that the courses provided (have relevance to) the workplace and what students will do in the future.

3. Job opportunities are expanding rapidly, and more and more people are (becoming aware of) online chances that allow them to work at home.

4. They have put old women in nursing "homes", (isolated from) human warmth and contact, and then complained that they had lost their mental abilities.

5. Some organizations are exploiting local people (in the name of) scientific research: They are collecting genetic material for commercial purposes.

6. Day care centers for the elderly (make a contribution) to overall public service; they did a lot to make the life of the old active, valuable and meaningful.

7. The policeman has (been occupied with) extra duties, so he would not have the time either for answering questions or being interviewed.

8. What the chairman said did not (tip the scales) much to his advantage; his statement can be only considered as a slim chance for gaining approval.

1.When Francis got back after Easter, he was far behind his classmates and he was (removed from)the second into the third class at his own desire.

2 The president acknowledged that he had somehow (failed in)his ability to communicate to the American people.

3 Unfortunately, as history has shown, some of the companies are guilty of misconduct (in the pursuit of)profit.

4 The ship (deviated from) the agreed voyage and arrived about 10 days late and in the meantime the price of sugar had fallen and the merchants lost over f4,000.

5 Because the transcript is still under seal, the law (precludes) them (from) reading and discussing the evidence in detail.

6 In carrying out the plan we are likely to come across difficulties, but we are determined to (triumph over) them all.

7 Without increasing investment in education, it will be increasingly difficult for low-income people to (work their way into) the middle class.

8 All the passengers in the plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes Mountains a week ago were (written off) as dead.

1.When the bus (pulled to a stop) and I got off, l was relieved because I had finished school and I had the weekend ahead of me to enjoy myself.

2.When my car crashed into the big tree, l could feel the blood draining from my face and I wondered whether I was about to (black out).

3.All kinds of questions concerning the soaring housing price begin to (pop up) on cable television and the blogosphere.

4.The soldiers' rapid march was (stopped short) by the general's command; they were uncertain whether to go back or forward.

5.A car crashed into the side of a house after the driver lost control and (plowed through) a hedge.

6.Charles reappeared, after half an hour's absence, and (threw himself into) an armchair, where he lay back for some time with his eyes shut.

7.No special equipment is needed other than inspiring, motivating music that you can dance passionately to and (let yourself go).

8.As her door began to open, she (grabbed for) the telephone, and then dropped receiver as Luke walked in.
