

Microsoft Office allows you to add more functionality through add-ins. Many modern add-ins also work with Office for iPad, Office Online, and Office for Mac–not just traditional desktop versions of Office for Windows.

Microsoft Office允许您通过加载项添加更多功能。 许多现代外接程序也可以与Office for iPad, Office Online和Office for Mac一起使用-不仅限于Office for Windows的传统桌面版本。

Add-ins are available for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Project, and SharePoint. They allow you to do everything from translate text or search the web to schedule a meeting at Starbucks and call an Uber.

加载项可用于Microsoft Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Outlook,Project和SharePoint。 它们使您能够执行所有工作,从翻译文本或在网络上搜索到在星巴克安排会议并打电话给Uber。

如何获取Office加载项 (How to Get Office Add-ins)

You can get add-ins in one of two ways. In a Microsoft Office application, you can click the “Insert” tab on the ribbon, click the “Add-ins” icon on the bar, and select “Store”.

您可以通过以下两种方式之一获得加载项。 在Microsoft Office应用程序中,您可以单击功能区上的“插入”选项卡,单击栏中的“加载项”图标,然后选择“存储”。

While we’re showing Word 2016 for Windows in the screenshot here, this option is available in the same place in other Office applications and Word for other platforms, including Word for iPad, Word for Mac, and Word Online.

在此处的屏幕快照中显示Windows的Word 2016时,此选项在其他Office应用程序和其他平台的Word(包括适用于iPad的Word,适用于Mac的Word和适用于Word Online的Word)中的同一位置可用。

The Store pane will appear, allowing you to browse and search for available add-ins.


You can also visit the Office Store website online. This provides you with a complete list of add-ins available for all Office applications.

您也可以在线访问Office Store网站 。 这为您提供了可用于所有Office应用程序的加载项的完整列表。

如何在Office中打开外接程序 (How to Open Add-ins in Office)

Once you’ve found an add-in you like, click the add-in and click “Trust It” to give the add-in access to the contents of any document you use the add-in with.


If you opened the Office Store pane from within a Microsoft Office application, the add-in will immediately appear in a sidebar at the side of your office document.

如果您从Microsoft Office应用程序中打开Office Store窗格,则外接程序将立即显示在Office文档侧面的侧边栏中。

If you’re getting the add-in from the Office Store on the web, you’ll have to first click the “Add” button on the add-in’s page and sign in with your Microsoft account, if you haven’t already. Use the same Microsoft account you use for Microsoft Office.

如果要从Web上的Office Store获取加载项,则必须先单击加载项页面上的“添加”按钮,然后使用Microsoft帐户登录(如果尚未登录)。 使用与用于Microsoft Office相同的Microsoft帐户。

Once you have, open the Office application you want to use the add-in with and click Insert > Add-ins > My Add-ins.


Click the “Refresh” link at the top right corner of the window if the add-in you just added to your account doesn’t yet appear here. Be sure you’re signed into the Microsoft Office application with the same account you used on the web.

如果您刚刚添加到您的帐户的加载项尚未出现在此处,请单击窗口右上角的“刷新”链接。 确保使用您在网络上使用的相同帐户登录Microsoft Office应用程序。

Click the add-in in the list of add-ins associated with your account and click “OK”. It’ll now be loaded in your Office program.

单击与您的帐户关联的加载项列表中的加载项,然后单击“确定”。 现在将其加载到您的Office程序中。

如何使用外接程序 (How to Work With Add-ins)

When you’re done with an add-in, you can close it by clicking the “x” button in the sidebar. Drag and drop the top of the add-in pane if you’d like to reposition at at the left side of your document or turn it into a floating window that appears over the document.

完成加载项后,可以单击侧栏中的“ x”按钮将其关闭。 如果您想在文档的左侧重新放置,请将其拖放到外接窗格的顶部,或者将其变成显示在文档上方的浮动窗口。

To load another add-in–or reload an add-in you already closed–select the add-in from Insert > Add-ins > My add-ins. You can even have multiple add-in panels open at once, if you have room for them on your screen.

要加载另一个加载项或重新加载已关闭的加载项,请从“插入”>“加载项”>“我的加载项”中选择加载项。 如果您在屏幕上有足够的空间,甚至可以同时打开多个加载项面板。

If you no longer want an add-in to be associated with your account, hover over it in the My Add-ins window, click the “…” menu button that appears and select “Remove”.

如果您不再希望外接程序与您的帐户相关联,请将鼠标悬停在“我的外接程序”窗口中,单击出现的“ ...”菜单按钮,然后选择“删除”。

Add-ins are associated with your Microsoft account, so after you’ve added them once you’ll have quick access to them from the “My add-ins” menu on other computers and devices.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/260569/how-to-install-and-use-add-ins-for-microsoft-office/

本文标签: 何为加载Microsoftoffice