


持续学习 (Continuous learning)

典型的Scrum Master职位描述 (A typical Scrum Master job description)

When browsing through Scrum Master vacancies I notice a repeating set of requirements:

浏览Scrum Master空缺时,我注意到重复的要求:

  • Bachelor degree or work and maturity level

  • In possession of a (PSM I or equal) Scrum Master certificate

    拥有(PSM I或同等水平)Scrum Master证书
  • several years of experience in this role;

  • At least 2–3 years of experience in a technical environment.

  • Experience with various DevOps tools (e.g. Gitlab, Ansible, Vagrant, Docker, etc).

  • Experience with project management through e.g. Jira, Confluence, Azure


Details may change but the requested competencies and demonstrable certifications are common.


Yet, I’ve never seen a requirement like:


  • Extensive experience in kindergarten education or child care is valued.


A missed opportunity, because good kindergarten teachers are the most successful Scrum Masters!

错失良机,因为好的幼儿园老师是最成功的Scrum Master!

In this article, I will explain why I am convinced of this. Also, I’ll show you how you can perform the “kindergarten check” on the Scrum Master role in your team.

在本文中,我将解释为什么我对此深信不疑。 另外,我将向您展示如何在团队的Scrum Master角色上执行“ 幼儿园检查 ”。

幼儿园 (Kindergarten)

Generally, around four years of age, most children go to ‘school’ for the first time. It varies a little from country to country, but from a pre-school group, or straight from home, they go to their first ‘school class’. A big step for most children (and for the parents, it often takes, even more, getting used to).

通常,大约四岁左右,大多数孩子都是第一次上学。 各个国家/地区之间的差异不大 ,但从学龄前组或直接从家中到他们的第一个“学校班级”。 对于大多数孩子来说,这是迈出的一大步( 对父母而言,这通常需要甚至更多的时间来适应 )。

Counting, learning colours and shapes. Telling your story in the morning circle, playing together (and sharing toys). Singing, listening to a story. For toddlers, there is a lot to learn. In the initial phase, it’s more for fun. In the second phase, the teacher starts preparing the children for the ‘big school’. Playfully teaching them to read, write and do arithmetic.

数数,学习颜色和形状。 在早上的圈子里讲故事,一起玩(和分享玩具)。 唱歌,听故事。 对于幼儿来说,有很多东西要学习。 在初始阶段,它更有趣。 在第二阶段,老师开始为孩子们准备“大学校”。 调皮地教他们阅读,写作和算术。

The toddlers discover a new world! Little by little, they start to notice there is a difference between the classroom and at home. As a teacher, it is important to stimulate the toddlers to develop this insight. They do this by talking about behaviour and emotions in all sorts of ways.

幼儿们发现了一个新世界! 他们一点一点地开始注意到教室和家庭之间的区别。 作为老师,重要的是激发幼儿发展这种见识。 他们通过各种方式谈论行为和情感来做到这一点。

I don’t know about you, but I have great respect for these teachers. Often about 20 children who all grew up in their ‘own world’ for the first 4 years of their life. With their own house rules, often with the same people around them for 4 years now. (And they’ve perfectly learned how to wrap them around their fingers to get things their way). All with their own strong will, their own world reference and then one day…

我不认识你,但我非常尊重这些老师。 通常约有20个孩子在生命的前4年都在自己的世界中长大。 有了自己的房屋规则,现在通常和他们周围的同伴在一起已有4年了。 ( 而且他们已经完美地学习了如何将它们包裹在手指上,使它们按自己的方式前进 )。 所有人都有自己的坚强意志,自己的世界参照,然后有一天……

BAMM! As a kindergarten teacher, you get all of them in your class and you have to create a group of them. A group where there are new rules that apply to everyone from now on. (When I was little and had to go to the toilet, I had to ask for the ‘pee chain’ before I could go. So the teacher knew who was on the toilet. — still a childhood trauma to me).

BAMM! 作为一名幼儿园老师,你让所有的人都在你的类,你必须创建一个组他们。 从现在开始,适用于每个人的新规则组。 ( 当我很小的时候不得不上厕所时,我不得不先问一下“撒尿链”。所以老师知道谁在上厕所。——这仍然是我的童年创伤)

At the same time, you want every individual child to develop him/herself to the best of their abilities. You want them to be able to take the next step towards primary education. In addition, parents expect you to take their child’s whims into account. And to communicate extensively about their offspring's progress.

同时,您希望每个孩子都尽自己最大的能力发展自己。 您希望他们能够朝着初等教育迈出下一步。 此外,父母希望您考虑到孩子的异想天开。 并广泛交流其后代的进展情况。

Well, you know… They just do it! Every year again with a mostly new group of children. And, I’ve never heard of anyone staying in the toddler group until they’re 20th. So, apparently, sooner or later we were all successfully developed to make a new step.

好吧,你知道……他们就是这样做! 每年再次与一群新来的孩子们在一起。 而且,直到20岁之前,我都没有听说过任何人都住在幼儿班。 因此,显然,早晚我们都已经成功地发展了,迈出了新的一步。

nappy from 尿布从 Pexels Pexels

随机组织 (A random organization)

Almost everyone who works within an organisation is part of a team. Whether it is a software development team, a marketing department or a ‘chapter’. Usually, you don’t have the luxury to choose this team yourself. With a number of people, you are put together by ‘someone’ and you have to get the job done with these folks.

在组织内工作的几乎每个人都是团队的一部分。 无论是软件开发团队,市场营销部门还是“章节”。 通常,您没有权利自行选择该团队。 在很多人的陪伴下,您被“某人”聚在一起,必须与这些人一起完成工作。

Same as the 4-year-old toddlers I mentioned before. Just keep in mind, these boys and girls come in with close to zero experience and they do manage to become a team. The teacher is there to guide them in the process to become one. Teams in organisations are composed of people that are ‘several-times-4-multiplied’ old of age. Also, they have much more experience in becoming a group. However, they still need a guide in this process, their Scrum Master.

与我之前提到的4岁幼儿相同。 请记住,这些男孩和女孩进来的经历几乎为零,他们确实设法成为一个团队。 老师在那里指导他们成为一体的过程。 组织中的团队由年龄在“四倍乘以四”的人组成。 此外,他们在成为小组成员方面拥有更多的经验。 但是,在此过程中,他们仍然需要他们的Scrum Master指南。

If you look at the role that the Scrum Master has within this, the Scrum Guide says:

如果您查看Scrum Master在其中扮演的角色,Scrum指南会说:

The Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide. Scrum Masters do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory, practices, rules, and values. — The Scrum guide 2017

Scrum Master负责促进和支持Scrum指南中定义的Scrum。 Scrum Master通过帮助所有人理解Scrum的理论,实践,规则和价值观来做到这一点。 — 2017年Scrum指南

In addition, s/he also has the responsibility to provide various ‘services’. Towards the Product Owner, the Development Team and the organisation as a whole.

此外,他/她还负责提供各种“ 服务 ”。 针对产品负责人,开发团队和整个组织。

The activities to give content to this role have been translated by Barry Overeem into the 8 stances of a Scrum Master. Let’s use these as guidance and walk through them. Let’s see what these stances impose and how kindergarten teachers give content to these apparently ‘effortless’.

Barry Overeem将使角色扮演角色的活动翻译成Scrum Master的8种立场 。 让我们以这些为指导并逐步学习。 让我们看看这些态度施加了什么,以及幼儿园老师如何使这些看似“轻松”的内容满足。

Scrum Master的8种立场 (The 8 stances of a Scrum Master)

1.Servant Leader: whose focus is on the needs of the team members and those they serve (the customer), with the goal of achieving results in line with the organization’s values, principles, and business objectives.

1.Servant Leader:服务负责人:关注团队成员和他们所服务的需求(客户),目标是达到与组织的价值观,原则和业务目标一致的结果。

A kindergarten teacher focuses primarily on the needs of the children in their pack. Also s/he manages the expectations of the parents and puts her/him self at the service of the final goal. Being; give these children everything they need to make the next step.

幼儿园老师主要关注孩子们的需求。 他/她还管理父母的期望,并为最终目标服务。 存在; 给这些孩子下一步所需的一切。

2. Facilitator: by setting the internship and providing clear boundaries in which the team can collaborate.


The daily rituals at the kindergarten such as the circle talk before we start the day. Or at 10 o’clock sharp we all eat/drink something together.

开始新一天之前,幼儿园的日常活动,例如圈子聊天。 还是在十点钟,我们都一起吃/喝东西。

Setting clear boundaries; Don’t bite each other! everyone gets their turns to play in the doll’s corner.

设定明确的界限; 不要互相咬! 每个人都轮到玩偶的角落玩。

Facilitating a safe environment in which every child can develop as to its abilities. It’s all a logical part of their tasks.

营造一个安全的环境,使每个孩子都能发展自己的能力。 这都是他们任务的逻辑部分。

3. Coach: coaching the individual with a focus on mindset and behaviour, the team in continuous improvement and the organization in truly collaborating with the Scrum Team.


The personal coaching of each child is different.


One is a cheeky little girl who immediately starts fighting when things don’t go her way. Not because she’s born as a bully, but because she doesn’t know another way to express herself yet. With some good coaching the kindergarten teacher can show her other ways and make sure she doesn’t grow up to become one.

一个是一个厚脸皮的小女孩,当事情进展缓慢时,她立即开始战斗。 不是因为她天生就是个欺负人,而是因为她还不知道表达自己的另一种方式。 通过良好的指导,幼儿园老师可以向她展示其他方式,并确保她不会长大成人。

The other is a timid boy who should stand up for himself and can do much more than he is showing at the moment. He is shown by appraisal and support from his teacher that he has qualities and his opinion matters.

另一个是一个胆小的男孩,他应该站起来,做得比他现在所表现的要多得多。 老师的评价和支持显示出他的品质和观点很重要。

For every child the kindergarten teacher seems to find the right ‘touch’ to find their best place within the team and as an individual.


4. Manager: responsible for managing impediments, eliminating waste, managing the process, managing the team’s health, managing the boundaries of self-organization, and managing the culture.


Sure, it is important that you develop your own identity, that you learn by your own mistakes and that you learn to solve conflicts yourself.


But you know, there is always a tower of strenght that you can turn to if you really need help. S/he will always support you, stand up for you and believe in you. In every child of the group! The clear boundaries and structures you need to have an environment in which you can strive.

但是,您知道,如果确实需要帮助,总有一座实力之塔可以转向。 他/她将始终支持您,为您站起来并相信您。 在小组的每个孩子中! 您必须拥有清晰的界限和结构,才能在其中奋斗。

The teacher!


5. Mentor: that transfers agile knowledge and experience to the team.


An experienced kindergarten eacher has experienced it all before. The homesickness you feel when you are at school for the first few days. The doubt you have whether you are doing well enough, since Cynthia already knows her complete ABC and you don’t. How do you find out what is the best way for you to “learn to learn”?S/he knows what it needs to become the best version of yourself.

一个经验丰富的幼儿园每个人都经历过这一切。 前几天在学校时会感到乡愁。 您不确定自己是否做得很好,因为辛西娅已经知道她完整的ABC,而您却不知道。 您如何找到“学习学习”的最佳方法?他/他知道成为最佳自己的版本需要什么。

One smart move on mentoring I’ve seen kindergarten teachers do was this:


Whenever a new toddler enters the group, the eldest children are often referred to as ‘help teacher’. Their ‘job’ is to take the newcomers by the hand and become it’s first ‘mentor’. The older child feels appreciated. The younger one has an ‘almost’ peer with whom he can feel familiar and to which he can mirror himself. The oldest child learns to ‘mentor’ in a playfull way and it releases the burden (a little) from the teacher themselves.

每当新来的幼儿进入该小组时,长子通常被称为“帮助老师”。 他们的“工作”是牵手新手,成为其第一个“导师”。 大一点的孩子感觉很感激。 年纪较小的人有一个“几乎”的同伴,他可以与他感到熟悉,并可以自己镜像。 年龄最大的孩子会以游戏的方式学习“指导”,这减轻了老师的负担(一点点)。

6. Teacher: to ensure Scrum and other relevant methods are understood and enacted.


Learning your numbers or to read are of course the first things you think about, but things like working together or learning to concentrate, even when it’s a really difficult puzzle are equally important. It are all competences that you have to learn and develop to be able to go to the ‘big’ school.

学习数字或阅读固然是您首先要考虑的事情,但即使是一个非常困难的难题,诸如合作或学习专心也同样重要。 您必须学习和发展所有能力,才能上“大”学校。

And what about the ‘magic tricks’ they learn that even makes the life of every parent easier.


After your own unsuccessful attempts to let your offspring do a bit more themself, instead of always shouting “Mommy, must help” all the time. The teacher taught them how to finally put on their coats themselves with this fantastic life hack. Or, they suddenly learned to eat with a fork instead of your food getting cold because ‘the little princess’ demands that she is fed by you ….

在您自己尝试让后代多做一些失败的尝试之后,不要一直高喊“ 妈妈,一定要帮助 ”。 老师教他们如何用这种奇妙的生活技巧最终自己穿上大衣。 或者,他们突然学会了用叉子吃饭,而不是让你的食物变冷,因为“小公主”要求她由你喂养。

7. Impediment Remover: solving blocking issues to the team’s progress, taking into account the self-organizing capabilities of the Development Team.


Of course, the teacher is there when a quarrel gets out of hand or when the same girl is not allowed to participate on the playing fiels over and over again.


But remember, there is no greater impediment than if you were too late at the toilet and peed your own pants. The teacher always has a spare pair of trousers somewhere to solve the impediment.

但是请记住,没有什么比您上厕所太晚并撒尿自己的裤子更大的障碍了。 老师总是在某处有一条备用的裤子来解决这个问题。

8. Change Agent: to enable a culture in which Scrum Teams can flourish.


Possibly the most important role of the kindergarden teacher. Ensuring that everyone can experience the enormous change you go through between your 4th and 6th/7th year in a good and pleasant way.

幼儿园老师可能是最重要的角色。 确保每个人都能以一种愉快而愉悦的方式体验到您在第4年和第6年/第7年之间经历的巨大变化。

Looking back, when you entered the kindergarten you were actually just a baby, and look at you now!


You’re a big boy or girl ready to go to primary school. A little scary, but confident that you can do it. Thanks to… the teacher!

您是准备上小学的大男孩或女孩。 有点吓人,但有信心可以做到。 感谢…老师!


幼儿园检查 (The kindergarten check)

Above we’ve seen, measured with the 8 stance yardstick, that kindergarten teachers actually exercise all these typical “Scrum Master” competences on a daily basis. Now it is time to shift our point of view and perform a “kindergarten check” on your current Scrum Master position. For this, I composed a general kindergarten teacher job profile based on the approximately 35 I’ve gone through.

上面我们已经看到,以8个姿势标准为衡量标准,幼儿园老师实际上每天都在行使所有这些典型的“ Scrum Master”能力。 现在该改变我们的观点,对您当前的Scrum Master职位进行“幼儿园检查”。 为此,我根据所经历的大约35个工作,制定了一个一般幼儿园老师的工作简介。

This profile consists of 12 different elements that together describe an ‘ideal’ kindergarten teacher candidate.


典型工作简介(荷兰)幼儿园老师 (Typical Job Profile (Dutch) kindergarten teacher)

What you do:


  • Teaching children in combination group 1 and 2.

  • Contributing to the general development of children.

  • Besides your contribution in the classroom, active participation in the Kindergarten teacher team.

  • Creating a safe climate in the classroom.


Who you are:


  • You recognize yourself in the words patient, creative and a great sense of responsibility.

  • You have a great ability to put things into perspective and a healthy dose of humour.

  • Openness, honesty and professionalism are pillars that you live by.

  • You really care for the children that have been trusted to you.

  • Together with the staff, you create a pleasant workplace for the children every day, but also for yourself.

  • You are enthusiastic, flexible to make the best of it in these special times.

  • When things get rough, you remain calm.

  • You want to go for it. (but your colleagues will be there to help you)

    你想去。 (但是您的同事会在那里帮助您)

Now walk through the above job profile again, replace ‘children’ for ‘team members’, ‘classroom’ for ‘team space’ and take your Scrum Master (or yourself…) in mind.

现在,再次浏览上述工作概况,将“ 儿童 ”替换为“ 团队成员 ”,将“ 教室 ”替换为“ 团队空间 ”,并牢记您的Scrum Master(或您自己)。

Now, score in how many of these 12 mentioned elements of the ‘perfect’ kindergarten teacher you recognize your Scrum Master.

现在,对您认识Scrum Master的“完美”幼儿园老师的这12个要素中的多少进行评分。

  • Did you score more than 10? Congratulations! You are a lucky bastard.

    您的分数是否超过10? 恭喜你! 你是个幸运的混蛋。
  • Did you score 6 or lower? Maybe it is time to rethink if you’ve got the right person for the right job.

    您的分数是否等于或低于6? 也许是时候重新考虑一下,如果您有合适的人选来完成正确的工作。
  • Did you score between 7 and 9? I hope the ones you couldn’t cross uncovered the aspects where small improvements can have a big impact.

    您的得分在7到9之间吗? 我希望那些您无法跨越的领域能揭示那些小的改进可能会产生重大影响的方面。

专家提示: (Pro tip:)

And if you’ve got a vacancy for a Scrum Master any time soon, look beyond the usual suspects. Include people who have an education or health care background in your jobseekers selection.

而且,如果您很快就会有Scrum Master的职位空缺,那就不要再像往常那样怀疑了。 在求职者选择中包括具有教育或医疗背景的人员。

What do you have to lose? A few more resumes to go through. A few more job interviews to handle. And you might find the perfect candidate in a place where you least expected it.

你要失去什么? 还有一些简历要经历。 还有一些工作面试要处理。 您可能会在最不期望的地方找到理想的人选。

The most visible parts of a Scrum Master’s job like certifications, use of tools and knowledge of code, these are things you can learn. However, the more invisible or ‘soft’ parts of the job are much harder. Having the right ‘mindset’ and a people-oriented attitude is more something you have or you have not. If there is a, maybe until now untapped talent for it, it can be further developed. But you can not ‘learn’ a mindset is there no base for it.

Scrum Master工作中最可见的部分,例如证书,工具使用和代码知识,这些都是您可以学习的内容。 但是,工作中较隐蔽或“柔软”的部分要困难得多。 拥有正确的“心态”和以人为本的态度更是您拥有或没有的 。 如果有(也许直到现在)尚未开发的人才,它可以得到进一步发展。 但是您不能“学习”一种心态,没有任何根据。

Do you want to write for Serious Scrum or seriously discuss Scrum? 您要为《严重的Scrum》撰写文章还是认真讨论Scrum?

翻译自: https://medium/serious-scrum/why-kindergarten-teachers-are-the-best-scrum-masters-35bfccfe164e


本文标签: 什么用幼儿园大师老师是最好的